Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 921 [The panic index explodes, close the small dark room directly]

[Renren Novel Network]

"Stud? Are you sure?"

The elevator door opened, Luo Sheng walked on the corridor leading to the large living room, and added with a smile, "Mr. Liu, you can think clearly, after this time, if you want to get off halfway, there will be no service station, it's one stop. It's the end."

On the other side of the communication, Liu Wen, who was standing in front of the window sill in the office, said unswervingly, "I'm sure!"

On the other side, Luo Sheng was already sitting comfortably on the large curved sofa in the hall with Erlang's legs crossed, and replied, "Okay, I will take as many as you have."

Liu Wen smiled and said, "Grit your teeth and make up a whole number to chase after 100 billion."

Luo Sheng: "No problem, I'll take it. I hope you can settle your investor."

Liu Wen: "Haha, Mr. Luo, you can rest assured that no matter how much trouble my investors can make, they will not make trouble at the gate of Shengfeng Capital."

Luo Sheng: "That's good."

This is the end of the communication, and President Liu is also an old gambler.

But then again, investing in the "Ladder Project" itself is a big gamble.


"What did you say? If you don't come out, you have to make another 100 billion to get in? Are you crazy or are my ears hallucinating?"

At the management meeting of the venture capital fund, all the executives who attended the meeting were dumbfounded when they heard Liu Wen's decision.

Liu Wen said with certainty: "You heard right, I'm not crazy."

The executive who spoke just now clapped his hands and covered his face, shook his tie, lowered his head and said nothing for a while, then looked at Liu Wenzai and said, "Old Liu, if investors find out, they will definitely hack you to death."

The development momentum of venture capital funds has been quite strong in recent years. Although the industry peers have ridiculed Liu Wen for not having a good record other than betting on Luo Sheng, they cannot hold back the rich returns of investors.

It is useless to make so many vain heads, and it can bring profits to investors more than anything else. This is also where the peers are very angry. It is not so much ridicule as envy, jealousy and hatred.

Many investors are willing to hand over their funds to venture capital, most of them are wealthy wealthy families, and the starting investment threshold is more than 5 million RMB, which is not something ordinary people can get.

However, these investors could not meet the threshold of Shengfeng Capital, so the venture capital fund won these customers, and these people indirectly satisfied their desire to invest in Shengfeng Capital through investing in the venture capital fund.

Of course, now Shengfeng Capital is no longer the sweet pastry in their eyes, but a very hot potato, and they are impatient to throw it away.

Liu Wen said in a deep voice, "I had a phone call with Luo Sheng an hour ago, and it was this phone call that prompted me to make this decision."

Colleagues at the meeting immediately asked: "What did Luo Sheng tell you, won't he be fooled by him again?"

Liu Wenwen planned to say it directly, but he choked back when the words reached his throat.


The less people know the truth, the better. Liu Wen seemed very cautious at this moment. Although Luo Sheng did not deliberately or imply that he kept it secret, he would never make mistakes, at least not from his own mouth.

Another reason is that when such internal news spreads, how can I follow Guo Jia's team to hunt for the bottom?

The value of this information can be calculated in units of billions, which is sky-high.

At the end, Liu Wen retorted: "Let me sell it, but don't you think this time Shengfeng Capital is too abnormal? Is it really unable to withstand the pressure of global investors' condemnation and forced to open the exit mechanism in advance, or is it Are there other factors?"

Everyone in the meeting looked at each other in dismay. After a while, the other party spread their hands and said: "Old Liu, we can accept you to betray you, but investors will not eat your way. If you really insist on doing this, then the investors of the venture capital fund will also Asking for the redemption of the fund, Shengfeng Capital blew up before we exploded."

Liu Wen said without hesitation: "Then lock the warehouse!"

Venture capital funds have signed investment agreements with investors. In order to protect the rights and interests of all investors, when necessary, venture capital funds can close fund lock-ups, during which investors cannot redeem fund shares.

"You really want to do this?"

"It has to be done."

Seeing that the persuasion was ineffective, the executive sitting next to Liu Wen said helplessly, "Okay, I suggest you bring more bodyguards when you go out in the future."

"Everyone, I'll take this matter alone, and it's a big deal to end up in prison for more than ten years." Liu Wen looked around the crowd and said so decisively that the participants had nothing to say.

In fact, Liu Wen is very clear that his future and destiny have been kidnapped by Luo Sheng. He has to do this. The venture capital fund has rapidly expanded from a scale of less than 100 billion in the beginning to a scale of nearly 2 trillion today because he is tight. Luo Sheng's thigh.

This is the greatest value of the venture capital fund. Without the expectation and blessing of the name "Luo Sheng", the venture capital fund is actually a mediocre asset management institution. Liu Wen is not a top boss in today's circle, nor does he There will be 90% of the peers who will greet you with a polite name, President Liu.

Liu Wen is very clear about all this. If he doesn't follow Luo Sheng, he will have no future. He can only let go and gamble.

It can be seen that Liu Wen does not want to be a gambling monster, but he has to be a gambling monster.


