Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 1157 The Powerful Prince

"Dean, what happened?"

Ilia who was next to the Red Dragon Princess asked quickly. The dean, who had always been very calm and composed, turned serious at this moment. He would never have been like this if something bad hadn't happened.

However, as if in response to the powerful divine will of the Red Dragon Princess, a powerful will power also rose from behind at the same time.

The air vibrated as a result.

The members of the Dragon Kingdom's exploration team suddenly turned pale under the pressure of the Red Dragon Princess' divine will. It was only then that everyone realized the terrifying nature of the dean of the training academy whom they met on the second floor.

Although this beautiful and mature dean also took action in the battles he encountered before, it was just for fun.

"But... this feeling is a bit familiar." Ximenyu frowned secretly.

Suddenly, Ximenyu's expression changed slightly. This subsequent will not only felt familiar, but he had even experienced it himself. And the location is not a is the Forbidden City in the Kingdom of Dragon.

The master of this foreign will that caused the red dragon princess to burst out with the will of God is... Achilles! His Royal Highness, the former prince of the Kingdom of Galeonia, and the royal brother of Princess Yuro.

"Dean, please stop! This is a misunderstanding! This person is not our enemy! He is one of our own!" Ximenyu had to shout quickly.

If Achilles and the Red Dragon Princess started fighting here because no one could stop them, the scene would be so beautiful! Achilles can be called one of the most powerful chosen ones in the Kingdom of Dragon. If anything happens, it will be a huge loss.

"Huh, what are you? When did I say that I am my own?" The Red Dragon Princess sneered and continued to release the will of God.

Because the other party released the power of will, obviously with an unusual fighting spirit!

"Isn't this the will of Achilles?" Gao Mingyang and others finally recognized His Royal Highness at this time, and asked in shock: "Why did we meet him like this?"

"God knows, maybe he is the type who is unwilling to be lonely." Xu Fei rubbed his eyebrows in distress: "I once heard Brother Nan say that this prince can be regarded as a fighting maniac. And as long as the anger in his heart becomes stronger and stronger , the strength can be continuously improved, as long as the body can bear it, theoretically it can achieve unlimited power amplitude, if everyone's will power is at the same level, Brother Nan also said that he is probably the most reluctant in the world. The one I’m facing is this prince.”

"...So powerful?" Gao Mingyang secretly exclaimed: "Also, why don't I remember that guy said such a thing?"

"If you don't get drunk in the middle of every party, you will hear a lot more things than this pig's head can remember." As a cousin, Gao Xiang said this without salt. .

President Gao, who didn’t feel embarrassed at all, laughed and said, “It’s rare to be confused!”

"It's a mess! Boss Gao, if this Red Dragon Princess really fights, it won't be fun!" Jiang Lun next to him sighed at this time and said: "What if the harmony is hurt? His Royal Highness is the prince. Her Highness the Princess’s brother, and Her Royal Highness the Princess is Brother Nan’s student, isn’t this Red Dragon Princess also a friend of Brother Nan?”

Suddenly the pressure was gone.

The pressure that the Red Dragon Princess exerted on everyone also disappeared without a trace. Jiang Lun just felt that a fiery red figure suddenly appeared in front of him. His eyes blurred, and the Red Dragon Princess was already standing in front of him.

"You just said that the person coming is the brother of Ogu's student?" Princess Red Dragon suddenly asked.

After spending some time with each other, it was almost clear that Zhao Nan had acted under the alias Aogu in the star spirit world. Jiang Lun could only nodded... If possible, he naturally didn't want Acris and the Red Dragon Princess to really fight.

"That... I am rude to you, my concubine."

Unexpectedly, the Red Dragon Princess showed an expression that surprised everyone. But why, no one knows.

In the end, all that could be seen was that the Red Dragon Princess quietly walked aside... But she no longer released her divine will, and the power of will from His Highness seemed to slowly decline.

Only Ilia was by the side of the Red Dragon Princess at this time.

"Ilia...this man is the brother of my father's student. Should I apologize properly?"

The sound only vibrated in Ilia's ears. The Red Dragon Princess's face did not change at all, but from her tone, Ilia could hear the annoyance of her dean at the moment.

"Should... no need?" Ilia was stunned and smiled bitterly in her heart. Who would have thought that despite being so powerful, this red dragon princess was unexpectedly a very observant woman?

She could only comfort her by saying, "I think Ogu is not the kind of person who cares about things. Besides, isn't there nothing substantive that happened?"

"That's it...that's good."

Princess Red Dragon's voice immediately relaxed a lot... At this time, His Royal Highness finally appeared in front of everyone.

Alone, it came like lightning, so fast that people couldn't even touch the shadow. Achilles was born with a sense of arrogance.

But it's not the kind of arrogance that makes people feel disgusted when they see it. It's the aloofness that makes people marvel from the bottom of their hearts.

"His Royal Highness Achilles, you have finally come to the road of star spirits to heaven." Ximenyu stepped forward and was the first to greet him.

At this moment, His Highness the Prince's eyes swept over everyone, and finally stopped at the Red Dragon Princess, frowning slightly. Unexpectedly, the other party just nodded slightly towards him.

His Highness the Prince looked stunned, a trace of doubt flashed in his heart, and then he replied: "I saw the marks you left along the way. But it seems you have encountered some problems."

"His Highness is indeed attentive." Ximenyu smiled and said, "Just after taking a look at our situation, I already had a guess in my mind."

Achilles shook his head and said, "Why do you stand still?"

The current time should not be the time to rest. The members of the exploration team here have not yet packed up their respective camps. That's why His Royal Highness guessed that there was something stopping the members of the exploration team from moving forward.

Ximenyu told Achilles about the problems he encountered.

