Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 1103 The Dark Forest

"Who is this person? He looks like he is about to die of illness?"

On the Eugen Flying Boat, everyone gathered together, but Zhao Nan extracted an image of a human face from the memory of the future and placed it in front of everyone.

The one who can say that this kind of "quick death" is worthy of speaking is naturally the Black Princess Riruru, who is of noble birth but lacks the manners that such nobleness should have.

"Meow meow!! I remember saying meow!!! This guy is the one who killed me!"

Kaoros jumped directly onto the table, looking excited... At the same time as he was excited, the new member Lin Banyao was scratching his head, "What is it like to be killed..."

"This." Ye Anya reached out and picked up Kaoros, placed it in front of Lin Banyao, pointed and said: "I have been killed by this person before."

Lin Banyao was stunned, but still said in an unclear voice: "Has this been killed before?"


Lin Banyao swallowed his saliva and said: "Then who can tell me what is going on with this person who is still here now? Monster? Ghost? Fake corpse?"

"You guessed it, this is a ghost." Ye Anya smiled softly and threw Caolo into Lin Banyao's face.

The guy in Caolos probably got used to being lazy, so he just lay on Lin Banyao's face and refused to get off. Unexpectedly, Lin Banyao suddenly let out a cry of terror, fell to the ground, and passed out.

Anya Ye stretched out her finger and poked Lin Banyao's face, then turned around and said, "Brother, can this guy really defeat Sister Xiaocao and Sister Linglong together? It doesn't look like it?"

He has the power to stabilize the Chosen One's Pyramid, but he is a person who can be frightened into a coma by ghosts... Probably no one will believe it, right?

Zhao Nan smiled helplessly and said: "It seems that the training of the half-demon is not enough."

However, it is difficult for ordinary people to quickly accept his existence and make people approach him easily.

Zhao Nan shook his head: "Let's not talk about him anymore. Let's get down to business. Just like what Caolos said, this man is the Apostle of God's Punishment, and his name is Balsas. The reason why I let you look like this . I just want you to have peace of mind. Listen, no matter where you are or under any circumstances, you must stay away from him as soon as possible."

"This..." Augustus rarely saw Zhao Nan being so dignified, so he hesitated and said, "Is this person really that powerful?"

Zhao Nan said sternly: "Back then, Caolos was the favor of God. He was far more powerful than you are now, and he was as helpless against Balsas."

Augustus' expression changed slightly... Olga was staring at Balsas in the image at this moment, "I really wish I had seen this guy somewhere."

All eyes gathered in an instant. The Dragon King girl closed her eyes at this moment and tried hard to remember. Soon after, she opened her eyes and said, "I remembered that at that time, the Six Elements Holy Dragon was in chaos and when my father returned, it seemed that this guy was with him. Later, my father Clean the Dragon Realm and then leave."

Olga shook his head and said: "In fact, the cleansing of the Dragon Realm caused us to fall into a huge panic, and we were not even willing to recall that period of history. If you hadn't let me look at the image this time, I would never have done it in my life." I won’t even think about it.”

The Apostle of God's Punishment and Osiris once walked together...during the time when the Six Series Holy Dragon Family was in rebellion...that is to say, not long after the Hundred Clans War.

It was also the time when the Apostles of Divine Punishment began to walk in Paradise.

"But why does this person want to go with the Dragon King of the Sky?" Finina asked in confusion: "According to what Caolos said, the Apostle of Divine Punishment is to eliminate those activists who survived the war? Oh... The Sky Dragon King did not directly participate in the war, so he is not among the targets? "

"Maybe, but not necessarily." Zhao Nan shook his head and said: "In short, until we find a way to face the Apostle of God's Punishment head-on, we can only avoid this guy."

That's all for now.

East China Sea.

This time I came here to find the sixth piece of god-killing weapon. But they only know that the God-killing Arms exist in the deep sea. There is no clue as to which direction the four sea areas of southeast, northwest and southeast are located.

