Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 84 [Single 0 Price]

In any case, its excellent user experience cannot be denied. iTunes does now occupy more than 90% of the digital music market, but the speed of change in the Internet field is too fast. If the response is not timely, it may be subverted.

If these factors of MusicSpace just make Joe's gang leader attach great importance, then another factor definitely makes him anxious.

That factor is... Microsoft!

Open this music software launched by Bluestar Technology and you will find that it is synchronized with Outlook contacts and Windows users.

Apple has iTunes+iPod combination, but Bluestar Technology also indirectly owns MusicSpace+Windows combination. Although it is not as good as Apple's combination, it at least has this model.

As for the relationship between Gang Master Qiao and Gates, between Apple and Microsoft, the two sides have fallen in love with each other since the last century until now.

And Jobs has so far never thought about porting the iTunes music store to Windows, because Apple has its own Mac to sell, but no matter what, it has to admit the dominance of Windows in the PC market.

In fact, Microsoft executives are also holding meetings around Bluestar Technology's new product MusicSpace. Microsoft bought Synapse from Luo Sheng very early to fight against iTunes+Mac, but Microsoft invested in Synapse. A lot of them have not improved, and they have been basically killed by iTunes.

The emergence of MusicSpace, with such a dazzling performance in just one week, undoubtedly allowed Microsoft to see a new dawn.

After a meeting of Microsoft's executives, they decided to boost the growth of MusicSpace software on Windows, but Microsoft is not a selfless act, but to force Apple to have to port the iTunes music store to Windows. On, let the gang leader Qiao bow his arrogant head and compromise.

Now Microsoft is much more relaxed. They firmly believe that Apple will not commit to not launching a Windows version of the music store in this situation. Apple now represents the niche, and Windows represents the public, unless Apple wants to Always be a niche "non-mainstream".

After the executive meeting, Jobs decided to immediately develop the Windows version of the iTunes music store at the meeting, which is very decisive.

But there is no time to face the enemy, because Apple has reached a secret research plan with Motorola, which is also the beginning of Apple's official entry into the mobile phone market.


White is an internet junkie, a hardcore music junkie, and a huge Eminem fan, calling himself "Stan," the singer's current purplish, purplish-hot rap superstar, despite The media gave him a bad reputation because words starting with the letter F in his songs are not uncommon, but it does not prevent him from being enthusiastically pursued by fans in Europe and America, especially in North America, and every album sells well.

Of course, to say that the world music scene in this era is still MJ firmly in the top spot, no one is more popular than him, and no one wants to challenge his status.

Luo Sheng wanted to win the digital copyright of MJ, but unfortunately he couldn't get it, or he couldn't afford it.

However, MJ's brilliance did not cover up Eminem. As a white man, he was "appointed god" in the field of rap, which has always been a good show for black people, which shows his talent.

These factors make White a resident user of [MusicSapce], and he is also a senior user of [BlueSpace]. In North America nowadays,

If you don't have a [BlueSpace] social account, you would be embarrassed to say that you are a veteran player who plays with the Internet. This social networking site has now swept across North America and has become one of the most popular sites nowadays.

White fell in love with this product after opening the MusicSapce software for the first time. Registered users have a super convenient method, that is, it can be done directly through the authorization of the BlueSpace social chain. Many users are like White, without registering a new one. All accounts use their own BlueSpace authorization.

New users of MusicSpace have a great benefit, that is, they can listen to all music for free on this software for a week. The 2.25 million songs in the music library basically cover all current popular music, as well as exclusive music. .

This trick is really useful in the North American market. The proud and ignorant Americans simply do not feel the power of free. Luo Sheng originally wanted to be free for one month, but the record company refused and warned Luo Sheng, This behavior of his is defined as a destroyer of the market environment.

If he insists on doing this, the record company will take it all back after the copyright expires, and at the same time, the license of the new song will not be obtained.

After the two sides negotiated, each took a step back and compressed it into a week.

Free is a very harsh word for major record companies. It has been psychologically shadowed by Napster in the early years.

The record company is also afraid that Luo Sheng will disrupt the market. At that time, they will burn each other's money. Apple's iTunes will also be free, and no one will make any money.

In any case, Luo Sheng's free Dafa has been greatly suppressed, but the one-week free listening benefit still brings a good appeal to MusicSpace.

White learned about this PC-side music software through the promotion of BlueSpace the day after the software was launched, and the free period has expired today.

After a whole week of fun, White couldn't wait to go back in time, the feeling of listening to whatever he wanted was not too nice.

White thought about re-registering a new user, and then switching to another one after the expiration, so that he could basically listen to it for free, but found that MusicSpace's registration mechanism is the same as BlueSpace's real-name system.

This limits the proliferation of prostitution parties to a certain extent. Another is the copyright awareness of North American users. There are also certain restrictions on the moral level. The key is that people will not easily take out their identities to authorize others to use them. Matters involving privacy are very sensitive.

In fact, Bluestar Technology is quite lenient in this regard. If it were a record company, it would definitely be strictly guarded against and block everything that could be imagined.

But Bluestar Technology is different. This is an Internet company, and the number of users is very important.

Especially when the company is still in the development stage and the user data is dazzling, Luo Sheng has more confidence to speak loudly when he seeks VC financing, and gets more financing with less equity transfer.

If it weren't for the threat from the record company, Luo Sheng would definitely be more lenient. First cast a wide net, and then cancel the free benefits. Even if half of the users are lost, the rest will be high-quality users. The final absolute growth rate will definitely be higher than now. More exaggerated, quantitative changes can lead to qualitative changes.

White searched for the rapper [Eminem], and selected a single "Lose Yourself" from the list. He could listen to it for 90 seconds. He decisively connected the audio equipment and clicked to play, and his body subconsciously shook with the rhythm of the music.

Then he clicked to buy, and when he saw the price, White muttered in surprise: "God, it's so cheap? It's only $0.59 per piece?"

After a while, White decided to buy without any hesitation. He is a relatively fashionable Internet player and has his own PayPal, and the music store has access to PayPal for online payment.

Immediately started a shopping spree on it, ticking off 100 singles in one go, paying $59.

If a Chinese person sees it, he will definitely be shocked. At the exchange rate, a song costs nearly 5 yuan, which is no different from robbery. It costs 5 yuan to listen to a broken song?

But in North America, $0.59 for a song is absolutely super cheap. You must know that in this era, even in North America, most Internet users still obtain music by buying CDs and downloading pirated copies, which are illegal. Apple's iTunes ended pirated downloads, and Napster shut down.

Apple's iTunes attracts users with a low price of $0.99/cap, yes, even if $0.99/cap is a low price, and MusicSpace's $0.59 is almost half as cheap as iTunes.

It is also understandable why some foreigners come to China and the first thing they do online is to download music like crazy, because it is all free.


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