Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 624 [The rhythm of the eagle sauce to be dizzy]

"Who would have thought thirteen years ago that he would grow to the legendary status he is today?"

"Anyway, I also made a move back then, and now it's a bargain, haha."

"You venture capital funds have followed Luo Sheng, and it's true that these years have been full of contention. This time, thanks to your relationship, I also collected 100 million US dollars to get on this wealth bus. Thank you very much. said."

Liu Wen is drinking tea and chatting with an old friend. It can be said that the wind blows. In the past, Liu Wen boasted about the rea round financing of Bluestar Technology in front of his old friends.

But he avoided talking about the desperation of wanting to redeem the funds when Shengfeng Capital was in the Datong City last year, and his old friends did not know about this dark history.

But I can't blame Liu Wen for being short-sighted, but because of the extremely asymmetric information, no one knew that Luo Sheng still had a trillion-dollar invisible asset at that time.

"Tsk tsk tsk, Shengfeng Capital can really make a name for itself in the global capital market at the current time point. Top asset management companies such as BlackRock and Pioneer have to stand aside, the liquidity of 476 trillion US dollars, my God... Liu Wen couldn't help but sigh with emotion. When he heard the news from the industry for the first time, everyone was dumbfounded for a long time when he heard this number.

BlackRock Group's AUM exceeds US$54 trillion, followed by Shengfeng Capital, whose AUM currently exceeds US$521 trillion, followed by Vanguard Fund, with AUM exceeding 42 trillion Dollar.

This is currently the top three top asset management institutions in the world, but the other two do not have the terrifying liquidity funds of Shengfeng Capital.

Liu Wen's old friend said with a puzzled face, "Hey, you say, how does Luo Sheng deal with this 476 trillion US dollars? To be honest, I have been in the business for two years, and I can't think of how he will deal with it if I want to break my scalp."

The scale of funds has reached this level, and no matter how much you spend, it can make people maddened and lose their hair. Thank goodness for the preservation of value, not to mention making money.

Under normal circumstances, most of them hold U.S. bonds, but they do not preserve their value, and if they hold U.S. bonds, they must accept the fate of being eaten by old Americans.

Therefore, you can master a financial nuclear bomb, and the old and the United States can also increase their money printing efforts or even limitless quantitative easing, and the value will depreciate rapidly.

What's more, there are not so many U.S. bonds for you to hold now, unless the old and the United States continue to issue new bonds, but Luo Sheng can't foolishly buy new bonds in North America.

The money you have worked so hard to raise,

As a result, I lent it to Lao Mei to spend? Old America can continue to print money to pay off debts.

What a joke.

Liu Wen said, "This is the gap between us and Luo Sheng. You can't figure it out, and I can't figure it out. I don't think many people can figure it out, but I figured out another point. Is it more fragrant? You can always believe in the Luo Sheng effect."

"Haha, that's right."

After a while, Liu Wen looked at his old friend again and again with emotion and sighed, "After this private equity myth, Luo Sheng is already too big to fail in another dimension, even if he wants to fail, the global The institutional investors and the rich also agreed and would not allow him to fail, so he would not be able to fail.”

If Luo Sheng had an accident now, the world would not know how many institutions and rich people would suffer.

On the other hand, whoever wants to get along with Luo Sheng will not get along with at least one-third of the world's top rich people. Behind every rich person or rich family, they represent their connections, resources, and backgrounds, and they will also work for common interests. I support Luo Sheng.

Liu Wen's old friend also deeply agreed with this, and sighed, "So, I chose to collect 100 million US dollars to catch up with this bus without hesitation. This investment seems to be closed, but in fact Very stable."

This private sale event can basically say that Luo Sheng has already tied one-third of the world's top super-rich to his chariot. The energy contained in this joint effort is unimaginable.


On the third day of the end of the private placement, Luo Sheng and Qin Weimu were working together with a large amount of information on the table, and Qingxue Meizhi was also doing the same.

What we have to deal with now is how to allocate the 476 trillion US dollars of cash assets from private placements. Global capital and many industries are eagerly looking forward to it, and major global stock markets are also eagerly looking forward to it.

Now that the market liquidity is tightening, it has fallen into a short-term dollar shortage, and the liquidity has gone to Luo Sheng's hands. Even for the 476 trillion US dollars, the Magnesium Fed has not adjusted the corresponding quantitative policy.

They were all waiting for Luo Sheng's decision, and they didn't dare to take it lightly, because they were afraid of becoming cannon fodder.

"Prepare the investment target, but don't disclose it to anyone for the time being. This is the core bargaining chip with Europe and North America." Luo Sheng said at the same time, his brain was also thinking about the overall plan, and after a while, he added, "First After allocating $1 trillion to Hengxin International Investment Bank to complete the liquidation, I think Lao Zhong will visit again in a few days.”

As soon as the words fell, Xiaona's voice responded, "Master, Zhong Yuanhong is visiting, do you want to meet me?"

Luo Sheng was stunned for a moment, then he couldn't help laughing and said, "It really means Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here, I'll go see him first."

After speaking, he got up and left the private office.


A few minutes later, Luo Sheng met Zhong Yuanhong in the large living room and found that he had brought a stranger with him.

"Who is this……"

Zhong Yuanhong immediately said with a smile, "Oh, let me introduce you, this is one of the twelve directors of Ya Investment Bank, Chang Ming, just call him Chang Chang, my own."

