Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 869 [Investors: Stop beeping, start the financing channel]

The site of the annual investor conference.

Meng Qiu, who presided over the conference, was sharing Shengfeng Capital's thinking and long-term vision on strategic directions such as organization, talent and future for the global investors who came to the scene.

"...We are still unswerving in major strategic investments. Shengfeng Capital should not only invest for the future, but also maintain the organization's agility and multi-business form. It is the same in the past and in the future. Specific businesses are in a specific historical window and time. Windows play different hierarchical roles and go through different life cycles."

"Today, Shengfeng Capital has begun to enter the harvest period and the growth period of flourishing to a certain extent. Therefore, we must invest in the future, and the core of this investment is to create new species and new business formats."

"For Shengfeng Capital, our long-term vision is still to be able to revolve around the globalization of business capital. This is our consistent way of thinking and our practice..."

While speaking, Meng Qiu also called out the most proud record of Shengfeng Capital in the past few years. He also saw that every investor present was greedy, and all of them showed greedy eyes.

Two categories are listed, one is unlisted companies and the other is listed companies.

Among the companies that have been successfully listed in the investment, the most dazzling one is Xiongxin Electronics, which is listed on the Big A Science and Technology Innovation Board. The pure electric vehicle company ranks second and ranks seventh in the world, second only to Ali.

The second is PureLiFi, a Li-Fi visible light guide wireless information transmission technology research and development company of Hyland Haas. It has been successfully listed on the New York Stock Exchange for nearly two years. Its current market value is as high as 375.6 billion US dollars, ranking the world's top ten listed companies. ten.

In addition to these two large-scale listed companies, the remaining companies listed on the domestic big A science and technology innovation board have relatively small plates, but their yields are larger and are quite dazzling.

Ruitao Technology has a market value of 84.6 billion yuan (12.4 billion U.S. dollars), Jingchuang Technology has a market value of 112.7 billion yuan (16.6 billion U.S. dollars), Huachang Technology has a market value of 762.2 billion yuan (112.3 billion U.S. dollars), and Borch Technology has a market value of 518.3 billion yuan (76.3 billion U.S. dollars) )…

Several emerging semiconductor leading companies, including Reebok Technology, which went public this year, are all super unicorns whose market value exceeds 10 billion US dollars without exception.

For the investment circle, even if they invest in 100 companies, as long as one of them is successful, they can make a lot of money. In the past few years, Shengfeng Capital has successfully invested in 30 or 40 super unicorns that have been successfully listed.

Such a sturdy record can no longer be described as excessive in the eyes of other investment institutions.

However, there are still many high-quality innovative companies under Shengfeng Capital that have not yet been listed.

Not to mention other targets, global investors have been closely watching Luo Sheng's private space exploration technology company, Star Arrow International.

It is not difficult to investigate if you want to investigate and find out that in the past ten years, Star Arrow International is the company that Luo Sheng has invested the most in research and development, or even not one of them. The three major shareholders are Bluestar Technology, Azure Coast and Shengfeng Capital.

Almost every year, I don’t stop transfusion for Star Arrow International, and God knows what big move I’m holding back.

Although Star Arrow International gives people the feeling of being a bit unprofessional, they did not go to the sky in the early years, but they also set up a port transportation terminal. The key thing is that the unmanned terminal of Linga Port has been put into operation this year. It started to make a profit, with a profit of $8 million in the second quarter.

This, this...I don't know what to say.

In addition to Star and Arrow International, what attracts the most attention of global investors is Blue Star Pictures, which was independently spun off not long ago. It is certain that Blue Star Pictures, which has swallowed Fox, will be listed on the New York Stock Exchange. The incident was also a deal between Luo Sheng and Wall Street.

Blue Star Pictures is currently valued at US$300 billion, and it is another world-class giant in the field of film and television media. This valuation has surpassed Disney and Netflix.

Now, just as Meng Qiu said, Shengfeng Capital has entered a period of harvest and a period of vigorous growth. The successful listing of a series of companies in the past two years and the doubling of them have made the scale of Shengfeng Capital's assets expand rapidly. 3 trillion US dollars, and the total nominal assets reached 8.68 trillion US dollars.

Among the top ten listed companies in the world today, what is shocking is that Luo Sheng's companies have occupied half of the world for several times. PureLiFi world tenth.

There is also one of the most exaggerated private companies, the Côte d'Azur.

It can be seen that Luo Sheng stood up this time and said that he was short of money. It is not without reason that the world's top capital investment institutions gathered without a word.

Is the wealth password fake?

"...On this day, I would like to announce exciting news for all investors participating in this conference. The performance of Shengfeng Capital's interim report this year increased by 43% year-on-year, which means that investors hold Shengfeng Capital Investment. The fund's shares have achieved +23.67% floating profit this year."

At the conference, the high-spirited Mengqiu said proudly to the more than 3,000 global investors present: "The profit growth of +23.67%, compared with this year's S\u0026P 500 index rose only +4.22%, and the Shanghai index only rose +5.20%. %, the British FTSE fell by -26.3%, the German DAX fell by -5.65%, the French CAC fell by -18.79%, and the Nikkei fell by -3.52%. We outperformed all major indexes in the world and significantly lead."


As Meng Qiu's words fell, the global investors present at the conference looked at the +23.67% yield on the screen of the conference, and cheered and applauded, especially foreign faces.

At this moment, under these circumstances, Luo Sheng is like a father in the eyes of these investors. In fact, he already calls him father in his heart.

