Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 872 [Investors: Hold on, don't panic, Luo Sheng is definitely not a fool]

Is this a point, or a million points?

This was beyond Luo Sheng's expectations. After being stunned for two seconds, he couldn't help laughing and laughing: "I said I can be so blind, no, I'm under a lot of pressure."

In fact, I can't blame the country for being superstitious, because it's so fragrant.

The share of state-owned assets in Shengfeng Capital has accounted for 35% for more than ten years. It has decreased on the way, but it is gradually increasing as a whole. According to the current asset management scale, 20 trillion yuan belongs to state-owned assets.

Not only have the strategic industries that the state attaches great importance to, but also the income has doubled. Social security expenditures are all money, which has greatly eased the financial pressure. How can it not be good?

You must know that when the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Office first dumped the money to Shengfeng Capital, it did not expect to double its revenue. It came to support the entire semiconductor industry chain. I felt that Luo Sheng could make a name for himself, as long as the industry If it is not blocked by foreign countries in its development, it is a victory, and the funds invested are all sunk costs.

As a result, I never thought that the cost would not be sunk, let alone double the premium. Is it fragrant? The fragrant one does not need it.

Over the years, the state-owned assets have actually sold some shares of Shengfeng Capital for social security and other public welfare expenditures, of course, bypassing Shengfeng Capital and going to the SF main company, because some people are willing to take over.

As for this ladder project, Zhong Yuanhong was really frightened at the moment when Luo Sheng declared this project, but from the above, it was confirmed that Luo Sheng really wanted to play such a big game, and he made a decision on the same day, so he would give his full support. .

Because the reason is very simple, it must be invincible at the national level.

If the ladder is successful, it will be incredible. If it fails, the global investors will explode in place, but the dividends of the entire economic cycle driven by this project will be firmly retained in the land of China and the major industries radiated by the ladder project.

The plants and equipment on the ground will not disappear out of thin air.

In other words, the ladder succeeds in taking off as a whole, which is the best result; if the ladder fails, the cold corpse will become the most fertile raw material to nourish the entire Chinese manufacturing and economic cycle.

At the national level, it is impossible to lose, and the worst result is invincible, so there is no reason not to support it.

Luo Sheng's confidence in the success of the ladder project is also based on this. After all, for the country, there is no harm to the country, but the country's confidence in the success of the ladder is greater than he expected, which was unexpected.

But it's obviously a good thing.

Luo Sheng also asked bluntly: "How much are the state-owned assets going to invest?"

Zhong Yuanhong stretched out five fingers: "An additional investment of five trillion yuan!"

"Fifty thousand billion?"

Hearing this number, Luo Sheng pondered for a moment and added: "I'm sorry, the country shouldn't be able to give out so much money now, right?"

He knew that the 20 trillion yuan in the budget for solar storm prevention was squeezed out with great difficulty, and it was impossible to allocate an additional 5 trillion yuan at this juncture.

Unless the gates are opened and there is a monstrous flood.

Sure enough, Zhong Yuanhong said: "It can only be solved by issuing more money and printing money. It was disclosed to the public that it was included in the 40 trillion new infrastructure strategy list. The Tianti project fully meets the new infrastructure standards, or even exceeds the standard."

Luo Shengtuosi, with Erlang's legs crossed, said in a deep voice, "The production capacity output brought by the Tianla project can be used to undertake this flood. The account book above is clearly calculated. I can continue this fund, but I still have to pay it. To promote it in the old way, the operation right of the ladder must be led by me, and the name of the ladder project belongs to the operation and management of Star Arrow International.”

Zhong Yuanhong said with a smile: "Haha, of course it's the old way, just like Shengfeng Capital. Anyway, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Office should account for about 25-30% of the ladder."

The Tianti project is a super century project jointly supported by global capital. There is no individual shareholding in the distribution of benefits. It is all composed of institutional components. The interests in it are intertwined and extremely complex.

Generally speaking, it is the largest shareholder in terms of state-owned assets. Including the 5 trillion investment, the proportion has increased to 28.5%, Luo Sheng Family Fund 7.5%, Bluestar Technology and Cote d'Azur are 4.5% respectively. Major domestic investment institutions Share 10%, and global capital investment institutions account for 45%.

