Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 1117 Problem

Judgment Shen Zang, turmoil. ∈♦

The battle for the sacred core buried in the Giant Village has entered its fifth day. At this moment, almost all the people in Shenzang who are capable of fighting for the core have appeared here.

The powerful force created a huge whirlpool with this giant village as the center! In this vortex, everything has been destroyed long ago. The ground seemed to have been scraped off layer after layer, becoming much thinner than its original appearance.

However, the fight is still going on.

Those who dare not approach the center of the battle between these powerful men are those who come with a sense of luck and want to obtain the core of the second-level military class.

They were watching, like poisonous snakes in a cave, waiting without saying a word for an opportunity that would give them room to take action... even if this opportunity was so slim that it was almost zero.

"You're really good at it. How many days have it been?"

Like the next-level contenders, they are also the initiators of the battle outside the whirlpool, and their nodding and commenting on this battle has reached the point of being boring.

Zhao Nan nodded at this time and said: "Well, they have already killed the red eyes. This battle is already a fight to the death. Let's go."

Having created this extra core, attracted many powerful gods, and induced them to kill each other. This was Finina's suggestion - and, while these contenders devoted themselves wholeheartedly to this battle, During the battle, there were not many people left in Shenzang who could threaten his group to obtain the real core.

Because the core has never really appeared, no one knows what the core is like. But according to Al, if the real core appears, the signs will definitely not be much worse than the huge beam of light in front of you.

If he doesn't want to hold back or exhaust the power of this group of people, but directly opens the core - Zhao Nan is tantamount to wanting to make enemies of the contenders in the entire Shenzang.

Such a thankless thing. Zhao Nan was naturally not interested.

It's just a pity that the hundreds of tribes of gods and contenders at the next level are all rare sources of experience... If you kill a few people, you can probably make the whole team more powerful. Really reach the five-star level.

Of course, he would also put himself in such a terrifying battle vortex. After weighing. Zhao Nan decided to stick to the original plan.

"Tsk, tsk, actually I wanted to see if these guys succeeded in the end. I opened the box at the end of the light source and saw what it looked like when there was only an ordinary stone inside."

Before leaving, Liliru said with anticipation... At this time, the only one who was equally interested was Ye Ruofeng.

The two of them can even be anxious to some extent. To put it in layman's terms, they are all annoying little goblins.

at this time. Zhao Nan walked to Xiao Shandi - to be precise, he flew to Xiao Shandi's head. "Don't be too sad. I promise to come and restore everything in this village."

It is very simple to explain that before the light pillar appeared, Zhao Nan directly destroyed Xiao Shandi's own house, and then under Xiao Shandi's incredible eyes. Use the Absolute Word Spirit Circle to restore the house to its original state.

This kind of thing that works on dead things, even in this place where God's will is everywhere. It's still possible, but it's very tiring. After seeing this scene and having food, Xiao Shandi had no choice but to agree.

And after the village was destroyed, he could only follow Zhao Nan and leave.

As for Zhao Nan... At the moment, he was observing Xiao Shandi and Al. Al is the murderer who caused the death of all the giants in the giant village, so the two are destined to be irreconcilable.

But which side should be retained?

Naturally, keep the more valuable side.

Within the Judgment God. Naturally, there is a place where the God of Judgment lives - right on top of the clouds in this world. As the residence of the God of Judgment, it is naturally a place where all sentient beings in this divine treasure cannot pry. The will of God inside is so strong that it can refuse anyone entry.

At one time, all the tribes in Shenzang felt that the core must be in the palace at the top of the cloud.

However, the palace did not know when the defense was no longer tight. Even to the point where people can come and go as they please. From that moment on, everyone understood that the God of Judgment had fallen!

However, when the contenders almost destroyed the palace, the core was never found, and in the end they could only walk away in frustration.

"It's a pity that they don't know that this palace is actually the real core."

After Al's leadership, it didn't take much time for the group to arrive at the palace ruins that looked like post-war ruins.

Today, what stands above the cloud top is just a wasteland with only broken walls, rubble, and cracked pillars.