And the East China Sea is where we want to go. It's just because according to Caolos, the God of Judgment's sanctuary is somewhere in the East China Sea.

But the God of Judgment's Divine Treasure is different from ordinary Divine Treasures. Its entrance can constantly move. Even Caolos couldn't determine where the entrance had moved. But there is a way to capture this entrance. Back then, Caoros often slipped out and returned quietly through this method... Of course, he would be caught by the God of Judgment every time.

The method is that there is a special sea beast in the East China Sea. It has the ability to travel freely through space. It's called the 'Black Sheep Snake'. After the blood of the 'Black Sheep Snake' draws the magic circle through a special method, it can stabilize the spatial structure... and naturally stabilize this constantly moving entrance in a short time.

"I hate life underwater."

It has been diving into the bottom of the East China Sea for more than three days. Under the dim sea water, it has been constantly sneaking so that although it is still bright inside the airship, it is pitch black outside and nothing can be seen. It's like a dark night that has been going on forever.

The one who complained was the Dragon King girl - except for dragons who live in water and swamps, few dragons like to leak water.

"Help!! It's so scary here!! I don't want to stay here!!!"

Especially when looking out from the window sill that can cut off the water layer, I feel even more depressed when I see the Lin Banyao wailing constantly while tying himself with a rope on the flying boat.

Zhao Nan is not Zhao Mu, and he will not let Lin Banyao grow up on his own. Now that he possesses the powerful ability of Silent Spirit Skill, his body has been transformed many times and become as strong as a giant dragon. It would be really shameful if such combat power is not properly cultivated.

And it's ready-made, if only you can muster the courage.

So there was a scene where he was holding a steel fork in his hand, wearing a pair of shorts, and using a secret treasure that could breathe in the seabed, constantly exploring in this dark environment in a straight line.

Although the expressions and movements are very exaggerated. And he was in a state of nervousness all the time, but the results in the past few days were remarkable - countless deep-sea sea beasts died tragically due to Lin Banyao's panicked and random swing of the steel fork.

"Today's dinner is deep-sea shellfish sashimi."

The road to heaven for stars, the second level, somewhere.

In a place as spooky and terrifying as the Devil's Forest, the newly selected exploration troops of the Kingdom of Dragon are moving forward... The place they are heading to is the garrison point opened up on the second level by the first batch of twenty-eight exploration teams. . And this time as the leader. It was Ximenyu who presided over this selection competition.

Not only is he the perfect prince in the hearts of most women in the Dragon Kingdom, he is also the idol in the hearts of many men. Not only is he powerful, but he also has outstanding achievements. He also has a perfect appearance, and he is dedicated to the development of the Dragon Kingdom every day. Even in such a dangerous place as exploring the road to heaven among stars, we still take the lead.

Giving birth to a child should be like Ximen Yu... This is a joking name of some old people, but surprisingly not many people seem to feel unhappy about it. Because so far, Ximen Yu has indeed grown into an admirable mature man.

"Master, according to the last record. It will take another day for us to get through this dark forest." The person who spoke was Brother Lang... a subordinate who has always followed Ximen Yu and never left him.

"Very good." Ximenyu nodded: "You can go ahead and tell Gao Mingyang and the others that they can leave immediately and continue moving forward after we arrive."

"Well, why don't you let the manpower this time rest for a while?"

Ximenyu shook his head and said: "We don't have time to rest. Listen, time is life. Although the Sea Clan is dormant now, I think there will be action soon. If we don't get the help of the Star Spirits as soon as possible. Create a If a group of masters who can stand on their own come forward, even if the old man takes advantage, we will not be able to resist the countless warriors of the Sea Tribe."

Brother Wolf suddenly smiled. The smile on this always serious face is not pretty, but there is a seriousness that people can feel, "Master, you have really changed. In the past, you only said that time is money."

Ximenyu was stunned and shook his head. He sighed and said, "I'm probably going to be a father soon. I feel a little emotional. What, did it scare you?"

