"After this battle, even if someone shorts my Bluestar Technology Group in the future, it will not be so deadly." Zhang Bowen said.

One of the executives at the meeting smiled and said: "This time, hundreds of short sellers probably have retreated to a corner and licked their wounds silently."

"Haha, deserve it."

A group of senior executives in the conference room burst into laughter, this time they were really relieved.

Zhang Bowen put away his smile and said seriously: "This time it was difficult to win. Although we won a big victory, we became the ones who had the last laugh. But it doesn't mean that I can sit back and relax in the future of Bluestar Technology Group. On the contrary, The future may face a more serious crisis than this year, we have completely offended the Americans, and the old beauty is itching for us to hate us now."

Everyone also put away their smiles one by one, and one of the executives at the meeting said: "Yes, if you are not afraid of thieves, you are afraid of thieves."

Zhang Bowen said: "We don't want to have bad relations with anyone, we just want to run the company well and carry out normal business activities, but others may not think so. When I talked to Mr. Luo that day, I am still impressed by what he said: Avoiding conflict is not just avoiding it, the way to avoid conflict is to prepare for conflict.”

Luo Sheng was not in the company today. When everyone heard the name, they couldn't help but feel awe and admiration.

Everyone knows that the series of major crises that Bluestar Technology Group encountered would not have happened today if it wasn't for the existence of this man.

Luo Sheng's authority over Bluestar Technology, as well as in Azure Coast, Shengfeng Capital, etc., has been strengthened unprecedentedly.

He has established an unparalleled prestige in the eyes of everyone. It has nothing to do with age. Age has been ignored by everyone a few years ago. People will only clearly remember how he resolved the crisis time and time again. , constantly forging legends.

Zhang Bowen, who attended the meeting, looked around the crowd and said: "2013 is just tomorrow, the group company's strategic goals for the new year have already been set, which are the three major strategies of Mr. Luo, to develop new businesses in emerging market countries and regions. We used to pick and choose. , the difficult regions are unwilling to develop the market there, which has led to over-reliance on the markets of developed countries in Europe and the United States, and is faced with being beaten to death by the other side this time, and now they want to eat whatever they want.

The executives at the meeting didn't say a word, and everyone either kept their heads down and took a pen to record the meeting, or stared at the work computer with the occasional sound of typing, but not much.

To develop business in emerging market countries and regions is a major long-term strategy formulated by Luo Sheng for Bluestar Technology Group.

To put it bluntly, it is the way of "encircling the city from the countryside", and Wah Wei has proved that such a policy is feasible, so the company is required to learn from the former Wah Wing and walk the road of Wah Wing's rise back then.

Earlier, Lao Zhang had arranged for the executives of Bluestar Technology to go to Pengcheng to visit Hua Wei. Hua Wei was even more difficult than the current Bluestar Technology. Among the major communication giants, they have achieved the rise of counterattack by surviving through the cracks, and have achieved the status of today's generation of world communication giants.

Zhang Bowen's eyes wandered and said: "The second is to deeply expand the business market in Greater China, which is the top priority. President Luo has repeatedly emphasized that the mainland market is the foundation to ensure that our group company can remain invincible. I don’t think I need to go into too much detail on this point. The third major strategy is to invest 150 billion US dollars in scientific research in the next five years, with an average of 30 billion US dollars per year. Only by mastering core technology can we be internationally competitive. Everyone, please remember , the share that Bluestar Technology lost in the developed markets this year will be regained in the future, and we will definitely make a comeback.”

The participants were also full of fighting spirit and their confidence was unprecedentedly strong. Customers in most developed countries such as North America, the United Kingdom, and Australia were lost. However, Bluestar Technology did not announce its withdrawal from these markets, but always took root there. , even if it is not profitable, it must be supported by its blood transfusion through the profits of other markets.

Only an idiot would pat his butt and leave, and that's exactly what his competitors would be happy to see.

Luo Sheng will not make the low-level mistake of Google's proud exit from the Greater China market. Withdrawing from the Greater China market has caused huge losses to Google, at least losing tens of billions of dollars in revenue every year. With the continuous growth of the domestic Internet user market Soaring, Google saw blood in his heart.

And if Bluestar Technology does this, it will lose hundreds of billions of dollars, and it will make its competitors continue to grow bigger and in turn grab other market shares.


With the passage of time, finally ushered in the first month of the new year of 2013.

Science and Technology Complex Building.

