Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 71 [Ambition's New Goal]

Compete with Apple and compete with Steve Jobs?

The rhythm of the battle lines getting longer and longer.

Everyone was caught off guard. After a while, Yu Jun, who was present, couldn't help but say, "Mr. Luo, you mean a new product... If I'm not mistaken, it's competing with Apple's iTunes, right?"

Luo Sheng smiled and snapped his fingers, nodded affirmatively, and then said: "On October 23, 2001, Jobs took out the revolutionary product iPod from his jeans pocket, and iTunes was on the same day. Upgraded to version 2.0 to support iPod synchronization online management. Soon, the iPod was sweeping the global market, and Jobs hoped to use the momentum of the iPod's success to build iTunes into an online music store, thus allowing Apple to smoothly enter the digital music industry."

"Boss, the crux of the problem is that our core business as an Internet company is social networking sites. Steve Jobs has an iPod, but we don't have similar hardware product support." Xu Yong said frankly, but his words were concise and to the point, which can be described as a pain point.

"It's okay, let's make the PC client first. As for the latter, Shanren has his own plan, let me sell it." Luo Sheng said with extremely strong confidence, he didn't tell Xu Yong their inner plan now.

Now that he is reborn, Luo Sheng is of course using his advanced thinking and technical strength to decisively intercept Hu Jobs. He must launch the first real touch screen smartphone before Qiao Gangzhu launches the first generation iPhone. Isn't there a terminal platform?

Unsurprisingly, Steve Jobs will secretly develop the iPhone this year, and around January 2007, he will launch this globally sensational electronic product and put the Internet in his pocket, and the mobile Internet will come.

Luo Sheng has already made preparations in his heart. This year, the plan must be implemented. The starting time is similar to that of Steve Jobs. He can still seize the opportunity. The leader of Qiao has the advantage of relying on Apple's technology accumulation, but Luo Sheng is not bad. As a genius transmigrator, His own technical development ability is even more than that, which is his unique advantage.

After a while, Luo Sheng put away all these thoughts for the time being. Although time was tight and there were many things to do, he had to go step by step.

Closing the laptop, Luo Sheng looked at the crowd again and said, "Our development plan this time is extremely huge. Strictly speaking, we have to make four products at the same time to separate audio and video, namely streaming online video and online digital. Music, followed by domestic and international versions, streaming video is the most important, followed by digital music.”

Everyone didn't say a word, listening to Luo Sheng's orderly speech: "The digital music project, the domestic version is called Bluestar Music, the overseas version is MusicSpace (music space); the online streaming video project, the domestic version is called Bluestar Video, the international version is called BluestarVideo, and this is the development task that our company will complete in the first half of this year.”

"Half a year?" Xu Yong was stunned for a moment, then quickly said: "Boss, what an international joke, you can't finish it in half a year, and it's equal to four major projects!"

"What four major projects are actually two." Luo Sheng said calmly: "Don't worry, you are responsible for the domestic version. I will arrange for the overseas version to be completed by engineers in North America."

He has not forgotten that the three founders of YouTube, including Chen Shijun, are now his own employees, and it is enough to let them lead the development of the international version.

As for YouTube, brother has come to this era, so it's better not to appear.

"If you don't have to be responsible for the development of the overseas version, it shouldn't be a problem within half a year." Xu Yong nodded thoughtfully, the company has now received about 2.7 billion in financing, and has also relocated to Suzhou City, rapidly expanding the recruitment of engineers, and Luo Sheng must also have to join the development sequence,

It's not an impossible task.

At this time, Luo Sheng looked around the crowd and said with a smile: "If BlueSpace is a social networking site based on the rise of the [web2.0 era], then the new project is based on the rise of online streaming media video sharing in the [web2.0 era]. Websites, especially Bluestar Video, this time we are going to make a video sharing website based on UGC... UGC is called [User Generated Content], that is, user-generated content, that is, a video sharing website with user-generated content as the core.”

Luo Sheng briefly introduced the model and concept of the new project to everyone, and then said in a very eloquent manner:

"The goal of our new project is to seek to create another blue space or another Google, just as blue space will become synonymous with social networking sites and Google is synonymous with search engines, Blue Star Video will also become online video Synonymous with service, and to surpass Netflix as the goal of the entire online video industry."

At present, there is only one online streaming video service platform that attracts Luo Sheng's attention. It is definitely not Kufeng Video, which was launched last year, but Netflix, which has been established for five or six years. This is a North American streaming media on-demand. online provider.

But "Bluestar Video" is not the target of Netflix. The web2.0 era has only begun to rise. What Bluestar Video wants to do is an online streaming video sharing website, and the target is YouTube. Of course, there is no YouTube anymore.

This website can't even find a shadow now. Its three co-founders have now worked for Bluestar Technology. They don't have it now and will not have it in the future. There will only be a BluestarVideo video website in the future.

When you think that the YouTube traffic in the original world will become a super monster second only to Google, you don't have to think about Luo Sheng's mission of not forgetting his original intention, keeping in mind his own path, and leaving others without a path.

And I firmly believe that I have the advantage of foresight, and I can definitely do better than YouTube.


After getting the B round of financing, Luo Sheng can be said to be busier, because time is money, and a slow step will lead to a slow step.

He is now well-known in the industry, and it can be said that he is in full swing. A large number of media want to interview her, and a large number of programs want to invite him as a guest, because although his experience is not long, it is too legendary. He dropped out of school in his second year to start a business. , the established Bluestar Technology Co., Ltd. rose rapidly in the Internet industry and became one of the "BALT" four giants.

This year, Luo Sheng is only 20 years old, and he is 20 years old. What is more topical is his valuation, which has reached a valuation of ¥15.5 billion, while the current richest man in China is worth ¥12.4 billion. In other words, based on valuation, Luo Sheng is already the new richest man in the country.

In order to gain attention and click-through rate, some media directly wrote that Luo Sheng's worth is already the new richest man in China. Although the media exaggerated, it did not prevent him from becoming a hot spot in the business and Internet technology circles. And the rise of the process can be called a legendary story.

It took a year from scratch to achieve such a high level, which also makes many people feel that the Internet field is really a place of wealth creation, but people who have been ups and downs in the business world for many years do not have much emotion about this.

After all, in their opinion, the Internet is too empty, and sometimes it gets up quickly and sometimes falls the worst. Relatively speaking, Luo Sheng is in the eyes of many long-established business leaders, especially those in the industry. His roots are too shallow, like duckweed.

But this didn't prevent the media from chasing after him, but Luo Sheng didn't have this spare time to waste to brag, and he rejected all the invitations and interviews of any program without exception.


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