Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 930 [Let you earn first, I earn later]

[Renren Novel Network]

Tonight's Shenjia Village was very lively, and every household was discussing the fact that the richest man came to the village.

Shen Maode's house is obviously the most lively. Right now, the whole yard is brightly lit. Luo Sheng has nearly 100 people this time, plus some people from the village, more than 30 tables have been set up tonight, and the road outside the yard is full of people. It is a table, and I also temporarily took a light bulb over.

Most of the children in the village are left-behind children, and the noise is very lively. The courtyard of Shen Maode's house also temporarily built a few large stoves, and called the best old masters in the village to cook the dishes. It is also the handling of two slaughtered pigs.

Free-range poultry farming is banned in many places, but Shenjia Village is relatively backward, and every household basically keeps some chickens, ducks, dogs, and two pigs.

There was a large table in the courtyard of Shen Maode's house. Luo Sheng and Professor Yu Zhengping sat at this table with Shen Maode and others. On the table were some peanuts, Luo Han Guo, melon seeds, and tea.

Shen Maode, who was sitting next to him, personally brewed a half-full cup of tea for Luo Sheng, and said, "Mr. Luo, we have never seen the world's bitterness haha. The poor reception made you laugh."

Luo Sheng smiled and said, "Where is it, I'm flattered to be treated so warmly, I'm the one who caused you trouble."

After a few polite greetings, Luo Sheng also talked about business in small talk: "Mr. Shen, we are here to carry out pilot development in your village. Of course, we must follow the consent of the villagers."

"Agree, of course I agree. How can the richest man lead us to become rich?" Shen Maode said quickly, the villagers at the same table, including those sitting at the next tables, all raised their ears and listened to the conversation here. At this point, I am overjoyed.

Luo Sheng said in an orderly manner: "We plan to plan a sustainable way to get rich for the big guy based on the existing conditions in Shenjia Village..."

At this time, the villager Shen Maocai couldn't help but ask: "Luo's richest man, how can the village develop for nothing?"

Shen Maode turned his head and glared at him, and said softly, "Mr. Luo is talking, what are you interrupting?"

Luo Sheng said with a smile: "I saw that Shenjia Village has basically built new homesteads along the way. Every family has a house, a yard, and labor, as well as this great natural ecology of green mountains and green waters, but the most important thing is The villagers are not afraid of suffering and being tired.”

Holding a teacup, Shen Maode laughed and said, "Afraid of suffering and being tired? If farmers were afraid of suffering and being tired, they would have starved to death. Those dirty and hard work in the city are not all done by us migrant workers."

The villagers next to him also joined in.

Luo Sheng nodded: "That's good, then I will have more confidence in the development of Shenjia Village. Our plan is like this. According to the existing ecological conditions of Shenjia Village, we will make full use of them. Let's start a collective Shareholding system, everyone joins this collective by way of shareholding..."

Now let's talk about the rough plan.

At the end, Shen Maode said with a hesitant look: "To set up a hunting ground in the forest in the village? Mr. Luo, this is not illegal, right?"

Luo Sheng said with a smile: "There are also many places in China that operate legal hunting grounds, and all the documents are required. During the day, we went to the mountains and forests for a few hours. The ecology of Shenjia Village is very good, and the beautiful scenery cannot be destroyed. , This is the greatest value of Shenjia Village. We operate hunting grounds, and then we provide many value-added services for customers who come to consume. People come not only to enjoy hunting, but also to eat and live, right? "

Shen Maode: "Oh, it will cost a lot of money, and you have to build a hotel or something."

Luo Sheng shook his head and said, "What kind of hotel are you building? It's a lot of trouble to build a big construction project. I see that the newly built houses in the village have two and a half floors. I believe most of them are vacant. The second floor will be renovated and rented to people who come to play. Hunters live on one floor, and the price is affordable. Citizens who go to the countryside can also experience the atmosphere of farm life. They are tired of staying in hotels.

