Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 917 [Solar storm, I can't hold it anymore]

The latest website: Time has come to early May.

In the fitness room of the Science and Technology Complex Building, Luo Sheng was exercising in the morning, sweating on the treadmill at the moment, accompanied by his personal female trainer.

Luo Sheng actually wanted to go outside for a run or something, but he was helpless and would be surrounded by onlookers every time he went out. He was not involved in the entertainment industry, but his reputation was crushing all the so-called celebrities in the entertainment industry.

Now even the aunt and uncle of the roadside stall know that there is a person like him, and the popularity is high.

This also restricted Luo Sheng's travel, and he had to lose some free life. Every time he went out, he had to make a big battle, which affected the hearts of countless people.

It would have been wise to make the house bigger in the first place.

"Master, Zheng Tao, Zhang Bowen and Yao Jianhong are calling you urgently at the same time."


Hearing that, Luo Sheng responded calmly, the treadmill gradually stopped, took the towel handed over by the coach, and said seriously, "Extra training items will be practiced another day."

The coach's little sister blushed inexplicably, Luo Sheng glanced at him with a smile, turned and left the gym, and threw the towel on the gym machine.

When he came to the private office, Luo Sheng poured himself a glass of water, and the video screen also lit up. The images of Zheng Tao, Zhang Bowen, and Yao Jianhong were connected at about the same time.

"What's the matter, such a big battle?"

Luo Sheng put down the water glass and sat on the sofa, and turned to look at the three people on the video screen. The three of them were the executive presidents of Star Arrow International, Bluestar Technology, and Azure Coast. The actual managers of the company were still number one. This is the first time that the highest talker who urgently contacted Luo Sheng appeared at the same time.

Something bad must have happened, and it was a big deal, but Luo Sheng was very indifferent.

"Mr. Luo, just now, a group of authoritative astrophysicists, high-energy physicists and astronomers from Europe and the United States jointly warned the world in the media late at night that there is an abnormal solar activity, and human beings will meet in two years. A cosmic catastrophe beyond the Carrington Superstorm of 1859."

Zheng Tao added with a dignified expression: "The ESA's SOHO-III sun exploration satellite lost contact yesterday, and the information that finally came back showed that it was destroyed by an electromagnetic storm. This announcement was jointly signed by 37 scientists to the world. warning,

They are all scholars who enjoy a high status in academia, and they have issued warnings on the basis of personal guarantees. Their huge influence has spread to the world, and major media around the world are covering it overwhelmingly. "

After speaking, Yao Jianhong and the others couldn't help but look at Luo Sheng. The latter was silent for a moment when he heard the news, and finally shook his head with a smile, and said, "These scholars really didn't put any extra talent on them." When it comes to politics, they still have the world in their hearts, and a group of lovely old men have successfully added chaos to the world."

Do you want to call them stupid?

Luo Sheng still couldn't help but scolded in a low voice: "ESA and NASA should be disbanded, Nana is a jerk, do you really think the world is not chaotic enough?"

In fact, when there is chaos abroad, Luo Sheng really doesn't care much, but the key is that it affects himself.

Involuntarily, the name of the movie "Mad Max" appeared in his mind. Luo Sheng had seen the Hollywood movie set in this wasteland world. It just so happened that the background of the story of "Mad Max" was set this year.

"Mr. Luo, it seems that the major stores closed overseas by Cote d'Azur this year will not be able to open as expected, or even more serious." Yao Jianhong said that the popular "Sequoia" in the European and American world has passed more than a year. After tossing and repeating, now I finally see a better situation.

The Cote d'Azur also decided to reopen closed offline stores and some sales channels in July this year. As a result, oh well...

Dozens of scientists joined forces to buy such a huge basket.

Now even if they stand up and say it's a rumor, it's useless, not to mention they may not do it. Sometimes scientists are really paranoid, and they would rather die than stick to their own principles.

At this moment, Luo Sheng opened the current news, he did not read the specific content, but quickly browsed some news headlines at a glance.

It was exactly as he expected.

The domestic side has become a key reference for the media to verify the authenticity of the solar storm disaster. The 20 trillion defense fund passed by the country two years ago was turned over by the media. People have almost forgotten it. At that time, no one thought there was any. what a big deal.

But at this juncture, it has become a powerful "evidence" to verify the warnings of these scientists, and more "evidence" has been unearthed one after another. The bull market found the reason.

Some people are placing orders in a large-scale frantic sweeping of goods, and the compound growth rate of global chip production capacity is as high as 57%.

However, the demand has not kept up, indicating that there is serious overcapacity, but some people are spending a lot of money to place orders frantically. The orders of major international chip manufacturers are soft, and many manufacturers' orders are scheduled for next year.

All this seems to have the answer, some people are hoarding chips on a large scale, and some people have known about this super solar storm in advance.

"Master, an emergency call from Academician Yang Demao."

At this moment, Xiaona's electronically synthesized voice responded, and Luo Sheng said directly: "Take it, take it together."

The three of Yao Jianhong looked at each other's images and didn't say anything. Now there is no need to hide it. Everyone present knew about it.

As soon as the video communication with Yang Demao was established, several images appeared on Luo Sheng's video wall, including the newly established emergency team.

"Mr. Luo is bad."

Academician Yang Demao said this as soon as he connected, Luo Sheng nodded and said, "Mr. Yang, I know the bad things you said."

One of the senior leaders who attended the meeting said: "The matter is out of control. The Space Technology Research Institute has just confirmed that our sun exploration satellites are also vectored, and we can only activate the emergency plan. Fortunately, our country has already prepared."

Luo Sheng nodded in approval and said, "This is good news. It will be chaotic for a while, but all sectors of the domestic society should soon be able to stabilize and resume normal operations without hurting your muscles or bones."

The leader said again: "The difficulty is that you are in charge of the 'Ladder Project', Comrade Luo Sheng. The impact of this incident on the Tianla project is probably..."

Luo Sheng responded affirmatively: "Please rest assured, I can stabilize the problem of the ladder, leave it to me."

Leader: "Okay, you can rest assured when you say that."

Another participant said: "We have prepared for the domestic situation, major chaos and long-term chaos will not happen, short-term turbulence is acceptable, and internal problems can be quickly resolved and stabilized. But the instability is external factors, from abroad. The impact cannot be underestimated.”

There is chaos in the world. You don't care, there's nothing wrong with it. It's good to take care of yourself.

But I really can’t ignore it. The GDP has just reached the top in the world. There are some things that can’t be avoided. They are so big and they are there. If you don’t care about them, they will definitely come over and you will still be attacked in the end. Affect.

It really triggers uncontrollable worldwide turmoil, and the consequences are unpredictable and unavoidable. After all, everyone lives in the same global village and hasn't left the village yet.


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