Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 110: Xiongyou Visits, Fantasy Dungeon Quota Starts


Zhao Nan frowned slightly, and he was in the office of the castle. And there are only him and Renfeng here.

"Let him in."

Although he felt strange, Zhao Nan didn't think too much about it, so he arranged for Ren Feng's next work: "Let the servant serve some refreshments."

"Okay, Lord City Lord!"

Blade smiled gracefully.

Although he is a beast clan, he is a fox clan with more handsome men and beautiful women among the beast clan. At this moment, after Ren Feng took his leave, he dragged his close-fitting black tuxedo and left. Soon, Xiongyou came to Zhao Nan under the guidance of the servant.


Zhao Nan stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "If there is something, you can find me by reading, or you can send an email if it is inconvenient. Why do you need to come here in person? Do you need someone to pass it on?"

Xiongyou touched his head, and smiled awkwardly: "Brother Nan's identity is different now, I think you have a lot of things, so I have to use this method to disturb you."

Zhao Nan chuckled and said, "You and Xiao Nan know the true identities of me and Finina in Tingfeng City. To me, they are not outsiders. If you have anything to do in the future, just come to me directly! Xiao Nan, how is it? "

"Well, we took a day off and just completed professional advancement, and now we are planning to do the task." Xiongyou said.

"Oh?" Zhao Nan frowned and said, "I'm resting now, are you still doing missions?"

"It's impossible to relax..." Xiongyou sighed: "Who knows when the next monster attack will be? We have already rested for a day, and we will not relax next time."

Zhao Nan nodded and said, "It's rare for you to have such an idea."

Zhao Nan appreciates Xiongyou's sense of crisis. Although Xiongyou is young, he did not abandon his girlfriend during the most difficult time, and has been taking care of him. Now that Tingfeng City has just recovered for a day, it plans to continue to improve its strength. It is even more rare.

Xiongyou scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "Brother Nan, don't laugh at me. I'm far behind you!"

Zhao Nan shook his head and said, "Everyone has their own opportunities. The days are still long, and you will be stronger... So, why are you looking for me this time?"

While Xiongyou was hesitating, the servant had already delivered the refreshments. Xiongyou picked up the cup, held it in his hand and twirled it for a moment. Taking a breath, he looked at Zhao Nan and said, "To be honest, I came here this time because I want to ask Brother Nan for your help!"

"Say it."

"It's like this. Before the monsters attacked the city, I occasionally received a mission." Xiongyou recalled: "At that time, the requirement for this mission was level 17, but I was only level 16. After the monsters attacked the city, the mission was interrupted gone."

Zhao Nan pondered: "It's just a level 17 task, it shouldn't be difficult for you, why do you need help?"

Xiongyou quickly said: "If it's just an ordinary task, of course I won't bother you. The problem is that this task is rather strange. It requires me to enter a copy."

copy? Could it be...

Zhao Nan's heart moved, "What type of dungeon?"

"Fantasy dungeon." Xiongyou said puzzledly: "Actually, I'm rather strange. I don't know what it is. I only know about regular dungeons and one-time special dungeons, but I've never heard of fantasy dungeons."

Zhao Nan nodded and said, "The probability of fantasy dungeons appearing is lower than that of special dungeons. It's not surprising that you haven't heard of them."

"Brother Nan, do you know fantasy dungeons?" Xiongyou said happily.

"I have experienced it before." Zhao Nan did not hide it. Anyway, Xiongyou has the task of fantasy dungeon at hand, so he can be regarded as an insider.

"That's really great! It seems that I really didn't make a mistake when I came to you! Let's be honest, in fact, I am here this time. I want to invite you to enter the instance with me!"

"There is no limit on the number of people?"

"Characters reach level 17 or above, only four." Xiongyou said embarrassingly: "The dungeons are all scary places. When I got this dungeon, I was still considering whether to go in. After all, a regular dungeon of 10 is already It's so scary. This fantasy copy is so special, I don't know what danger it will be."

"Why change your mind now?"

"One of the reasons is of course to become stronger. To tell you the truth, Xiao Nan still has a relative who has survived until now. She wants to get back this relative, so she has to live forever. That's why she chose to go into this instance to have a look The other reason, and the main reason, is because of you! I saw the battle in the square from beginning to end. As powerful as you and Miss Finina, I'm afraid it's easy to clear the level 10 regular dungeon. If you join , I believe that this fantasy dungeon will be completed!"

Zhao Nan touched his nose, and to be honest, he was passionate about fantasy dungeons. To exceed the number of regular copies.

The regular copy is always there, as long as you have time, you can go to the two sides at any time. But to get good props, I don't know how many times to swipe. But the fantasy dungeon is different. Its uniqueness is that the benefits obtained by players can also be brought out when they are in it.

For example, the fountain of immortality directly gave him benefits beyond imagination after leaving the dungeon. Moreover, the requirement for the dungeon is that the character is level 17, which means that a character of level 17 is already capable of completing the dungeon. The number of people required is only 4, which also shows that the difficulty of this fantasy copy is not great.

Before attacking the square, Zhao Nan had already reached level 25, and after recovering Tingfeng City, he received a level-up reward again. Therefore, Zhao Nan estimates that the safety factor of entering this fantasy dungeon will be quite high.

"When do you plan to act?" Zhao Nan was not hypocritical.

"The best two days..." Xiongyou hesitated, "Because the entry deadline is almost here. Of course, it still depends on your time. You are the city lord now, and you are busy with business, so I don't want to disturb you."

"Let's go tonight, I still need to arrange some things."

"Great! I'll go and inform Xiao Nan to prepare!"



After Xiongyou left, Zhao Nan immediately greeted the Foxman butler and arranged for all the recruitment to continue. However, the time to clear the level 20 regular dungeon was postponed until after he came back.

The butler, Jian Feng, naturally obeyed the master's will and worked diligently to complete the work.

After nightfall, Zhao Nan and Finina rushed to the place agreed with Xiongyou on time. The four formed a team. After knowing the true levels of Zhao Nan and Finina, the young couple shouted perverted at the same time, and their tension eased a little.

"Okay, tell us what you know about this dungeon before entering."

Xiongyou nodded and said: "The reward is..."

"It goes without saying what the reward is, just tell me what the contents of the dungeon are." Zhao Nan shook his head.

Being able to get the entry quota this time is already the best reward. What Zhao Nan valued was not the so-called reward for completing the dungeon, but the benefits he could get from the dungeon.

"Oh well……"

Xiongyou shook his head, and said with a weird face: "The name of the dungeon is a bit's called 'Resentment, the yellow hair must die'...the content is to enter the dungeon and kill a person named Louis l. Bridget." (unfinished To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!

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