Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 881 [God, I definitely don't want to encounter this 8-legged monster weapon! 】

The latest website: After passing the technical information of the "Spider Grenade" to the bionic man Marcus Lyle, he immediately started to execute according to Luo Sheng's instructions, and produced a batch of samples in batches through the resources of Lyle Binary Company.

So far, with the continuous development of Lyle Binary Company, the management of the entire company has been quietly dispatched by Luo Sheng to assist Marcus with more androids. Now half of the executives are actually androids. .

As the "founder" of Lyle Binary Company, Marcus Lyle has been successfully built into a young Silicon Valley genius in these years, and he is the pride of Beautiful Country.

The media in North America is also deliberately packaging Marcus Lyle. For example, many articles have been benchmarking him and Luo Sheng, and then blowing it up.

For the beautiful countries in the West, it really needs a new potential genius to stand up and compete with Luo Sheng. I thought about pushing Elon Musk up, but whether it is Tesla electric cars or SpaceX He was hung up and beaten by Luo Sheng, and he couldn't push him even if he wanted to.

At this time, the beautiful country was pleasantly surprised to find that a new genius appeared in Silicon Valley. He founded the Lyle Binary Company, and the swarm drone technology developed by the company actually caused the Cote d'Azur to jump with excitement, and the lawyer's letter flew.

Isn't this the long-awaited "Heavenly Man" who can match Luo Sheng's middle lane?

It finally appeared!

Lyle Binary did not disappoint the beautiful country. The power of swarm drone technology is not stronger than that of the Côte d'Azur, but it is not too much.

As a result, the strong push for Lyle Binary to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange quickly made this new start-up company with no deep background rushed to the market value of hundreds of billions of dollars, and when the market value surpassed that of Lockheed Martin, the media also A kind of stir fry.

In fact, the beautiful country has lobbied Marcus Lyle many times to attend some business events, technology prospects, etc., and show his face in front of the public, but he was rejected.

Or it was rejected by Luo Sheng.

Marcus Lyle is a bionic person after all, and Luo Sheng is also worried that if the car overturns, it will be difficult, so be careful to drive the boat for ten thousand years.

The beautiful country, who doesn't know the truth, said it doesn't matter. If you don't go out to gain reputation, I will use a different method for you to gain reputation.

You don't like to show your face, then make you a positive image of a workaholic, and pull Luo Sheng out for comparison.

Luo Sheng basically can't make waves.

For these actions of Beautiful Country, Luo Sheng, who was watching from behind, was secretly happy, happy to see all this happen.

Lyle Binary has also been born for several years. The fist-level product is the swarm drone. Since Marcus Lyle's genius setting is to be maintained, more new products must be made.


Two weeks later, California, Lyle Binary Fifth Test Site.

Marcus Lyle, who obtained the technical information, successfully produced a batch of spider grenades in the past few days, and launched it as the company's second brand-new military product.

At this moment, high-speed cameras have been arranged from all perspectives of the test site, including aerial photography of high-altitude drones. Next, it is not only the first live-fire test of spider grenades, but also the production of promotional videos.

I saw a staff member carrying a box to the throwing area of ​​the test site.

Open the box, there are 8 grenades placed inside.

The size of the grenade is basically not much different from that of the traditional grenade, and there are also hooks that can be hung on the body. The biggest difference is that the appearance of the grenade is like being caught by the eight tentacles of a metal octopus, that is, the eight attached to the outside of the grenade. Metal powered arthropods.

"Boss, it's ready!"

Not far from the observatory building, Marcus Lyle stood in front of the transparent bulletproof glass floor-to-ceiling windows, where a good view can clearly see the test site.

Marcus Lyle said to the subordinates who came to report: "Let's start the test."


The tester in the throwing area was authorized to pick up one of the spider grenades. The test field is a simulated street battle ruin, and there are some stubborn fortifications, which are characterized by being easy to defend and difficult to attack, and the "enemies" are hidden. Behind the cover, it is difficult for ordinary light weapons or grenades to have a high killing efficiency against the enemy.

For Eagle sauce, it is easy to solve the problem by calling air support, but the only disadvantage is that it is very expensive.

Battle damage is better than blood loss. It is no problem to hit high-value targets once or twice, but low-value targets obviously cannot withstand such consumption.

A battle axe knocked out a small enemy tent and a small soldier inside, it is no longer a blood loss.

The tester lifted the safety cover with his thumb with one hand and pressed a button inside, and then threw the spider grenade. When the grenade was in the air, the smart core in the smart bomb was also activated.

As soon as it landed, the eight metal powered limbs that were tightly attached to the surface of the grenade immediately fell off and became agile, looking like a metal "big-bellied garden spider", and the grenade was like a spider's big buttocks. The eight powered limbs easily lifted the grenade and moved at high speed on the ground.

Through the environmental awareness and identification of friend and foe system, this spider grenade quickly searches for the target. Its activity range is centered on the landing position and moves within a radius of 60 meters. When the target is found within this range, it will be guided to the target. location.

I saw the spider grenade crawling quickly on the ground for a while, and then climbed along the erected ruins. Except for Marcus Lyle, everyone at the scene was stunned.

"What? Can you still climb the wall?"

The power limbs of the spider grenade are made of stainless steel carbide and equipped with a set of small new sonic oscillators, so that each power limb can pierce the wall independently at high speed and still maintain a moderate moving speed.

About 20 seconds later, the spider grenade jumped from the wall of the ruins to the ground and continued to move along the ruins on the ground. It had locked the first priority target.

Ahead is a fortress.

The aerial drone in the sky captured this scene clearly. A group of foreigners who were present saw the spider grenade on the screen approaching the fort, then climbed up the bunker to search for the shooting hole and drilled in.

boom--! !

Accompanied by a violent explosion, although the fortress with amazing defense was not blown apart, some debris and gunpowder gushed out from several shooting holes.

Those present could imagine the scene where the imaginary enemy in the bunker had died on the spot.

A grenade can easily drop a stubborn firepower point, and the thrower does not need to expose himself to the enemy's firepower range, just throw it out in a general direction, because the spider grenade will actively search for the target.

The high premium war damage income and high security attributes are perfectly reflected.

The tester then threw out all the remaining seven spider grenades in the box. In the picture captured by the camera, the people present clearly saw that once the spider grenade came into contact with the target in the active area, after the target was locked by it, it was like Insane, the eight power limbs suddenly accelerated and rushed away.

When approaching the target, just like the face-hugging bug of "Alien", it suddenly exploded with elastic force, and detonated before landing to exert maximum lethality, thereby destroying its main target and all surrounding enemies.

"God, I definitely don't want to encounter this kind of eight-legged weapon!!" the tester in the throwing area muttered.

He couldn't help but come up with a picture in his mind, and a terrifying eight-legged monster with a living bomb suddenly appeared in front of him, and then slammed into his face.

Being stared at, you can't escape at all...

The picture made up by his brain made him shiver subconsciously.

Marcus Lyle at the observatory turned to leave, opened the internal communication channel and said: "Cut the video clips captured by the test and go out to the press conference. Lyle Binary is about to launch the latest product - spider grenade!"


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