Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 1,145 Dinner u0026 Auction

"Master, your dinner."

The butler used an exquisite dining cart to push the food into the study. On the rocking chair next to the window sill, Zhao Nan seemed to have fallen asleep. There was no reaction until the butler came over.

Ever since he came back from going out in the evening, his master has been staying in the study. Just this huge fortress owned by the owner of the castle is far more deserted than usual.

The housekeeper didn't dare to disturb him, so he stopped the dining car and planned to leave quietly.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Nan's voice suddenly came: "Bian Feng, have you handled the matter I asked you to handle?"

Didn't he actually fall asleep? The housekeeper was startled for a moment, turned around and said respectfully: "Master, according to your instructions, a good sum of money has been withdrawn from the castle to assist the families who have been harmed."

"That's good, at least we can still live our lives." Zhao Nan said softly.

Because he has been serving the master for a long time, the butler no longer became cautious. Hearing this, he sighed slowly and said: "Financial injuries can be treated, but spiritual wounds may not be so easy to heal." It’s not a good feeling to lose a family member. I hope those who are missing can return to their families as soon as possible, they are just ordinary people..."

After Zhao Nan was silent for a moment, he suddenly said quietly: "Those people will never come back..."

The housekeeper was stunned and said, "Master, do you already have any information about the missing persons?"

Zhao Nan shook his head and did not answer the question. Instead, he stood up and opened the lid of the dining car. "It's a bit boring to eat alone. You can eat with me."

"Ah...Okay." The housekeeper said quickly.

Do not refuse the owner’s reasonable requests. are the principles of being a good steward.

"But it's a pity that Mr. Osfen, Miss Valkyrie and Her Royal Highness the Princess are not here, otherwise I don't think the master would need me to accompany him." The housekeeper said softly.

Zhao Nan stopped and said, "I'm afraid I won't be able to see them anymore."

"Master, are you planning to go out again?"

Zhao Nan smiled and said: "A little... something happened. Okay, if I keep talking, I won't be able to eat this meal. I don't want my good housekeeper to work hungry."

"Oh... I'm rude."

After a simple dinner, Zhao Nan quietly left the castle. Holding the false ring in his hand, he then teleports the crystal through the city. Left Tingfeng City.

Soon after, he went straight to the City of Freedom, and then set off from the City of Freedom to sneak into the Hou Tianyi Empire alone.

The so-called 'Hunter Tianyi Empire' actually means that the royal family of the Tianyi Empire were massacred by the evil god camp and occupied the original imperial city. After controlling half of the area, the remaining population moved as far as possible to the edge of the original country and used collateral royal bloodlines. The new regime established by the nobles.

certainly. If the evil gods are willing to take action, this new regime will naturally not be able to last for long.

Although it is considered a new country, the domestic depression is clearly visible... The collateral royal families don't know what they are planning, but they probably have some delusions of restoration.


It is now the new capital of the Hou Tianyi Empire, which was rebuilt from the original capital of a province. And the Lord, who was originally the most powerful nobleman in this place, now has a decisive energy in the new regime... he has somewhat realized his previous ambitions.

This Lord Mortiki.

Yes... this place is the original Evernight Province of the Tianyi Empire, where the bones of the first Sky Sword Master are buried.

"This new emperor is useless at all. Mortiki now completely controls the entire new regime."

In the luxurious castle of Lord Mortiki. Two young men were talking leisurely. The one who just spoke is called Chat, and the name of his companion is Asuma.

The two were originally the chosen ones of Tianyi Empire's Fog City. Later, he relied on the side of Lord Mortiki... Before the war between the Sea Clan began, in the empire, many divine chosen ones would choose powerful nobles to rely on.

Although the Sky Wing Empire is no longer as powerful as it once was, and the Fog City was destroyed by the emergence of the evil god, and the escaped God's Chosen Ones have begun to move to other God's Chosen Cities, some of them still remain. Joined the new regime.

I would rather have the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix.

Chat and Asuma are the best among them... Of course, the most important reason that prompted them to stay with Lord Mortiki was the request they had received.

The top of Yunlan!

The two of them still can't forget the scene where they met the Lord of Tingfeng City at the top of Yunlan... The thought of being so powerful made them unable to fight against him. Since you can't match the enemy, it's better to work hard, at least you can get a lot of benefits.

"You two seem very relaxed?"

In a room where no one should dare to approach at will. Suddenly there was a voice, causing both Chat and Asuma's expressions to change slightly.

", we're not."

And he immediately recognized who the owner of the voice was, "We are just... just discussing some things! Yes, discussing things about the real Lotus."


