Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 569 [The official website of the Securities Regulatory Commission is crowded]

Small and medium investors and retail investors actually have to share more than one-third of the subscription amount, which makes most securities institutions unhappy in the face of a real high-quality listed company like Weilan Pure Electric Vehicle.

The person in charge of UBS Securities euphemistically said: "Mr. Luo, 35%, which is an astronomical figure such as 108 billion yuan, it is impossible for small and medium investors and retail investors in the Mainland to have such funds. The sub-financing plan fell short of the expected target of 308.5 billion.”

As soon as these remarks came out, the representatives and principals of other securities companies also echoed.

There are more than 50 securities institutions involved in the IPO business of Weilan pure electric vehicle this time, even if it has to raise more than 300 billion yuan, this is of course an astronomical figure, and it has also set a new record for the global IPO business.

But the problem is that there are too many institutions that share the cake. On average, more than 50 securities institutions can only share the amount of 5.6 billion, which is actually not much.

If it can be divided equally, it would be very good. The problem is that the top five securities institutions have divided 42% of the shares, and the rest are divided up by 50 companies, and this will still not be divided equally, and finally ranked in The securities institutions at the end may only get a ratio of several hundred million.

Then, 35% of the share will be distributed to small and medium investors and retail investors in the market. Of course, securities institutions are not happy. The major customers and "acquaintances" in their hands are all responsible for business, and the more shares, the better. .

Facing the "good persuasion" from the representatives of the securities institutions, Luo Sheng smiled lightly: "Do you believe in Luo Sheng's popularity? I think my popularity and reputation are quite good."

Everyone was stunned for a while, then nodded in a lowly agreeing manner and nodded again and again.

Everyone's heart immediately made a decision, and they won't be entangled in this issue. Luo Sheng's words seem to be innocuous, and even a bit of a joke, but the meaning is very clear, if you don't understand, then Bai got mixed up in this circle.

Now they all want to get a share of the IPO action of Weilan pure electric vehicle. The more critical point is that securities institutions are asking for door-to-door sponsorship, rather than listed companies seeking sponsorship from securities institutions, which annoys Luo Shengna. He was kicked out of the game on a table, and he couldn't even drink a sip of soup.

There is also no possibility of joint pressure from major securities institutions, because Hengxin Securities is present, and even if the other 54 securities institutions exit the market, it will not hinder the listing plan of Weilan Pure Electric Vehicle Company.

Taking 10,000 steps back is really going to be a stumbling block. The big deal is not to list on the big A. There is no problem in listing in Hong Kong or even in the United States. Whether it is US stocks or Hong Kong stocks, it is impossible to ask for it.

What's more, this is the item that everyone pays attention to.

Next, Luo Sheng and a group of securities institutions further discussed the specific IPO matters. The meeting determined the date of the listing, which is scheduled to be listed on Tuesday, June 23.

However, even on the night before the IPO, a company's listing may change, and today's negotiation with securities institutions has only reached a consensus.


two hours later.

"Brother Luo, this is the asset allocation details of Weilan Pure Electric Automobile Company and the change in the equity structure that Sister Qin has sorted out." An Qingxue walked into the CEO's office and put a document on the desk.

"Go and pour me a glass of water." Luo Sheng said, picking up the materials at the same time.


Luo Sheng glanced at Qingxue sister paper's graceful figure, then put his attention on the information, and immediately opened the list.

The total assets of the spin-off and independent Weilan Pure Electric Vehicle Company have reached a terrifying scale of 1 trillion yuan, of which the net assets have reached 600 billion yuan, and the cash reserve has reached 450 billion yuan.

Under the premise of such a large-scale installation of charging piles and new factories by Weilan Pure Electric Vehicle Company, Haineng has such a huge cash reserve, which is all thanks to the 700 billion yuan of leeks contributed by scalpers.

The company is about to raise 308.5 billion yuan, which is a solid cash flow.

At the same time, we will receive 167.2 billion yuan in subsidies every year, which is all money.

But that's not enough.

For the 10 new super factories, the average investment of each super company is about 33 billion yuan, and the expenditure here is more than 300 billion yuan, but this money is solved by obtaining interest-free loans from local governments.

To put it simply, for the super factory to build a local factory, Weilan Pure Electric Vehicle Company does not have to pay a cent. The local government will provide loans, land, and policies. All you have to do is build the factory locally and provide jobs. , boosting the economy.