"This land of extermination of star spirits should not have appeared here originally." Ximen Yu finally said: "But after the change of the star spirit world, it has become an obstacle from the third to the fourth level. I think about the third and fourth levels. The difference between the fourth floor and the fourth floor is probably the fundamental difference. If I guessed correctly, the passages on the last floor of the third floor are probably extremely difficult for people to pass. dangerous situation.”

"In that case, I'll go take a look."

His Highness the Prince didn't even pause for a moment. The moment the voice landed, the figure had already shot away towards the place where the star spirits were exterminated in front of him, and was no longer visible in the blink of an eye.

Everyone saw that everyone had their own thoughts, but they were silent... It was once said that this aboriginal who later became the God's Chosen One had already reached the second level of will, the level of will in the small world, and was unparalleled in strength. . However, this person rarely takes action. Whether he is really as powerful as the rumors outside has yet to be verified.

But since the Red Dragon Princess can take the initiative to test the will of God, I think it won't be too far off.

Ximenyu suddenly said at this time: "Let's pack our luggage first. No matter whether there is any result or not, we have been here for several days and we can no longer waste time."

Not far away, Ilia looked at the Red Dragon Princess with some worry and said, "Dean...will there be no problems with this person?"

The dean frowned at this time: "His little world is unusual. There was a feeling of getting stronger and stronger in the confrontation just now. He is a truly capable person. This kind of person... at least cannot die. ”

Ilia said: "The so-called God's Chosen One really has unlimited potential. I think he is not very old... As a star spirit, he is really a bit mind-boggling."

Princess Red Dragon smiled at this time and said: "You don't have to be discouraged. Didn't Lord Long once say that one day, you will become stronger than ever?"

Ilia was stunned and said in astonishment: "I thought those were just words from Lord Long to comfort me."

The Red Dragon Princess said with a smile: "Silly boy, Lord Dragon is the demon king of the seventh level. Even if it is just a joke, it will definitely not be said casually."

Ilia said: "But no matter how powerful I am, the dean is still more powerful, right? The dragon king has already recognized you as his daughter-in-law. In fact, before anything happens in the star spirit world, dean you can stay here By Long Jun’s side.”

"I can't stand a place like the seventh floor." Princess Red Dragon shook her head and said: "Although those demon kings are only sleeping, the breath released by each sleep makes me feel suffocated. . Although it is a very good place to exercise... But after a long time, I will definitely go crazy. "

Ilia smiled, her dean seemed to be in a situation where he was unaware of his blessings.

Several beams of light suddenly dropped from the sky, causing Ogu and his party to disappear, which made the situation very confusing. It even made the furious Dragon Lord so furious that he almost caused the entire fourth level of the Star Spirit Realm to collapse.

Later, the fight for the water of the stars finally became a thing of the past due to the appearance of Dragon Lord Osiris. As for what happened afterwards, when the Dragon Lord revealed the matter between Dean Sophia and Orises, he took the director to the seventh level without saying a word, and revoked all the punishments imposed on Dean Sophia by the Star Spirit World.

The Red Dragon Princess has now truly become a princess in the star spirit world... The daughter-in-law of the seventh-level demon king, even the Red Dragon clan where the dean originally belonged, can only tremble with fear.

Because before this...for the Dark Dragon clan that once coveted Sophia, the Dragon Lord didn't even have a single reason, so the Dark Dragon in the Star Spirit World only had those Star Spirit Pearls that had not been hatched.

Cruel and domineering, violent and self-centered... this is what the Seventh Level Demon King is like.

Later, the Red Dragon Princess slipped out again because she couldn't bear the life on the seventh floor. It's just that this time, no one among the defenders dared to stop her.

But this was already before the great changes in the star spirit world - the reason why the dean agreed to move forward with Ximenyu and others this time was not only to have the opportunity to meet Augu and the others, but also because he hoped to Afraid of meeting Dragon Lord and asking him what happened in the star spirit world.

Just as he was thinking about it, a strong beam of light suddenly burst out from the place where the star spirits were extinct!

Along with the appearance of the light pillar, a strong impact airflow was released from it. The earth also shook violently at this moment!

When everyone became surprised and uncertain, they saw a bright silver light piercing the sky, and finally landed in front of everyone - Achilles!

His Royal Highness's clothes were somewhat torn and his face looked a little tired, but his eyes were bright and he said calmly: "You can move forward."

The Red Dragon Princess was stunned, and subconsciously looked towards the place where the star spirits were exterminated in front of her, and said in astonishment: "The power that restricted our star spirits here has disappeared..."

In her heart, the Red Dragon Princess's evaluation of Achilles couldn't help but improve a bit: This person even gave me the feeling of the seventh-level demon illusion?

The depth of the sea.

This place should have swallowed up all the light, but you can still see a little bit of star-like photons floating slowly in the sea water.

Some tiny creatures that can still emit light in this extremely deep seabed.

This place is like a river of stars, so beautiful that you can get lost in it.

"Although it is a very beautiful place, the greedy World Snake Scepter really here?" Lili looked back at Zhao Nan.

What you can see from the screen in the Feizhou control room is the extremely complex seafloor folds. Those trenches, which are like the wrinkles on an old man's face, create a terrain like a huge maze.

"The last thing that can be felt is here." Zhao Nan said helplessly: "It seems that the precise positioning is still not possible... Moreover, there seems to be something nearby that is preventing the scepter from releasing itself."

"Is there something stopping you?" Finina looked at everything outside the screen in confusion: "Is there someone who arrived earlier than you?"

Zhao Nan shook his head and said: "Theoretically, we should be the only ones looking for god-killing weapons... But if I can pick up a weapon of this level casually, it would be too unreasonable."

"Hey, there seems to be something over there?"

I saw an unusual flash of light in front of me... flash after flash…………………………………………………………………………………… …r1152


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