The figures flashed, and there was an additional person in the room between the two of them who originally did not belong here—Zhao Nan.

"Really? Just spread the news, and people will naturally be willing to gather here. Is there anything else that can be discussed about this kind of thing?"

"This... we always have to be on guard against those powerful chosen ones. Moreover, maybe this will also interest the evil gods."

Zhao Nan breathed a sigh of relief. Generally speaking, these two people are considered useless. Although the strength is considered to be above the standard among the chosen ones. However, there are not many such people, and they can even be caught in large numbers.

But when it comes to taking turns, it's really top-notch.

"How are you doing with the preparations?" Zhao Nan suddenly asked.

Asuma quickly responded: "We have asked the guild people to prepare, and the location for the auction of the current Hasumi has been selected. Now we just wait until the day of the auction. And we have followed your instructions. , announced the rules that only those with the rainbow seven-color key are eligible to enter the auction.”

At this time, Xia Te looked at Zhao Nan in confusion and said: "But... is this kind of entry rule useful? It can easily make people realize that maybe this auction is just a trap. The goal is to search for more seven colors of the rainbow. Key... we can actually use a more simple excuse to use the rainbow seven-color key as the auction funds for the real world..."

Zhao Nan said calmly: "Do you think this is stupid?"

"Oh... no." Chat suddenly broke out in a cold sweat and said, "Maybe you have some special intention. But I can't guess it."

"If that's the case, then don't guess. Just wait and see the results. Although the next words are a bit cliche, they will always be of some use to you..." Zhao Nan disappeared out of thin air, and the remaining voice said: "Not here yet. Pay less attention to the things you should care about. Do more and talk less, and luck will not be far away from you."

After the two of them broke into a cold sweat. I was speechless for a long time...but this was someone I could never betray. Deep in my memory, there was always such a voice telling me.

It's like a magic spell.

But it's not a real curse, it's just some small modifications in memory. Zhao Nan did not go far, but stood above the building openly. It's just that everyone here has been 'ordered' not to see him.

It wouldn't be too difficult to make Chat and Asuma completely obey him. He could simply let these two people find a time to sneak into Tingfeng City, and then accept the piercing of the Rewriting Blade. . Even if you think about what needs to be rewritten in advance, it will not take more than half an hour. Tingfeng City, who occasionally returns from the East China Sea Territory, can easily complete it by the way.

"Actually, it would be better if the evil gods can come, so as not to have to 'invite' them one by one."

Is there anything that seems to be able to obtain a large number of rainbow-colored keys at once? Naturally, this is the time when people holding the seven-color keys of the rainbow appear in large numbers.

If you have the seven-color keys of the rainbow, but cannot gather them together, you will not be able to open the path to heaven for the stars. Only after the Star Spirit's Path to Heaven is opened, can the seven-color key be the holder, and people with a quota of seven can travel freely.

The best way is naturally to exchange what is needed.


——I hold four, and you hold three. Together, we can open the way to heaven for the stars. But because I hold four. So I have to take four spots.

--What? You want four spots? Don't you know that the shipment rate of the three I have is even lower? I only need five places here! Do you want to do it or not? If I don’t do it, there will be a lot of people outside waiting to cooperate with me!

Of course this is not all. Cooperation and mutual win-win are also common, but they may not be the absolute main theme.

"The initial exploration team has probably reached a bottleneck. The higher you go up to explore, the greater the difficulty will be. At this time, sufficient manpower is even more needed... It doesn't have to be too powerful, as long as it can become a pathfinder."

Zhao Nan finally landed on the roof of a nearby tall building and waited... waiting for the auction with obvious intentions to be held.

Auctions in the past have always given people the feeling that they have other motives... But if the so-called living lotus is true, then it is an absolute life-saving thing.

Such as the Resurrection Gem, of course. Secret treasures that can replace a fatal attack are also things that make people crazy. But after all, this thing still has usage restrictions. Once it is not used in time, even if it is owned, it can only be reduced to a decoration.

But the present lotus is limited in time. But it is much more tolerant, even though the body reconstructed through the real world Renzhi will become unable to have power.

Fight with all your strength once, even if you die, at most you will live an ordinary life. If you win...

Isn't this a very tempting idea? Because there is the relative premise of immortality.

One day later, at the auction venue—as the organizers of the auction, Chat, Asma, and their subordinates all put on false rings to conceal their identities, and wore masks...for these. People coming to the auction have a mysterious feeling.

