Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 715 [EXOP: Individual Soldier Load Assist System]

So far, the bionic man is undoubtedly Luo Sheng's most proud work. It is no exaggeration to say that the commercial valuation of bionic man technology in the future is unmatched by the entire Cote d'Azur.

Welfare Ji of the dead house is only one of the directions, even insignificant.

As long as it is something that human beings can do, in addition to intellectual creation, traditional labor work can be done by androids, things that humans cannot do, or some dangerous jobs that humans are unwilling to do, androids can also do and do better it is good.

For example, thousands of people can enter workplaces around the world, and safe and dangerous jobs can be handed over to androids.

At that time, being able to work and work has become a privilege of human beings. In the near future, being qualified to work will become a privilege that can only be possessed by a few people, and most low-level labor will no longer need human beings in the future society. .

In the near future, when the human society releases unprecedented productivity with the advancement of science and technology, a large number of unemployed people will multiply, but the unemployed people can still live and have basic living security, but it is not too much for such groups to live. meaning, and this will bring instability to society.

At this time, it is necessary to hedge against such unstable factors. There is no doubt that Luo Sheng's solution is a virtual world, so that these people can rediscover the meaning of life in the virtual world, at least if they are addicted to it, they will not be in reality. There's something going on in the street.

Luo Sheng put his hands down, not teasing the beautiful tool girl, but suddenly No. 2 said: "If the master really wants, I can reshape the body again, the master only needs to provide some pouring mold data that you have poured out. Parameter indicators will do.”

Hearing this, Luo Sheng stumbled, looked at the real human emotions simulated by No. 2, coughed a few times, and said indifferently: "Don't play cute and foolish things in front of me, I just praised it. It's just a genius level of design."

Luo Sheng is not enough to start with the tool people, and even real people can't serve it, so it's not enough to not be hafnium...

"Okay, then... I'm going to build No. 18." No. 2 Bionic Girl said with a smile, this is her current main job.

Just when she was going to work, Luo Sheng suddenly stopped her when she heard this and said, "Wait, the number 18 character is defined as a woman, just follow this blonde image."

After speaking, Luo Sheng called up a picture on the display panel.

The No. 2 android sister paper quickly downloaded the picture information and asked curiously, "Yes, master. But can I ask why you want to take this image?"

Luo Sheng smiled and said, "It's nothing,

It's just because of feelings, let's go to work for you first. "

"Okay, master."

When he heard the word No. 18, Luo Sheng couldn't help but think of the android No. 18, and he immediately thought of paying tribute.

So far, making bionics is not enough to achieve mass production. On average, only one can be produced per month, and only 12 in a year, but now it is only used exclusively.

Before the virtual world ecosystem was established, Luo Sheng would not consider the commercialization of bionics. He used enough for his own use, and the cost was huge. Only the super rich could afford the single cost of 200 million US dollars. .

Luo Sheng left the underground laboratory and went to the Cote d'Azur laboratory that day. The company has undertaken three major military research projects, one of which is the swarm drone, as well as the unmanned underwater vehicle and the powered exoskeleton.

Compared with outsiders, especially netizens who call it a "mechanical exoskeleton", the Cote d'Azur internally defines the equipment as a "individual load-bearing assistance system", which is oriented to the military field, focuses on compressing the load, and can quickly A set of peripheral aids that synchronizes the wearer's movements.


"The research and development of the EXOP-X system has entered the commissioning stage. It is equipped with 128 large and small sensors, 18 drivers and 3 controllers, which ensures the perfect synchronization and increase of mechanics. The cost is about 400,000 yuan."

At this moment, Luo Sheng came to the "Individual Soldier Load Assist System" department. The person in charge of this department was receiving the BOSS and introduced the current work progress to him.

In this indoor test site, twenty or thirty staff members are doing their own thing, and five or six complete sets of EXOP-X individual soldier load-bearing assistance systems are being tested.

Luo Sheng looked around slowly, and said: "Exoskeletons have been active in the human science and technology stage for nearly a hundred years, and have made great progress in recent years, but there are still many problems, and the mechanics of the most basic movements have been solved. In addition to synchronization, the method of EMG signal acquisition has relatively strict environmental restrictions. The sensor will be interfered by subtle factors such as sweat, which will cause the exoskeleton to delay the action feedback, making it difficult to perform difficult movements. This technical pain point Pay attention, on the battlefield, this will be fatal, and there is no room for sloppy."

The head of the department nodded and said: "Generally speaking, our EXOP system is in a leading position in the world in terms of load-bearing capacity and design structure, which is more advanced than the old American Raytheon and Boston Dynamics, but still faces the problem of battery life. And the lack of power, the power problem is okay, it can be high or low this year, it’s just a matter of time, mainly the issue of battery life.”

Luo Sheng said: "Don't worry about battery life, the new energy research department has been developing new high-density energy batteries for some years, and the technology is constantly improving. Combined with the application of new materials such as graphene, the battery life problem will not be a hindrance, maybe it will be first. One step success."

The new energy department has been established for seven or eight years, and the investment is also huge, especially the development of new graphene materials. This project is the company's gold-swallowing beast second only to virtual brain machines.

At this time, the person in charge of the department suggested: "Mr. Luo, the lack of battery life is mainly related to the more severe military use, which is only for civilian use. I think it is completely fine. Is it possible to consider launching corresponding products in the civilian market first? This will also spread the R\u0026D costs to a large extent.”

Although the company is super rich, major departments also have KPIs, which are two different things.

The load-bearing auxiliary system is also a very broad product in the civilian field. For example, it can play a significant role in the logistics industry. In addition, in some disaster areas, such as fire occurrences, firefighters wearing this peripheral auxiliary equipment smash the wall in a circle. It is not impossible to save people.

As long as the practicality goes up, there is no business prospect at all.

However, Luo Sheng rejected his proposal on the spot, only to see him shaking his head and saying: "For civil use, it is enough for the EXOP system to focus on military use. As for the civil use, Borch Technology is doing it, and it will be a bit resource-intensive. The repetition is wasted."

Borch Technology is a technology company founded by Chen Xin after the 1990s. It is now a well-known start-up company in the industry. People's perception of the company is that it is a provider of human bionic prostheses.

It is worth mentioning that the birth of Borch Technology has impacted the existing prosthesis market, and its price is more than 10 times lower than that of traditional manufacturers and its superior experience has quickly occupied the market.

Chen Xin is also actively expanding into new markets. The bionic prosthesis is also a kind of mechanical exoskeleton, but it is only a partial exoskeleton, but it also shows that Borch Technology has a technical foundation.

Luo Sheng asked: "When is it expected to be put into use?"

The person in charge replied: "It can be put into use sooner in the second half of the year, and at the beginning of next year at the latest, but only if the battery life remains unchanged, it depends on the research and development progress of new high-density energy batteries in the new energy sector."

Luo Sheng nodded: "Well, organize a report for me, and I have to send it to Colonel Yang Hongyi later."

The "X" of the EXOP-X system is the test version, that is, the prototype. The first generation of products after finalization is the "EXOP-A" model.


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