Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 1,163 Great opportunity

Zhao Nan did not expect that the greedy World Snake Scepter would eventually become Ye Ruofeng's possession. ♦However, she can use her own consciousness to make the consciousness contained in the scepter obey, which is also a very incredible thing in itself.

But after all, it is a fictional place similar to the spiritual world, so naturally it cannot stay here for a long time.

In itself, it is unclear how much time these four thousand repetitions took.

"What will happen when they wake up?" Zhao Nan could only look at Ye Ruofeng and asked.

Unexpectedly, Ye Ruofeng looked at Zhao Nan at this time and said with great intensity: "Brother Nan, before everything starts again, I have one thing to ask you clearly."

Zhao Nan frowned, "You tell me."

Ye Ruofeng said sternly: "Of course everything that happens here can't be true... The problem is that I created this place based on the background that everyone knows. Because I don't know what will happen in the end, the so-called movie here has no ending at all. . But everything in the movie is something we have experienced. "

Zhao Nan was silent for a moment, and finally sighed: "You mean... Augustus, the Lord of Truth, and my affairs."

Ye Ruofeng nodded and said softly: "I thought I implanted in you the awareness that this is a movie at the beginning, so in fact, most of the questions asked by reporters at the meeting were based on what I knew. . But when it comes to Augustus’ question... her answer is completely beyond my imagination.”

It wasn't that everyone knew about it, it was just that after everyone knew about this illusion, they accidentally leaked some information that Zhao Nan was not willing to publish.

Zhao Nan could only smile bitterly and said: "You can be regarded as hitting the right spot... Let's put it this way, what Augustus revealed is actually correct. The Lord of Truth is indeed me."

Ye Ruofeng looked shocked and couldn't help but slightly opened his mouth: "This... is what it is."

At this point, Zhao Nan naturally has no way to hide anything from Ye Ruofeng. I could only briefly describe the whole story.

"I am indeed a sinner." Zhao Nan looked down at his hands and said, "If this were not the case... there would be no catastrophe at all."

Ye Ruofeng didn't know what he was thinking, but after a moment of silence, he held Zhao Nan's cheeks, their foreheads touching each other and said: "But no matter what, without you, Brother Nan, I will not be saved... right? What if? In the state before the catastrophe, I am afraid that I can only embark on the path of self-destruction. If I talk about sin, my hands are also stained with blood. In that case, I will also..."

Zhao Nan shook his head and said: "So I don't plan to announce this matter... This time, this time can only be said to be unexpected."

He immediately smiled self-deprecatingly and said: "There are no eternal secrets in the world."

Ye Ruofeng, however, lay on Zhao Nan's chest obediently like a kitten and whispered: "If I didn't exist... the secret would naturally not be leaked."

"Don't say such silly things. I have no intention of keeping this secret forever." Zhao Nan said softly, "It's just that it's not the right time yet."

"I should be able to temporarily seal the things that happened in this world in the memories of Sister Finina and the others... But it's hard to say how long it can be sealed."

"Augustus originally knew it, so it doesn't matter whether she seals it or not." Zhao Nan shook his head: "It's even okay if Finina and the others don't seal it... But there is only one person, so it's not possible for the time being."

"It's...sister Xu Yang, right?"

Zhao Nan smiled bitterly and said: "I can't even imagine how she will react when she knows the truth about the catastrophe...when she knows that the death of her parents was indirectly caused by me."

"Brother Nan, did you finally accept Sister Xu Yang because of guilt?"

"Before that, I didn't know..." Zhao Nan shook his head and said with a dull expression: "I only knew this at the last moment in the abandoned land."

See this. Ye Ruofeng obediently did not continue to ask.

There are always some things that are helpless...and even if they are helpless, it's okay. It was something that had to be maintained in the end.

The pain in this man's heart is far more than anyone can imagine... He hasn't gone crazy yet, why?

Ye Ruofeng couldn't imagine it anymore.

After waking up from his memories, the glory of the six pieces of god-killing weapons in front of him became brighter and brighter. The scepter inserted into the ground also automatically levitated and slowly floated to Ye Ruofeng's body.

