Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 1,135 The Principle of the Wallpaper

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"This place is still the same as before, nothing has changed."

As he walked in step by step, Zhao Nan also glanced here. When his eyes finally fell on the image of Gang Yadis, he continued: "Of course, you haven't changed much either."

The entire central control room suddenly lit up with a red light and a piercing alarm. For Gangadis, only one order is needed to order the entire warship to operate as its most important center, which is equivalent to the heart.

At this moment, I had to enter the highest level of defense mechanism.

"It's better to be quiet and let's talk."

It was as if these movements were not heard. After Zhao Nan's voice sounded, the red light went out and the alarm sound disappeared without a trace at the same time. Inside the central control room, it once again became as bright as day.

Gangadis's expression did not change, nor did he frown, but he was talking... just as if he was stating the objective situation: "The primary link is cut off... the secondary connection is activated... cut off... after activation Back connections...cut...all connections, did you do that?"


Only the last sentence had a slightly doubtful voice, but for Ganyades, there was probably no such uneasiness at all, right?

"It just cuts off all the external connection lines of your center, and arranges a thin film similar to a magnetic field around it, so that no signal can leave this place. In this case, you should be able to understand it, right? ? I didn’t cut off your energy supply. I wonder if your calculations will be affected.”

Gangyadis was silent for a moment... In fact, if it weren't for the built-in energy source installed in the control center. If the external energy could be supplied in time after the break, it would have stopped functioning at this moment.

"I ask you again, will you hand over my people, or will you let me turn you into the most primitive parts?"

Zhao Nan stared at the projected image of Gang Yadis.

The Sony clan... is probably the most terrifying enemy to any creature in any era. As long as you have resources, you can continue to produce powerful weapons. And it can achieve astonishing perfection in scheduling. However, for Zhao Nan at this time, the entire Gangyadis battleship does not even have a six-star Conferred God, which is more difficult to deal with.

No matter how powerful the machine is, as long as the source of energy is cut off, it is just a pile of scrap metal. No matter how powerful a weapon is, when reduced to its basic parts, it cannot threaten even a child.

Zhao Nan's small world ability seemed to be the nemesis of the Sony clan, making the power of the Sony clan easily disappear in front of him.

"I need these two data collection samples." Ganyadis thought for a moment. Suddenly said: "But I can give you these two identical female creatures through cloning and memory implantation."

Between giving and not giving, this pair of data came up with a third option. Zhao Nan was stunned for a moment after hearing this. Perhaps if he had a more impulsive personality, he would have become furious by now, right?

These words were completely like teasing.

However, for a bunch of data, this is the result of a lot of calculations. There is no need to explain how powerful Gangyadis' computing power is... during this period of silence. Countless calculations have shown the threat Gangyadis poses to Zhao Nan. Pay great attention to it.

"It seems I should make it clearer." Zhao Nan shook his head and sighed: "Listen, there are only two choices, let him go, or you will become a waste. If you do more calculations, I will force you to choose to become a waste. Scrap.”

certainly. After directly cutting off all the signals, Zhao Nan could search within the battleship by himself. The problem is that he needs to return to the flying boat currently in the East China Sea before dawn, and naturally he doesn't want to waste this time. So the quickest way to let go was to let Goyadis spit the person out by himself.

"Two choices, with your calculation ability, don't you still have no results?" Zhao Nan seemed impatient.

Say it. The huge main central system suddenly dropped a huge metal block... The projected image of Gangadis in front of him was suddenly distorted.

"All right."

There is no too fierce confrontation. As a data collection that takes advantageous aspects as the direction of choice, the choice between choices is much simpler and faster than the complex human mind.

To put it simply, it is to adhere to the principle of being a grassroots person.

"You can send me people here now." Zhao Nan said softly.

Gangyadis was able to control the entire battleship again in an instant. In this case, the other party has the means to prevent himself from stopping it, completely paralyzing his functions.

"It will take some time." Ganyadis responded slowly.

"It's okay, I just want to have a chat with you." Zhao Nan walked a little closer and walked to the front of the entire center, looking up at the structure as tall as a giant pillar, "You can actually pass through that space channel. , it really surprised me.”

