Global Monopoly of Technology

Chapter 976 [The scientific and technological revolution is often accompanied by global turmoil]

Star Arrow International's ambitious manned lunar landing program has also stimulated competitors, and SpaceX's Elon Musk has publicly shouted, claiming that the United States has completely fallen behind in the field of space exploration and is about to fall behind.

The implication is to quickly increase investment in the field of space exploration and compete with the Chinese people.

NASA is also fanning the flames in Congress, asking for money!

Although the beautiful country is in a very bad time now, it still thinks that it is a global military brother and can be rescued.

Soon after, Congress passed a $33.2 billion space exploration budget under the soft and hard bubbles of NASA and Elon Musk.

The funds allocated to NASA can be said to be squeezed out of the teeth at present.

Luo Sheng is dragging the beautiful country into the water, making it forced to join the space race.

Even if you know it is a trap, you have to jump in. This is the stubbornness of being the first brother of the earth. The wave of the fourth scientific and technological revolution is rolling forward. The era of the great voyage of the universe is just around the corner, and North America cannot accept China. The nation is a big family.

However, the general trend of the world is already in the East. After the manned moon landing plan was confirmed, Star Arrow International once again publicly shouted in the world. Arranged clearly.

In the post-solar storm era, the Sequoia epidemic has made a comeback, and the world is in chaos. There is no money or energy to focus on the aerospace field.

Astronautics talents in Europe and the United States inevitably flow to the East on a large scale, or they are in Europe and America with their hearts in the East.


This morning, in Luo Sheng's office, Lin Ya, the android number 18, was reading the news to him.

"According to a report by the Global Times on March 22, when France's plan to purchase 1,500 Sequoia vaccines from relevant domestic pharmaceutical groups still yielded no results, Paris decided to replace Claire, who was 'poorly negotiated'. This decision will be announced in the official announcement. It was announced last week that Claire must return to Europe within 45 days of being replaced."

"There are rumors that Claire was also accused of rushing to my country's second largest island for vacation during this sensitive period. The French media believe that this incident is related to the internal contradictions of the French authorities and is a major scandal for the authorities."

"Claire, however, denied the allegations in an interview, claiming that she did not go on holiday."

The country has not been swept by the Sequoia epidemic,

This is because of proper prevention and control. Sequoia has been around for more than a year, and relevant domestic pharmaceutical groups have already stepped up the research and development of Sequoia vaccine, and three domestic relevant pharmaceutical groups have already passed Phase IV clinical trials.

This is a super big cake. On the one hand, vaccines are needed domestically, but the most important thing is for export.

It is worth mentioning that the Sequoia epidemic is basically excluded from the country, so people in China are not forced to take the Sequoia vaccine. Those who need it can go to the hospital for consultation and vaccination prevention, which costs 50 yuan. Can.

Now the best Sequoia vaccine is from a pharmaceutical group in Huaguo. The export price of a Sequoia vaccine is about 300~350 RMB, which is too expensive even in developed countries. , the price has to double or even triple.

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There are not many people who have been vaccinated in China, but it is different abroad. The people in Europe and the United States refused to get vaccinated from the beginning, and now they are rushing to get vaccinated because they finally realized the reality and basically everyone is fine after getting vaccinated. If you don't get vaccinated, you will really die.

This has created another consequence. Sequoia vaccines are in short supply, and the distribution of vaccines means that they are eligible to live. Those who are allocated the vaccines first means that their lives are guaranteed in advance.

This is frying. After the new year, Europeans and Americans are now starting to make trouble because of the competition for vaccines.

After listening to the news that Lin Ya read, Luo Sheng shook his head with a smile, "These French people clearly want to prostitute for free, but they don't have the money."

In fact, it is not only Europeans, but Argentina in South America as well. They plan to buy 20 million doses of Sequoia vaccine. However, after talking with the other party, the domestic pharmaceutical group feels more and more wrong, and finds that if the goods are given to Argentina, ten ** will become A bad debt, the meat buns beat the dog to no avail.

Argentina is very likely to be unable to pay and then default on its debts. The economy of this country is basically GG, and the inflation rate has reached an astonishing 153.5%. There is also a record for defaulting on debts.

Luo Sheng is actually very envious of the profits of the Sequoia vaccine. Now whoever can provide a reliable Sequoia vaccine can make a lot of money.

However, Luo Sheng did not set foot in this field. As the first person to predict, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he did not let the Life Science Fund engage in vaccine research and development.

It is too late to invest in research and development. Other pharmaceutical groups and related institutions have already completed the fourth phase of clinical trials.


North America, California.

"BOSS, the x-k18 drug has passed the final test and can enter the mass production stage." Victor Finley's assistant reported to him at the Pioneer Gene headquarters.

"Very good, enter pre-production immediately." Victor Finley decisively approved the production plan, "In addition, get the FDA's clinical trial license as soon as possible."


The side effect of the enhanced people after genetic mutation transformation is a violent temper, which strengthens their ability and strengthens their violent tendencies. The so-called x-k18 drug is a sedative developed by the leading gene, which can suppress the strengthening. people's tendency to violence.

This is also the key bargaining chip for Victor Finley to control them. After injecting this sedative drug, it can restore the sanity of the enhanced person and is not easy to anger and hurt people, but it needs to be taken regularly.

From this, it can be seen that it is not only a key bargaining chip to control and strengthen people, but also to make a lot of money.


into May.

Unusual incidents of civil violence in major European and American metropolises such as Los Angeles, Chicago, Paris, London, New York City, etc., made world news headlines in May.

This has been completely spread, and the destructive power of these civil violence incidents has been fully exposed to the public at once, and has been described by the major media as "extremely dangerous".

In the middle of May, some people with far more destructive power than ordinary people broke out in bloody conflicts with the explosion-proof brigade. These people are also regarded by ordinary people as "monster lunatics", and they will kill you if they disagree.

All of a sudden, everyone is in danger.

But then again, for Europeans and Americans, the world is fucked up enough, and it is not uncommon for these "monster madmen" to appear. What they are thinking about now is to buy more guns and bullets, so that they can feel safe. The profits of military enterprises are also rising.

As time came to June, the WHO publicly released a message that once again caused a global uproar, and finally figured out the reason for these amazingly destructive "madmen".

Sequoia subspecies!

The announcement issued by the WHO claimed that they had learned and confirmed from reports provided by Pioneer Gene Corporation and several other North American life science research institutions that the Sequoia virus caused one of the biggest mutations and evolved a new Sequoia subspecies. .

This report was confirmed and the subspecies Sequoia was more prone to infecting minors under 16 years of age.

It seems that the world is accompanied by turmoil and chaos with every great scientific and technological revolution. The first two world wars broke out, the third started in the era of nuclear haze, and this time, natural disasters and epidemics are superimposed on each other.


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