Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 654 [The essence of human beings really like to hurt each other]

The news that the Falcon 9 failed to use a second-hand rocket to re-launch the experiment quickly spread, and the media in the technology circle immediately reported on the text.

The live broadcast of this launch is still not over, and it is impossible to stop the broadcast halfway because of a failed launch. It has often failed in the past, and it is not so glass-hearted. After all, commercial private companies are different from countries.

Not long after, Elon Musk finally showed up, accompanied by media reporters who arrived at the scene to repay.

Luo Sheng, who was watching the live broadcast, saw Elon Musk under the camera giving a temporary interview to a media reporter. Musk was very calm, and he had a faint smile during the interview, but the smile on his face was a bit strong. The taste of laughter.

Tang Xin found that Luo Sheng, who was watching the press conference at the moment, was as happy as a baby, and sometimes she could not help but sigh that men only get old but never grow up.

"The problem is preliminarily determined that the large impulse and heat entered the engine compartment, causing the TVC of the central engine to malfunction and eventually explode, but there may also be other reasons. The launch platform isn't too bad."

Having said this, Elon Musk added calmly: "Success is undoubtedly a great launch, and failure is also the best fireworks show."

A reporter quickly asked: "Mr. Musk, do you have anything to say about the upcoming launch experiments of Star Arrow International in China?"

Hearing this, Elon Musk scolded these damn reporters in his heart, and said with a calm smile on the surface:

"good luck."

After saying a blessing, Elon Musk refused to comment further on it, stopped answering reporters' questions, and left the scene.

The $62 million fireworks show is a bit expensive, and the Silicon Valley Iron Man has to go to the toilet to touch his tears.

It is impossible to say that Elon Musk does not feel distressed. He is not as rich as Luo Sheng. This time, not only did he not get the title of being the first to successfully recover a second-hand rocket, but he also had the success rate of the Falcon 9 launch. It will pull down, and there will be fluctuations in confidence for SpaceX for the commercial launch market.

The point is, he also expected that Luo Sheng, who got the news at this moment, would be happy to die.

And this may not be the most uncomfortable place for Elon Musk. The real discomfort is probably the launch plan of Star Arrow International.

He was "blessing" Luo Sheng from the bottom of his heart to have a fireworks show on this launch.

This round doesn't count, let's do it again.

In the follow-up live broadcast, Luo Sheng has not paid attention to it. He covered his laptop, and people in the early morning were in good spirits on happy events. As for Elon Musk's blessing... Luo Sheng felt that this might have to be understood the other way around.

After all, this is a blessing from international friends and businessmen. I dare not accept it, and I cannot accept it.

After a while, Luo Sheng suddenly turned his head to look at Tang Xin: "Next, it's our turn to carry out our launch mission."

Tang Xin's twinkling eyes rolled, and she immediately smiled: "Are you sure the remaining fuel is enough for another launch mission?"

Luo Sheng nodded affirmatively: "Just kidding, it's enough, come on, don't miss the launch window."


With the passage of time, the news of the Falcon 9 second-hand rocket reuse and launch experiment tragedy has spread one after another, and domestic netizens who eat melons are also paying attention to this matter with a happy attitude.

And the heated discussion on this matter inevitably shifted the topic to the next "Star Arrow 1703" launch experiment. Everyone with a discerning eye knows that Star Arrow International and SpaceX are competing in secret and secret, and both want to compete for the first successful recovery. The title of "Used Rocket".

Right now, instead of making history, SpaceX has sent the world a $62 million fireworks show and is basically out of the game.

But it is not without opportunities. As long as the launch of "Star Arrow 1703" fails, it is still unknown who will win the title. At present, it will undoubtedly leave a much-anticipated suspense to the people who eat melon all over the world, and it will also make more His eyes focused on the live broadcast of the "Star Arrow 1703" launch experiment.


The next day, dawn broke.

In the outer security area of ​​the launch platform, thousands of tourists have gathered at this moment, all of them with the same purpose, that is to watch the "Star Arrow 1703" recoverable rocket that is about to be launched.

Some people use smartphones to shoot videos, but there are also some local tyrants and photography enthusiasts. At the moment, there are many cameras in the peripheral security area, just like long guns and short cannons. Of course, there are also media reporters who come to the scene, both domestic and foreign. .

The launch is also live broadcast to the world, domestic audiences can watch it on Bluestar Video, and BV Video Network, the world's largest streaming video site for the world, also has an official live broadcast channel to disclose the entire launch of the launch.

It also includes other emerging live broadcast platforms that can broadcast for free.