"Ganyadis originally had a pressure-resistant design to resist this danger. The pressure of space fragmentation in the abandoned land did not exceed the upper limit of the battleship's endurance."

Zhao Nan nodded and said, "What about the damage?"

"More than 90% of the propulsion system is damaged. In addition to the main power furnace, the other three auxiliary power furnaces are scrapped. In addition, the battleship's shell collapse rate is about 53.79%, and all other functions are normal."

The Astounding Battleship only has one power furnace, but there are four Gangadis inside that require four power furnaces to propel it. You can imagine how huge it is.

"In other words, you can only stay in this place now, right?" Zhao Nan turned around and asked, "Where is this place?"

It came directly through the teleportation device and directly entered the interior of Ganyadis. Zhao Nan didn't know where this place was at all... Anyway, he thought it was probably somewhere in the paradise world.

"This is a desert north of the Styx Empire. I interfered with the weather outside, made sandstorms and tornadoes, and hid the warships."

"Oh? It seems you already know the truth about the Styx Empire."

"I just discovered the Styx Demon here. More evidence is needed to draw a specific conclusion."

"No need." Zhao Nan shook his head and said: "The Styx Empire is now under the control of the Styx Demons. In addition, these Styx Demons are not the ones in the Abandoned Land. They were from the last era, due to some special circumstances. And what remains.”

"No wonder the few Styx demons I once captured didn't know I existed even if they were tortured. They didn't even know about the Abandoned Land." Ganyadis nodded, "So does the Styx Empire have any swallows on hand? The divine world tree?”

That group of demons was accidentally liberated by Zhao Nan from the seal of the Arcane Castle, and this group of Styx demons was just a logistics team at the time. "...I don't think so. I can probably do that." Definitely come down."

However, things are not absolute. Zhao Nan added: "Maybe you can continue to investigate."

"In fact, this was once the top priority." Ganyadis responded calmly.

Zhao Nan asked curiously: "Once? So what is your top priority now?"

"How to save myself from your hands." Ganyadis answered surprisingly easily... He was always just stating the facts.

Zhao Nan was stunned, shook his head and said: "It's been a while since I returned to the paradise, and I think you won't be much slower than me. You said before that Tuoba and Linglong are very rare as data collection samples... I What’s curious is that you have been in the paradise world for so long. Isn’t it rare that you haven’t found the same data collection sample except the two of them? It’s all the same, unless it’s a type of birth defect, there’s no difference between individuals.”

"This desert was originally inhabited by some wandering tribes, and I also selected some for data collection." The projected image of Gangadis shook his head. "Perhaps the thoughts of living beings are indeed very complex. But I think it should be called having the potential to be complex. Those with simple thoughts and those with complex thoughts themselves, in terms of data supply. There is still a lot of difference. As for your two My friend, in terms of complexity of thought, it is far beyond the samples I have come across before, whether it is here or in the abandoned land."

"Tuoba's brain is just abnormal at best. If you think it is complicated, you will only make yourself unable to understand it." Zhao Nan shook his head and said.

"No. Through observation during this period, I found that their thoughts have been severely distorted, so that their former values ​​​​have undergone major changes. In my research, this seems to be called emotion Something." Ganyadis' voice seemed to have a hint of helplessness, "That's why I don't want to give up."

Major distortions and changes in values ​​​​probably refer to the impact on the character after the awakening of spiritual skills.

Before Zhao Nan himself. The ten kings of the XL world were the leaders in the wrong evolution from the first stage to the second stage of spiritual skills. Even if he successfully enters the third stage from the second stage, this distorted phenomenon has not been completely most it can only be said to have improved.

For example, Ye Ruofeng, King of Gale is a typical example.

But Zhao Nan was not interested in explaining these reasons to Gang Yadis, "If you want to collect data, there are countless creatures in the eighth era, and you may not be able to find similar samples. That's it for this time... I don't allow you to do it anymore. Fight their doctrine.”

Gang Yadis did not respond... Suddenly the real door of the central control room opened, "Your friends are here." (A great activity of pie-in-the-sky, cool mobile phones are waiting for you! Follow ~ click / official account (Just add friends on WeChat and enter the official account ddxiaoshuo), participate now! Everyone will win a prize, follow the ddxiaoshuo WeChat official account now!


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