"The shorts have completely receded, and the stock of Bluestar Technology has continued to rise. Yesterday, Soros also admitted frankly in an interview with Bloomberg that he lost more than 10 billion US dollars in the process of shorting. And this time, all shorts are at the highest When the book was at a loss of more than 280 billion US dollars, the actual loss exceeded 248 billion US dollars.”

Qin Weimu, who came to report on his work, said so.

At this moment, she and Luo Sheng are in the living room, and the latter smiles: "The company's circulating market value is only 18%. We can sell stocks appropriately to increase liquidity, and it is also for the purpose of withdrawing funds. Bluestar Technology's current debt ratio ratio It was 30 to 40 percent higher before, paying off debts, 150 billion US dollars in research and development strategies, and developing emerging markets.”

The old Zhang will do the stock sale. In terms of the company's current cash reserves, the shares transferred to the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Office have obtained 88 billion US dollars in foreign exchange cash, bank loans of 52.2 billion US dollars in foreign exchange cash, and 23.9 billion US dollars in financing from this public offering. In addition to the company's own cash flow, the current cash reserves in Bluestar Technology have soared to a terrifying $170 billion.

The share capital of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Office and the low-interest loans from banks were originally intended to be used for consumption. However, the market value in circulation at that time was becoming less and less, and the consumption was not much. The short side never thought that it would be in the stock market. To decide the winner, but to lay the final victory outside the stock market.

Because Bluestar Technology has already carried a heavy debt burden for this, the short-sellers on Wall Street have carefully calculated that Bluestar Technology will not be able to sustain a debt crisis for a long time, and the heavy debt will become the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

It’s not as good as heaven’s calculation. A public offering instantly caused the short sellers to face a crisis of confidence and fell apart, and the situation ushered in a major reversal between the hands.

In the face of a huge crisis of confidence, the bears on Wall Street have given them ten thousand courage to take this risk. Those short sellers are risk-takers and gamblers, but they are not fools.

Indeed, Bluestar Technology is now burdened with a heavy debt burden. If the debt is subtracted, the current cash reserve of more than 170 billion US dollars is far from enough to repay the principal, let alone repay the debt with interest.

First of all, the five major banks owe as much as 52.2 billion US dollars. Although it is a low-interest loan, the base cannot be held too large, and the interest generated here is still terrifyingly high.

Secondly, they owe a total of 126.8 billion US dollars in debts to these brother companies such as Azure Coast, Shengfeng Capital, and Life Science Fund. Although they are all Luo Sheng's funds or companies, the debts that should be repaid and the interest that should be paid are all, but relatively small. , but the base is too large.

The principal of these two debts alone is as high as 179 billion US dollars, which has exceeded the current total cash reserve of Bluestar Technology.

This is still without calculating interest. At the same time, Bluestar Technology’s revenue was cut in half at this time, the debt burden soared, and the money earned was less, plus the company’s operating expenses were astronomical.

These series of problems all show that Bluestar Technology's hidden debt may explode at any time.

In order to repay the debt, let alone the US$150 billion R\u0026D budget strategy, in order not to detonate the debt crisis, it is inevitable to shelve this strategy. At the same time, it is necessary to further reduce R\u0026D investment, and even lay off employees on a large scale, sell heavy assets such as data centers, and free up money. to pay off the debt.

Thus entered a vicious circle.

It's a pity that the scene imagined by the bears on Wall Street can only become an eternal fantasy in the end, and the reality has not moved towards their perfect schedule.

Bluestar Technology Group finally survived.

Now the situation is completely different. The shares repurchased by Bluestar Technology can be safely sold one after another. Under normal circumstances, the repurchase of shares to reduce liquidity can enhance investors' confidence.

However, the current situation of Bluestar Technology is different. With such a mess, the liquidity is too poor.

Selling a portion of the stock to realize cash, so as to ensure that the company's operations and established strategies are not affected, but also ease the current debt burden.

It is worth mentioning that, in this public offering, Bluestar Technology received a financing of 23.9 billion US dollars on the surface, but in fact only 720 million US dollars in financing, and the rest of the money was raised by the Luo Sheng family fund.

Luo Sheng was quite surprised that there were actually people who were not afraid of death who would follow him to get on the bus, so he simply let these people get on the bus. It was a reward for their trust, and it was a rich reward.

In this round of financing, the Luo Sheng family fund has increased its holdings of 4.5% of the stock. In addition to the previous bargain hunters, the family fund currently holds 16.5% of the shares of Bluestar Technology Group, which is the third largest after the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Office and Luo Sheng. major shareholder.

Luo Sheng glanced at Qin Weimu and reminded: "There has been such a big movement during this time, you should temporarily restrain yourself, the family fund can be exposed as late as possible, and it is best to hide behind the scenes forever."

