Global Monster Online

Chapter 1105 Collapse of Memory

"I remembered, meow! Black sheep snakes like to surface on full moon nights to mate!"

While he was talking, everyone was eating sashimi, but Caolos, who was unconscious, began to chatter endlessly: "Tsk tsk, on a full moon night, thousands of snakes come out, lingering and pathos, blending with each other, their eyes are like stars, and they are like stars in the water. Magnificent gems, the two intertwined black sheep snakes are like spirals, with their bodies vertical. This kind of splendor cannot be described in words. "

"But you can still describe it, can't you... I'm full."

Women probably don't like snakes by nature. Xu Yang put his chopsticks on his noodles and took a sip of water, indicating that he had no appetite at all.

But Lin Banyao's appetite is very strong, and he has completely taken over the exploration work outside the flying boat, which consumes a lot of physical strength.

"Speaking of which, the moon is full tonight." Finina glanced at Zhao Nan.

Zhao Nan nodded and said, "Then let's make some preparations."

In the East China Sea, due to the war, there are not even many sea people in this area, let alone the chosen ones or the aboriginal people.

Since there are no people, there is naturally no interference. All that needs to be done is to act according to the established goals. Simple tune.

But Zhao Nan really likes this monotony at this moment.

Ximenyu is no stranger to Moslian. After all, this was a terrifying guy that he had fought against before... when Dongyuan City was still very weak. That day was one of the important reasons why it was so impressive because of the tremendous changes that had taken place in the world since then.

Moslian became a protoss in the world of protoss... at least the current protoss' path to heaven. So let's think about it, have the people who have died in this time period from that world update to the present also been born in the star spirit world?

The powerful enemies we have encountered before. Those Chosen Gods who are on the road to becoming gods, not because they are not strong enough but because of bad luck...Have they also landed somewhere on the road to heaven for the stars?

It's not impossible. Just at the moment when he saw Moslian transformed into a star spirit, Ximen Yu could think of many things.

But the current situation is the limit of what can be thought of... because Moslian in front of him obviously does not intend to let the invaders have too much free time to think about anything.

Six-star level!

I don’t know how long it took to incubate itself, and I don’t know how long it took to retrieve the memories before death. However, in the past time, it is obvious that the other party has regained its power-maybe not completely. Regain the power you had when you were most powerful.

That's why he lurks in this low-level dark forest.

However, Ximenyu didn't know that Moslian's real time of death was in the Flowing Realm. It's just that the two sides didn't really meet each other at that time. If you think about it. You will understand that the process of Moslian regaining his power will be shorter.


At this moment, almost as soon as Mosilian took a step forward, Ximenyu issued an order, his voice urgent and fast, even with a hint of panic. At that time, Moslian was still in a sealed state, which had already plunged the entire Dongyuan City into a terrifying disaster, not to mention that he had now successfully reached the level of godhood.

There is nothing wrong with this choice - but it is obviously not easy to escape from such a terrifying enemy.

The members of the exploration team were stunned at the same time, but as veterans among the players, their reaction ability was also first-rate. The word "retreat" had just spread throughout the entire team. Some people had already started to retreat quickly.

"Want to leave? Become the source of strength for me!"

The black robe suddenly shattered at this moment. Under the exploding robe, what was covered was only a huge eyeball, and the many tentacles that were twisting constantly above the eyeball... gray and translucent. , there are strange tentacles like egg-shaped objects in it!

ah--! !

I remembered the countless exclamations at this moment, because only a few exploration team members could not react in time. In an instant, these strange tentacles were wrapped around his body, and he was lifted up in an instant. The tip of the tentacle pierced directly into the back of the heads of these exploration team members.

But in the blink of an eye. The bodies of these members of the exploration team instantly became withered... what was revealed was despair and distorted faces. Obviously, compared to the time in Dongyuan City, Moslian's methods this time were more ruthless - perhaps this is the reason why it was able to successfully return to the God-level power level during this period of time.

