Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 928 [Discussion on the Medium Bus]

The latest website: end of May.

The head of the venture capital fund, Liu Wen, announced that he would return to work after the holiday. Mr. Liu returned this time with great pride, with the momentum of the return of a king.

"Old Liu, you are really old. I sincerely apologize for my previous attitude towards you. I hope you don't mind. I'm also very guilty. I shouldn't have questioned you. I'm very sorry."

At this moment, Liu Wen was sitting on the boss chair in his office, with his legs resting on the desk, comfortably answering the call of the caller. Hearing a series of apologies from a major client inside, Liu Wen said with a smile and said casually, "Where, where, I understand, and frankly I admit that I have gambling elements, but I bet right, good luck and good luck."

"Be humble, I don't believe this is a gamble. If you don't say anything else, I'm afraid your relationship with Luo Sheng is worth hundreds of billions. Why don't others know the inside information of five trillion, but you know?"

Hearing this, Liu Wen hurriedly denied: "Mr. Wei, your expression is wrong, I must correct you, I have never heard any so-called insider information, and I don't even know there are 5 trillion yuan before this. Things, I can't talk nonsense, I can't bear it."

The investor who made the call on the other end of the communicator instantly understood, and quickly responded with a smile: "Haha, I'm really sorry, I made a mistake just now."

This is just pretending to be confused.

What time is it now? Blind people can see that your venture capital fund must have obtained inside information. Except for the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Office and Luo Sheng's institutions, other super-rich individuals or investment institutions have more or less cut their flesh.

Only the venture capital fund not only did not withdraw, but also backhanded the last bit of wealth. Who would believe this without inside information?

But there are some things that can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words.

Liu Wen just hung up the phone, and another major customer called, and after the call came a voice: "Mr. Liu, don't say anything, I have 200 million spare money here, you can take it all, do you want to I'm sure I won't have any comments in the future."

It's so real.

Today, I patronized to receive the phone calls of large investors and congratulations from some friends and business colleagues.

Liu Wen's heart is also full of emotion at this moment. Before that, there were all villains around him, but overnight Liu Wen found that there were no villains around him. He looked around at all good people, and they couldn't be enthusiastic.

at the end,

Liu Wen put away his thoughts and responded, "It's easy to say, it's easy to say..."

It is no exaggeration to say that the venture capital fund and Liu Wen also embarked on the road of consecration in another way. Holding the thigh is also a university question. Liu Wen can be said to explain to the world that choices are sometimes true. is more important than effort.


Some people are happy and some are sad, and the mentality of Wall Street capital has collapsed.

According to gossip reports, the heads of several Wall Street investment banks bought a new set of office equipment that day, including computers, cups, folders and even desks...

There is also unconfirmed news that the CEOs of six well-known European and American asset management institutions have resigned, and 16 well-known overseas investment institutions have launched international lawsuits in a hurry, bringing Shengfeng Capital to the international court. , began a lengthy litigation dispute.

I can't afford to lose and I start to think that the previous agreement is invalid.

However, the agreement in black and white is clear, and all kinds of retention have been expressed in place. It is impossible to win a lawsuit.

Use strong?

Today's rabbits are no longer the same as they used to be. It is precisely because of this that European and American capitals choose to file lawsuits. Otherwise, with the urgency of these foreigners, they will never take the civilized route to solve problems by hooliganism.

This wave of Luo Sheng's operations is a serious injury to European and American capital, and it may not be relieved in three or five years.

The top asset management institutions in Europe and America, such as BlackRock Group, will face the anger of their investors. Many investors in asset management trust institutions were so angry that they demanded to redeem their money. , and no longer leave it to them.

As a result, on the night of Friday, the three major North American stock market indexes took a dive. In order to settle with investors, some investment institutions had to sell their holdings to redeem and cash out, resulting in a flash crash in stock prices.

It was not until many years later that people realized that today is a very important turning point in the capital market. It marked that since then, the big A has stepped out of the independent market, the global capital market has plummeted, and the big A has been immune to the attack all the way.

It is said that today is a symbolic time node because from today, the weather vane of the global capital market is no longer the US stock market, but the A-share market.

But no one has realized this yet.

But times have changed.


Entering June, on June 2, Luo Sheng took a special plane to the central and western regions of the country. After leaving the airport, he met with Professor Yu Zhengping. This time, he made a low-key trip to a distant place and brought a research team in person. I came to a set of mainland to conduct research in the countryside, and also invited Professor Yu Zhengping, a scholar who has in-depth research and attainments on the countryside, to carry out related work together.

Regarding the company's affairs, the major affairs have been arranged in the near future. Lao Zhang, Yao Jianhong and Qin Weimu are in charge of Luo Sheng. They are very relieved. Video conference to discuss decisions.

It was not a whim to go to the mainland for research this time, but the superiors approved his idea and asked Luo Sheng to select a part of the natural villages in the mainland to conduct pilot projects, and let him toss and toss to see if this path could work. If it works, if it proves to work, it will start to be promoted nationwide.

Professor Yu Zhengping can be said to be the founder of the school of rural cultural economics. There is probably no second person in the country who knows more about the rural situation than him. Luo Sheng asked him to investigate together as a heavyweight consultant. .

