Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 1111 The Stone Pillar Formation and the Temple of Heroes

The guy lurking in the dark didn't seem to come with much good intentions. And he felt that the other party was completely unaware of his existence, so he had secretly prepared himself and was ready to show his fangs.

At this time, Augustus pretended to be completely annoyed by Zhao Nan, waved his hand and punched him lightly.

However, at this moment, the eyes of the two of them exchanged quickly. Augustus's punch suddenly turned, and a huge impact force burst out, attacking the shadow that was moving forward!

At this time, Zhao Nan also moved! He pressed his hands to the ground at the same time, and four magic circles opened from under his feet.

Not big!

But multiple dense green chains shot out directly and rushed towards the direction of Augustus' attack.

But the dark shadow seemed to have been prepared at this moment, and dodged Augustus's unexpected attack at a very fast speed. Even facing Zhao Nan's chains, he easily dodged them and hid in the thick fog.

Augustus missed the attack and frowned, and a huge divine power began to radiate from his body.

Zhao Nan reached out to stop him and shook his head, saying, "If you explode here, Shenzang will put pressure on you. Once the will of God and the will of God collide, it will be difficult to turn back."

Augustus gritted his teeth and began to calm his anger with an unwilling look. But even if he couldn't use the will of God, his powerful fighting power was still there. The Explosion Soul in his hand burst out with a bright and strong light. Under the threat of the sword light, the gray fog around him quickly dissipated like a tide.

Augustus felt a sense of intuition, and his body turned into a stream of light. He flew out in an instant, "Wait for me, I'll be back soon!"

Obviously, she didn't intend to let Zhao Nan attack together.

Zhao Nan subconsciously touched his nose... Was he really regarded as an object that needed protection? Zhao Nan laughed at himself. It seemed that he was unwilling to be deified because of his suppression. In Augustus's view, he had some idea that he was afraid of something, right?

Shaking his head, Zhao Nan didn't have to intervene.

He exhaled lightly and set his eyes on this strange stone pillar array again... Maybe there was a mechanism like the Flow Condensation Realm that could activate this stone pillar array.

Zhao Nan circled around the stone pillar array several times and finally listened to it. However, he did not find a similar mechanism. He frowned. He tried to pass his arm through the two stone pillars and put it into the stone pillar array.

However, the stone pillar array did not respond. Zhao Nan frowned more deeply, and his figure flashed, and he walked into the gray fog again. Not long after. He had caught a not-so-powerful evil spirit.

This evil spirit was struggling frantically under Zhao Nan's blockade. At this time, Zhao Nan threw this evil spirit directly into the stone pillar array.

But seeing this evil spirit living in this stone pillar formation, baring its fangs and claws... but nothing happened. Zhao Nan couldn't help but exclaim in his heart: Could it be that the evil spirit kings he raised deceived him?

No, if the evil spirit king deceived him, then when he was in Liuning Realm, Xia Leitolu had no need to deceive himself. And he was still so nervous about the stone pillar formation on the fifth floor.

"There are a group of evil spirits in Liuning Realm... There seems to be a crack in the deep sea that can produce evil spirits for the sea people to hunt for divinity. And there are evil spirits here, and even a similar stone pillar formation... What is the connection between these three?" Zhao Nan stretched out his hand. Touched one of the stone pillars and began to ponder.

Suddenly, Zhao Nan's expression moved. "Could it be that this stone pillar formation is just a replica... and it doesn't actually have the function of a real stone pillar formation?"

The conclusion that emerged in his heart seemed to change the direction of Zhao Nan's thinking... But more problems followed.

Zhao Nan sighed, shook his head, and said to himself: "I don't like puzzle games... I really don't like them."

"What do you dislike?"

At this moment, Augustus' voice came. She was holding a huge blunt sword in one hand and a person in the other hand.

At least in terms of body shape. This is a person, and even looks a little thin. This guy's body is intact. Unlike the evil spirit, there is an obvious hole in the chest.

There is blood in this guy's mouth. There is also a deep wound on his arm... Obviously, this person was not able to avoid Augustus' attack in the end.

But the person fainted.

"What should we do with this person?" Augustus threw the weapon to the ground and carefully pressed the weapon directly against the other person's chest.

Zhao Nan pondered for a moment and said, "Take the people with you. We've been out for a long time, let's go back."

As he said that, Zhao Nan turned around and silently looked at the stone pillar formation. Suddenly, a huge fireball rose in his hand... The fireball hit the stone pillar formation without any hesitation.

Boom--! !

More than ten stone pillars in front of him exploded in an instant, and were destroyed.

Augustus said in surprise, "What are you doing?"

"Let's see the situation..." Zhao Nan said in a rather evil tone, "And I'm not happy now, so I'm angry."




Holy Land, Dibia.

The place that was destroyed by someone has been rebuilt. The splendid Temple Council Palace is also full again. However, the quality of today's members of the Temple Council is far inferior to Congqiang.

Ever since the evil mysterious world was reopened, a heavy atmosphere has enveloped the Holy Land.

At this moment, in the palace of the Supreme Council. Except for the deceased chairperson, all remaining members of the assembly have arrived. At the same time, here are these two people who are not from this seat.

One is one of the former members of the council, the great elder of the Temple of War, Bafedi. And the other one is surprisingly the Emperor of the Empire of Night, Lucifer XIV.

at this time. His Majesty the Emperor said calmly: "We cannot sit still and wait for death. Even if the evil gods do not move for a day, it does not mean that we can always maintain a wait-and-see attitude."

Facing the high pressure of the Evil God's return, His Majesty the Emperor had no choice but to let the Soul Clan people return to the Temple Alliance. Of course, this return is not without conditions.