It’s not that I’m afraid of exposure. Even if it’s exposed, it’s still like that. All the money earned is reasonable and legal. He falls into the category of Soros.

But as long as it is not exposed, it can hide its true strength, and it can always be used as a trump card to turn the tide at a critical moment, such as the planning of this public offering.

If it is exposed, it is impossible to successfully alienate Wall Street's airdrop agencies.

Qin Weimu said with a smile: "Last year, the short-sold funds on Wall Street were basically fighting with you, and they missed the great opportunity of bankruptcy in Greece. I think they must know it, but they can't do anything about it, and the funds are all tied up. You don't dare to move here, you can only watch the opportunity missed, and in the end, there is no benefit to both ends."

Luo Sheng couldn't help laughing, and it was estimated that the other party was so angry that he closed his rhythm.

"The layout here in Greece, how much profit did you take away?"

The family fund is not short of liquidity. While ensuring that Bluestar Technology is aligned with Wall Street's bears, it can also free up funds to deploy in Greece.

Qin Weimu said proudly: "7.8 billion... Euros!"

Luo Sheng lowered his head in thought, with a deep look on his face, but after a moment he looked up at her and said sincerely, "How can I praise you, I'll reward you with seven or eight billion essences."


Time flies, and in a flash, it will be February 2013.

Since the beginning of the new year, Bluestar Technology Group's share price has changed from the slump of last year, with a total increase of 26% in the month since the beginning of the year. This is still under the premise that Bluestar Technology has actively released the circulating market value to return funds.

The bears who were bearish on the BTC share price were almost wiped out.

The current cash flow reserve of Bluestar Technology has reached as high as 268 billion US dollars. No matter how hard the previous capital war is to burn money, no matter how much it loses, as long as it becomes the final winner, all the previous losses can be made even with profit. return.

But soon, Bluestar Technology's cash flow dropped to the $208 billion level.

First of all, under Luo Sheng's final decision, the US$52.2 billion low-interest loan borrowed from the five major banks was repaid in advance, and all of them were repaid.

In fact, the funds were not used at all after the call, because the opponent fell too suddenly, which belonged to the rhythm of sudden death on the spot.

Many executives in the company's management do not recommend Luo Sheng to repay the money so early, because this is a low-interest loan, and the interest rate is too low. make money.

However, Luo Sheng did not accept it. Isn't this a business to rob the National Bank?

Although the bank wouldn't say anything, Luo Sheng would definitely not commit a second act of stealing business from the state.

The second is to slowly repay the debts between the brother companies. There is no need to worry too much about this. It can be repaid slowly. It is impossible for Luo Sheng to force the debts from himself.


Venture Capital Fund, General Manager's Office.

"Mr. Liu, Shengfeng Capital released the 2012 annual report data, the asset management scale reached 967 billion yuan, the liquidity reached 340 billion yuan, and the net profit last year was 13.28 billion yuan."

After Liu Wen's assistant finished reporting, he closed the document.

The venture capital fund and the manager of the investment fund, Liu Wen, are old friends of Luo Sheng. The venture capital fund came to join Bluestar Technology's early-stage A round of financing.

When Shengfeng Capital was established, it also joined in, and has also made many subsequent investments.

But last year, when Bluestar Technology and Wall Street bears fought a great war, Luo Sheng pulled Shengfeng Capital into the water, which made Liu Wen and other investors very dissatisfied. What was even more angry was that Shengfeng Capital also froze all the assets of investors who are prohibited from investing. to the redemption fund.

Liu Wen was also angry and cursed after learning about it.

But at this moment, he seemed to be a different person.

"Unbelievable, Shengfeng Capital, an investment fund that focuses on long-term investment in cutting-edge technology, invests hundreds of billions of venture capital every year. Even with such huge sunk costs, it can still achieve a huge profit scale of tens of billions year after year. "

Liu Wen sighed with emotion. After a while, he instructed his assistant to add: "Go and arrange, the venture capital fund has 6 billion private equity funds on the book, and all of them should be invested in Shengfeng Capital."

After speaking, he smiled and said, "You can always trust the 'Luo Sheng effect'."

The move was so real that it caused extreme discomfort to his assistant.

When there was no clear winner between Bluestar Technology and the Wall Street bears, he had seen his immediate boss roaring in the office, Luo Sheng effect? Shit!

And now?

Licking so recklessly.

Liu Wen's assistant just complained about his boss in his heart, but he quickly executed it.