If you want to build strengths and avoid weaknesses, can you build a hotel in the village that is comparable to a star-rated hotel in the city? To give full play to one's own advantages, as long as it is clean, tidy, warm, hospitable, and not ripping off customers, it is mutually beneficial and win-win to do a good job in word of mouth. "

"The richest man is the richest man, hahaha, why didn't we think of it." Shen Maode nodded again and again, and after a while he scratched his head embarrassedly and said, "But Mr. Luo, I'm afraid this is about running a hunting ground. It is also a large investment. Most people in Shenjia Village are not rich. After building a new house, they have little money. The remaining money may not be enough for the wedding gifts of the younger generation. I am afraid that collectively they will not be able to start. funds……"

Luo Sheng said: "It doesn't matter, I will help you to pull an investor into the village collective, accounting for no more than 20% of the shares. The villagers have no money. I am about to set up a support fund to provide the villagers with no more than 50,000 yuan. A five-year interest-free loan, but the money can only be used for the collective shareholding and not for other purposes."

Shen Maode was stunned: "No interest for five years? Mr. Luo, you have given another idea, and you have contributed money and effort. Isn't it a big loss?"

Hearing this, Luo Sheng said in an easy-to-understand and down-to-earth way: "Haha, as long as Shenjiacun can get rich quickly, I can't lose any money. In the future, everyone will develop and improve their lives, so they can buy our company's intelligence. Mobile phones, tablets, robots, etc. I can also make money, you get rich first, and then buy our company's products, you earn first, and I earn later."

And this statement? Hearing this, Shen Maode and the others were taken aback for a moment.

This is the most appropriate way for Luo Sheng to say this. People are like this. If you help someone with good intentions, if the other party thinks that you can't get any benefits from him, it will always feel a little fake, unreliable and unreliable.

Luo Sheng is actually right. His corporate organization is too big. To examine the problem from a higher level, it is of course that the prosperity of the whole people will benefit his company.

You don’t need Dabai robots, so you have to use mobile phones and computers. Well, if you don’t need these, you have to use home appliances such as washing machines and air conditioners, right?

There are semiconductor chips and smart homes in it. How can Luo Sheng's companies share a little bit of profit and residual value?

As time went by, it was finally time for dinner, and everything was ready, and the bowls were delivered to the dining tables.

Shen Maode was bleeding profusely today. He slaughtered two fat and strong pigs. The two pigs alone cost at least 20,000 yuan at the current market price.

And this kind of free-range pigs that grow up eating wild vegetables is more expensive, plus other expenses, it is not a small amount for the Shen Maode family.

His daughter-in-law actually complained a little about her husband being so rich, but she hid her distress in her heart and did not oppose her husband but silently supported her, but Luo Sheng still saw it in her eyes and couldn't hide it from his eyes.

From Shen Maode's speech and behavior, and this dinner, Luo Sheng basically confirmed the Shenjia Village pilot, and it was relatively the most suitable for him to represent the village collective.

After dinner, Luo Sheng, Shen Maode and others continued to chat about the development of Shenjia Village, and finally stayed overnight at a family in the village without going to the county hotel.

Originally, the villagers were worried that the richest man in the world would not be able to live and sleep well, and they were afraid of being neglected.

However, when I woke up the next morning, I found that my worries were more than enough, and I also found that the world's richest man was very down-to-earth, so he left after having breakfast with the family where he was staying.

I met with Professor Yu Zhengping, the latter smiled: "I read the morning news today, the news of your coming to Shenjia Village spread out layer by layer like wings last night, from the village to the village. It spread to the county, and then to the local media, and then it appeared in the news reports of this morning's hot news, I think today's Shenjia Village will be even more lively."

Luo Sheng was helpless.

However, he didn't resist it. Shenjiacun was the first pilot he chose, and it wasn't all a bad thing to use his fame to push the outside world's attention to this village.


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