Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 879 [Luo Sheng = Wealth Password]

Chapter 880 [Luo Sheng = wealth password]

An Qingxue put the reorganized data on Luo Sheng's desk. As usual, he would take a little time every day to pay attention to the day's global information.

"What a talent..." Luo Sheng covered his forehead after reading the news.

"What's wrong?" An Qingxue asked curiously.

Luo Sheng laughed and shook his head, then picked up the reorganization data she handed over to open the list.

During this period, Zheng Tao personally completed the integration of the national graphite industry, providing a stable supply of raw materials for the manufacture of elevator cables.

Among them, the merger and reorganization of five listed companies has been completed, namely Bao Tailong with a market value of 5.5 billion yuan, Huaguo Baoan with a market value of 18 billion yuan, Dao Technology with a market value of 5.8 billion yuan, Fangda Carbon with a market value of 23.5 billion yuan, and a market value of 23.5 billion yuan. 5 billion Huagang International

These five listed companies are the leading companies in the domestic graphite industry, and their integration will basically ensure a stable supply of graphite raw materials.

After reading the content, Luo Sheng immediately completed the signature and seal, and gave the document to An Qingxue again: "No problem, let's disclose it tomorrow."

Four listed companies, Bao Tailong, Huaguo Baoan, Dao Shi Technology and Huagang International, will be merged into Fangda Carbon, and the first four listed companies will be delisted. The original Fangda Carbon will also be renamed Huatong New Materials. Become a holding subsidiary of Star Arrow International, and the transaction code remains unchanged.


the next day.

Today is the weekend of December 6th, and five listed companies including Daoshi Technology have issued their latest announcements. The five companies will be suspended from trading on Monday, December 7th.

Four companies, Bao Tailong, Huaguo Baoan, Huagang International and Daoshi Technology, delisted their stocks, transferred their equity to Fangda Carbon, and changed their name to Huatong New Materials. At the same time, the strategic investor Star Arrow International was introduced to complete the stock exchange. The fixed increase will resume trading on the secondary market on March 31, 2021.

The introduction of Star Arrow International as a strategic investor actually sounds more pleasing to the ear, but in fact, five companies merged and packaged and sold to Star Arrow International.

As soon as the announcement came out, it not only caused an uproar in the national graphite industry, but also caused a sensation in the stock market. It was an epic merger and reorganization, and a 100 billion-level industry giant was born. The major media engaged in the securities market reported the news. Send hot news.

The most sensational news yesterday was the reduction plan of Shengfeng Capital.

But for the majority of shareholders, it is neither bad nor good news, it is a transaction between big institutions.

Today's news is undoubtedly super positive. About an hour after the announcement of the five major listed companies, the official news of Star Arrow International also issued a statement confirming this matter.

Hit it straight!

At this moment, on the major stock trading software apps, the activity of the stock message area of ​​these five listed companies has exploded. There are currently a total of 550,000 shareholders in the five companies. congratulations to each other.

Of course, there are too many people who scolded and slapped their legs.

"Baoan sent a congratulatory message!"

"Dao Shi sent a congratulatory message!"

"Fonda sent a congratulatory message!"

"I'm envious of the old iron who is still in the car! I'm really jealous of my real name, and I got rich overnight!"

"The anger exploded in Wori. Last Friday, the Dao-style morning market on the GEM plummeted by 16.56%. I was scared to cut the meat out, and I was directly pulled up to the daily limit at the end of the day. It turned out that the main force was riding the horse. I was washed out like this, I regretted it to death, and the opportunity to get rich overnight slipped away from my eyes, and I almost wanted to chop off my hand, alas~~”

"The gang of chickens and dogs (institutions) must have a channel to get the news in advance. Xiaosan will always know it later, sad!"

"Actually, it's not necessarily true. The graphite concept has been on a downward trend for three years, and it is now at a low level. If you pay close attention, you can find that Mr. Zheng from Star Arrow International went to investigate the graphite industry in June. The entire graphite plate has been in the past. The 20-day wedge-shaped shock was obviously a month-long wash, and the trading was more active than usual, but everyone's attention was attracted by the hot infrastructure sector and ignored it."