You must know that many rich people are thankful that they can even keep their assets in value. After all, the scale of funds that can easily be in the hundreds of billions is too large, and it is even more difficult to maintain high growth.

Such a large amount of capital can generate a profit of more than 20% in the first half of the year. Buffett and Berkshire Hathaway have long been thrown out of the sky by these investors.

Now, Luo Sheng is the God, God, and the real code of wealth in their minds.

However, it is worth mentioning that investors cannot immediately realize profits from the shares of Shengfeng Capital Investment Fund. The 15-year closed period is still six or seven years away from the first batch of investors to lift the ban.

It's early.

In theory, this is all paper wealth, which does not mean that the return rate can exceed 45% after the second half of the year. It is also possible to lose the profits of the first half of the year, and even theoretically lose all the profits of the previous years.

However, investors can have two ways of operating to maximize their profits. One is that Shengfeng Capital supports the dividend reinvestment model, which is settled once a quarter. If an investor chooses to reinvest dividends, the floating profits obtained will be automatically converted into funds. The fund share will increase the fund share, so that the share will increase while the principal remains unchanged, and the compound interest effect will become larger and larger.

The second is to directly cash out and leave the market, but it is not cash out of the redemption fund, because of the closed period.

But this is not the only way to leave the market. Investors who hold shares of Shengfeng Capital Investment Fund can conduct real-time transactions through financial derivatives, including futures commodity transactions, both over the counter and with third parties.

That's right, Shengfeng Capital has also been played with futures, and the current market transactions are extremely active.

This is not a trick created by Shengfeng Capital, but a group of clever ghosts on Wall Street who bypassed the fancy new game created by Shengfeng Capital. The "SF Master Company" officially born in April 2017 is the futures of Shengfeng Capital. .

To put it simply, investors who hold shares of Shengfeng Capital Fund are unable to redeem the fund directly from Shengfeng Capital due to the long closing period. However, it is inevitable that people have three urgency. Some shares are dumped on the capital market for transactions and transferred to third parties.

The entry threshold of Shengfeng Capital Investment Fund is really too high, but it is really too fragrant. There are too many people taking orders. Many investors have no way to invest. What should I do?

So Wall Street has provided these investors with a series of investment channels.

At this moment, the SF main company, which is trading all day, has been benefited by this investor conference, and has rapidly increased by 0.95% in the past ten minutes, and today has risen by 1.72%. The current price is 1898.29 The US dollar is still in the process of rising, and has already hit a premium rate of 43.23%, which is actually a bubble.

Moreover, Shengfeng Capital itself has a bubble, which means that the 43.23% premium is a bubble blown again on the basis of the bubble.

What is this concept?

This is equivalent to the current valuation of Shengfeng Capital Investment Fund in the global capital market at US$12.43 trillion. Investors agree that Shengfeng Capital can reach this price in five to eight years, and are willing to take over and take risks.

This is just the most active trading game among them. In fact, there are several financial derivatives in the global capital market that directly track Shengfeng Capital.

In the face of these Tianxiu operations on Wall Street, Shengfeng Capital did not do the same, because it completely bypassed it. This is a third-party transaction between investors' own position accounts.

There is no way for Shengfeng Capital to intervene, but at the same time, it will not take any risk, because no matter how investors resell their shares in a third party, it will not affect Shengfeng Capital. Although the two parties are related, they are not involved. the same dimension.

Qin Weimu also did not intervene to let Shengfeng Capital participate in the futures game of Shengfeng Capital. Blowing bubbles in a bubble is a serious speculative behavior. This kind of doll operation is easy to put himself in and explode.

Let the speculators go crazy for speculation, anyway, even if there is a thunderstorm, it will not affect Shengfeng Capital at all, only Shengfeng Capital will affect the market of these financial derivatives, because they are tracking Shengfeng Capital, to some extent With strong human manipulation, the risk is several times greater than that of general futures commodities, but the return is also proportional.

With a series of good news announcements that have left investors all over the world, it is in this state of excitement that it is most appropriate to start today's real focus: the $2 trillion public fundraising plan.

Meng Qiu said calmly and firmly: "OK, the next highlight should be the one that investors pay the most attention to, which is the public offering financing plan disclosed a week ago, to raise 2 trillion US dollars to support Mr. Luo Sheng's personal leadership and preparation for more than ten years. The secret project of 2018, this project is unprecedentedly large, and the information that can be disclosed at present is limited to this, I can't reveal too much, well, I don't actually know."

Well, the implication is that I need a lot of money to start this project, but I can't tell you what to do. You just need to know that this project is huge and the returns are rich. Do you want to invest money...

Each investor's seat in the auditorium area of ​​the scene has a microphone. At this moment, a bald investor with a foreign face directly broke the wired microphone in front of him and interrupted:

"In today's mainstream capital market, Mr. Luo's famous saying of 'three not many principles' 15 years ago has been circulating: please follow the three principles when investing in my projects, don't think too much, don't ask too much, don't do too much, and then lie down. We’re waiting to count the money. We don’t want to ask, think, or do more, we just want to make money. So! Do you want to enter the financing channel as soon as possible?”

It's so real.

The subtext is: Well, stop beeping, we know and don’t want to know, hurry up and start financing, the cash in hand is depreciating every second, and we can’t wait!


(Ps: Asking for tickets in the middle of the night~~~ I should have slept at this point, so I can roar again tomorrow)

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