Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 849 [Unity is strength]

After a period of time in the game, Han Cheng and other players quickly gained a firm foothold in the collapsed city. More than 200 domestic players chose to form a group and seize the site to establish a stronghold for collective management and development.

There are about 800,000 NPC citizens in the city where the game is located. Population is an extremely important macro mechanism in this game. Under normal circumstances, it will not only accelerate the consumption of resources and lead to a bad living environment and eventually fail, but also achieve positive circulation of resources through organizational ability to survive. natural disaster.

How it evolves depends on the player's choice,

As the game continues, domestic players control a site and its population and resources in the southern part of the city, and foreign players also control the site and its population and resources in the northern part of the city.

Foreign players began to become emperors of the earth, and they frantically expanded their territory to rule and exploit NPC citizens for huge profits. Of course, the biggest fun is to kill other players and plunder their population and resources.

It can be said that the territory controlled by more than 600 foreign players is fighting every day, and the game of human nature is being staged all the time.

On the other hand, the territory controlled by more than 200 domestic players was actively defended under the leadership of a player called "The Other Side of Cangxue". After forming a group, foreign players could not attack, and they did not choose to establish an alliance. individualism.

After the alliance of the Red Army, it began to operate in an orderly manner, and all players felt full of substitution.

After Han Cheng joined the Red Army, he played a logistical role. Another group of players collected some equipment and restored the power to the sites controlled by the alliance. In addition, the water pump also collapsed due to the power failure. The tap water became less and less, and the food was refrigerated. It is also gradually corrupting due to power outages.

If the player does not intervene, as the game time progresses, the survival resources will continue to decrease sharply, and the NPC population on the controlled site will also start to create chaos, leading to a further vicious circle.

The game has continued to the present, and it has finally been differentiated, and the choice of social system has begun. Domestic players and foreign players represent two directions.

It was also at this time that the western hedonism thought and the eastern spirit of hard work started a fierce collision, a contest between individualism and collectivism.

Domestic players hope to restore order and restore production to solve the survival crisis. Foreign players choose to plunder, which leads to accelerated consumption of survival resources in northern cities, and naturally drives players to further plunder to maintain high consumption.

The NPC citizens in the city are called "tricksters" by the players because they are too troublesome.

On the side controlled by the Red Army, under the leadership of "Cangxue Beyond", public departments such as monitoring posts, propaganda departments, and prisons have been gradually established to complete top-down control and governance. .

Obviously, this is the essence of knowing the credibility of the gun. The site controlled by the Red Army has a population of about 300,000 NPCs. When the game is in the middle of the game, the frequency of NPCs under the coordination of domestic players starts to make troubles. down.

Players also gradually gain leader reputation.

Next, domestic players such as Han Cheng received systematic reminders, and citizens in the area under their control began a large-scale petition, hoping to obtain food and water and other guarantees of life, and hope to obtain job opportunities.

Okay, such a request is not excessive, and once a stable order is obtained, production can be resumed.

As the game continues, the consumption of survival resources in the territory controlled by the Red Army gradually eases, the unemployment rate gradually decreases, and the crime rate also gradually decreases.

As a doomsday survival game, "Sky Cataclysm" has been completed by more than 200 domestic players including Han Cheng. A completely different situation from the north of the city.

The northern part of the city controlled by foreign players is still a collapsed wasteland world, while the southern part has restored order and a thriving situation has emerged.

In this game,

When foreign players are still struggling with the accelerated consumption of survival resources and plundering each other, the resources and food on the Red Army's side have begun to accumulate, and the industry has also developed, and more and more advanced weapons can be manufactured. Not only the new population appears In order to grow, the NPC citizens of the hostile chassis also came in as refugees.

In this regard, the Red Army is also correct, and no one refuses to come.

What kind of human torture, what kind of natural selection, the law of the jungle, etc., are not a problem here in the Red Army where materials continue to overflow. The only thing to do is to build more storage centers, otherwise the resources produced will have no place. put.

You have food in your hands, don't panic.

With the gradual increase in the development strength of the Red Army Corps, more weapons and equipment were produced. Under the leadership of "Cangxue Beyond", the end of keeping a low profile and keeping a low profile, every player was armed to the teeth. Hands on.

The location of the Red Shirts is located in the south of the city, so they put forward the slogan of "Northern Expedition" to liberate the whole city.

At this time, the propaganda department established before came into effect.

Before the army overwhelmed the territory, the war of public opinion took place first, which led to a situation of "uprising" or "strike" by NPC citizens in the territory controlled by foreign players, which made foreign players who were already lacking in resources even worse.

Luo Sheng, who was observing secretly, was stunned for a moment: "Yes, there are rules, laws and routines..."

There is no strict time limit in the game, and the degree of freedom is extremely high. Different players choose different ways of playing the game and the time is uncertain, and the ending is different.

In this game on the host server where Han Cheng is located, as the Red Army Corps ended Gou's situation and officially kicked off the "Northern Expedition" prelude, it seemed that the game was about to enter the late stage.

There is more logistical support on this side, and the attack is organized in an organized manner. On the other side, foreign players have the advantage of being empty and crowded, but they are fighting each other and resources are seriously scarce.

The Red Shirts pushed through the northern expedition, and the foreign players were defeated like a mountain. Finally, they made a suicidal resistance and left a sentence of "Sao Nima" to end their sinful life.

Although he was very angry, he did not choose to be reborn and join the game again, because the Red Army already had an absolute advantage in this game, and the foreign players who entered the game were quickly caught by the Red Army players and asked to confirm the identity of the password.

After confirming your identity, you will distribute supplies, weapons and ammunition, and put on a set of red clothes to become the Red Army.

Once they can't match the code, they will be killed on the spot.


"What a bummer, this Nima is the life of the game, development and production beat foreigners, cool!" Han Cheng ended the game and exited "Sky Cataclysm" and returned to the personal console interface space, and his current mood is still too high.

I was the most excited during the Northern Expedition. During the attack, someone blew the charge horn. Han Cheng and another player attacked with an NPC army, which was very real.

He didn't expect that the game content of "Sky Cataclysm" was so rich, and he could definitely play it forever, but this game ended relatively quickly. After cleaning up all the foreign players, he created a nuclear pop-up to end the game.

The reason is that the game is not used to the life of the "tricksters" in the game. It is really good. The later development not only survived the natural disaster, but also achieved on-demand distribution. The players are very pleased, so they agreed to give it a permanent check. .

Diaomin: ? ? ?

"Jiu'er, what time is it in the real world now?" Han Cheng still wanted to play another game.

"It's one o'clock in the afternoon."

"It's already one o'clock in the afternoon?"

Han Cheng was stunned when he heard it. He came here at seven or eight in the morning. He didn't expect that five or six hours had passed in the real world.

Obviously, I haven't had enough fun yet, but Han Cheng finally got off the plane because he had something to do in the afternoon.

He just got off the machine, and this machine was quickly seized by another buddy. Han Cheng knew that it was impossible to have a chance to play today after getting off the machine. There are still a large group of people waiting in the Internet cafe.

Before leaving the Internet cafe, I went to the cashier to register as a member, and recharged thousands of yuan at one time to upgrade to a senior member. Without hesitation, I got the membership card and left with satisfaction.


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