"The doors of the car were all welded to death and used for wool. Afterwards, Zhuge Liang."

"The more than 500,000 brothers inside are so cool, I really envy them, waiting for the big money to carry the sedan chair properly."

"At the end of March next year, there is no suspense to make a base for ten one-word boards, and you don't even need to worry too much about 20 boards. The resumption price is 4.55 yuan, and there is no problem with the target price of 80-100 yuan. Huatong If the new material does not exceed the market value of 300 billion, I will stand upside down, and the old irons in the car will properly double the income by 20 times.

"Is there a chance to get on the bus next year?"

"Don't imagine if you didn't get in the car last Friday. 10,000% of Huatong's resumption of trading is a call to auction, and one million hands will seal the daily limit. If you can't get in, you are now lucky by the Archbishop, and the price is less than 5 yuan. It is seriously underestimated, unless you want to take over at a high price of more than 100 yuan, do you dare to take that position?"

"The first demon stock is scheduled for next year!"

"The concept of graphite has been bearish for three years. Is the next big market going to rotate from the infrastructure sector to here?"

"The archbishop is the code of wealth, brothers!"


With the arrival of Monday, December 7th, the graphite concept plate has become a new hot plate stimulated by the favorable weekend, and it has opened up and moved high, becoming the most beautiful boy in Big A, and a lot of hot money has entered the market for speculation.

Although the five leading listed companies are all suspended from trading due to mergers and reorganizations, there are not only these five listed companies with graphite concept in the market. It can be fried.

The current market sentiment is that the concept of graphite is about to start the bull market. They have three major logics:

The popularity of the first logical market infrastructure sector has continued for such a long time, and it has entered the stage of over-hype, and it is time to pull back and stabilize.

The second logical graphite concept plate has been bearish for almost three years. Although there are times of big rises in the middle, the overall trend in the past three years has been to go down a downward channel. Down, only up.

The third logic is the hardest, that is, Luo Sheng is here, this logic is hard, what does this mean, the password of wealth! !

It's been too long, let's not talk about it, just recently, look at how crazy the infrastructure sector next door is, isn't that all because of Luo Sheng? Otherwise, the half-dead infrastructure sector can go crazy like this?

Luo Sheng is also quite "miserable" in a sense. Nowadays, he is regarded as the strongest wealth code by people, and he is consumed frantically almost every day, and he is consumed fancyly in different fields.

There are a large group of people at home and abroad who use this name, dedicated research, and try to make a profit.

For this reason, Luo Sheng had to arrange a special team with only one job to come out to refute rumors.

Because from time to time, some people spread false news in his name, they didn't get a penny, and they got a bad reputation. Of course, the rumors had to be refuted.

Over the years, the team has refuted dozens of major fake news. Recently, it was rumored that Luo Sheng was going to enter a certain industry. As a result, some investors believed it to be true, and then plunged into listed companies in the industry. Sheng didn't wait, what he was waiting for was the harvest of a wave of IQ tax, which ended up being a piece of chicken feathers.

Luo Sheng couldn't prevent these things from happening at all. He could refute as many rumors as he could.

It is quite frank, this is an inevitable side effect of maintaining one's own "miracle halo". When everyone blindly praises an issue, some people will inevitably take advantage of the weakness of human nature to make huge profits, speculation will come as expected, and human greed is doomed. This kind of thing is bound to happen, otherwise it's not normal.

In the following days, when the concept of graphite was hyped up in the external market, Luo Sheng had already shifted his focus elsewhere.

The preliminary stage plan of the ladder project has basically been implemented, and the follow-up can be carried out in an orderly manner according to the plan. The people under the specific project progress are doing it, and it is not something that can be done in one or two days. It must be calculated on an annual basis.

And Luo Sheng is already working on something new in his private laboratory, developing a high-tech weapon and equipment.


(Ps: I saw that Zhang commented earlier that I forgot to make a group number, and now I put it on. The group number: 629693065, the old iron who is interested can add this group

In addition, there is an update today, I’m really sorry, I’ve written about the latter part of the story recently, and it should be about 3 million words away from the end. I have to organize and think about how to end it later. Many things I want to write can’t pass the trial, and it’s a difficult batch)

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