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Text Chapter 113: He Ye's Trail

"I met by chance before." Zhao Nan suddenly smiled and said: "I just got lost when I first came here, and I got help from this classmate. I haven't had time to thank him. Genetix is ​​indeed the cradle of Pandora. In this way, the students of the education feel that they have good qualities.”

Upon hearing this, the homeroom teacher laughed and said, "You will be a member of the college in the future... You did a great job with Ye classmate this time, and everyone should learn a lot from her, you know?"

Crackling applause sounded, and the girl sitting in the corner was stunned for a moment. She never thought that the two words from the other party would turn the situation into this situation.

"No... he is actually..."

"Is this classmate He Ye?" Zhao Nan said loudly at this time: "To express my gratitude, I hope I can treat you to lunch later."

"You..." The girl suddenly became at a loss.

But the head teacher said: "Okay, let's talk about the communication after class. You guys make a brief introduction, and then the class begins."

"Okay... Zhao Nan, from China."

"Xiong... Xiongyou, from China!"


The seats were arranged early in the morning, so Zhao Nan and Xiongyou were naturally at the same table. It's just unexpected that the two of them were arranged behind the girl.

"I won't just count on it." The girl in front of her turned her head and said in a low voice.

"He Ye... Excuse me, are you Qing Jing He Ye's classmate?" Xiongyou couldn't help being curious at this moment.

After the girl in front just glanced dissatisfiedly, she never looked back for the rest of the class.

And the class was in this kind of silence, which lasted until the end of get out of class.

"Hey, are you all from China?"

"Have you met before?"

"Hey, how about we make friends?"

"Brother Nan...the people here are so warm...Brother Nan...isn't there?"



West Genetics College. It occupies a much larger area than imagined, the architectural style is slightly fresher, and there are many facilities in the school. If Pandora's aura is taken down, this place is still a very luxurious noble school.

Zhao Nan was in the atrium of the campus at this time, and it was already lunch break here.

"Yeah... Has the stigmata been successfully implanted? Does your body feel uncomfortable?"

"No." The other end of the phone. A gentle voice came from Finina: "However, Xiao Nan's implantation will be slower, and she hasn't woken up yet."

"After a few days to wait for the body to adapt, it should be the initial training?" Zhao Nan said.

"Well, I tried it secretly. It doesn't seem to be much worse to just use the power of the stigmata without using skills...and this is still on the premise of not mastering it."

Zhao Nan lowered her head and said in a deep voice, "Wait for the stigmata to mature gradually. The training side should focus on physical training. Physical strengthening will directly affect the attributes in the future."

"I see……"

Zhao Nan raised his head. Suddenly said with a smile: "Okay, let's not talk, you have a rest first."

After closing the phone, Zhao Nan raised his head and looked in front of him, and said calmly: "This classmate, eavesdropping on other people's conversations, is not a ladylike behavior."

"Stop giving me such nonsense. I'm not so boring looking for you!"

Zhao Nan rubbed his nose and said with a smile, "Could it be because of that lunch invitation?"

"Surrender yourself with me, you bastard!"

This is Aoi and Ye classmates. The Pandora that Zhao Nan was in. In class, Xiongyou talked with him through notes. Know the identity of this girl.

The fantasy dungeon they are entering now is exactly four years before the official plot of the war princess... The girl in front of her has not become a real hero, so she can still enjoy the campus life very happily.

Aoi and Ye, with more than 20 stigmata implanted on their body, Zhao Nan does not intend to be hostile to such a perverted guy.

"Let's just surrender..." Zhao Nan stood up. He whispered: "With my current status, I guess the Metropolitan Police Department would not dare to accept it, right? Besides, they don't even know who the sufferer is, and this case will only be dismissed in the end... So, you are just doing it for some meaningless things." obsessed with things."

"You are quibbling!"

Zhao Nan shrugged and said: "I am currently a student of West Genetics College, and I will become a controller in the future. I will work hard to maintain world peace... I believe the college will like my realization very much."

Qing Jing and Ye Mei frowned uncontrollably, apparently already irritated to a certain extent.

Zhao Nan thought about what to say, it would probably be endless, so it's better to leave as soon as possible.

But Qing Jing and Ye followed closely at this moment, not far behind Zhao Nan, starting from the atrium.

"Excuse me, what else do I not understand?" Zhao Nan frowned.

Qing Jing and Ye Danran said: "No, I have heard your realization very clearly!"

"Then what do you mean?" Zhao Nan's voice became colder.