"Xingjian 1703" will be launched on time at 6:57. At this moment, people in the peripheral area can clearly see "Xingjian 1703" standing on the launch platform from a distance.

The overall height of the rocket is 70 meters compared to the rival Falcon 9.

in terms of load.

The Star Arrow heavy rocket can deliver a 25-ton payload to low-Earth orbit, a 9.1-ton payload to a geosynchronous transfer orbit, and a 4.6-ton payload to Mars orbit;

The Falcon 9 can deliver 22.8 tons to low-Earth orbit, 8.3 tons to geosynchronous transfer orbit, and 4.2 tons to Mars orbit.

There is no doubt that once the Star Arrow heavy rocket is finalized, its carrying capacity will surpass that of the Falcon 9, and it will be called the rocket with the largest carrying capacity among the active rockets in the world.

In terms of launch mass, the Star Arrow heavy rocket is 885 tons, and the Falcon 9 is 550 tons.

In terms of launch cost, the Star Arrow heavy rocket is slightly more expensive, at $68.5 million, while the launch cost of Falcon 9 is $62 million, but it is more than 30% cheaper than traditional rockets of the same level.

Both rockets are recyclable and reusable. As long as the frequency and number of launches increase, the average cost will be greatly reduced.

In terms of launch frequency, Falcon 9 can achieve the frequency of one launch per week, while Star Arrow International's Star Arrow heavy rocket can achieve the frequency of one launch every five days.

The launch frequency of rockets is related to production capacity and demand, especially production capacity, which has to be maintained. The ultimate dream of reusable rocket reuse is that rockets can be quickly re-launched after recovery.

Star Arrow International hopes that its single recyclable rocket can be launched again within half a month, instead of the current one that has been more than nine months since the last recovery.

The longer the cycle, the higher the cost. In the future, if you want to build a space ladder, the launch frequency may be launched every day. If the launch cycle of a single rocket is too long, it will either increase the time cost, and you want to save the time cost. More rockets have to be built and launched in rotation, which obviously increases the economic cost.


At about 6:25, Luo Sheng arrived at the flight control center at the launch site. There were rows and rows of staff in the control hall, all of whom were engrossed in staring at their screen data, each performing their own duties and responsible for their own work.

Everyone was very focused, because this launch mission was too important, and everyone knew that the SpaceX next door overturned, and it gave everyone a warning.

Luo Sheng basically came to see it. It was more a matter of attitude when people came to the scene. After all, he was the big boss of Star Arrow International.

At this moment, the launch has entered the countdown within the last half hour, and the corner of the main screen of the flight control center displays the specific countdown scalar.

Yang Jianan came to Luo Sheng: "Mr. Luo, do you know the news about the failed launch of Falcon 9?"

Luo Sheng smiled and nodded: "I saw the explosion in the live broadcast with my own eyes, sorry."


Seeing that the big gold owner is so happy, Yang Jianan had no choice but to follow the happy regret, and he understood it very well. After all, there is nothing more heartening than watching a competitor collapse.

The nature of human beings really like to hurt each other.

But on the other hand, Yang Jian'an was even more worried. The old pressure dissipated with the failure of the Falcon 9 launch, but new pressure also followed. The failure of the Falcon 9 launch must also give them brought new pressures.

It is worth mentioning that, compared with the Falcon 9 rocket, the appearance of Star Arrow 1703 also has the genetic shadow of its own traditional rocket "CZ" series, which is clearly recognizable from international rockets.

This is normal. Huaguo's aerospace technology is completely independent and independent research and development step by step. In fact, domestic astronauts don't want to learn from foreign technology and take a few detours, but they are guarding you in all directions.

The talents of Star Arrow International are basically domestic talents. It is normal to have the shadow of the "CZ" series. Obviously, it is also a completely independent technology, and it has its own set of standards.

Luo Sheng said jokingly: "Mr. Yang, I will leave the specific work on the launch to you. I will wait for the moment of success to come, and then hold a media meeting to deal with those reporters. This matter is left to me."

Well, to put it another way, you can do things, and I will pretend to be X, and everyone will perform their duties.

The old is perfect.

With the passage of time, the fuel has been injected into the interior of the rocket, and all parties are ready, including a huge barge in the western Pacific as an offshore recovery platform, which is also ready to communicate with the flight control center 24/7 unblocked.

And the star arrow is fired and launched into the final countdown of 30 seconds.


(Ps: I would like to thank "Tianhai Xiangyun" for the reward. Recently, I often see this name appearing on the reward list in the background, and the amount is not small. Many of them are rewards of 100 soft sister coins, and I will not add one today. I'm even more embarrassed, and thank you to all the supporters)

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