Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 863 [The terrifying military value of carbon nanotube filaments]

"Space factory? That will cost a lot of money..." Liu Jianwei couldn't help but make up the picture of the space factory. It would be best to put the factory in space. Some high-end and cutting-edge industries are manufactured in space. The environment has unparalleled advantages.

The question is, how many trillions will it take to get this done? Don't even think about it if you don't have tens of trillions.

"You don't have to worry about funding, Professor Liu. I have saved a lot of money over the years. If the budget is not enough, I can also bring in some investors." Luo Sheng said with a smile, not to mention how relaxed his tone was.

I thought: Isn't it just money, the poor only have money left~

Everyone: "..."

Everyone present was speechless.

Liu Jianwei tactically touched the mirror again: "If you build a space factory and complete the manufacturing on the planetary orbit, this problem can be solved easily."

Not all the manufacturing of the ladder cables is carried out in the space factory, but the last few processes are completed in space, and most of the manufacturing processes still need to be completed from the ground.

The cable is not made of one, but a super-large ladder cable composed of thousands of carbon nanotube filaments of equal length, and a single carbon nanofilament is equivalent to 50% of the thickness of a human hair.

Roughly speaking, the single carbon nanotube filament material is first manufactured and then independently curled, and the bundles are sealed. The quality of the single carbon nanotubes is not too large, and then transported to the planetary orbit by the vehicle. The next round of the process is carried out in the space factory above. At this time, the main process is to combine a large number of single carbon nanotubes to form the final ladder cable.

These major manufacturing processes greatly reduce the difficulty of manufacturing in the weightless space environment, and also improve the fault tolerance and efficiency, which are advantages that are not available anywhere on the planet's surface.

Luo Sheng looked at Liu Jianwei and asked, "How much natural graphite does it cost to make the raw material for this rope?"

Liu Jianwei: "No less than 4 million tons of consumption."

The raw material of the ladder cable is mainly graphite, and the expensive one is graphene. Natural graphite is quite cheap, and the current market price is about 3,000 yuan/ton.

A demand of 5 million tons is about 15 billion yuan.

And Huaguo happens to be the country with the largest natural graphite reserves in the world, about 55 million tons of reserves, and only 71 million tons of global reserves, accounting for 77% of the world's total, but although the reserves are the world's largest, the development of the domestic graphite industry has not Not ideal, it is a raw material supplier in the industrial chain for a long time.

It is worth mentioning that the graphite raw material is cheap and true, but the required carbon nanotubes are finally manufactured through a complex process and become the final ladder cable. The comprehensive calculation of R\u0026D and transportation costs will increase by more than 2,000 times.

Among them, the transportation cost is not cheap, accounting for a large proportion. Even if the recyclable rocket greatly reduces the transportation cost of humans to and from space, it is still relative data. The absolute cost is not cheap, and it is still an astronomical figure.

It also means that the rope is worth 30 trillion yuan, or about $4.36 trillion.

From the perspective of the overall structure of the space ladder from the base of the sky tower on the ground to the space station in outer space, this rope can be said to be the smallest module of the space structure, or even the most inconspicuous, but it is the most expensive in the entire ladder structure. module.

The budget of the orbiting space station compatible with the space factory is definitely enough to support the death of 1-1.5 trillion US dollars. The sky tower base on the ground is relatively cheaper, and only needs a budget of 200 billion US dollars.

However, this 4.36 trillion US dollar rope carries the mission of human beings to greatly expand to the entire solar system. Thinking about it this way, it is still very cost-effective.

"Mr. Luo, this is our result." Liu Jianwei took out an object similar to handover and gave it to Luo Sheng. The latter picked it up and looked at it. He found the thread and pulled it out and stretched it about a foot longer than normal people. The hair is half thin,

Almost invisible to the naked eye.

There is a patch at the end of the thread, and you can pull it out by pinching the patch, otherwise you have to find it for a long time.

Liu Jianwei looked at the thing in his hand and introduced: "This is a complete single carbon nanotube with a length of about 5 kilometers and a mass of only 21.211 grams."

Luo Sheng held the carbon nanowires in his hand and said nothing. After a while, he suddenly asked Liu Jianwei, "Professor Liu, if this achievement of yours will be used by the country in the military, you won't object, right?"

"Applied to the military?" Liu Jianwei was stunned, and asked curiously: "This thing is not lethal, how can it be used in the military?"

Luo Sheng shook his head and said: "No, you are wrong, it can not only play an unparalleled strategic and tactical value in the military, but also has a terrifying lethality. Professor Liu, have you read the science fiction novel "Three-Body Problem", which describes the An episode called the 'Guzheng Project'."

Liu Jianwei shook his head. He didn't have time to read science fiction. He was a person who was addicted to academic research every day and couldn't help himself.

Luo Sheng said simply: "The so-called 'Guzheng Project' plot describes the use of such ultra-high-strength nanowire materials to connect the steel pillars on both sides of the Panama Canal to form a piano of death or an internet cafe of death. When Evans, one of the leaders of the ETO organization, was mercilessly cut through the canal on the cruise ship Doomsday... Professor Liu, you have created this powerful nanofilament."

After speaking, Luo Sheng stared at Liu Jianwei, who was stunned: "This... I never thought of such an application..."

Luo Sheng played with the roll of carbon nanowires in his hand, and said, "Large-scale mass production must be reported, I think it won't be long before the military will send someone over, and from the military's point of view, it is bound to be seen at a glance. Among them, there is a huge military application value, so the first batch of nanowires manufactured is likely not to be used for ladder cables first, but the military will place orders for priority applications and military applications."

You know, the current international environment is increasingly complex.

Hearing this, Liu Jianwei was silent for a moment before replying: "It's not necessarily a bad thing to be able to use it in national defense construction, I'm not so pedantic, and I'm not so philanthropic to the world. First of all, I am a Chinese, and secondly, things are made by me. It's true, but I can't be the master no matter how you use it, it was made with your money anyway, you're the master."

Luo Sheng felt relieved when he heard what he said, and said, "Professor Liu, I can't be the master either. This master can only be done by the will of the state. Well, instead of the military coming to the door to disrupt the ladder when the time comes to report for the report, Luo Sheng is relieved. The project plan, it is better to make a batch now, and I will send it directly to the military."

Liu Jianwei nodded: "Alright, I will arrange it here, but the budget may not be enough, you have to call for money."

Luo Sheng laughed and said, "Money will never be the biggest problem with me. I'll inject 100 billion into Star Arrow International when I look back. Don't worry about the money issue. You can use it as you please, and I'll take care of it."

At the end, Luo Sheng got up, picked up the roll of nanowires on the table by the way, took it in his hand and added: "I'll leave the matter here to you, I'll take this thing."

After chatting for a few more words, he left the room with the roll of carbon nanowires.

After leaving the building, a business car at the entrance had been parked there for a long time, and Luo Sheng took the vehicle back to the Science and Technology Complex Building.

At this moment, Luo Sheng, who was sitting in the back seat, was staring at the roll of carbon nanowires in his hand.

The military will definitely attach great importance to this thing, and it will be 100% used in the military. The "invisible web" composed of carbon nanowires can create a super-large area of ​​lore traps, and it is also unparalleled in blocking important strategic waterways. Advantage.

Luo Sheng took out his mobile phone: "Xiao Na, contact Yang Hongyi for me..."


(Ps: Weak and weak looking for counting votes yin yin yin yin yin yin yin yin ~~~)

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