Time has passed in minutes and seconds. Today, it can be said that there are frequent reports. First, the thousand shares fell during the day, and then in the afternoon, Shengfeng Capital held a press conference to publicly announce the acceptance of the withdrawal of global investors.

This is an explosive news that triggered a major earthquake in the global capital market, which further led to a second flash crash in the global stock market.

Since Shengfeng Capital promised investors to withdraw and investors redeemed their share of funds, Shengfeng Capital must deliver and liquidate. Where does the money come from?

Undoubtedly, one can only be forced to reduce and sell the stocks or other assets held by them on a large scale, then all listed companies held by Shengfeng Capital will inevitably usher in a large-scale sell-off.

At this time, all three legs of investors holding these stocks are trembling. Under the background of huge panic, there is no doubt that more funds will flee, which will trigger a flash crash of stock prices, and it will be a collapse of the joint effect.


That night, Bluestar Technology Group started a second flash crash before the U.S. stock market opened. After the market opened, it took the lead to kill, dragging down the entire Nasdaq Composite Index, and then diving with the three major North American stock indexes.

Bluestar Technology plummeted -33.62%. After the stock split, the market value of Bluestar Technology once soared to 4.2 trillion US dollars. Yesterday, it plummeted by 18.58%. Now it has collapsed again, and the market value is only 2.269 trillion US dollars. In just two days In time, the market value of Bluestar Technology Group has evaporated by nearly 2 trillion US dollars, a drop of -45.95%, and it has almost been cut in half.

Bluestar Technology Group's stock price collapsed for the second time, directly triggering the circuit breaker mechanism for US stocks.

At the same time in the Eastern Hemisphere at night, domestic investors saw the scene of the meltdown of the US stock market and had given up treatment, and a thought came to their minds: It is completely hopeless, wait to die.

The market has completely lost all hope, and the slightest bit of confidence is gone.

This situation made the village head panic.


The next day, at around 9:10 in the morning, the two major exchanges in Shanghai and Shenzhen issued an emergency announcement. Due to the recent huge fluctuations in the external market, in order to protect the rights and interests of investors, it will target Weilan pure electric vehicles (market value of 12 trillion), Xiongxin Electronics (market value of 3.2 trillion), Bochuang Technology (market value of 1.76 trillion), and Huachang Technology (market value of 896 billion) were suspended from trading.

Yesterday, the limit-down of Big A was brought down by the collective -20% limit-down at the beginning of these four companies. Only these four companies evaporated 4.5 trillion yuan yesterday.

Regardless of Xiaoheiwu, the market is steadily eating the limit today. If the market falls to the limit again today, it will reach 2600 points. Coupled with the follow-up inertial kinetic energy, it is a high probability event that it is hit to 2000 points.

The last time it fell below 2000 was in 2014.

Before this black swan broke out, no one in the world would believe that the Shanghai Stock Exchange could break 3,000 points. This is already history, and it is impossible to return to below 3,000 points.

That's not to mention 2000 points, it is impossible to smash it down.

But today, it is really possible to get below 2000 points, and this possibility is very high.

Once this situation occurs, the entire capital market will be completely necrotic, and the future of Big A will definitely enter a bear market for at least ten years, which may not be relieved in ten years.

This also gave birth to an unprecedented case of big a. In order to prevent the four leading companies from falling to the limit again, the emergency suspension was dealt with. In the past, Xiaohei was closed because it rose too fast, and many investors complained that the limit fell. Why doesn't the ticket matter?

Well, here it is.

Undoubtedly a witness to history.

The four companies that were suspended from trading were scheduled to resume trading on Monday, July 12, and Good Guy closed the small dark room for two months in one go.

All the big money who are going to flee today are all dumbfounded, and they all yell at the "village chief" behind the screen and they can't be fooled if they can't afford it? But there is no way, the arm can't bend the thigh duck.

Small and medium investors and retail investors are also unprecedentedly giving the "village chief" a collective thumbs up. This wave of suspension operations really saved the lives of countless small traders, because if the trading stops, the price priority and time priority transaction rules mean that Those with a large amount of capital will trade first and run away, and small capital will not be able to run away at all, and they will eat at the limit.

The suspension means that there is still hope, and there may be a turnaround in two months.

After all, the market is opened by the village chief, and the village chief has the final say. The village chief has the worst ultimate means. If the entire market cannot bear the pressure, then the market will be closed immediately, and all the labor and capital will be locked in a small dark room.

But this is a one-shot, seven-injury fist, which is extremely harmful to the financial market. It is not necessary to use it unless it is absolutely necessary, but it can be used when it is absolutely necessary. The 3000-point integer mark is a position that must be defended no matter what. , even if the skin can not be broken.

Once it breaks, it will inevitably lead to systemic financial risks, which will be transmitted from the stock market to banks, and then to the real economy, with disastrous consequences.

If there is such a risk, it can only temporarily freeze the liquidity of the whole city, and the market must be strongly intervened.

This kind of thing can only be done in China. It is definitely impossible to do in North America. It is not true in theory. It will only watch the blood collapse all the way.


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