Global Monopoly of Technology

Open a single chapter to deconstruct a recent plot, I haven't communicated with you for a long

After reading the recent book reviews, some readers commented and left comments, complaining that the scientific and technological articles became financial articles, and opened a single chapter to deconstruct the purpose of such writing.

Before writing, Xiaoyu has a choice for the plot: is it to pursue a purely horizontal push of technology, or to pursue a relatively reasonable logic?

Xiaoyu chose the latter.

High technology often represents change, which will profoundly affect all aspects of life, and change means competition, and competition means more variables.

The breakthrough of new technology brings about subversive products and earns high profits. If you have to deal with a lot of money, it will inevitably involve capital operation, and it is inseparable from finance.

You have made a lot of money through high technology and robbed the interests of your competitors. He will fight back. If you want to get you and take action, you will also block him. Conflicts generate games, and you have coping strategies. layout contest.

The world is complex, and it is multi-line. A new variable is added to the big dye vat of the world, which will cause different degrees of shock to all corners of the world, and will cause even greater variables, just like a chemical reaction.

So let's briefly deconstruct the current plot trend without spoiling the subsequent plot.

The current plot of this book revolves around two main lines or two goals. The first is the entire semiconductor industry chain, and the second is the space ladder.

At present, everything the protagonist does is to gradually approach and finally achieve these two goals, and they are mutually inclusive. When the entire semiconductor industry chain is opened up, the goal of the space ladder can be better achieved. The two goals are All can be combined into one goal - technology.

Therefore, the ultimate main line of this book is always technology, and the basic driving force for the progress of the plot is technology.

Around the ultimate main line of science and technology, a series of side stories have been generated, and then the side stories in the side stories have been generated.

The writing of this book is no longer under Xiaoyu's control. Here, it means that the plot cannot be arranged as one wants, but to deduce the current plot trend and arrange how the following plot should go and how to write.

Unless you write with your eyes closed, because every variable you add (such as: new plot, new characters, new ideas, new technology) will trigger more variables, they interact with the old plot, and the ambulance oscillates each other. ,interdependent.

Taking the recent plot as an example, the villain wants to suppress the entire semiconductor industry chain of the protagonist, the protagonist breaks the game, and launches the Zixing lithography machine, LiFi, DNA storage technology, etc., because the technology is not fully opened up,

Therefore, it is necessary to invest more capital in research and development, a large amount of money inflow is known to the villain, and the invisible assets of the protagonist are exposed (new variables are created).

At this time, a money-gathering effect occurred. Investors in the world view in the book hope to hand over the money to the protagonist for their own interests (new variable). The protagonist happens to be short of money on the space ladder. , the private placement myth was born.

And this brings new problems, how to solve 4.76 trillion? Can't live without a brain? This is not logical. Then new problems create new variables and new problems.

That's why it is said that the current plot can no longer be arranged independently. Xiaoyu wrote here to deduce the follow-up plot based on the existing plot as much as possible under the limit of her own writing power and ability.

So at this time, Ya Investment Bank came to ask the protagonist to borrow money. The 4.76 trillion yuan has not yet reached the time to actually put it into the space ladder, so it needs to be dealt with. Ya Investment Bank hit it off as soon as it came.

Ya Investment Bank will use the money to insert a pipe in the Persian Gulf to grab oil and natural gas, which directly leads to the explosion of Wuzhou. In order to prevent the protagonist from deciding to suppress his company, Auzhou issues a sky-high fine to force the protagonist to make concessions at the negotiating table.

But the protagonist will definitely not accept it. The plot creates conflicts and there will be new plots. Then, in the context of the big world, Auzhou is now facing a lot of problems such as debt crisis, corrupt country Brexit, etc. The protagonist takes advantage of the opponent's own problems to take advantage of the situation Sniper, Laomei has been attacking the euro, and the Wall Street bigwigs get what they need, so it is logical to reach a PY deal with the protagonist on this matter.

The final victory must be the protagonist, don't think about this, Xiaoyu will not write abusive essays.

In this way, the previously buried pits have been connected in series after this "interaction". I wonder if you still remember the previous A**L plot?

In this way, the entire semiconductor industry chain is connected in series, an "interaction" is completed, and at the same time, there is an explanation for the plot.

In addition, I don’t know if you still remember the previous plot arrangement. Is the “Star Harbor Hub” unmanned port currently under construction at the equator? It is bound to be related to Ya Investment Bank and the Maritime Silk Road. As for how to "interact", it will not be spoiled here.

