Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 722 [Artificial Electronic Skin]

Friday night, August 24th.

The high-profile "2018 Cote d'Azur Technology Expo" in the science and technology industry officially held its opening ceremony at 7:45 this evening. About 70,000 spectators came to the scene. The highlight is tomorrow.

But tonight's show was just as exciting. The director of the opening ceremony invited Lao Mouzi, who was in charge of the director tube was naturally equal to a big scene. The audience who came to the scene and watched the live broadcast enjoyed a grand fireworks show. .

The highlight is a super-large dense grid composed of 150,000 rotary-wing swarm drones in the night sky. Each drone is equipped with LED lights, which constitute a floating display panel. .

Although the "resolution" is a bit large, it is high enough from the ground to display a line of striking "Welcome to the 2018 Cote d'Azur Tech Expo" without a problem.

When this scene appeared, the audience instantly burst into cheers. The audience who saw this scene for the first time were all shocked. Basically, two-thirds of the city can see this picture as long as they look up at the night sky.

Even ordinary melon eaters know that it's not easy here.

Don't look at just lighting up a line of words in the night sky, but this is not something everyone can do. Behind it is an extreme interpretation of drone swarm technology and artificial intelligence technology.

So far, there are only two companies recognized in the world that can do it. The first is the Côte d'Azur, followed by the North American Lyle Binary Company, but the technology is slightly inferior to the Côte d'Azur.

However, the outside world doesn't know the truth, and they don't know that Luo Sheng is also manipulating behind Lyle's binary.

Next, 150,000 rotary-wing drones were shifted in the night sky, performing a starry sky show that the audience had never seen before. In terms of the creation and contrast of the big scene, the Chinese people have been good players since ancient times. , after all, the Great Wall was built more than 2,000 years ago.

"Tonight's art show at the opening ceremony is the best compliment to technology..."

A media reporter from the mainland looked up at the starry sky and sighed, saying that swarm drones can not only carry out ruthless bombing in Liberia, but technology always has its two sides.

The opening ceremony ended at around 9:30, and the news here spread quickly, and it also appeared in the hot search entries, officially igniting the Cote d'Azur Technology Expo.


At about eight o'clock the next morning,

The exhibition venue was officially opened to the public. Visitors and tourists entered the venue with tickets. In the early morning, the main entrance of the Côte d'Azur Company's City of Galaxies was already bustling and overcrowded.

For those who are not employees of the company, it is usually impossible to enter the city of Galaxy. This exhibition is a rare opportunity for many people who want to have a glimpse of this world-renowned black technology R\u0026D center. .

Over time, hundreds of thousands of people poured into the exhibition site, and most of them came to the area in front of the main stage.

According to the weather forecast, the next week will be scorching sun, with thousands of people gathered in the early morning, the scene will only be hotter than usual.

"Huh? The floor was re-laid? Are the gaps cold?"

A tourist felt the coolness under his feet, and only then did he realize that there was a super central air conditioner under his feet.

"To have money is to be self-willed, and to have money is good. It's no wonder that you don't feel hot at all by letting the air-conditioning without money. Now you don't have to worry about heatstroke."

Open-air air conditioners are only used by people like the Riviera. If they want to keep cool in the area, they must constantly release strong cold air.

The point is, it takes a few days to dismantle it all.

If you scan it with a thermal imager, you will find that the expo site is blue, and the outside area is yellowish and deepening.


As time went on, at around 8:30, the main stage area erupted without warning and spread rapidly.

It turned out that everyone noticed one after another that Luo Sheng's camera appeared on the giant screen of the main stage, and he was already standing on the stage.

Like a "pilgrim pilgrimage", it suddenly became a star chasing scene.

On the stage, Luo Sheng, with a bright smile on his face, raised his hand and pressed it down. After the cheers on the scene gradually subsided, he said, "Welcome to the 2018 Cote d'Azur Expo. It seems that my popularity has always been high. Outside but within reason.”

There was a burst of laughter at the scene, and after making a simple opening remark, Luo Sheng continued: "As the company continues to grow and develop, for the past fifteen years, our day-to-day and year-by-year research has finally ushered in The rewards are so rich and the results come together that we have decided to announce our latest achievements in the form of a corporate technology expo in the future.”

This is what it says...

What makes other colleagues in the industry so bad, the implication of Luo Sheng's words is: I have achieved too many achievements in the Cote d'Azur, and it is not enough to hold a press conference every time I achieve a result, maybe 365 days a year. Yes, so we focus on disclosing exhibitions to optimize the operational efficiency of enterprises.

"2018 was an exciting year for the Côte d'Azur, and indeed for the global technology community, as technology continues to advance, and we can see that although human beings have made great achievements in technology, more and more have been Scenarios and applications in science fiction films have now become reality one by one.”

"But at the same time, we also found a problem, that is, the more we know, the more we find that we don't know, and what we don't know, what we are studying, will also have an impact on our future life. With a foreseeable disruptive impact, we are proud and fortunate to be in an era of rapid technological change.”


The audience gave warm applause for the first time.

On the stage, Luo Sheng strolled back and forth, waiting for a while, before the applause faded, and his voice resounded through the audience again.

“The most exciting technological breakthrough we are going to introduce today is the graphene material. Basically, we can say with certainty that 2018 will be the first year of the graphene era, and we are delighted to have the Côte d’Azur leading this era. arrival."

After hearing Luo Sheng's confident declaration, the people in the industry, whether present or watching the live broadcast, all exclaimed, they never expected that this move from the Cote d'Azur would be a direct blow.

Scientific research institutions around the world, including major technology giants, are seizing the technological commanding heights of new graphene materials, but all have limited income and slow progress.

Unexpectedly, the Cote d'Azur was officially announced at this time.

Cote d'Azur is happy, but other scientific research companies or R\u0026D institutions are not happy.

On the stage, Luo Sheng calmly said: "Since two British physicists discovered graphene, a brand new two-dimensional material in 2004, mankind has never stopped further development of it. Coincidentally, Côte d'Azur was established in 2004, when our laboratory department had already carried out a project demonstration on graphene two-dimensional materials, there was not much money at that time, so the first funding was only 1 million yuan."

Hearing this story made everyone feel incredible, and even felt incomparable admiration for Luo Sheng's forward-looking and strategic vision. This is the first time the outside world learned about the earliest period of the Cote d'Azur's research on graphene. It turned out to be from the company's establishment. It has already focused on the world's most cutting-edge technology fields.

Being able to achieve today's achievements is really not an accidental factor, and countless people in the industry have to be convinced.

"Graphene is not only the thinnest and hardest nanomaterial known in the world, but also has the unparalleled high flexibility and high light transmittance of other conductive and thermally conductive materials, and its scientific research value is extremely high. No further elaboration is needed.”

"In fact, the Azure-5 in your hands has already been applied to some applications of graphene materials, and we rely on it to solve the screen effect of the under-screen camera, thus bringing a true full-screen mobile phone to the world. "

"But this is only one of the application scenarios of graphene materials. Now we have made a package of major breakthroughs in the application of this material. Our researchers have achieved the first application of it in prosthetics. The first presented is about a major breakthrough in graphene technology - artificial electronic skin."


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