Luo Sheng shook hands with him immediately, and after a few chats, he invited the two to take their seats. After the host and guests were seated, Zhong Yuanhong looked at Luo Sheng and praised him without hesitation, "Brother Luo, your private investment has made our chin up to the chin. I was so shocked that my knees and legs went up, and the world was plunged into a dollar shortage, tsk tsk tsk..."

"I gladly accept your compliment. I don't want to be too modest at this time. Being modest is hypocritical." Luo Sheng said with a strong smile, which also made Zhong Yuanhong and Chang Ming burst into laughter and nodded again and again. Agree.

There is really no need to be humble.

After a few words of greeting, Zhong Yuanhong went straight to the point and asked, "Brother, I won't beat around the bush, I've already brought Lao Chang along, and with your ability to see through fire, you must have guessed something. "

Luo Sheng smiled and said, "Seeing the permanent director, the bells are already beating gongs and drums - I have thought of one."

It turned out that he also meant it?

Hearing this, Chang Ming's whole body was instantly refreshed, and he immediately said, "Mr. Luo, Ya Investment Bank is one of the key links in the grand strategy of Yilu. You should know this."

Luo Sheng nodded, of course he knew it. Speaking of which, Ya Investment Bank was established at the end of last year. So far, it has only been about two months, and the authorized capital is 100 billion US dollars.

Chang Ming went on to say, "The Yatou Bank is a starter. Basically, we will play it ourselves. The key is that the investment risk of the project is huge, especially if the Yilu area extends to the more chaotic Middle East, this is the most troublesome."

Luo Sheng nodded again, he also understands this, that kind of place is really messy, maybe you have invested tens of billions of dollars in the past, just repaired a main railway line or an oil and gas pipeline, and it will blow up for you the next day. Well, that's a bloodbath.

Here, you have to beware of the insidious tricks of "pulling your butt legs" from European and American competitors behind your back, which makes you hard to guard against. The investment risk lies in this. It is really possible to lose everything. If you are not cautious and then cautious, it is inevitable to slow down the efficiency of strategic advancement.

Luo Sheng smiled and said, "So, do you want to borrow money from me to do related investment projects along the Yilu area?"

Chang Ming nodded, "Yes, there is a huge risk in using the state's money, but using the money you privately raised is much safer, at least it can break the trick of 'pulling the yin legs' by competitors."

This is the best part. Luo Sheng's private equity funds are actually from European and American investors. If it is used in Ya Investment Bank, it will be used for venture capital projects along the Yilu area, such as infrastructure construction and so on. .

Not only will the opponent not use the trick of "pulling the yin legs" behind the scenes, this is tantamount to... So instead, it has to be maintained, at least they will inevitably part ways due to differences in vested interests.

Because that money belongs to them, if the local investment project is destroyed, it will eventually lead to nothing at all, and the loss will be their vital interests, so it is impossible to use "pulling yin legs" against themselves, and now they can only accept it Yes, the lock-up period of private equity funds is 15 years.

Now that you get on the bus, you should wait 15 years before getting off the bus. Now that the door is welded, no one wants to get off the bus halfway, and this is a high-speed rail.

Luo Sheng agreed without thinking, "No problem, I have prepared 550 billion US dollars here, Ya Investment Bank can take it all, and the coupon rate is in accordance with the international standard in the industry, but the creditor's rights of the corresponding investment projects are in special circumstances. When the time comes, it must be able to be converted into equity, that is, debt-to-equity swap.”

Chang Ming couldn't bear to pat his leg on the spot and rejoiced, "It's great, it's totally fine, it's what it should be, and Ya Investment Bank's decision is to give a little more interest rate, this money is too important, I really don't know how to thank you. Your support supports Mr. Luo."

If you give one more point, the coupon rate will be 150, which is quite atmospheric.

"The director's words are serious. My ass will not be shaken by sitting in the Eastern Hemisphere. There is no doubt about it." Luo Sheng said politely, but he also gladly accepted the coupon rate of one more point. There is no conflict, obviously, the country has not made him suffer and difficult.

This asset in Luo Sheng's hands also needs to go somewhere. Of course, it is to find a place that is beneficial to the country. The investment in Ya Investment Bank and along the Yilu area is an unquestionable choice.

Zhong Yuanhong laughed and said, "Using the opponent's money to serve our grand strategy, Lao Mei must be dizzy knowing the news. They never expected you to make such a layout."

Everyone also looked at each other and smiled. From the perspective of the "victim", this was equivalent to being miserable by one's own people. In a sense, it was equivalent to "capitalizing the enemy".

After a while, Luo Sheng added, "In addition to the $550 billion in debt, I have decided to invest an additional $450 billion in major projects along the strategy. From a business perspective, I am optimistic about these projects. However, I need Yatou Bank to carry out a ten-year cover for these 450 billion US dollars investment projects, and I may take away the funds invested along the route for about ten years, and I will use it for other purposes."

As soon as Zhong Yuanhong heard it, he knew that this "his use" was the super big project that Luo Sheng sold Guanzi.

"No problem, the more the better, welcome." Chang Ming didn't think much about it at all, and agreed on the spot. Ten years is enough. In fact, it's not that the country has no money, but that the country's money is easy to "suck up" in overseas investment. Ten years later, the overall situation is basically set.

Of the 476 trillion U.S. dollars received from private placement, the whereabouts of 1 trillion U.S. dollars have been clearly arranged, and they are mutually beneficial.


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