Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 718 [Justice from the sky, blow up labor and capital! 】

Liberia, the port of Misrata.

A western-looking soldier walked towards an American Humvee military vehicle, knocked on the window and said, "Boss, the ship is here."

Gross got out of the car and looked towards the port. A huge freighter had arrived at the port. The ship would stop here for a day and leave. The final destination was to arrive in Western Europe, which was a merchant ship.

Gross, who retracted his gaze, snapped his fingers, waved his hand, and dozens of heavy trucks drove into the unloading dock.

For a moment, Gross turned on the major communication channels: "All units pay attention and stay alert."

At the same time, someone in a private house in the distance was focusing on the cargo terminal with a telescope. Horizon Security Company dispatched more than 300 people this time, which attracted the attention of many forces.

That's pretty much bringing together Horizon Security's generation in North Africa.

Everyone knows that Horizon Security Company is a modern version of the "escort bureau", and the fact that so many people can be dispatched shows that the goods escorted this time must be invaluable.

Naturally, it has also attracted the covetousness of many forces.

At this moment, a total of 83 containers were unloaded from the cargo ship, and a heavy truck was allocated a standard container, which, without exception, contained dozens of tons of cash and US dollar bills.

Three of the containers were full of physical gold, for a total of 73 tonnes of physical gold.

All the people present, except the android No. 8 Gross, knew what was in the cargo box, no one else knew.

Heavy trucks carrying containers drove out from the freight terminal, and everything was advancing steadily.

But just when the 67th container was towed to the transporter, the crane operator's mistake caused the covered container to overturn and hit the ground heavily.

"Boss, something happened."

Gross went straight to the scene after receiving the news. At this moment, all the people present were staring at the gold bricks scattered all over the hatch at the rear of the container. Unfortunately, this container happened to be loaded with physical gold.

There is also a small amount of cash in US dollar bills, but a small amount is relatively speaking. In fact, there are several tons of cash, all of which are 100-yuan bills, and a little more than one ton is 100 million US dollars.


A liaison officer sent by the local warlord stood on the left of Gross, his eyes were firmly down on the gold dollar bills on the ground, and his heart was beating wildly.

Are all these boxes full of...


A gunshot suddenly sounded and woke everyone in the port. Several mercenary members here subconsciously looked at the reputation, and they saw that Gross's hand was aimed at the liaison officer sent by the local warlord, and this The liaison officer's head had already been shot by a bullet.

fell to the ground.

"Control the port, all units are ready to fight, any intruders will be killed directly, and continue to transport." Gross face was cold and decisive, he put away his firearms and left here with calm and determined steps, heading towards his Humvee. .

At the same time, all the mercenaries reacted and moved quickly.

In less than fifteen minutes, all the local warlords in the port were captured or killed, and the entire port was controlled.

"Where to go? If you want to survive, load the remaining cargo boxes immediately." A mercenary quickly rushed to the control room of a crane at the dock and pointed a gun at the operator inside.

"Don't kill me, I will do as I do, please don't kill me." The operator shivered in fright, returned to the driver's seat honestly, and began to unload the goods tremblingly.

At the same time, in a private house in the distance, some people called out immediately after seeing the picture of the gold dollar bills scattered on the ground.

The nearby forces soon began to gather troops and rushed towards this side, which was almost irresistible to the temptation of the gold dollar bills in the container.


Gross came to his Humvee. His face was expressionless, and even the adjutant next to him was a little empty. This is his personality.

I saw Gross set up a unique signal transmitter, and then sat in the Humvee. He didn't say a word, but the signal in his mind had been sent out through the transmitter.

Fortunately, a preparatory plan was made, this batch of goods is really too expensive.

There were trucks parked along the way back to the branch camp. There was nothing else in the carriage. It was a swarm drone produced by Lyle Binary. After receiving the order, the personnel here immediately went to the rear of the car and opened the door. The slide rails are automatically extended.

I saw a drone take off and rushed to the sky...


Port of Misrata.

Those who resisted were killed, and those who gave up their resistance were tied up and watched.

After about two hours, the remaining containers were finally unloaded, and the gold and US dollar bills scattered all over the place were recovered.

Gross didn't take any pictures. Under his order, more than 300 people got on the bus, and a convoy of more than 100 heavy trucks, military transport vehicles and Hummers pulled into a long line and left Mi. Port of Surata.

The dust raised by driving on the desert is spectacular.

At the front of the team, Gross was in the co-pilot position of one of the Humvee military vehicles. He didn't say a word.

They didn't know that it was impossible for Gross, as an android, to be in a hurry, not to get angry or panic, even if he showed it, it was fake.

But it is also more awe-inspiring to the people below.

An hour and a half later, a voice came from the public frequency communication channel: "Boss, the picture from the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft shows that a large number of enemies are approaching, and their identities are unknown, but they should be divided into several groups."

Obviously, the news here came out, and some nearby forces came as soon as sharks smelled the smell of blood.

It was estimated that there were nearly four or five thousand people.

Gross said calmly: "All units pay attention, move forward at full speed, leave them alone, there will be something to take care of them."

The convoy continued to move forward, and at the same time, many figures appeared in front of and on both sides of the road, shouting incessantly, and basically all AKs were in their hands.

Da da da--!

All of a sudden, the surrounding forces, those with AKs, regardless of whether the range was sufficient, continued to talk, and the AK guns in the emojis appeared on the scene, and some people shot directly at the sky.

The battle was very intimidating, but the mercenaries in the convoy were very calm, not panicking because the number of opponents was more than ten times their own. They were just preparing to fight. The snipers in the team were already in place and were looking for the leader.

"Chong, rush, rush, a car full of gold, a car full of dollar bills!!"

"Oh oh oh~~"

In the desert, thousands of people came to completely outflank, and there were also some off-road vehicles galloping in the crowd.

These people have no idea that more than 2,000 swarm drones with air-to-surface missiles are hovering over their heads, just when they are about 2 kilometers away from the convoy...

Gross's "consciousness" has already appeared in the topography of the entire field. When his "idea" moves, the brain chip sends out instructions through the transmitter. Among the drones hovering above the sky, more than 300 drones are unmanned. When the aircraft receives the instruction, the missile will be launched immediately after the lock is completed according to the coordinate information received.

More than 300 flames and flames appeared in the sky, all the forces on the ground, those old buddies holding AK saw the picture that suddenly appeared in the sky, and subconsciously slowed down the pace of the charge.

But the time left for them to hesitate was only three seconds.

The next scene is... justice from heaven.

"Oh, Sh*t..."

A mercenary in a Humvee in the convoy was also shocked when he saw the scene outside. In this round of air-to-ground strikes, one-third of the enemies were basically gone.

Another mercenary sitting next to him said blankly: "When I served in the Marine Corps, I participated in the Sea Bend War, and I have never enjoyed such an explosive air support."

"Hey, times have changed, man. Enjoy the high-tech aesthetic of violence."

These mercenaries who live by licking the knife have long been numb to the scene outside, and if they mix in this land, they will either kill the enemy or be killed by the enemy.

This scene also had a deterrent effect on these mercenaries, realizing the disparity between their weak strength and large institutions, the treatment of the horizon far exceeds the industry level, and it is enough to honestly take the generous treatment and work hard. With such a strong air support, the survival rate has also greatly increased.

The mercenaries live a life of licking the knife's edge, but it doesn't mean that they are not afraid of death. Everyone wants to live and live better.


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