This scepter... is the only one among the six god-killing weapons encountered that has self-awareness. What kind of strange abilities does it have? I'm afraid we won't know for sure until Ye Ruofeng wakes up.

In contrast, the Great Sword of the Void and others do not have their own consciousness. Why is this? Is there anything special about the scepter itself?

Zhao Nan's heart moved. At this moment, Ye Ruofeng had not yet pretended to wake up. Suddenly he stretched out his hand, holding the scepter!

Countless chaotic scenes poured into Zhao Nan's head like a flood in an instant. His palm suddenly opened, he let go of the scepter, and even took a slight step back.


This shocked everyone who had been watching nervously and hurriedly came forward. Zhao Nan quickly waved his hand and said: "It's okay... It's probably because I didn't get the authorization from the holder, and the scepter is resisting me."

Every time Xiao Anya and Augustus borrowed the Akatsuki Sword and Piano or the Explosive Soul Splitting Soul, they would get their authorization. Therefore, the two of them quickly felt relieved after this explanation.

And Ye Ruofeng also woke up in time.

Next, it’s time for the King of Storms to show off his acting skills... Anyway, for this fickle girl, it’s just a piece of cake.

at last.

"I didn't expect that the scepter would become Xiaofeng's possession in the end." Liliru couldn't help but sigh at the magic of some worldly things, and asked quietly: "Speaking of which, Nan said that the scepter chose you because of the heavy obsession in your heart... …Xiao Feng, what are you obsessed with?”

Ye Ruofeng chuckled and said, "Of course I'm trying to steal a man from you... I'm joking."

"That's not necessarily the case..." Lili looked at Zhao Nan with a half-smile, but found that Zhao Nan had already walked away.

More than four thousand cycles, but because it is only in the spiritual world. Therefore, the time before and after was only three days and less than four days passed.

Because the scepter has been obtained, this sea area has now lost its meaning to Zhao Nan, and there is no need to stay here.

In fact, everyone felt that there was no point in staying in the sea area. But Zhao Nan once again asked the Feizhou to drive away from the East China Sea.

This time, the destination seems to be the real empire of the deep.

Another delay for Zhao Nan. The Dragon King girl was naturally dissatisfied.

Zhao Nan said confidently: "Don't worry, the road to heaven has just been explored to the fourth level, and it is already the limit of the exploration team. It will take a long time to reach the seventh level. "

"But haven't you already planned the goal of entering the sea area before?" The Dragon King girl still said unwillingly: "Even if all the five-star ranks are still a little short of it, if you return now, the time on the road is enough. I don't understand Why are you going so deep now?"

Zhao Nan said: "There is a place that I care about very much... I actually knew about it originally, but after the Judgment God came out of the hiding place, I felt that it was necessary to go there and take a look."


"In the deep sea...a place similar to the Liu Ning Realm." Zhao Nan looked at the sea map on the screen. Narrowing his eyes, he said: "The place is called the Gorge of Divinity by the Sea Clan."

"Isn't the Sea Empire already in civil strife?" Xu Yang asked worriedly: "If we go deeper now, will it cause unnecessary trouble?"

"Of course there will be trouble." Zhao Nan said, "But it's precisely because of the chaos that you can walk around, isn't it?"

He finally looked at Olga and said sternly: "I promise this is the last. If you don't leave after going to the Gorge of Divine Nature, I will just stand here and let you breathe out. How about it?" "

The Dragon King girl coldly snorted: "Bah! If I take action, won't the people here come after me to fight for their lives? Do you think I'm stupid?"

Still, Olga eventually quieted down.

And this group of people. He also took advantage of the opportunity to make the final sprint for the five-star level of all members before reaching the Gorge of Divinity.

It's easy to forget about people who haven't been around for a long time, especially when someone is constantly making breaking news.

It's a bit like the so-called entertainment industry. If you lose it for a long time, it can easily lead to a decrease in the attention of others. Of course, specifically those who come first are bored. Only used by people as a way to pass the time. For those who are understanding the truth, those who do not appear for a long time...are the most concerning.

After all, this is not the so-called entertainment industry.