Once the money is invested in Shengfeng Capital Investment Fund, after the transaction is completed, the funds will be frozen for three years, and the fund cannot be redeemed within the closed period of three years, but it can be packaged into bond transfers or other financial derivatives, as long as If someone is willing to take over, the creditor's rights can be transferred, so Liu Wen is not afraid that if he needs to realize the cash in the past three years, he can convert the debt.

Although the fund was frozen by Shengfeng Capital before, it was still possible to do this. The question is, who would dare to take this hot deal at that time?

Everyone thought that Wall Street would definitely win, and that Shengfeng Capital would also be dragged into the water by Bluestar Technology and die without a place to die.

It's just that the result was beyond everyone's expectations. Before, Liu Wen was constantly looking for convertible debtors, but unfortunately no one dared to take this offer, and he was going crazy at that time.

Not only Liu Wen, but the funds and securities companies that had invested in Shengfeng Capital were like ants on a hot pot at that time.

But now, Liu Wen is extremely fortunate that no one took this order at the beginning, otherwise, Nima would lose a lot.

In turn, those who refused to take the offer are now regretful.

Right now, it's not just venture capital funds that are starting to lick, other fund companies have staged a large-scale "true fragrance" scene.

What's the use of the face? Can it bring profit to performance?

It has to be said that Qin Weimu, the head of Shengfeng Capital, is now a thunderous existence in the capital circle.

It can be said that all major VCs do not know, and they are also known in the army of technology entrepreneurs. They are regarded as real "investment angels", because in addition to capital operation, Shengfeng Capital only invests in start-up technology companies.

Her status in the investment world is like Luo Sheng's in the technology world. Many VCs who are engaged in investment in the technology field are not sure which startup company has prospects, so they simply invest directly in Shengfeng Capital. .

It's just that the earnings are relatively small, but it's practical.

This is why Shengfeng Capital has rapidly expanded its asset list to the point where it is about to break 1 trillion yuan in just three or four years.

Qin Weimu himself is talented in the financial field, and he is with Luo Sheng. The relationship between them is in the upper-class circle, and everyone with discernment knows that this brings another layer of protection.

The fiasco of the Wall Street bears this time has undoubtedly further enhanced the mysterious halo of the "Luo Sheng effect". The industry has gradually formed a blind consensus that the "Luo Sheng effect" is equivalent to making big money.

In February, not only did not a single investor in Shengfeng Capital request the redemption of the fund, it seemed that this thing had never happened at all.

On the contrary, Shengfeng Capital obtained a total of 120 billion yuan in asset custody in 35 days from the first month of the new year to early February, which also pushed the asset management scale of Shengfeng Capital to 1.08 trillion yuan. New heights for the renminbi.

Two years ago, it became the largest private asset management investment fund in China, and in February of this year, it became the first private investment fund in China with an asset management scale exceeding one trillion yuan, and has been known as the "Blackstone Fund Company of China". ".

However, compared with the asset management scale of Blackstone Group, Shengfeng Capital is still insignificant.

The total assets of Blackstone Group itself are comparable to that of Shengfeng Capital, but it has a global asset management scale of 5.4 trillion US dollars.


In February of the new year, we are about to usher in the long Spring Festival holiday. Now the crisis has been passed without any danger. Whether it is Bluestar Technology or Cote d'Azur, its employees can have a good year with peace of mind.

However, Luo Sheng did not return to his hometown to celebrate the New Year. After leading the company through this major crisis, he focused his energy on climbing technology, mainly Star Arrow International.

There are also scientific research teams such as Liu Jianwei who did not go home for the Chinese New Year.


Star Arrow International R\u0026D Laboratory Building.

Today is the Spring Festival, but Liu Jianwei's team is still working. In their eyes, except for a few rest days, every day is a working day.

Scientific research and academia are almost the whole of their lives. In addition to talent, the breakthrough that they have achieved has a great relationship with the front line.

Luo Sheng also came here today, and at the moment is Liu Jianwei in the laboratory.

The two were standing next to an experimental bench with a transparent closed isolation tube on it. Inside was the latest achievement of Liu Jianwei's team, a new material for making carbon fiber nanotubes that was half a meter long.

"The half-meter-long pipe has broken the world record. Professor Liu, your progress is much faster than I thought, but we need a pipe with a length of at least 36,000 kilometers. Is there any way to make this in the future? A tube of different lengths?" Luo Sheng stared at the carbon fiber nanotubes inside and said, "Professor Liu, you don't need to be stressed, I mean at least there is a theoretically feasible direction."

