Global Monster Online

Chapter 1154 Water Veins u0026 Notes

"There is no problem in rescuing you, but Woods, I need you to promise me something.¤" Zhao Nan thought for a moment and then said.

Woodwoods is already a drowning man. No matter what it is at this time, he will probably agree to it. It's just that I feel quite a bit resistant to the other party's act of repaying kindness.

But in fact, there was no choice, so he had no choice but to nod.

"Don't reveal that I rescued you." Zhao Nan looked down at Woods and said, "You must ensure that no matter who asks, not even your closest relatives can tell me. how?"

"That's it?" Woodwoods was stunned.

Zhao Nan nodded and said: "That's it... But I said, you must not escape from anyone. The conditions are very simple, but if you let me know one day, I may let the people in your village pass." You don’t have to live as little as you do now.”

Woods' face changed slightly, and he had no room to think at this time, "Okay, I promise you. This will become a secret, and it will be a secret that no one will know even if I am buried in the ground... But, There are tens of thousands of sea warriors here, how do you plan to get us all out?"

"No, you have to go out on your own."


What is unbelievable is that until the wooden fence above the head is opened and the last villager climbs out of the pit, all the sea warriors who are guarding the surroundings are invisible, and it is the same as usual. Talking quietly about some private things.

Woodwoods couldn't help but feel incredible, and other village names also had the same exclamation.

In fact, several elves even cursed loudly at these sea soldiers, but they did not respond at all.

"You damn sinners! I will kill you all for my dead relatives!"

Suddenly, an elf roared with anger. He rushed out from among the villagers and was about to pounce on one of the sea warriors.

They had just escaped from the trap, their hands and legs were still shackled, and their bodies had been fed debilitating poison by the Sea Tribe warriors. At this moment, they would definitely not be much worse than an ordinary person. It was too late for Woodwoods to stop the impulsive villager.

Jingle Bell! !

The chains connected to the shackles made constant clashing sounds on the ground, but the elf man failed to pounce on the sea warrior - he fell to the ground.

Only he can see Zhao Nan's existence. Therefore, Woods had no doubt that the young man did not know that his pounce was entirely caused by external forces.

"Woods, I promised to save you, but that doesn't mean your people can do whatever they want." Zhao Nan said calmly: "Restrain your people, don't do anything unnecessary, and leave the Sea Legion's camp directly. In There is a troop from the Fairy Kingdom near your village. They were originally here to rescue you, but you can join them with your own villagers. What you want to do next is none of my business. "

Woods didn't think any more and said the excuse he had already thought of during the whole process: "Everyone! It was the adults from the Tower of Sage who saved us, but these sea warriors just can't see or hear us. If we take action against them, our whereabouts will be exposed! So remember not to be impulsive. Now hold hands and follow me! Let’s wait until we leave!”

It has to be said that Woodwoods is the leader of this village. Have extremely high prestige.

"Zhao, thank you for your help. If there is anything I need in the future, I will do my best!"

Woodwood's voice has faded away. Zhao Nan stayed in the pit, and at this time two sea warriors walked over slowly.

"According to the order of the Lord Commander, extract three elves!"

"As you command!"

However, two Sea Clan warriors opened the wooden fence and dropped the ropes in their hands. One of the Sea Clan warriors even jumped into the pit.

now. From the perspective of the surrounding Sea Clan warriors, the pit was full of 'frightened elves'. The fallen Sea Clan warrior did not know that what he was tied to was just a stone.

And in the end, the sea warrior who came to extract the elves didn't know that what he brought up this time was just two balls of air... and Zhao Nan.

A moment later, under the escort of two sea warriors. Zhao Nan quickly came to the leader of this sea warrior legion.

A sea warrior who is only at the final stage of the three-star stage has only the first level of will power. The race is...Sea Demon. It is extremely human-like, except that there are protrusions on its back that look like fish fins, and its teeth are like saw teeth. From time to time, fierce lights shot out from the hanging triangular eyes.

The leader of the Sea Demon Tribe quickly called the rest of the Sea Tribe warriors to retreat. With a touch of excitement, he began to look at the 'elf man' who was brought here.

"Hahaha, we can have a full meal again!"

The leader of the Sea Demon Tribe squatted down with a grin, stretched out his hand, and grabbed one of the 'elf hostages' that was brought. From its perspective, the hostage in front of it was an elf child with a frightened face.

The leader of the Sea Demon Tribe, who didn't know that he was actually holding nothing, sniffed it vigorously and said, "It smells so good! No matter how many times I see this warm blood, it still makes me addicted!"

On one of its serrated teeth, two teeth suddenly extended and bit into the neck of the 'hostage', "Hahahaha, it smells good! It smells good! It smells good!"