These ten factories have directly brought more than 200,000 jobs, and the indirect economic boost has brought infinite benefits.

The ten super factories are all set up in coastal urban areas, not only for industrial manufacturing in coastal areas, but also for future global business.

However, even if Weilan pure electric vehicle company has such a large scale of funds, it is still not enough, and more money is needed. In the future, the laying of public super charging piles in major cities will require large-scale funds, and at the same time, profits will be distributed to the Downstream industries allow them to make money.

Weilan pure electric vehicle company is not a company that pursues profit maximization and frantically squeezes residual value, because to act as an "economic engine", it must give enough profits to the upstream and downstream industrial chains to maintain the vitality of the entire ecology. The root cause of the support, otherwise the annual subsidy of 167.2 billion yuan is simply impossible.

In terms of the company's shareholding structure, Luo Sheng will not hold shares in his own name, but will realize it in the form of company holding. Cote d'Azur will maintain a minimum shareholding ratio of 34%.

According to the "Company Law", the deliberation of major corporate matters requires a two-thirds majority, that is, more than 67% of the voting rights to pass, so the Cote d'Azur is equivalent to having one veto.

As long as they cast a negative vote, even if all other shareholders vote in favor, they cannot reach a two-thirds majority vote, and the motion cannot be passed.

Equity control is not the key, but the core is technology. Since the technology of the blue electric vehicle is legally authorized by the blue coast company, as long as the technology authorization is withdrawn, the blue pure electric vehicle company will face a shock crisis, which means that there is no core. Competitiveness, no matter how big the behemoth is, it will soon fall.

This is the method that fundamentally eliminates the capital market's attempt to control the enterprise. In other words, if you want profit, you have to follow Luo Sheng, and if you don't want to follow, give up the profit, it's that simple.

The second largest shareholder of Weilan Pure Electric Vehicle is the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Office, which will hold 30% of the equity. This is not a financing method, but a transfer form, which is purchased at the company's low valuation of 320 billion US dollars.

In other words, it means that the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Office bought 30% of the shares of Azure Pure Electric Vehicles from Cote d'Azur, and paid US$96 billion, or about 600 billion yuan, to Cote d'Azur.

This money is both a means of indirect support and a means of large-scale investment.

Cote d'Azur research and development technology requires large-scale funds, and the state has invested too much, but it is not for nothing.

And a deeper strategic consideration is also to deal with the US$1 trillion technology industry stimulus plan in North America. Luo Sheng took the lead in burning money with his own efforts and the old American hard steel, and used the power of enterprises to fight against the power of the state, or face it. Today's world hegemony, the truth is unreasonable, and the above will not sit idly by.

As for how the money goes to Bluestar Technology, there is no need to worry about it. Luo Sheng himself will operate it through corporate means, such as fund lending between companies.

When he was "matching the middle" with the short-sellers on Wall Street before, Luo Sheng borrowed funds from Shengfeng Capital, Life Science Fund, Azure Coast, etc. from Bluestar Technology to realize capital flow, concentrated firepower and decisive battle with the enemy, and finally won the battle with the enemy. A victory in the financial war on Wall Street.

Part of the remaining shares of Weilan Pure Electric Vehicle is used for market circulation, and the other part is used to set up an option pool for internal incentives within the company.

After reading the ownership structure, Luo Sheng immediately signed and stamped, Qin Weimu's design in this regard was impeccable.

At the same time, Ding Ping announced the latest specific financing plan early this morning when Weilan pure electric vehicle was in full swing for the IPO. At present, the entire market has been detonated, showing a hot situation.

The official website of the China Securities Regulatory Commission crashed after half an hour due to excessive load. The reason was that there were too many people downloading and reading the listing documents of Weilan Pure Electric Vehicles, but the China Securities Regulatory Commission did not access the Blue Star Technology Nebula Star-Cloud to solve the problem. That's why the plan collapsed.

Tens of millions of investors visit at the same time, and it's no wonder that it doesn't crash.

The news of the IPO listing of Weilan pure electric vehicle has long been hyped. As long as it is an investor, there is no need to pay attention or not to know it. Otherwise, don't mean to say that you are protecting the market for the big A and being an old leek.


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