Therefore, Lucifer XIV is now in the palace of the Supreme Council. Have the right to speak.

An old man said at this time: "We are not completely sitting still. At least the Dragon Realm has promised to help us train a group of powerful dragon knights. Now that the Dragon Realm is closed, it seems that it is working hard to train new dragon knights. Bar."

At this time, His Majesty the Emperor said calmly: "How much power does the Dragon Realm still have? After the war, the Dragon Clan is only a little better than the average level of other hundreds of tribes. Don't forget that the opponent you are facing is not that kind of small world. A perfect master, and they are all on the other side of the Conferred Gods, the evil god’s camp!”

Bafeidi sighed at this moment and said: "Your Majesty, don't panic. I feel that the evil god seems to be afraid of something, otherwise he will not take action. Moreover, when it comes to that critical moment of life and death, we will never sit still and wait for death. ”

His Majesty the Emperor raised his brows and said in a mocking tone: "Oh? Are you old-fashioned people finally willing to open that place?"

"Lucifer XIV, I hope you can be more respectful! Even if your soul clan has returned. Even if you are a descendant of the first generation of the Supreme Council, it does not mean that you are qualified to be so presumptuous!" Another Supreme Councilor! The congressman said rather unhappily at this moment.

Lucifer XIV did not take it seriously and sneered: "I just feel sad for you. If you had been willing to open that place, the Holy Land would not have been like this."

Bafeidi sighed at this moment and said: "Your Majesty, you don't have to use this method of provoking the generals. The Holy Land suffered a catastrophe that day entirely because of a lack of reaction. If they had been prepared in advance, the other party might not have been able to take action. "

His Majesty the Emperor still sneered: "That's because you are used to this kind of comfortable life. You have forgotten how to fight since the war, right? And you still hold on to the glory of the year. You still regard yourself as The noblest man in the world.”

But Bafeidi said calmly: "We are not noble, but the gods we believe in are noble."

Lucifer XIV shook his head. He has absolutely no interest in continuing to argue with these believers, "No matter what, if you wait until then to open the Temple of Heroes, it will be too late! Even if those guys in the Temple of Heroes wake up, do you think they can be the first again?" It's time to realize what happened to the world. So you'd better open the Temple of Heroes as soon as possible! Don't end up holding onto this glory, but the guy inside doesn't know anything!"

Everyone was silent and had to start thinking about what Lucifer XIV said. But today’s topic is about the place. But it can't be opened casually...or rather, it shouldn't be opened by them!

The Temple of Heroes... can only let those inside come out on their own.

Because that is an area that believers cannot touch... because that is where the gods sleep! As a believer, you can only wait silently for the gods in your heart to wake up, but guard the other party's peace instead of disturbing them!

"Think it over for yourselves!"

His Majesty the Emperor stood up with a wave of his sleeves and left the lifeless palace of the Supreme Council. In his opinion, there was no vitality at all in this place... just like a piece of wood that was about to rot.

"The Temple of Heroes, the Temple of Heroes, guarding this power but not using it, these pig-like guys!" His Majesty the Emperor rubbed his brows, and there were more and more complaints in his heart.

But even so, His Majesty the Emperor, who wanted to open the Temple of Heroes, was unable to do so. In addition to walking out from inside, only the believers of the many existing temples of the Temple Alliance can gather together to open everything!

Each temple represents a key to open the Temple of Heroes. Only when all the keys are gathered can the door be opened. Only those who are inside...can get out.

"However, what came out was just a substitute. These pig heads are actually treated as treasures!"

The so-called Heroes Temple refers to the reincarnations of the sub-bit gods who fell during the war, which many believers of the Temple Alliance found around the world based on their own feelings about the gods they believed in after the Hundred Clans War. .

These reincarnations are extremely fragile, and they may not even be able to awaken the power of the fallen gods in their lifetime...or even just ordinary people.

However, for many believers in the Temple Alliance, these reincarnated people are the last legacy left by the gods in their hearts. How can they be easily left outside and let them grow old inaction?

Therefore, this place of the Temple of Heroes exists! In the Holy Land, the power of all the temples at that time was gathered together to build a secondary composite space within the Holy Land space.

Within this dimension, even ordinary people can never die! The people of the Temple Alliance believe that no matter who they are, as long as they stay in this space for a long time, the reincarnated gods will definitely wake up from their slumber! Once again, hold on to the original glory and come again!

Therefore, after a period of searching for the reincarnated son after the war, the Temple of Heroes was completely closed. And many believers also have huge hopes, waiting for their gods to walk out of the Hall of Heroes.

This wait has been until now.

In fact, the mood of the Temple Alliance is somewhat similar to that of Lucifer XIII whose plan failed... That's why His Majesty the Emperor resisted this approach in his heart.

His Majesty the Emperor feels that living people can only move forward bravely on their own, and it is simply a sign of incompetence to expect those who have become history to lead them forward again.

"Besides... I don't know if there are any successful examples in the Temple of Heroes." His Majesty the Emperor looked at the twilight Supreme Council Palace from a distance, "If it is just a dream in the end, then it is really not ordinary. The bad.”

Or, the reason why the people of the Temple Alliance are unwilling to open it is that a large part of them are unwilling to let their many years of expectations completely turn into despair.

Instead of leaving a place in your heart that you won’t touch and deceiving yourself and others, you are unwilling to peel everything off naked.

"But I can't keep waiting with you like this!" His Majesty the Emperor's eyes were clear, "It would be best if there are successful cases here... If there are no successful cases, I also need to do something else early. Be prepared. You can’t put your hope in this unknown.”

Thinking of this, His Majesty the Emperor snorted coldly, turned around and disappeared into this world. (To be continued)


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