"There are more people than expected... The attraction of seeing this living lotus is really huge." Chat glanced at all the people in the venue.

Some came alone, some came in groups, and some came in small teams of three or four... They were full of hostility.

"After all, it's not just a life-saving thing, but a genuine extra life." Asma said calmly. But his eyes kept searching the venue.

Because the person who instructed them to initiate this auction has not yet appeared...maybe he has been hiding somewhere and is watching all this with a cold eye?

"That's about it... I feel like I'm prey." Chat frowned, countless eyes were watching them on the stage, which made Chat feel disgusted, "I feel so sick." I can’t stand these people’s eyes anymore.”

Asuma nodded. He took a step forward, glanced at the people in the venue, and said loudly: "Dear guests, please be quiet."

The venue, which had not been filled with much discussion, suddenly became even quieter. Asuma said calmly at this time: "I believe you all already know the purpose of coming here. There is only one item in today's auction, so I won't say more... First, let everyone take a look at the real Renmi! I believe that after reading it, you will all have your doubts about it.”

I saw the two people behind me slowly taking a step out of the car. On the car, three granular objects only the size of a finger were simply loaded in small glass boxes.

Asma made an invitation gesture at this time and said: "Interested buyers can come to the stage to inspect. But please abide by the order, one after another."

Saying this, it is convenient for the two people who came out with the cart. They stood aside together.

No one will fight for this kind of thing - because if it is a personal item, it can be included in one's personal space with just one thought, and no one can take it away... Therefore, in this venue, for this rare item The secret treasure will not have any preventive measures.

However, the venue suddenly became silent at this moment. After about a few minutes, a middle-aged man slowly walked up and approached the glass box. Look carefully.

His eyes vaguely revealed a strange light.

Suddenly, the middle-aged man's expression changed slightly. Then he took a deep breath, looked at Asuma, nodded, and then walked back to his seat in the venue with a heavy look on his face.

"This thing...can it really bring the dead back to life? No, I want to take a look too."


"Is it genuine? Then..."

I don’t know when, the person who conducted the inspection. There has been a long queue... At least under the current circumstances, discipline still exists. But I just don’t know when this kind of discipline will be ignored.

Perhaps soon, when the auction officially begins... Chat and Asma thought at the same time.

The chosen ones here account for almost the majority, but there are also aboriginal people - truly powerful aboriginal people.

I don’t know how long it took. After the last observer left the stage, the venue became quiet again - quieter than ever.

It's like the calm before the storm.

Asma nodded at this time and spoke again: "It seems that you have no doubts about the authenticity of the items, right? Then I will announce the rules of the auction... As you all know, you can only The auction is carried out through the seven-color keys of the rainbow, starting from red and going up to the last color of the key, with red as 1 point and the last purple as the key. It’s 64 points! So, the total of all the keys you have on hand is the funds you can use for the auction! But there is one thing that needs to be explained first. For example, a lotus fruit is finally auctioned for 50 points, and the bidder has it. If you only have a Purple Key on hand, we will not refund the extra fourteen points. The only rules are the above. If you have no questions, the auction will officially begin... If you have any questions, please contact us. Propose within the next ten seconds. Now start counting... 1!

It’s not that the auction method is unacceptable.

With this grading system, it seems that the gap between everyone has been evened out in an instant. Not by the number of keys, but by the shipping rate of keys. For those groups or individuals who have not been able to obtain a large number of keys due to their small number of people, but who possess more than a plurality of high-color keys, they may not be much worse than those groups who have a large number of people and hold a large number of low-color keys.

Where is the other party's limit?

But no one knows.

"Ten... Since everyone has no doubts, the auction has officially begun! The starting price of the first lotus seed is... 1 o'clock! Start bidding!" Asma knocked down the gavel in his hand.

"I'll go first...1 o'clock!"

Unexpectedly, the moment the gavel hit, someone had already placed a bid! It's just that this kind of shouting at 1 o'clock made this buyer collect countless strange looks.

But the buyer said nonchalantly: "What are you looking at? Someone always needs to bid, right? And if you don't bid, this thing will belong to me! Then so and so, I have already bid, why the hell are you still paying? Don’t you count? How much time has passed? Are you still professional?”

"...This gentleman bids one point! One point for the first time!" Asma could only act according to the rules at this time, "Is there anyone else who bids? One point for the second time!"

"I will give you a yellow key!"

"I'll give you a yellow key and three more red keys!"

"A Green Key!"

The sound gradually rose...and became faster and faster.

At this time, a voice came calmly, "Two purple keys."

It was the first buyer who asked for a lower price... (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!


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