Hearing this, Liu Jianwei frankly expressed his opinion without thinking too much: "It's not that I haven't thought about this. I think that only a breakthrough in nano-robot technology can take up this important task, and nothing else."

Luo Sheng: "Nanorobots? Breakthroughs in nanotechnology are no easier than new materials, or even more difficult."

Liu Jianwei nodded and said, "That's right. Nanorobots, which are virus-sized robots made of molecules, carbon fiber nanotubes are composed of hexagonal carbon atoms, and nanorobots are small and can build this kind of robot at the microscopic level. This kind of structure. As long as there are enough carbon materials, nanorobots can make carbon fiber nanotubes tens of thousands of kilometers long, which is absolutely feasible in theory, and the efficiency is also very fast.”

Luo Sheng couldn't help but nodded silently with his arms wrapped around his arms. If nanotechnology can achieve great breakthroughs and applications, it will not only bring revolutionary breakthroughs to the application of new materials, but also have infinite imagination for medical clinical applications.

Perhaps, the biggest significance of building a space ladder is not deep space exploration, but to use it as an opportunity to light up various cutting-edge technologies of human beings. After all, the space ladder needs too many technologies, and its derivative technologies are also unparalleled in other fields. .

Liu Jianwei looked at Luo Sheng and said, "Mr. Luo, a scientific team from Harbin Institute of Technology made a robot with a size of 600 nanometers last year. I believe that in the future, more intelligent and miniaturized nano-robots will come soon, but the current technological development In terms of speed, we may have to wait many years, ten to fifteen years or more.”

Hearing this, Luo Sheng was keenly aware of some of the subtext of the other party's words, and immediately asked curiously, "Oh? Professor Liu, do you know the scientific team of Harbin Institute of Technology?"

"The leader of this scientific team is an old friend I have known for decades. He is a leading authoritative expert in the field of nanotechnology in the country and even in the world..." Liu Jianwei nodded and smiled, showing between the lines Doubly admired.

Who is Luo Sheng?

After a little thought in my heart, I instantly understood the professor's thoughts. Liu Jianwei has joined Star Arrow International for more than half a year. Although Luo Sheng has not spent much time with him, he has a full understanding of him. In matters other than work, it is a person who is embarrassed to speak directly.

Luo Sheng believes that if it weren't for his work, he wouldn't even mention this old friend. This expert in new materials is not very good at the world. After all, everyone's mind is engrossed in academic research.

"Professor Liu, can you do me a favor and write a letter to your old man. I want to invite him and his team from Harbin Institute of Technology to Star Arrow International." Luo Sheng asked directly after thinking about it. road.

Sure enough, Liu Jianwei's eyes lit up when he heard this, and nodded without hesitation: "No problem, I will definitely go all out to help you dig him out."

It's so direct, most of the leaders of Harbin Institute of Technology got angry when they heard it.

Luo Sheng also showed a candid smile, and he couldn't help but think of the famous quote in Asimov's "Empire of the Galaxy" once again: The reason why most scientists are nine-rate administrators may only be the reason. Because they are accustomed to dealing with less flexible natural phenomena and do not know how to deal with fickle human hearts.

The reason why Liu Jianwei always fails to apply for R\u0026D funding may also have a lot to do with his "upright" side. In a sense, Luo Sheng has become his Bole, and people like him really need someone like Luo Sheng. Only with support from people can scientific achievements be achieved more quickly.


In the afternoon, Luo Sheng invited Liu Jianwei to the Science and Technology Complex.

Although I don't know what the young sponsor's intention is, he temporarily put down his work and came here. Although he is a little "upright", he is not exactly a silly scientist with a negative EQ.

"Professor Liu, I invited you here today to show you something."

Luo Sheng was leading Liu Jianwei to the circular hall inside the building. The latter was also quite curious. When the two entered an empty closed circular hall, Liu Jianwei couldn't help but be stunned on the spot when he saw the scene in front of him.

"This is……"

In the middle of the hall is a huge model, and the height of this hall has reached more than 30 meters.

"This is the scale model of the space ladder that I built after three months of supercomputing and rigorous calculations." Luo Sheng looked at the complete model hanging in front of him, and immediately turned his head to look at Professor Liu and smiled: "The extra large one As for the figure, Qin Huang can compare to me."

At this moment, Liu Jianwei didn't know what the difference between the figure and Qin Huang was at all. He walked forward without saying a word, looked up at the model in front of him and scrutinized it carefully, his mouth was subconsciously slightly open.

After seeing this model, Liu Jianwei was even more convinced that Luo Sheng really wanted to build a space ladder, instead of just talking about it, even though it was a century-old project.

