Global Monopoly of Technology

Untitled single chapter

Some readers left a message and complained that a plot of the CIA framed and framed the blame has not been written yet...

On the contrary, Xiaoyu felt that the recent plot was too tight, and it was written in a hurry. She just wanted to explain the plot completely and clearly, because in this fast-paced era, you are too slow and few people are waiting for you.

Open a single chapter to deconstruct the recent plot for you, and systematically tell you what was written (not the text, the hastily written text is uploaded directly, there may be more typos than the text, but it should not affect reading comprehension ).

Looking back at the recent plot, the protagonist’s initial emergence in the field of military technology is a new plot line. The CIA plot has no detailed outline. In a sense, the plot is natural because of the introduction of the new variable of military plot. evolved.

This is very understandable. The protagonist sells the drone to a big dog. The goal is to make money and improve the actual combat test. The big dog buys an alternative protection fee, because this weapon breaks the balance of power in the region. It must be managed, but it is not easy to manage. You have to create opportunities. If you find that you are selling arms, then use this as a breakthrough to frame the blame, put on the hat, and incidentally solve the expansion of the protagonist's company.

The news was fed back to Wall Street, and there was a head start. He decisively entered the market and went short, and another force was pulled in.

The protagonist found out that the CIA was in trouble (Xiao Na is a kind of golden finger), the protagonist sees that bad things may be good, and he can short himself. , the plot is reflected in the linkage between Li Li's mobile phone reselling in Mexico City, Wang Xin's trading in the futures market, and Wang's imposition of tariffs.

Frankly speaking, so many lines have to be connected in series to keep the story coherent. Maybe the gods don't think so, but it is a big challenge for Pujieyu.

Attentive readers should find that the main text is really trying to explain so many things in as little space as possible.

It is reflected in many places, such as Chapter 695, which discloses the information of the annual report at the beginning to lure more people to take over, and then "..." earns the perspective to Wall Street. It must be explained, and it also tells the reader that the villain is also making corresponding adjustments and is also working on it. matter.

After the work is finished, there are "netizens" hot comments. Through the content of "netizens" hot comments, some events and influences can be explained, so that it can be omitted to explain some content separately, such as changes in the protagonist's assets, influence and so on.

After the hot comment, the netizens of eating melon hit another "..." to switch Wang Xin's perspective, and tell readers some information through communication with subordinates. The content of chapter 695 is the layout, response, and plans of all parties. There can be three chapters of water to make sense. Qin Weimu did not explain how to allocate funds and short the article. There is a chapter of water here.

But not necessary.

Instead, I wrote and transferred Wang Xin, and explained some of the short-selling layout, and then linked the sub-plot of Azure-5, and at the same time completed the bigger stage promised to Wang Xin earlier, which is included in the content of the half chapter. Fully explained.

Then the layout of all parties is almost the same, and the next chapter is about CIA igniting and detonating public opinion...

I really wish I could explain everything in one chapter and start the next plot, but as the plot progresses here, there will be more and more incidents, and external force majeure factors have to be taken into account.

Frankly speaking, the current plot has not been set up long ago. There is no detailed outline, only an outline. The outline here is only 30 words, and the keywords are "military industry" and "drone".

Xiaoyu does not have a detailed outline. These plot events are based on the framework of the plot nodes. For example, in the military industry plot, after throwing out the swarm drone, Xiaoyu himself substitutes from the perspective of God to specific parties to seek benefits for himself. As for actions, there will be an intersection, and there will be contradictions and conflicts, and because this contradiction is resolved, a new conflict will arise at another node.

The details are basically written according to this logic. There is no detailed outline, only a general outline. This is Xiaoyu's personal writing style. If a reader asks Xiaoyu now, what will be the plot of the next ten chapters?

I don't know either.

I only know the general direction of the theme, and I am not allowed to deviate from the general direction, such as the space ladder. Now I ask me how to achieve this goal and what are the specific plots.

Even if I want to spoil it, I can't spoil it, because I really don't know wow~~~

In fact, the goal of completing the space ladder is really not the point. The point is that in the process of completing this goal, the technology tree and the protagonist's business empire will continue to expand.

In the future of the protagonist, the protagonist's company may also evolve towards the super company "Wilander Tanggu" in "Alien" or "Umbrella" in "Resident Evil".

Because, up to now, from the protagonist's position, he can't retreat. Retreat is a dead end. He has created such a big business empire and offended so many people. There is no retreat, but he can only keep moving forward.

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