He made a gesture of swallowing with big mouthfuls.

But at this moment, he heard a slightly disappointed voice, which made the leader of the Siren Tribe tense up.

"I see, it's just food. I thought it was something special. So, have all the elves who were taken away been sucked dry by you?"


The leader of the Siren Tribe had a look on his face, but he saw nothing. While he was nervous, he shouted loudly: "Come on! There is a spy!"

Having said that, the leader of the Siren Tribe even hit the corner of the tent directly... His reaction was top-notch.

Unexpectedly, when it hit the not-thick cloth of the tent, it felt like it hit a steel plate. The whole thing was bounced back.

Without saying a word, the leader of the Siren Tribe rushed towards the place where his weapons were placed! However, at this moment, the body of the Siren Tribe leader suddenly stopped!

In just the blink of an eye, the unknown and strange enemy had already made the Siren Tribe leader panic, "Who! Come out!"

"This way."

Follow the sound and look. What I saw was a... guy who should be human. The reason why I say it should be is because there seems to be a layer of fog on the other party's face. Only when the sight is focused on the other person's face, it will become blurry.

Zhao Nan said at this time: "I understand why you want to capture these elves... Then, what is the purpose of your coming to this forest? During this period, the Lord of the Seven Seas died and disappeared... You guys It shouldn’t be one of their subordinates, right? Among the marshals from all over the world, who is your immediate boss?”

The leader of the Siren Tribe snorted coldly and remained silent.

"Well, originally I didn't think my interrogation skills were very good." Zhao Nan shook his head and said calmly: "It's better to be simple and crude... Just give me the answer to the previous question."

It was as if the soul had been torn out of the body. In just a moment, the spirit of the leader of the Siren Tribe seemed to be pierced half by countless sharp thorns, and his consciousness was completely unable to stop his mouth... and the things he said.

"Marshal Xihai! We are a legion under Marshal Xihai. This time we bypassed the troops of the Lord of the Seven Seas and sneaked into the mainland to discover the water veins."

"Water veins?" Zhao Nan was stunned, this word was new, "What are you trying to discover water veins for?"

The leader of the Sea Demon Clan could not hide anything: "Most of the soldiers cannot fight for a long time after being out of the water. Once the legion faces dehydration, the combat effectiveness will decrease. The Sea Clan warriors cannot fight for a long time. This is the earth." The reason for not taking it for a long time. Therefore, the Marshals of the Four Seas discussed and sent secret troops to find all the water veins in the continent, wait for the opportunity, and then use all the water veins to explode in the earth. If the sub-water energy is sufficient, there will be a natural disaster on the four fulcrums of the continent. As the marshal of the four seas, he will send out troops to take down the countries on the ground that are still resisting. "

"Is this forest where one of the water veins is located?"

"Yes, but the specific location has not been found yet."

Zhao Nan was silent for a moment and suddenly asked: "Did you notice anything about that bright light some time ago?"

The leader of the Kraken clan immediately replied: "No. The soldiers sent out to investigate came back only to report that a strange large pit had appeared. I was also confused."

Zhao Nan withdrew his gaze with slight disappointment. It seemed that there was no way to obtain more information from the leader of the Siren Clan.

"Go to sleep. When you wake up, you will forget what happened now."

The leader of the Siren Tribe... instantly fell to the ground.

Zhao Nan walked openly and openly in the camp of the Sea Clan warriors. While thinking, he thought to himself: The strange disappearance of the Sage Tower seems to have nothing to do with this group of Sea Clan warriors... and Locke and Guissi have obviously entered. The Tower of the Sage.

"what happened?"

Look up and see the stars shining brightly.

After the star shines brightly, Woodwoods led the people from his village and quickly found Oloris' team in the direction indicated by Zhao Nan.

After Orloris learned that the elves had been taken away, he immediately sent someone to send back the news, and began to plan how to rescue the taken away elves. Unexpectedly, before he had any idea, a group of people from Woods and Woods had already appeared in front of him in a hurry.

"Tower of the Sage?" Oloris frowned.

Woodwoods nodded and said: "The one who lives there is the Saint Ulysses, one of the six heroes who was once there, and he was also my teacher."

Orloris didn't have a good impression of human beings. Hearing this, he just said indifferently: "So, where is this so-called saint now?"

Woods had no choice but to say: "Teacher doesn't like to see outsiders. If he doesn't want to show up, no one will be able to find him."

Ororis sneered: "Humph, you pretentious guy."

Woodwoods frowned and said: "Lord O'Loris, although Mr. Ulysses is a human being, he is not that cruel and cunning person. In fact, there are also kind-hearted people among humans. I hope Sir O'Loris will not make generalizations. Complete."