"It's really rare and delicious. It's much better than those brainless beasts here...Tsk, tsk." The cold laughter was like insects swimming in the heart, making people's scalp numb.

Ximenyu roared angrily, and a bright golden light erupted from his body.

now. Twelve beams of light fell from the sky, making a loud roar! Under twelve consecutive loud noises, the twelve puppet war generals directly crushed the surrounding ancient trees and appeared in front of Moslian.

"Let's go! Go to the designated place as soon as possible to meet the first exploration team! Don't look back, I will come as soon as possible!"

now. There is only one thought in the mind of every exploration team member: Lord Ximenyu plans to delay this terrifying enemy by himself and buy time for everyone to evacuate... No wonder he is respected by so many people, and it is not without reason!

"Sir, we are waiting for you!"

Several rapid calls gradually faded away. Ximen Yu put his hands beside him at this moment, and a large amount of thunder began to gather between his palms!

However, he saw the tentacles shot out from Moslian's body frantically surrounding the twelve puppet generals. It seemed that he wanted to use the same method to deal with the exploration team members to get rid of these generals.

But those tentacles seemed to be completely unable to penetrate into the back of the puppet general's head!

"If it's a dead thing, there's nothing you can do!" Ximenyu withdrew his hands, and an arc of electricity shot out from his hands at this time!

It instantly rushed into the air and turned into a huge arc like a rainbow, and then an extremely dense power grid shot out from the arc.

Bolts of electric light flew to those tentacles, blasting off the tentacles that were entangled with the puppet general! Ximen Yu was different for a moment, clasping his hands together. The twelve puppet generals in front of them burst out with huge light at the same time! In this light, the twelve warriors quickly merged together and turned into a towering giant!

Dark God!

A powerful combat puppet that is fully capable of competing with a five-star level professional who holds a small world is also Ximenyu's strongest asset at present.

"Humph, you just want to use this piece of scrap metal to deal with me?" Moslian let out a huge sneer, "Let you taste the true taste of fear! Be frightened!"

For a moment. A large area of ​​space is enveloped in Moslian's divine realm. Ximenyu's consciousness was pulled out almost at this moment, and he fell into countless horrific fantasies.

Moslian slowly floated up at this time, the red light in his eyes flashed: "It took a certain guy to make me understand that fear is not a moment, but an eternity... One look for ten thousand years, one look for ten thousand years ! Hahaha, you should also experience the horror of painful reincarnation!"

Ximenyu's body instantly curled up, holding his head in pain. However, the spirit has already fallen into the terrifying nightmare reincarnation at this time, ten times, a hundred times, a thousand times...ten thousand times!

Even the most determined person will gradually lose his determination in the blink of an eye for thousands of years. But at this moment, Ximenyu was still struggling to support himself.

"Oh? It's not bad to be able to hold on until now."

However, at this moment, Ximenyu's eyes suddenly a moment of chaos. But it soon became clear.

There was still immense pain in my mind, but I bit my tongue forcefully. His mouth was full of blood, but he tried his best: "Dark God... Destroy!!"

Because he lost control and turned into a huge motionless collection of battle puppets, Dark God, at this moment, a terrifying light erupted from his body!

In an instant, it even lit up the entire Dark Forest!

Moslian's eyeballs shrank for a moment, feeling a powerful threat... It is not the type that can directly confront the enemy head-on. Even if it is the Conferred God level, its body is probably the weakest among all the Conferred God levels. .


Let out a roar. The huge eyes quickly flew towards the sky... At this moment, the Black Demon Forest was completely swallowed up by a huge ball of light.

Everything turned into nothingness!

For a long time, for a long time, in the distance of the flattened forest, there was smoke everywhere. In this smoke screen. However, a figure gradually crawled on the ground.

His body emerged from the soil. At this moment, only half of his body was left, and he managed to crawl a few steps. Then he tremblingly took out an instant recovery potion and poured it into his mouth.

