Global Monopoly of Technology

Eight hundred and fifty-ninth chapters [Is it fragrant? Is it fragrant? Is it fragrant? 】

"Everyone should know that the underlying protocol of the WOS open source ecosystem is compatible with the AOS ecosystem, but the different protocol solutions of major manufacturers lead to incompatibility. Even if the same solution is used but the equipment manufacturers are different, the underlying layer is all its own, resulting in different devices. The connection protocol between them is like a chicken-and-duck talk.”

Luo Sheng looked at the major managers of the video connection and said in an orderly manner: "Côte d'Azur is currently considering open-sourcing this underlying protocol based on AOS and WOS, so that you can use it. First, it is open source, and secondly, the deployment cost is extremely low. There is no need for manufacturers to spend too much development costs, and only a simple transplant based on our open source protocol can embrace the entire Côte d’Azur ecosystem.”

When hearing Luo Sheng's words, every boss present showed a surprised face in unison, but also with a puzzled expression.

How would you, Luo Sheng, be kind enough to drain us the resources of the entire ecosystem?

It must be boiled frogs in warm water, and finally came to a trick to kill the big data, and suffocated us all.

First deceive everyone, and when we have a solid foundation, then we will all be your meat, and we will eliminate whoever we want. At that time, the entire home appliance industry, even the Big Three, will have to look at you Luo Sheng's face and act.

The Cote d'Azur can do whatever you want.

Can you change to a fresher routine?

"Mr. Luo, I'm not afraid of your jokes. Your company's size is too terrifying. We are a little fake."


When the others heard it, they burst into laughter, and the atmosphere seemed to be lively. In fact, everyone knew in their hearts that this was just a forced smile to demonstrate their embarrassment and anxiety.

This kind of thing that looks like a pie in the sky always feels uneasy in my heart.

However, it is not ashamed to show weakness to Cote d'Azur. Step back 10,000 steps, it really comes to the issue of vital interests, how much face can be worth a lot of money, how to force it.

Luo Sheng said with a smile: "Everyone, worry too much, I want to talk about the altruistic behavior of selfless dedication. You don't believe it when you say it, it's still shabby. Of course, the Cote d'Azur will not pay in vain. Our purpose is to consolidate the existing ecology. System, don’t make products as platforms, it’s not easy for everyone to do their part well.”

"We have more than ten years of experience as a platform, and we are the best at it. You can't, you really can't. Similarly, the Cote d'Azur may not be able to beat Winger Electric as an air conditioner, and it may not be able to beat Haier as a washing machine."

"Now the entire home appliance industry is going to the doctor in an emergency. I know that this is caused by anxiety. Everyone knows that if you focus on a single product to achieve the ultimate, you may lose to the ecology and thus lose the future. Everyone doesn't want to be hit by dimensionality reduction, so Every company is crazy and generally has to develop its own ecology and family buckets, so a single brand has to make all the products, but the question is how can it be possible to achieve the ultimate in every category?"

Faced with Luo Sheng's complaints, all the heads of the home appliance industry present were speechless. Of course they knew the difficulties, but there was no way. In an era where the ecosystem is king, the spirit of craftsmen is all nonsense. If the product is perfect, no one will use it and it will have no future. Bad money drives out good money. Although it will be mediocre if it is engaged in ecology, it can at least survive. Fight for the leftover to be king. As long as you boil your opponent to death, you can take everything.

It depends on who can endure better than bad times.

Luo Sheng continued to complain: "Too many home appliance companies have worked hard to make smart home appliances that no one uses. Is the product bad? In fact, it's not that bad, some are pretty good, but no one uses you. What can be done? What is the reason? If any set of smart home appliances is not connected together, it is just a single product in a smart skin."

"Everyone said that I have an APP, such as Gerry+APP, Midea Mercure APP, Haier Zhijia APP, etc., what kind of experience can I achieve, and then what?"

"Consumers with only one smart device are not interested, and a single brand cannot provide consumers with the most top-notch full range of products.

May I ask which major manufacturer dares to say that its air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines and other home appliances have achieved the top and best in the industry? No and impossible! "

"Then it means that if a user buys a brand of electrical appliances, they need to install a corresponding APP. Does that mean that if they buy ten or eight different brands, they need to install ten or eight APPs? Users are tired of reading it, and they will be damned when they use it!"

Being madly offended and complained by Luo Sheng, everyone was speechless with mixed feelings, and could only let him offend. This is the biggest pain point of smart home appliances.

Manufacturers are blindly engaged in ecology, and no one will use them. Even if users buy them, they will directly give up your smart home appliances and not install your APP as traditional home appliances. Or they would rather choose products with lower quality but complete ecology, and then manufacturers Seeing that other people's products are so bad, but the ecology is good, they still make money. If I make the ecology, it will not be heaven? As a result, we are even more determined to do our own ecology, and this vicious circle continues.

Massive capital investment has been put in, but the output is touching and completely disproportionate.

Smart home appliances have been roaring for so many years, and they are still half-dead now.