Too high, the highest point reached more than 30 meters.

It can only be said that money is willful.

"Professor Liu, this way please."

Luo Sheng immediately took him to a lift next to him, which could reach different heights, and there were corridors at different heights, so that the extra-large figure could be viewed directly at different heights.

"At least Professor Liu and your team are in charge of the rope problem, and the progress is quite gratifying, and there is also a theoretically feasible solution, but there are too many technical difficulties in the space ladder, and the next thing to solve is the ladder. There's a problem with the operation." Luo Sheng looked at the space station at the top and opened the chat.

Liu Jianwei scrutinized this exquisite and sci-fi supermodel, but he also ended his silence for a moment.

"In the book "Fountain of Heaven" written by science fiction author Arthur Clarke, there is a description of a space elevator. Before there is no electricity, the old-fashioned hub elevator is used to pull people or goods into space. The speed is very slow or even several days. "

Luo Sheng smiled and said, "Professor Liu also sees Clark's work? Yes, but in reality, we definitely can't go to space in this way. At present, I have two ideas for the driving method of this ladder."

Liu Jianwei retracted his gaze and landed on Luo Sheng, and said in surprise, "Is there a plan?"

Luo Sheng motioned him to look at the model weighing several tons in front of him: "The first plan is the current model, which is to energize the entire cable, add wheels to the ladder, let the wheels clamp the cable, and rely on the electricity on the cable to reach the orbit of space. , so that the speed of climbing the ladder can be as fast as the electric-powered high-speed rail.”

Liu Jianhong immediately expressed his doubts in his heart: "But this space cable is tens of thousands of kilometers long. Whether it is from the ground or the space station, electricity may be lost a lot due to resistance, or even directly cut off."

Luo Sheng nodded and said, "Yes, so to ensure that the space ladder has sufficient power, we need to add a layer of superconducting material to the cable, but the problem is that superconductors at room temperature have not yet been handled by humans."

It seems impossible to build a space ladder without lighting up cutting-edge technologies.

At this time, Liu Jianhong thought of a conservative method, pointed to several positions on the model and said, "Can we hang a few generators on the ladder to maintain electricity? For example, in the atmosphere, we can use helium balloons and fans to generate electricity. Outside the atmosphere you can use solar panels and things like that."

Hearing such a suggestion, Luo Sheng had to silently give Liu Jianwei the title of "Design Ghost". It seems that the professor is still good at creating new materials.

Luo Sheng had just thought of this idea for a moment, but Liu Jianwei shook his head to deny himself.

"No, no, this method is too stupid, it will obviously increase the load and construction difficulty of the space ladder, and it is not conducive to stability and mobility."

Luo Sheng originally wanted to say this, but since Liu Jianwei has already said it, he will skip it.

"Another solution is to give the ladder a few solar cells, and the power to go up and down comes from strong laser beams in space and on the ground. This approach seems too sci-fi and unreliable, but it has already been realized. In 2009, the United States' 'beam' In the "Energy Challenge", a scientific team used a strong laser to send a lift equipped with solar panels to an altitude of 900 meters. Unfortunately, the speed is only 3.9 meters per second."

Hearing this, Liu Jianwei thought for a moment and sighed: "It's difficult, it's still difficult, in the construction of the space ladder, laser propulsion needs to consider the distance of tens of thousands of kilometers and the problem of laser scattering, and the speed can't be too slow, then this kind of laser How big is the panel?"

Luo Sheng smiled and said: "Indeed, but technology will always improve. We don't mean to build this ladder next year. It is possible to consider a specific implementation plan after ten or even twenty years. What we do is accumulation and precipitation of technology.”

Liu Jianwei: "That's true."

Luo Sheng looked at the model again: "We have a feasible solution to the problem of cables and propulsion in the future. We only need to continue to research and solve technical pain points. But building a space ladder is far more than that. Next, we need to solve the space station of this ladder. and location issues..."

In the next few hours, Luo Sheng and Liu Jianwei walked on the circular corridors of different heights to observe, and at the same time communicated constantly.

The space ladder is a facility that is stationary on the ground in most cases, so the space station at the top of it must also be relatively fixed. Therefore, the position of the space station of the ladder must be in the geosynchronous stationary orbit, that is, above the equator, 36,000 kilometers above the surface.

At this moment, the two have returned to the ground, Luo Sheng pointed to a globe in front of him and said to Liu Jianwei: "The equator is the area closest to the geosynchronous orbit, but the problem is that there are only two launch sites near the equator. Not an equatorial country."