This is how Ximenyu feels - ever since he met Moslian and the stimulation reminded him of those rewritten memories, Ximenyu subconsciously stopped himself from having any direct contact with Zhao Nan. touch. Because he was not sure about meeting directly. Will the other party see it?

He is really a person who makes people feel more frightened the deeper he digs.

"If the Lord of Truth is the same person..." Alone, Ximenyu closed his eyes and muttered to himself: "If it is true... then it is really..."

It's not just as simple as being messy... it's simply making people unable to tell whether it's real now or whether it's actually still being controlled.

This uneasy feeling made Ximenyu feel like he was in darkness once he stopped still... It almost made him breathless.


Brother Wolf's voice came.

Ximenyu subconsciously patted his face to make himself look more energetic, "Come in. What's the matter?"

This is already the first small level of the fourth level of the Star Spirit's Road to Heaven.

As a backup, Achilles successfully helped everyone climb here... and is currently the first team among all the God's Chosen exploration teams to reach the fourth floor.

As for the rumors that there are already evil gods, or the powerful sea tribe has quietly snatched the key from the hands of the God's Chosen One, and has also mixed into the path of the stars to reach the sky, they may have climbed to a higher area. Such rumors have slowly begun to increase.

Whether it is true or not may only be proven after encountering it... In short, the exploration team of the Dragon Kingdom did stagnate here on the fourth floor.

Because the area on the fourth floor is much larger than that on the third floor, it is not easy to find clues to the passage above... Even the red dragon princess seems to have I am troubled by the changes here that make it difficult for me to discern the direction.

"Is it the Red Dragon Princess urging us to move forward again?" Ximenyu said first.

Brother Lang shook his head and said: "That red dragon has been peaceful these past two days. However, the correspondent who returned from the Kingdom of Dragon has brought new information."

"Oh?" Ximenyu sat upright, "Tell me and listen."

"There is civil strife in the Sea Clan." Brother Lang said in a deep voice: "We thought that the commander-in-chief of the Four Seas would launch a general offensive in the next time, and the arrangements we made in advance seemed useless. Because there is news that the commander-in-chief of the Four Seas has already had two The commander-in-chief evacuated the coastal area...but the Hai Clan troops along the coast did not withdraw. "

"Perhaps the Commander-in-Chief of the Four Seas is waiting for the end of the civil strife..." Ximenyu frowned: "If they did not evacuate at the same time, it at least means that the Commander-in-Chief of the Four Seas has made some agreement in private... Maybe they don't care about the Deep Sea Empire. Imperial power, but something else.”

Brother Lang hesitated and said: "The Commander-in-Chief of the Four Seas theoretically has the largest power in the Sea Empire besides the emperor, and he should be the most favorable competitor for the next empire's dominance. They are not tempted?"

Ximenyu was silent for a moment and then said: "Maybe there is something we don't know... It would be very strange that the Sea Clan would be in civil strife at this time. By the way, why are they in civil strife?"

Brother Lang said: "It seems to be related to a treasure of the Sea Empire... Legend has it that as long as you get this treasure, you can control the entire Sea Empire."

Ximenyu was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said: "How can we have that kind of thing in the world? If we really have it, wouldn't the Sea Tribe we face be just a bunch of useless puppets?"

"Maybe it has some special meaning for you."

Ximen Yu nodded, but said very clearly: "No matter what they are fighting for, it is only the Hai clan's own treasure, and humans may not be able to use it... or even easy to use it. Let's not get involved."

Brother Lang said: "Then I will withdraw the investigators."

Ximenyu nodded and suddenly said: "Wait a moment."


"Although the treasure has nothing to do with us, the civil strife of the Sea Clan is a good opportunity for the land coalition. I think the Temple Alliance may have made some moves... Maybe this is a perfect opportunity to counterattack the Sea Clan! Yes! Yes, did Gu Tianyuan say anything?"

"No, it is said that the prophet has been trapped in the castle during this period and rarely sees anyone."

Ximenyu tapped his fingers on the table a few times, then suddenly stood up and said: "Go and make arrangements, I need to return to the Kingdom of Dragon." (To be continued, please search Piao Tian Literature, the novel is better and updated faster!

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