At the end, Luo Sheng spoke again: "Now I am willing to take the lead in building an open source platform, a public infrastructure service platform at the bottom, and do not engage in exclusive cooperation or exclusive cooperation, and I will take the place of everyone to come. Play, you don't have to worry about being hit by your peers' dimensionality reduction, everyone is in the same strong ecosystem, and the advantages and disadvantages of this part are offset by each other."

"They are all on the same starting line. You don't have to go all out in areas you are not good at, and focus on your own specialized business. The rest is to focus on a single product to impress customers. You don't have to worry about not being able to do the basics. There is no need to worry about bad money driving out good money, in the same ecosystem, users are not blind, and excellent products are not afraid of deep alleys.”

"Everyone, what I Cote d'Azur provides are low-cost, high-efficiency, fast and intelligent, and fully compatible with the Cote d'Azur family barrels and integrated into the Cote d'Azur system. When your products are compatible with my equipment, consumers have a choice. You reason."

"Two sets of refrigerators with the same price and quality are placed in front of users, one is compatible with the Cote d'Azur ecology, the other is not compatible, consumers choose 100% compatible, in the eyes of consumers, whether I use it or not, but you A must have."

"Joining the Côte d'Azur ecosystem means that hundreds of millions of high-quality customers have opened their doors to you..." Having said that, Luo Sheng looked at everyone's hands and said, "Hundreds of millions of high-quality users are at your fingertips, everyone, he Doesn't it smell good?"

The large number of users of the Côte d'Azur, this may be the most high-quality customer group.

Their spending power is definitely much stronger than that of users in other ecosystems, and they don't even look at the sky-high prices of the products of the Côte d'Azur, 20,000 yuan for a mobile phone.

With such a strong consumer group, I don't know how many manufacturers are drooling.

Is it fragrant?

Is it fragrant?

Is it fragrant?

The minds of all the bosses present are now all kinds of "fragrance" drifting through...

It's just a fragrant brushstroke!

Only a small change is needed to integrate into the ecosystem.

This allure is so fragrant that it explodes.

But the problem is that it is too fragrant, and the fragrant makes everyone feel a little unreal, or they are afraid of fraud.

Luo Sheng said with full confidence: "Everyone said why I am so kind and willing to send the best quality users to you. I want to expand my ecology and consolidate my ecology. To do this is to provide users with better services. For a high-quality ecological experience, the species must be diverse, and the user has the final say, but what I must do is that when the user wants to use it, I can immediately provide the products and services that he needs.”

"So as a consumer user, he wants to experience the whole family bucket of a smart home. They hate that now they can only choose a full range of products from a specific brand, and they hate having to have the same brand because a single brand cannot make all products top-notch. Yes, this actually limits the choices of consumers, and I want to break this barrier to give users freedom of choice and give users the choice they want."

"He can choose different top brands of home appliances, such as integrated stoves, he can choose Meida, air conditioners, Gerry, water heaters, AO, etc., regardless of the brand, he can choose the products he likes at will and still be smart Quick links and more choices, this is the ecology I want, and the ultimate experience I want to bring to my users.”

"All of you are excellent leading companies in their respective fields. I hope to make this plate together. If you insist on being your own platform, it doesn't matter. In our market, the real swords and guns compete on the basis of their ability, and the leaders are unwilling to come and play. Son, Long Er and Long San should all want to overturn the faucet and make their own faucet."

These words were deafening in the ears of all the bosses attending the meeting, and they felt it was a surprise, and they also felt that riding a horse was a kind of shock.

Intimidation and temptation are all greeted by one guy, don't make a platform when you make a product, don't make a product when you make a platform, if you don't want to give up building your own independent ecology, and don't want to join the ecology of the azure coast, Luo Sheng's last move is Really want to draw a knife and see blood.

The bosses present believed that he would definitely do the same when he said so. How can people create such a huge legendary business empire without being ruthless?

The second and third competitors in the industry want to be the boss every day, and all of them are rebels. For them, they are not limited by technology and low cost and can reach high-quality users of the Côte d’Azur. Usually, they do not dare to Thinking about it, it's so fragrant that I don't have friends.

"Mr. Luo, to be honest, let me tell you the truth. What we are most worried about is that once your company monopolizes the market dominance, it will theoretically strangle all of us by the neck. To be removed from the ecological chain is tantamount to being sentenced to death. The so-called "no immediate worries must have far-reaching thoughts", we are really afraid!"

"Yes, yes, just like our company's small plate, the peak market value is only 35.4 billion yuan, and the working capital is less than 1 billion yuan. Our company will be gone after a little sneeze on the Riviera..."

"Mr. Luo, if there is an agreement or something, our company will join the ecological chain without hesitation. Get in the car now, and withdraw the platform department when you go offline, open the person, and take the APP off the shelf!"

At this time, the bosses who attended the meeting spoke one after another, with a weak tone of frantic touts, but every inch of profit was at stake, as if they had negotiated with each other, it was almost seamless to connect layer by layer.

Although the appearance of not daring to speak loudly is not honorable, what can you do in the face of a behemoth like the Côte d'Azur?


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