Obviously, Yu Zhengping was very excited. He did not expect that a capital predator like Luo Sheng, and a big name in the science and technology circle, not only cared so much about rural development issues, but even came to conduct pilot research in person.

This is a very powerful force. Professor Yu Zhengping is very aware of Luo Sheng's energy. He wants to make a name for himself here. He will have great potential in the later stage. It is very likely that rural development will usher in an unprecedented opportunity in the future.


June 3.

On a highway, several medium-sized buses got off the highway together, and after driving for about half an hour, they entered a mountain village road.

"Mr. Luo, has your full-staff joint-stock system found a solution to the problem of enthusiasm?" In one of the minibuses, Yu Zhengping and Luo Sheng were sitting face to face, talking and eating lunch boxes.

Holding a green vegetable, Luo Sheng thought for a moment and said, "It's not a big problem, whose interests are in the best interest, the full shareholding system does not mean giving away shares, there is an exercise process for pricing options, and you need to invest in shares. You have to buy stocks first, and you can pay attention to the money you spend, and you are a collective, and we also allow the participation of foreign capital, but it cannot exceed 20%.”

"In the final analysis, it is a question of how to divide money, so this matter has to be done separately, the collective residual value sharing and labor remuneration, the former is solved through options, but we transfer most of the residual value from time and space to labor services. Pay for it."

"The sharing of residual value is to eliminate absolute poverty. Enjoying collective dividends can only ensure that you will not starve to death, but relative poverty will always exist. To shorten relative poverty is in the part of labor remuneration. You have to work hard to live a good life."

"I can't save them if I don't give them a chance from the beginning. What I can do is to make them accept the survival concept of the market economy in a way. The only one who can really save them is themselves."

After listening to it, Yu Zhengping pondered and said: "The shares in the collective are non-employment labor remuneration, or they are dealing with farmers on the farmer's site. If they are not hired and included in a company system and agreed to manage, how can the service quality and cost be controlled? How should the interests and conflicts of all parties be resolved?”

After speaking, Yu Zhengping looked at Luo Sheng for confirmation.

"Incorporated into the same management of the company?" Luo Sheng shook his head with a laugh, and added: "If you can't manage it, you will die if you manage it, and you won't even have a chance to solve the problem."

Looking at Yu Zhengping's puzzled expression, Luo Sheng stretched out his fingers and slowly explained, "Is there a problem of working hours? Is there a problem of using child labor and elderly labor? There is also a problem of social security and labor insurance, right? , blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah day in front of the law.”

With that said, Luo Sheng looked at Yu Zhengping and continued: "The farmer will come over immediately and tell you that this place is not safe to sleep, and that the work in that place is very unpleasant. At that time, all the conflicts will be transferred to the conflicts between the farmers and the company, then It’s not about service quality and cost, it’s about how to serve these uncles well.”

Hearing this, Yu Zhengping nodded silently: "It makes a lot of sense, one pipe will kill you... But the problem is that once you put it away, it will be messy, no matter what, isn't it messed up into a pot of porridge?"

Luo Sheng put down his chopsticks, took a sip of water from the disposable cup, and said with a smile: "As long as there are more than three individuals, it is impossible for him to be monolithic. This contradiction will not appear again without that contradiction, it doesn't matter, there are benefits. Driven to let them take care of themselves.”

Yu Zhengping said curiously, "Oh? I'd like to hear the details."

Luo Sheng explained: "I bring customers and consumers to the local area and also bring market competition. For example, you can say that a farmer has contracted an orchard. There are several links in it, from fruit saplings to fruits, one link restricts a segment"

"Farmers have no sales channels and no external bargaining power. The role of the collective can play an advantage at this time, which is equivalent to uniting all the farmers to negotiate externally. Whether it is buying fruit seedlings or selling fruits, they will have better bargaining power through collective bargaining. "

"Farmers sell their fruit to the collective or find a channel to sell it themselves. Here, the labor remuneration is directly settled. It is a cash transaction. Whoever has a problem will bear the loss, and it will not affect the core profits of others. Some people in the collective share have a choice, and farmers who have invested in the collective are of course willing to sell to the collective, and they will get some of the money first, and the residual value obtained by the collective can be divided into shares, which saves worry and effort.”

"Similarly, a village collective is a larger overall unit, and there is also competition between villages and village collectives. This is a process that is restricted and closely related at every level. I can bring them customers, buyers, consumers. I can also establish small and medium-sized trading centers at major nodes to help them reduce transaction costs, and I can also provide them with interest-free loans, but whether they can truly develop sustainably still depends on the competitiveness of products. on their own."

"The introduction of no more than 20% of foreign capital also plays a protective role to a certain extent, which means that you have a long-term relationship to establish a link, so that your products have a priority purchasing advantage, but in the final analysis, it depends on the quality of products and services. ."

"In the middle of this process, they are allowed to have a process of producing defective products and raising prices. It doesn't matter, the market will correct them and let financial leverage solve the problems of quality and cost."

At the end, Yu Zhengping was speechless after listening to Luo Sheng's description. After a long time, he couldn't help nodding his head. He couldn't help but smile and praise: "There is a way here."


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