Qing Jing and Ye suddenly smiled and said: "It's nothing, I just want to use my own eyes to confirm whether what you just said is true... I will look at you, keep looking at you, to see if you are really fighting for world peace and struggle."

what the hell is this?

This woman's head was caught between the door? Or is it that the characters in this world are too passionate?

"Whatever... please don't disturb my normal life."

Zhao Nan let out a sigh of relief, changed direction, and began to wander around the academy. I didn't even go to see the afternoon class. After spending half a day, I finally walked the whole college.

"As a controller, instead of cultivating yourself, you are wandering around in the academy! Is this what you call the awareness of fighting for peace?"

Zhao Nan turned around, looked at Aoi and Ye who were enduring their anger, and said with a smile: "Your patience is really good."

"Don't change the subject!"

"I'm going to the toilet now, do you want to follow?"


Zhao Nan laughed, and walked towards the nearest building under the gaze of the other party. Qing Jing and Ye followed, and finally stopped outside the door of the men's bathroom, with sullen expressions on their faces.

And the other, outside the window of the toilet. Zhao Nan jumped out easily, closed the window, and disappeared quickly.

He was walking in a small forest somewhere in the academy when the phone rang.

"I've found out about the most popular and powerful figures in the academy." Xiongyou's voice came.

Zhao Nan nodded and said, "I have also checked the general environment of the college, but I haven't found the place you mentioned yet."

"The place where the relics are stored must be very secret. I don't remember very clearly. I only know that it is in the city of Sigenetix, or it may not be in the academy."

Zhao Nan said: "Let's look again... We are not experts in science. Even if we find the location of the holy remains, I'm afraid it won't be of much use... The stigmata are only suitable for implanting women, so that they can be transformed into powerful combat power."

"That's right. It's just that the doctor who created Pandora may have other technologies on hand, even if it's a simple enhancement of the body. Brother Nan, you also said that the enhancement of the body can be transformed into a distant body." Attributes bring out copies, don’t they?”

"That's right... Always fight for the opportunity, otherwise it would be too wasteful to wait 400 days just to become a controller." Zhao Nan smiled: "Then continue to act separately. Finina and the others still have a period of time." The time will come... Well, hang up the phone first."

Zhao Nan put away the phone and sighed, "Qing Jing and Ye, how long are you going to follow me?"

He turned sideways, looked at the dark place in the forest, and a slender figure gradually walked out, and at the same time looked over with a slightly cold face: "Until you admit that everything you said is a lie!"

I checked and didn't hear the call just now... Zhao Nan muttered. I thought to myself that it would be a troublesome thing for this woman to follow her all the time.

"Well, those are all lies." Zhao Nan shrugged and said, "I just came to this place to become a controller. I came to this place to get a Pandora. What I am plotting is a beautiful woman like you., do you want to be my Pandora? After all, it's about beauty. You are qualified...the beautiful Qingjing and Miss Ye."

Qing Jing and Ye sneered, then calmed down, and said indifferently: "My controller will definitely not be someone like you. I can see it clearly... To actually make such a boring move today, it seems that it is me Too immature."

She walked away gradually, but turned around suddenly, her eyes were slightly cold. Looking at Zhao Nan: "Also, if you just hold that kind of thinking, I advise you to leave this academy. Don't use your filthy heart to tarnish the name of the controller!"

Zhao Nan didn't move, until the other party completely disappeared from his sight, and then he let out a heavy breath. Surprised that his back was completely wet with sweat at some point, he smiled wryly and said, "I'm finally willing to leave... But, the one just now was... murderous."

Sure enough, he is worthy of being a terrorist with more than 20 stigmata.



Life at the academy starts to get easier. In addition to contacting Finina every day to understand her situation, Zhao Nan spends most of his daytime in the library or the electronic reading room. Then, at night, use the academy's various body-building equipment for physical exercise.

Of course, there are two companions, Xiongyou.

They will not have all kinds of troubles in order to find their own Pandora like other male students. Because in the near future, Finina and Xiao Nan will arrive.

A week after the two entered the new school, everyone didn't have much new feelings about the two transfer students, and gradually began to get along with each other in a normal way.

Qing Jing and Ye are no longer entangled, but Zhao Nan has to bear her cold gaze every day. Zhao Nan just laughed it off.

Until one day, Zhao Nan had just finished reading for a day. After leaving the electronic reading room, he was stopped by several men's colleges on the way.

"What a cute boy...Hey, do you want to be my controller?"

After those people, a woman with revealing clothes, good figure and gorgeous figure came slowly and said with a charming smile. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!

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