"You mean the core was destroyed early in the morning without the contenders knowing?" Zhao Nan looked at Al with a frown.

The wind roared high in the sky, making the sound become ethereal while messing up people's hair. Al shook his head at this time and said: "If the core is really destroyed, do you think this divine treasure can still be maintained?"

Zhao Nan glanced at the huge ruins, "This palace is the core, and it has obviously been destroyed."

Al said calmly: "You don't understand the structural principles of this divine treasure core."

"Explanation." Zhao Nan said simply and directly.

Al could only say: "Let's put it this way, everything here is made up of the core. The people who were angry and destroyed the palace because they couldn't find the core didn't notice it until they left. Even if they blasted the palace to pieces, it would be fine. , the materials that make up this palace have not been reduced at all. Just like building blocks, even if you break them up, as long as the most basic parts are still there, the palace will be in the same situation. "

Zhao Nan glanced at his own person, casually picked up a small stone from the ruins, played with it in his hands, then shook his head and said, "I can't feel anything."

Al said calmly: "Of course, the core is in a broken state now. Only when it becomes complete can it truly be reactivated."

Zhao Nan was stunned and said in astonishment: "So, if you want to obtain the core, the first step is to rebuild the palace and restore it to its original appearance?"

Al shook his head and said: "If it is restored to its original appearance, although the core can be awakened, it will only be the core of the God of Judgment. It does not belong to anyone's core. I said, these materials are like building blocks, stacked in people's hearts How it looks like, what it looks like, and who it belongs to.”

Zhao Nan frowned, and with a thought in mind, he directly used the scattered stones nearby as raw materials to build a simple table... Don't worry about the appearance.

Look at the wooden boat that Zhao Nan built when he just returned from the abandoned land. His women have long known that their men are indeed above beauty and practicality, and are completely inclined to just use them. above this direction.

However, at this moment, when the stone table was built, it suddenly fell apart and turned into a pile of rubble again.

"Hey... what just happened?" Seeing this, Catwoman, who was confused, couldn't help but asked: "Sir, why did you break them up?"

Zhao Nan shook his head and said solemnly: "They dispersed by themselves, not me..."

As he said that, Zhao Nan suddenly turned around, his eyes gradually brightening on Al, "What is this?"

"This is the core of the Shen Zang... what maintains the stability of the entire Shen Zang. The core was originally the palace, which allowed the Shen Zang to change into the stable structure it is today. This stability can actually be maintained for much longer than it is now. It's a pity that it was broken up later, and the time for this stability to collapse will be greatly reduced. Now that you plan to reshape this core, it is equivalent to changing the original stable structure of Shenzang. , someone wants to tear you down, are you willing?"

Zhao Nan suddenly came over and said: "Are you saying that this Shenzang is instinctively rejecting my reinvention?"

Al said calmly: "It is instinctively rejecting your unreasonable reshaping. However, when you reshape it to be more reasonable than the original, it will not care about you, or it may be happier, because it can Having a more stable structure.”

Zhao Nan breathed a sigh of relief and looked around again... There are countless materials here. If you want to use these things to rebuild a complete core, and it needs to be more reasonable than the original... This is a very difficult problem.

This makes people feel helpless compared to facing an enemy that is far more powerful than themselves.

When facing an enemy who is more powerful than yourself, even if you are defeated, you still know the direction, which is to make yourself stronger. But this remodeling... once you make a mistake, it will completely collapse and start all over again.

This is completely time-consuming and a task that tests your patience... It may even happen that you won't be able to find a more reasonable method for the rest of your life.

"This God of Judgment is just making things difficult for others!" Ye Anya said angrily at this time: "Does he still want a successor?"

Al said without hesitation: "This is the power of the highest star level. If it could be obtained easily, the entire paradise world would have been in chaos. The God of Judgment once said that fate should be fair and just. He let the core pass Delivery in this way does not require any risk at all, so shouldn't there be some price to pay accordingly? The difficulty of reshaping is indeed far beyond imagination, but based on the principle of fairness and justice, only someone can do it. Naturally, you will get things you never imagined.”

Is the world unfair?

No, everything is fair in the big world. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

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