Breathing heavily.

Soon after, the body grew back, and Ximenyu lay directly on the ground, watching the dust from the sky slowly falling down - Moslian's God's Domain was too terrifying, and the impact on his spirit almost made him whole. The ground collapsed.

However, at this moment, Ximenyu suddenly laughed...laughing almost like crazy.

"That's turns out that I have also been rewritten...Zhao Nan, ah, Zhao really belongs to you...Hahahaha, I lost, so fucking thoroughly. But..."

He suddenly stood up, held his tired body, and walked into the thick fog, "...World, I'm back."

Rays of fire shone in the dark night, scattering one by one, accompanied by shouts.

That was the second exploration team that went to join the base order, and the joint team that turned back after joining the first exploration team to explain the situation.

It was Ximenyu's voice that shouted.

However, the dark forest that had completely disappeared in front of them gave Gao Mingyang and others who rushed over to rescue them an ominous premonition.

With this level of destruction, Ximenyu's hope of surviving seems to be infinitely close to zero.

"I saw it! I saw it! It's Mr. Ximenyu!!" Suddenly an exclamation came.

In the thick fog that gradually dissipated, a figure was seen slowly walking out. He looked as embarrassed as a guy who had been homeless for several years. But since he can still move around, it at least proves that he is fine.

Everyone gathered and left quickly. Brother Lang, who was worried about his young master's condition, had a look of relief in his eyes, "Master, where are the enemies?"

"We have been defeated for the time being." Ximenyu shook his head with a tired face and said with a wry smile: "The price was quite high that day."

"It's good if you come back." Gao Mingyang nodded, walked in front of Ximenyu, reached out and patted his shoulder: "To be honest, I always thought you were a snobbish person. But at least after this time, I Lao Gao admires you from the bottom of his heart."

Facing a powerful enemy alone, buying time for all members of the exploration team to evacuate... After seeing the current scene of the Black Demon Forest, it is not difficult to imagine how terrifying the enemy Ximen Yu encountered was.

How much courage does this require?

Ximenyu shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Don't tell me, I'm actually so scared that my legs are weak right now. I just hit the fat man with a swollen face."

"This fat guy is decent!" Gao Mingyang laughed and raised his thumb.

"Ximen Yu!"

“Ximen Yu!!”

“Ximen Yu!!”

For a moment, everyone almost cheered and kept calling the hero's name. Ximenyu waved his hands quickly and said seriously: "Everyone, I think now is not the time to tease me. Although the enemy has been temporarily repelled, but for fear that it will appear again, we should leave this place as soon as possible. And this time I will go I was able to escape by protecting all my puppet generals. There will be no way to save their lives next time.”

"Don't worry, until you find a way to save your life by getting those twelve big guys, I will definitely protect you, Lao Gao!"

Ximenyu smiled and said nothing, but began to organize the team.

"Tsk, tsk, this person has really changed." Gao Xiang sighed at this moment: "But it's not a bad thing, it can even be said to be a good thing."

"I'm probably going to be a father soon, right?" Gao Mingyang glanced at everyone and said matter-of-factly: "Look, when Brother Nan was going to be a father, didn't he also start cultivating his mind and character? You know what happened at the beginning At that time, we were driven by him to clear monsters and level up, as if we were going to be reincarnated!"

"Then when are you going to cultivate your mind and nature?"

After teasing him for a while, he started to follow her.

Ximen Yu is smiling...smiling more sincerely than before, smiling like an ideal friend who can be friends in life and death.

Full moon night.

Ten thousand snakes came out, and the strange black snakes did not emerge from the surrounding sea rocks, but seemed to appear out of thin air.

The cracks in the space were opened one by one, and they swam towards the sea at the same time. The Eugen Flying Boat had been waiting for a long time, and now it was slowly heading towards the group of snakes.

At this moment, under the high hanging full moon, another figure stood facing the wind, with long silver hair flying in the wind, holding a golden war spear. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

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