Liu Jianwei nodded silently. The reason is very simple. Most of the equatorial area is the ocean, and there are few equatorial countries.

Luo Sheng turned the globe a few times and continued, "There are only a few equatorial countries. To be honest, their economic level and technology are quite worrying. Simply put, there is no one who can fight, and our current synchronization The orbiting satellite reaches the area above the equator through complex orbit changes, which is very energy-intensive. This ladder is originally a century project, and with the current carrying capacity of human spaceflight technology, all the power of the country cannot build this ladder."

The cost is too high.

Luo Sheng pointed at the equatorial line of the globe to signal the other party and said: "And launching directly from the equator can save a lot of money. Based on this situation, if we want to build a space ladder, we must cooperate with countries in the equatorial region. "

"First, build a space launch port on the equator. This launch port will become the ground base station and transportation hub of the space ladder, and it will also bring a steady stream of economic value to the host country. I believe that no country will refuse to cooperate, on the contrary, it will rush to bid."

"However, just the equatorial region is not enough. Two conditions must be met: the equatorial region and the seaside. That is to say, there must be developed waterway transportation to provide international transportation capacity, and at the same time, there must be certain infrastructure and a stable local political situation. I After searching all over the world, only four countries, Brazil, Ecuador, Colombia and Indonesia, can take on this important task.”

"If the location is to build a ladder in Latin America, Laomei will definitely ask to get on the bus and play together, and even if the ladder is built, 80% of the time will be the same as the Panama Canal Zone. Latin America is their successor to Laomei. Gardens, for us, are the ends of the earth."

Speaking of which, Luo Sheng decisively crossed out Brazil, Ecuador and Colombia in Latin America.

"So the location of the Tianti can only be selected in Indonesia, and the waterway traffic is also very good. Not far away is the Strait of Malacca, one of the busiest maritime arteries in the world. If it is here, the investment countries may be ASEAN Asia. Other countries, but my country is the one that invests the most. As for the sovereignty of the ladder and the launch port, Indonesia does not need to worry about it.”

Luo Sheng retracted his hands from the globe, wrapped his arms and stared at the map of Indonesia, and said: "In short, before building the elevator, we need to build a base station and a space launch port on the equatorial ground. With the space port, the foundation of the elevator is Only a space station in synchronous orbit can be constructed."

Liu Jianwei now speaks less and listens more. He can see that Luo Sheng is very attentive to this century project, and he has a clear plan of steps between the lines.

"After solving the problems of site selection and ladders for ground base stations, the next step is to provide solutions for the construction of the space station."

After a while, the two came to the 22-meter-high ring corridor. Luo Sheng looked at the model in front of him and gestured: "The cable of the ladder will be subjected to two forces, one is the gravity from the earth below the synchronous orbit, One comes from space centrifugal force above synchronous orbit, so we're building two space stations."

Liu Jianwei nodded, the model in front of him had two space stations.

Luo Sheng continued: "These two space stations are the space station located in geosynchronous orbit as a docking port for spacecraft and satellites, and the other is the counterweight space station at the top of the ladder responsible for enhancing the balance between centrifugal force and gravity."

According to the theoretical data verified by the supercomputing obtained by Xiaona, the berthing port should be located in a synchronous orbit of 36,000 kilometers, and the spacecraft and satellites in this position can orbit the earth for a long time.

Obviously, this area of ​​outer space is also a good place to build a space city and a space dock.

Space real estate is no joke, Luo Sheng's eyes have already thought of the layout in thirty or even fifty years.

Of course, it is not mainly used for commercial housing development, but to build a space industrial cluster base.

For many high-tech and industrial products, the performance of products made in the gravity-free environment of space is unmatched by ground manufacturing, and some parts must be manufactured in this special environment to meet the requirements.

The space industrial base is an inevitable product after the maturity of the fourth scientific and technological revolution of mankind.

At the same time, if humans want to go to deep space across planets, they must have larger flying vehicles, which are impossible to build on the ground, and the cost is too high.

If there is a space industrial base and space dock facilities, raw materials can be transported from the ground, processed and completed in modular manufacturing in the space industrial base, and then completed in the space dock.

Modularization and matching are the inevitable trend of high-end industrial manufacturing in the future, because the efficiency will be soaring, and the cost will also plummet, which is most suitable for super-large man-made facilities such as space stations and aircraft carriers.

However, these space cities and space docks must have a certain distance from the docking port, otherwise the stability of the space ladder may be affected.

