Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 907 [May be detained by space weapons]

the next day.

Luo Sheng just came to work at Star Arrow International today, and Zheng Tao came here.

"Mr. Luo, I have read the news you brought me yesterday. Our internal team has actually focused on researching and discussing the solution of laser treatment of space junk. The technical aspect is not a problem, but other reasons that led us to decide on the problem. This solution is hesitant."

Hearing this, Luo Sheng said succinctly: "The 'other' reason you mentioned refers to political issues, right?"

Zheng Tao nodded: "Yes. Although the orbital laser station is specially designed for cleaning, the question of whether it may be used as a space weapon will definitely be a very sensitive topic for countries all over the world, especially the West."

This is an unavoidable question, you are indeed designed to clean up space junk, but the old American may not believe it, and in a sense, the laser station deployed in orbit can be urgently requisitioned in wartime, and It can be quickly adjusted to become a laser weapon to strike satellites in orbit.

Zheng Tao added: "If this plan is to be smoothly advanced to the practical application level, international organizations such as the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space and other international organizations must coordinate and communicate, and countries must reach a framework agreement. The establishment of a mutual trust mechanism to enable peaceful disposal of space junk is a stumbling block ahead."

Luo Sheng nodded and said: "Well, it's a comprehensive consideration, but it's too much. Not only lasers, but all spacecraft that can clean up space junk have the ability to attack satellites in other countries that are working normally, otherwise you Do you think that the major aerospace powers are now investing heavily in space junk disposal? Isn’t it wonderful to develop orbital high-altitude weapons in the name of cleaning up space junk?”

"Uh..." Zheng Tao thought he was on the fifth floor, only to realize that he was on the third floor. He was sloppy, and his political awareness still needs to be improved.

It is no wonder that since ten years ago, the world's major aerospace powers have shown great enthusiasm for the removal of space debris, including the Remove-Debris project of the University of Surrey, which has now established cooperation with Star Arrow International, and some space in North America. garbage disposal project.

It also includes a space debris active cleaning vehicle code-named "Aolong No. 1" that was launched in China five years ago.

Space junk orbits around the earth. It stands to reason that it would be desirable for someone to actively participate in the cleanup of space junk. If one person can handle the threat of everyone, why not do it?

But this is not the case. The world's major aerospace powers do not mean to "take advantage", but are all working on their own space waste disposal solutions.

The answer is obvious,

It is because of the attributes of space weapons.

If you don't, the satellites you launch in the future may really become garbage.

Luo Sheng: "There is no need to worry too much about this issue. Instead, it is more necessary to advance because of the attributes of weapons. Anyway, we are doing it, even if it is a technical reserve."

Zheng Tao: "Understood, I'll make arrangements."

Luo Sheng's view on this issue is exactly the opposite. Zheng Tao and the others think it's a difficult thing to do, but Luo Sheng thinks it's a good thing. Anyway, it can't stop everyone from engaging in competitions to check and balance each other.

The result of the competition is predictable, all parties will push up the cost, and it will become less and less cost-effective in the long run, and it will be used for civilian use.

So Star Arrow International needs to spend a lot of money to clean up the space junk in order to protect the safety of the ladder from the threat of space junk. and the greatest risk.

However, with the competition, there are more institutions that can provide solutions for space waste disposal, which gives Star Arrow the ability to shop around and gain international pricing power.

The orbital laser station treatment plan is sure to be advanced. It has an irreplaceable position in the future space waste treatment and will eventually become the mainstream, only waiting for the continuous development of technology.

But for now, "Aolong 1" or the Remove-Debris project of the University of Surrey, which actively grabs space junk and takes it out of orbit, is a relatively mature method of space junk disposal.

During the removal process, the spacecraft cleaning up space junk first adjusts its orbit according to the data monitoring of the space junk by ground facilities, approaches a position several kilometers away from the target, and then uses its own detection equipment such as lidar and infrared cameras to confirm the target. state, and further approached to a place several tens of meters away from the target.

Before attacking the space junk, it is necessary to use equipment such as optical cameras to inspect the target, confirm the capture point, and then approach the capture of the space junk.

After that, the spacecraft that cleans up the space junk will park it in the atmosphere and burn it up to complete the cleanup.


Five days later, the University of Science and Technology.

Wang Chen was cleaning room 606 in the on-campus dormitory building. The school had approved this house for him to use, and he also said some words of encouragement.

"Oh, Ma, it's finally done!"

At this moment, Wang Chen is also tired and out of breath. As a rural family, he is not afraid of enduring hardships. He has managed the entire dormitory by himself.

It’s worth mentioning that he didn’t ask his classmates to help him sort it out first. He has already listed the team list of Chenxi Studio, and he will talk to them about joining the studio when the time comes.

But now I'd rather be a little tired myself.

Obviously, this is a wise move. After you have sorted out and recruited people, they will also think that you are a reliable person, and the probability of being willing to stay will greatly increase.

This is like some entrepreneurs, the company is not sloppy, almost everything is lacking, but they must have a good car and a neat suit.

In this way, when you go to meet customers for business negotiation, customers also think that you are reliable. On the contrary, if you drive a broken car and wear a sloppy crotch to discuss cooperation with customers, customers will feel that cooperation with them is not reliable no matter how they look at it.

The facade is really important.


The next day, Wang Chen went to the market to purchase some office furniture and office equipment. These were purchased in the second-hand market, which could save a lot of money, especially IT equipment, mainly because computers were relatively expensive. Goods, but it should be new and not too old. Buy it back and assemble it yourself.

As for the relatively cheap office supplies such as file management and desktop supplies, just buy new ones.

Finally, pull a network cable in.

It took Wang Chen two days to get all this done, and it took nearly ten days to build the "little nest" of Chenxi Studio.

These were all paid by Wang Chen himself, which cost about 30,000 yuan, half of his current wealth.

In fact, Wang Chen has no absolute certainty in whether the declaration from Star Arrow International will pass the review and whether it will get financing, but what should be done must be done, and this risk must be taken.

Wang Chen also thought very clearly, even if the more than 60,000 yuan in his hand was paid in, it would be the same. Even if he didn't pay in, it would still be the same. A small amount of 60,000 yuan can't change any destiny. Can change the fate of a life.

Wang Chen, who wanted to understand this, certainly didn't have any worries, and he was done.

"This is where the dream begins!"

Wang Chen looked around the neat and tidy room. Although he was very tired, he was extremely happy.

At this moment, the AzureBook laptop that had just been connected to the network suddenly popped up a message prompt, and the small window in the lower right corner showed that the personal email account received a new email.

"A reply from Star Arrow International?"

When Wang Chen saw the email directory, his heartbeat could not help speeding up, and he had an inexplicable feeling of lottery.

He didn't expect it to come so quickly, he thought he would have to wait for more than half a month before there might be news.

After a few seconds, Wang Chen calmed down and clicked the email.


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