"Even if there are such people, what can be done to change the current situation of the entire human society?" Oloris said bluntly: "Even if there are one or two kind people, it will not change my evaluation of human beings."

Woodwoods said displeasedly: "Lord Oloris, is this too unfair to humans who yearn for peace?"

Orloris sneered and said: "Fairness? When the Elf Kingdom was invaded, why didn't any human come out and say the word fairness? When you were living around the world and were enslaved, why didn't you talk about fairness?"

Woodwoods shook his head and said: "Lord Oloris, I feel that your heart is filled with hatred. You are not in a good state now. I hope you can calm down."

Oloris said calmly: "I'm fine, better than ever. Woodwoods, you have two choices before you. First, take your people and go to the goblin country for me. Second, stay here." Wait for the arrival of the large army and work with me to completely wipe out the sea people here. You only have these two choices. I am not interested in discussing with you what humans are like here! As an elf, it is best to be an elf! view the problem from a different perspective.”

Woodwoods fell silent.

Orloris is probably that kind of very extreme nationalist - he cannot be explained by reason, and violence will not make him surrender, and all his thoughts will be in vain in the end.

He sighed and said: "I will stay, if you don't think I am just a burden. But most of the people in the village are old people, women and children. If possible, I hope you can send someone to send them to the fairy kingdom. middle."

"As long as you can pick up a weapon. Even if you only have one finger left, you are still a warrior of our clan. I will only welcome such elves. As for these old and young, I will naturally order the warriors to send them back, so you don't have to worry about them." Oluo Reese said calmly.

That's how it was decided.

On the other hand, when the leader of the Sea Demon Clan woke up the next day, he didn't find anything wrong. He still ordered his subordinates to search for the correct location of the water veins in the deep forest.

As for Zhao Nan. Then he stayed in this camp. No one discovered him, just like no one discovered that the pit where the elves were closed was already empty.

The large army of elves soon felt near the forest.

It seems that they set off from the Fairy Forest early in the morning, and Ororis was just one step ahead. After receiving Oloris' communication, the large army immediately moved over.

Nothing unexpected happened next.

It was wrong for Ororis to lead more than 20,000 elves. Relying on the terrain of the forest, the small team sent out by the Hai Clan Army to search for water veins was first cleared, and then a night attack was carried out one night while some of the Hai Clan soldiers took turns to rest.

Fires shot into the sky, and before midnight, the entire Sea Legion camp had been destroyed to the point where it could no longer look like it was before.

Because it was a night attack and the terrain was favorable, the Sea Legion was caught off guard. After losing thousands of lives, they fled in confusion. Finally, Oloris drove them out of the forest and successfully killed them. Killed the leader of the Sea Demon Tribe.

After the war, Orloris did not chase the defeated soldiers, but immediately commanded his team to rush back to the Fairy Forest.

"This is probably the first official battle between the Fairy Kingdom and the Sea Tribe."

Silently watching the elf army withdrawing from the forest, Zhao Nan thought: The elf country has been in a closed state for a long time, but from now on, it will probably become more active. The Heart of Time has been retrieved, the mother tree has been rejuvenated, and there is still a part of the original Temple of Truth headed by Link, the four-layered black light demon, in the Fairy Forest... It can be regarded as a very powerful force.

The matter of the village and the Sea Legion here has been settled, and even Marshal Sihai's plan is clear. But for Zhao Nan, the original purpose of coming here was not achieved.

At the location of the disappeared Sage Tower, Zhao Nan frowned and looked at the big pit in front of him, and suddenly his heart moved, "Is there anything that I have ignored?"

He jumped into the pit.

Looking at the flat soil around him. This should be the foundation part of the original Tower of Sage...the smooth was as if it suddenly disappeared out of thin air, leaving everything here still as it was.

"Everything within a hundred meters radius that does not belong to soil, stones, or plants will appear in front of me." Zhao Nan stood in the center of the pit at this time.

At this moment, things buried in this place began to emerge from the soil everywhere.

There are more small creatures living in the soil, and there are even some pottery shards and the like. Zhao Nan glanced around and suddenly moved.

As he stretched out his hand, among the numerous tiny debris in the air, a strange rectangular object slowly floated into his hand.

This is a notebook sealed with a piece of animal skin.

Zhao Nan opened the notebook casually, frowned... and disappeared into the pit in the next second... no longer staying in this forest.

East China Sea.

In Feizhou's control room, Xu Yang was holding the notebook that Zhao Nan suddenly returned thirty minutes ago and gave to him. After translating it, he said in shock: "Where did you get this thing from?" "Yes?"

"Does it seem that the result has been achieved?"

Xu Yang nodded and said: "This is... the travel notes written by my teacher, Ulysses, when he traveled to the star spirit world." (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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