Brother Lang shook his head and said: "No. It should be said that such a young master makes people more like to stay around."

Ximenyu smiled and said calmly: "Then I must have been a very annoying person before."

Brother Lang said sternly: "Young master, please don't underestimate yourself. If the young master didn't use strategies at first, he wouldn't have achieved what he has today. The young master can't remember that he once said that you can have a kind heart. But you need to be equipped with the ability to release your kind heart before you can do it." Come out with real good deeds.”

Ximenyu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "I'm afraid I can't remember."

Brother Lang smiled and said: "The young master has been busy recently, so it's not an important matter if he can't think of it... Okay, I'll go ahead and inform Gao Mingyang and his party."

"Be careful on the road."

Brother Lang did not look back, but his figure stopped. After a moment of silence, he shot forward. Ximenyu watched the figure finally disappear into the darkness ahead, then lowered his head and said to himself: "Did I really say that..."

The team is still moving forward.

Suddenly, the spy turned around and said, "Sir, a group of injured protoss were found ahead!"

"Oh? Take me to see it." Ximenyu nodded.

He ordered a dozen people to follow him, and then led the way to the place where the star spirit was found. Soon after, only five star spirits were seen leaning under an old tree. One of them was seriously injured and was dying. The other four star spirits looked exhausted.

When the four stars saw someone approaching, they immediately became alert.

"Don't be nervous, I don't mean any harm." Ximen Yu stepped out and said with a smile: "I was just passing by this place to see some of them were seriously injured. I wonder if I can help?"

One of the four awake stars looked at Ximen Yu up and down, and suddenly said with excitement: "Are you... Ximen Yu, Lord Ximen?"

"I am Ximenyu, that's right..." Ximenyu was stunned for a moment and said differently: "Sir, do I know you?"

"Master Ximen, have you forgotten?" The star spirit's expression suddenly became excited: "We were once trainees of the Guardians!"

Guardians... Ximen Yu remembered that he had indeed entered the Star Spirit Realm once. And he graduated quickly from the Guardians at that time.

Ximen Yu shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I really don't remember... But in this case, you are also defenders?"

The star spirit nodded and said, "Master Ximen, you were an excellent student at that time, so you naturally don't remember me. This time... To be honest, this time we entered the Black Magic Forest because a star spirit was born again in the star spirit world not long ago. We received intelligence that there is an evil wizard in the Black Magic Forest who secretly collects unhatched star spirits to refine evil weapons. This time we entered the Black Magic Forest to find out where this evil wizard is hiding."

Ximen Yu nodded: "Did you find it?"

The man smiled bitterly and said, "Yes, but it also paid a painful price. There are a total of 20 people in our team, and now only five of us have escaped, and there is even one..."

After that, his face was gloomy.

Ximen Yu could only comfort him a little bit... He instinctively wanted to build a good relationship with everyone around him, maybe he would be useful in the future, "Don't be sad, they sacrificed themselves to protect the new star spirits, and they have fulfilled their responsibilities as the guardians."

"Thank you..." The man looked at Ximen Yu gratefully, and then said: "Lord Ximen, so many years have passed since you graduated. I wonder which area you were sent to at that time? I don't seem to have heard any news about you in these years."

"It's a small place, not worth mentioning." Ximen Yu shook his head, and suddenly he was interested in this so-called evil wizard.

Along the way, the new exploration team was advancing at a high speed under his leadership, almost avoiding places where they could fight.

Perhaps it was God's will that he met his classmates who had been in the Guardian Academy in this place... Then it would be better to let this group of exploration teams experience a little battle with the star spirits.

"Tell me about the wizard's situation." Ximen Yu smiled and said, "I am also a boundary guardian. I can't stand idly by when I encounter such a thing."

The star spirit took a look at the people standing behind Ximen Yu. Each of them seemed to exude a fierce aura. He was delighted and said, "In this case, the wizard will definitely be brought to justice!" (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature. The novels are better and updated faster!


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