Let’s share so much with you about the deconstruction of the plot, and then share it with spoilers.

Speaking of being tall, it is about the macro layout of the plot, and the point of being down-to-earth is how to be round. Xiaoyu personally thinks that writing, the author does the most is to throw a frame at the beginning, and all the actions that follow are based on this. How can the plot generated under the framework make it round and how can it justify itself, that is, the so-called logical and reasonable.

This is indeed a lot of hair, and it is impossible to write a pure technology flat push. It will appear that various bugs occur frequently, and in the eyes of readers, it is the protagonist, supporting role, and villain who are attacked by the group's intelligence.

Readers will think in their hearts after reading it: What the hell, how can there be such a mentally retarded plot? What the hell am I looking at?

The villain can do this, but the protagonist doesn't need it? Chilled! The protagonist can act like this and mess with the villain, and lose his wits in order to force the water!

Therefore, in order to avoid these embarrassing problems, Xiaoyu chose the latter.

The technology is lit up one by one, and it doesn’t matter how it affects the plot itself and the world, but will readers accept it? Maybe, maybe not, a thousand people and a thousand Hamlets, which requires the author to judge the market, or the reader's recognition.

The reader selects the author through the competition, the author also selects the readers again, the reader finds the book they want to read, and the author finds the reader group that matches his style through the book. , only the reader likes and dislikes the difference, maybe you like it, maybe he doesn't like it.

Therefore, there are classifications of sci-fi, fantasy, etc. This is only a general classification, and the same category will be further subdivided.

It is very easy to write with both eyes closed and no brains. Really, at least it is relatively easy, at least not like it is now. For example, when the timeline reaches a certain year, you have to consider the general environment. For example, the current timeline is There are still days when the corrupt country will leave the European Union and understand Wang's online. Before writing the latest plot, Xiaoyu first has to sort out the background and start writing after confirming that it is correct.

Trial issues have to be considered.

Otherwise, big bugs are easy to appear, and you will be caught off guard, because readers will consciously or unintentionally substitute into reality. If readers find such bugs, they will feel that the experience is very bad.

However, it is really difficult for the author to consider practical issues, readers' substitution, and review issues, and to find a balance under so many factors.

Frankly speaking, 70% of the total time spent writing this book was spent looking up information and references, while coding was only about 30% of the time. The friends in the group all know that Xiaoyu posted screenshots of her own webpage in the group. Bookmarks folder, there are three folders, each of which has three or four hundred bookmarks, all of which are data, one of which is basically the history of the development of the global Internet, because the beginning of this book is that the protagonist started from the Internet Yes, the starting point is the bursting of the Internet bubble, the eve of the birth of the web2.0 era.

The purpose of this single chapter is to tell the reader why Xiaoyu wrote this and what it is specifically written. Communication between the author and the reader is still necessary.

By the way, let's talk about the plot of the space ladder. Some readers said that it is better to engage in aerospace planes.

It seems that this question has been explained before, and I am not sure whether it has been mentioned or not, so let’s talk about it here incidentally.

First of all, there is a basic premise, that is: the space ladder is a theoretically effective technical way to reduce the cost of human space activities before the arrival of the era of controllable nuclear fusion.

Building an aerospace plane means that controllable nuclear fusion technology must be mastered, or at least a black technology comparable to it can be achieved.

Once such black technology appears, the whole world will usher in subversive changes, and the power structure of the whole world will also be reshuffled. You can't say that controllable nuclear fusion will be used for space activities, right? The effects are manifold and chain reactions.

Therefore, the space ladder is to allow humans to achieve frequent low-cost space activities without controlled fusion.

But some people say that it is not as good as high controllable nuclear fusion...

Isn't this nonsense? It's like saying in reality, what wind energy and solar energy are used, and nuclear fusion will be done directly, and it will be finished soon. There are more superior energy sources than nuclear fusion, and there are antimatter energy sources.

You have to make it work.

Secondly, even if the aerospace plane is equipped with a nuclear fusion engine, it is not as affordable as the space ladder based on human space activities, because the space ladder is cost-effective at the same cost.

You can refer to the difference between traditional drop transportation and air transportation. Aerospace planes are like air transportation, high cost but fast and small in size; space elevators are like drop transportation, low cost, relatively slow, but huge in size.

There is no difference between the two, and the positioning is different, and there will definitely be aerospace planes in the end.


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