Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 115 Trouble

The degree of nova of Kannazuki Maple has become deeper and deeper as time goes by! When the first person in charge of suppressing Pandora arrived at the scene, she had completely distorted her previous appearance and turned into a huge monster several meters high.

Seeing the huge guy that was raging, the first Pandora was startled!

"It's r-shaped!"

Another Pandora came over at the same time, seeing his companion's appearance, he couldn't help saying angrily: "What are you doing in a daze! Clean it up quickly!"

"Yes, senior!"

Pandora started to attack, and the strange armament of the homogeneous organism materialized in her hands, and with strong strength, it stabbed at Nova fiercely.

At this time, more and more Pandora came, and the situation of the battle began to stir up.

Zhao Nan began to compare the ranking of the academy Pandora on hand, while paying attention to the battle. First graders and second graders basically have no chance to make a shot. The third graders are the main force.

"Third graders already have this kind of power after ranking 50..." Zhao Nan frowned.

The battle didn't last too long. At this moment, a female Pandora shot out suddenly, and the weapon in her hand smashed Nova with a single blow with unparalleled power.

"It's Senior Kim Yumi!"

"As expected of the third person of the third level! The r-shaped Nova was dealt with in one blow!"

Amidst the call, Zhao Nan touched his nose and left quietly.

"Skills can deal a blow to ordinary Pandoras. If Pandoras ranked within 30 in the third grade can't keep up with their speed, they will lose uglyly... Controllers and Pandoras don't have to fight... …?"

Pandora who has graduated may be even stronger... Although Xiongyou said that the current overall strength of Pandora is not as strong as after the main plot. But judging from today's battle, it won't be too weak.

Then, as one of the bosses behind the Pandora agency, the Bridget family. Its successors must at least have a few powerful Pandoras around them...

"Get a few more stigmata..."


"Alert... a high-energy reaction was found! The target is area b! The academy troops are dispatched!"


"Alarm, alert! The target is Area A!"





"In a full ten days, there were four Pandora rampage incidents. What's going on?"

West Genetics College, in the dean's office, the still charming dean is frowning at this moment. And it's the kind of brow that makes her age go up 10 years instantly.

The dean looked at a mature woman in front of him, and said in a deep voice, "Can you give me an explanation?"

"Currently we can only find out the identities of these runaway students. What's worse, their stigmata are completely broken, and there is no possibility of recovery. And there is one thing in common, that is, before every Pandora's runaway, there will be Their ruler bears the stigmata of baptism."

The woman paused for a moment, then frowned and said, "In addition, through identification, these four runaway Pandoras all have relatively poor reputations in the academy..."

"You suspect revenge?"

"I don't know... After all, although they know each other, they don't have much contact with each other. It is unlikely that the same person will retaliate."

The dean sighed again: "The impact this time is very bad... The upper management has noticed what happened here." The dean sighed and said: "Although there is no way, at present, put the college on alert, all colleges are wrong day and night Patrol. In addition, the college carnival independent duel is temporarily canceled, and private contact between Pandora and the controller is temporarily prohibited...From now on, the entire courtyard bans weapons!"



"Currently there are 10 stigmata... But there is no discomfort yet, and there is still room for accommodation..."

Zhao Nan was lying by the artificial lake in the college grove. Looking boredly at the blue sky and white clouds. Since yesterday, Controller and Pandora started to have separate classes. Whether it's eating. Even after class, there are special people in charge of monitoring... It's like a prison.

At this time, Xiongyou was still exercising hard in the gymnasium of the college. The technology of this era is quite good, and the developed exercise equipment allows Xiongyou to strengthen his body every day. Although there are not many, but after practicing for a year, there must be a qualitative improvement in physique.

Instead, it was Zhao Nan herself. The strength of the main body seems to have reached a limit. After training for the past few days, there is no improvement at all.

Unless he got something like an enhanced gene, his current state is already at the limit level of an ordinary human being... Of course, this does not count various abilities.

"Right now, there are jitters..."

Zhao Nan stretched her waist, not feeling at all that she was the instigator of this incident. What to take responsibility for.

"Finina is almost here... Let's stop for now, the days are still long."

Zhao Nan narrowed her eyes, yawned slightly, and turned sideways, as if she was about to fall asleep.


A strange sound suddenly vibrated, it was a very ear-piercing sharp sound, as if something was splitting the air, a long crack suddenly split from the grass, and then split into the artificial lake , has been extending a long distance.

Two sprays shot up into the sky and turned into a large mist. Zhao Nan frowned, the ends of her hair were already wet by the mist.

The two figures in the forest passed quickly, and collided with each other in mid-air. The sparks that were wiped out had not dissipated. The two figures separated and fell to the ground, and they faced each other nervously.

"Young graders actually have this kind of speed! No wonder you are so crazy."

"Isn't senior also very powerful?"

This is... the second-ranked Pandora among the third graders, Achariz. And the person who fought her was Aoi and Ye.

To be able to fight against the second place in the academy in the first grade, this woman is really not an ordinary pervert.

Zhao Nan stood up, ready to leave.

Although I am more willing to watch this line of battles, it is as a collection of Pandora's combat power data. But this kind of situation of being exposed to the two of them openly is not necessary.

"Where to go?"

He hadn't taken two steps, but he felt a gust of wind passing by, and the gust of wind turned into a sharp blade, instantly cutting the big tree in front of him obliquely.

The moment the tree fell, Zhao Nan turned around, waved his hands and said, "Both of you, I have no intention of interrupting your battle. Go ahead and ignore me..."

"Then let you notify the academy?" Akaliz sneered, "I won't let this possibility happen."

The college has indeed banned martial arts. Once caught, no matter who it is, it will be locked up.

"Zhao Nan!?"

Aoi and Ye had obviously recognized Zhao Nan, so they couldn't help calling out in a low voice.

Akaliz frowned suddenly and said: "Qingjing and Ye, didn't you agree to fight alone? You actually called the controller over? It seems that I really overestimated you!"

"He is not my controller." Qing Jing and Ye Leng snorted.

"In that case... please." Zhao Nan smiled and left again.

"Can't go!"

Zhao Nan didn't care about these, the two Pandoras would fight if they liked, even if they smashed up the entire academy, he didn't care. He didn't want to participate in this muddy water.

At this moment, Akaliz snorted coldly, and the figure flashed, the airflow generated by the rapid movement instantly cut off countless inches of green grass under his feet, and the person had appeared in front of Zhao Nan, less than a foot away! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!

ps: Someone asked how many times a day.

I said... for the 4D perfect attendance, of course it is the fourth watch...

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