At this time, the two came to the top ring corridor, Luo Sheng pointed to the top of the model and said: "This area is a power station that provides counterweight and extra power. It is located at a higher altitude than the synchronous orbit, considering the gravity of the earth. The problem is that the space station needs to have a large mass, and that mass can be filled with solar panels and a power generation system."

Luo Sheng retracted his eyes and looked at Liu Jianwei, and said with a smile: "After building these two space stations, we can build a space ladder on this basis. Please see this, the space launch port built on the equator of the earth can play a role, aerospace Hong Kong can use recyclable rockets to quickly transport building materials and personnel to and from the earth and synchronous orbit, and Musk and I are both racing on recyclable rocket technology.”

"When the two space stations above the equator are completed, the ladder ropes can be erected. This process requires a landing vehicle with a rocket engine to complete the process to ensure the stability and maneuverability of the ropes when they land. The whole process also needs to maintain a state of vertical tension, and put as many ropes as the landing vehicle lowers.”

Liu Jianwei nodded and said succinctly: "It's not a good thing for tens of thousands of kilometers of rope to dance in the wind."

Luo Sheng: "The construction of the space ladder will come to an end after the landing vehicle has landed and is bound to the ground base station. Many sets of such ropes may have to be erected to ensure the safety and stability of the ladder. The final step is to provide these orbital cables. When the power is turned on, the space ladder will be ready for operation, and that day will come, and ordinary people may spend a few thousand yuan on a space tour."

After speaking, Luo Sheng couldn't help but smile, and Liu Jianwei couldn't help but look forward to this picture of the future.

If this ladder is successfully built, the future space tourism industry will be super explosive, but Luo Sheng's own Star Arrow International will monopolize space transportation and tourism.

Just look at the current traditional tourism industry to see how profitable the tourism industry is.

If in the future it is possible for a person to enjoy a space tourism with only a few thousand yuan, it will definitely be in short supply after waiting for three or five years, and when commercial space tourism projects are opened in the early stage, let alone several thousand yuan Now, tens of thousands of yuan for a ticket is not worrying about no customers.

Buy early to enjoy early, buy late to get discount.



It is promised that there will be a wave at the end of the month, and a total of 15,000 words will be updated today, which is equivalent to the usual six chapter updates.

In addition, by the way, let’s talk about the plot point of the space ladder or the space elevator. I think everyone who reads science and technology articles is too familiar with it. How to write new ideas about this technology point is really not easy.

First of all, let me explain. When you see this, some people may think that the book has reached the late stage, but it is not. In fact, it has only been written one third of the way. The space ladder appeared in the plot, but the real deal has already arrived. It is in the middle and late stages, that is, 2030, and the timeline in the book is only 2013.

There are many derivative technologies of the space ladder, such as nanotechnology, new materials, and superconducting materials mentioned in the article. One of the breakthroughs does not necessarily have to be used in the space ladder first, such as military, semiconductor, medical Ah, on civilian products, etc.

Technology is progressing systematically, and the application scenarios are also extensive and interactive.

Some people say that the space elevator is a "spectacle that misleads the country". It is better to directly engage in aerospace planes and light up controllable nuclear fusion technology. This Xiaoyu will not comment, because the sci-fi concept that does not exist in reality may now agree that the view is correct, It is also possible that the objection is right.

But it is not because of this that I have the imagination to write.

In this book set by Xiaoyu, relatively speaking, the entire technical system is iteratively advanced step by step, and the reason for writing the space ladder also has this level of metaphor.

At the same time, the ladder is also a good choice for humans to deeply develop space before mastering controllable nuclear fusion. At the same time, the related technology of the space ladder can also shine in other fields.

It is only by systematic progress that science and technology can create a powerful application facility space ladder. This is an illusion.

In reality, there are also aircraft carriers that everyone is familiar with. This man-made steel behemoth is a work that integrates the culmination of human industrial manufacturing technology.

As for the controllable nuclear fusion technology, it is because these super technologies have not been lit up that the space ladder has the opportunity to appear.

Controllable fusion technology is the later technology of this book. Now the progress of this book is only one-third, because once this thing is lit, it will not be a change of a technology product, but will change the entire human world. pattern.

At the same time, because controllable fusion technology will drive human beings to move from planetary civilization to stellar civilization, this is an inevitable direction that does not depend on personal will, unless Xiaoyu ignores this logic and bites the bullet, such as clearly mastering controllable nuclear fusion technology. , you just can't live or die on the earth, which is very illogical.

Because the plot of this book takes place around the earth and the orbit of the earth, the controllable fusion technology is arranged to appear at a later stage, otherwise, in all likelihood, the book will collapse before Xiaoyu has fully displayed the outline.

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