Only state-owned assets and several core companies under Luo Sheng have the privilege to directly intervene in funds, and the way of capital intervention of domestic and foreign capital institutions is not to directly intervene in Star Arrow International, but to invest through the channel of Shengfeng Capital.

In any case, investors have no voting rights, so it doesn't matter, as long as it can bring profits.


In the following days, the first module to start is the construction of the base of the sky tower.

As the largest shareholder of Tianti, the state-owned assets must have something irreplaceable for him. Many things that Luo Sheng could not do as an entrepreneur, the state helped to settle it neatly.

Entering October, foreign investors cleared the obstruction, and global capital broke through the obstacles of North America and the euro zone and successfully entered Shengfeng Capital, because investors were also anxious, Shengfeng Capital did not wait for a long time, and the funds were not in place. The pit is given to someone else.

The investors from the Middle East local tyrants are the first to arrive, and the local tyrants do not mind investing a little more.

With the funds in place, investors lay down comfortably and waited to count the money, while Shengfeng Capital directly closed the car door, melted the key, and then welded the car door to death. It was impossible to get off the car. .


In mid-October, Star Arrow International officially released two blockbuster announcements, causing an uproar, returning to the world headlines after many years.

The first announcement is to accept 3 trillion US dollars of primary market financing from Shengfeng Capital, equivalent to 20 trillion yuan.

Good guy, as soon as this announcement came out, investors instantly understood what Luo Sheng was talking about about the mysterious super-large project. Funds flowed into Star Arrow International.

Star Arrow International wants to be a pioneer in space exploration, and there is a huge risk that it will become a martyr. Investors are slightly nervous when they see Ju, but they say: "Steady, don't panic, Luo Sheng will lead everyone to lie down and win!"

The second announcement of Star Arrow International is to announce that it will spend 48.5 billion US dollars to build a high-speed railway from Chuncheng in Yun Province to Linga Port, with a total length of 3,449 kilometers, spanning Myanmar Iodine, Lao Laos, Titanium, Malai Fine Ya, Yinmu the five Southeast Asian countries.

With an average cost of 135 million yuan per kilometer, the project was successfully bid by the largest railway infrastructure group in China and is expected to be completed around 2029.

The total budget of the project is 68.5 billion US dollars, with Star Arrow International contributing 48.5 billion US dollars, Ya Investment Bank contributing 4.2 billion US dollars, and the five ASEAN countries along the high-speed railway contributing 15.8 billion US dollars.

But these five countries are all poor and cannot afford so much money. The final solution is that Ya Investment Bank loaned them 12.8 billion U.S. dollars, and the remaining 3 billion U.S. dollars should be enough to sell underwear.

If Luo Sheng were to settle it by himself, then even if the high-speed rail was negotiated, he would not know how many years it would take. Once the country came out, these things were clearly arranged.

This infrastructure project is named "Chunlin High-speed Railway". The reason for the investment bank to come in is to rely on this to be related to the Maritime Silk Road Economic Belt, and to keep the confidentiality as much as possible, so that people outside can contact other places. .

The biggest highlight is to cross the Strait of Malacca and enter Sumatra from the bottom of the strait, and build a 51-kilometer-long sea-crossing bridge along Sumatra to reach Linga Port, which is the Sky Tower Base Spaceport.

In the past seven or eight years, the hydrological environment in this area has been clearly measured and inspected, and a comprehensive inspection has been carried out before the construction of Linga Port, so that the project can be launched quickly when the project starts today.

Otherwise, it will take five or six years to test the hydrological environment alone, and the strategic planning will be clearly arranged.

When global investors saw this wave of Star Arrow International's operations, Ju Yu suddenly tightened and shouted in their hearts:

Don't mess around!

Don't mess around!

To mess up!

mess up!



As if the impulse to get out of the car, but found that the door has been welded to death.

Today's investors seem to be laughing steadily, but they are panicking, but they can only comfort themselves: "Luo Sheng is definitely not in a wave, there must be his reason for doing this, and Lingjiagang was not optimistic at the time by the whole world. , Now it has started to make a profit, and it has directly rewritten the port transportation structure in Southeast Asia. He must be playing a big game, be steady, don’t panic, just sleep.”


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