Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 1173 Nightmare, before waking up (3)

The so-called Son of God is actually the Son of God worthy of the name. ?

There is no rule that after becoming a god, you cannot have your own offspring. However, for the vast majority of the Conferred God sub-positions, their lives have been greatly extended. If no force majeure occurs, the time they can survive will definitely be unimaginable.

The best example is the island owner who manages the floating island where Liu Ning Realm is located. Because he did not reluctantly participate in the war of hundreds of tribes, he survived to this day.

But there will also be situations where the sub-position of the Gods will give birth to their own offspring, such as the tyrant of the Seven Seas in front of him, the Giant Qiyashut of the Seven Seas.

As the son of God, it may not be able to directly inherit the power of Poseidon from his father, Sotoros, but from the moment of his birth, Chiathut has a starting point that countless creatures do not have.

As a son of God, he possesses sufficient divinity and terrifying potential from his birth.

There is actually a similar example beside Zhao Nan, and it is no worse than the Tyrant of the Seven Seas, and may even be better.

That is the sky dragon Orises.

As a descendant of the Sky Dragon King Osiris, and inheriting the blood of the Sky Dragon, Orisis's potential does not even require the global system to be bound to the master and grow through experience points. Able to gain powerful strength in a short period of time.

Even if there is no limit that cannot surpass Zhao Nan, maybe Orisis will be more powerful than at this stage. Therefore, purely as a combat pet, Orisis is undoubtedly perfect.

Qiyashut, the tyrant of the seven seas at the end of the six-star stage.

This is the giant that appears in front of the Nightmare Lord at this moment, and it is also the giant that appears in front of Zhao Nan and others who are hiding and watching.

The entire Hai City was in panic at this moment - obviously, Burtica had no intention of explaining anything to the Hai Clan in the city right now.

After calling out this terrifying tyrant of the Seven Seas. The great elder of Poseidon Temple is no longer that approachable person. Its eyes were sharp, and a piercing smile appeared on its lips, "Great Son of God Chiathut! Please destroy the nightmare monarch in front of you who has desecrated the Poseidon Temple and captured the Heart of the Seven Seas! Let the Seven Seas Return your heart to my Poseidon Temple, and let the glory of Poseidon be ignited in the deep sea again!"

Roar! ! ! !

The Tyrant of the Seven Seas raised his head and roared to the sky, and a will full of anger descended here. Before the Nightmare Lord could react, many sea clansmen had fallen in the entire sea city.

Most of the sea people here are just like civilians. Although they have some strength, they are just relatively strong types. How could he bear the wrath of this true Son of God?

The Nightmare Lord's face showed an unprecedented solemn expression.

Even when he fought against Zhao Nan in Nordo, the Nightmare Monarch did not have such dignity - originally when he faced Zhao Nan, no one was at the God level. At first, the Nightmare Monarch had the idea of ​​teaching one another.

But this time it was different.

Because what he faced was already in the Conferred God sub-position from the beginning.

The Tyrant of the Seven Seas must have just woken up, and its consciousness has not yet fully awakened. If you want to attack it, now is undoubtedly the best time.

With this thought in his mind, the Nightmare Lord stabbed out the golden war grass in his hand without saying a word. Even if you are facing the Son of God, your first thought is not how to escape, but how to deal with him.

This can no longer simply be called bravery!

"I really don't know whether I should say that this nightmare monarch is a martial artist. Or that he has an abnormal mind."

In this regard, Her Royal Highness the Black Princess, who was completely on the sidelines, expressed her thoughts directly... There is actually another reason why Liliru is not optimistic about the Nightmare Lord at all.

That is, the power of this tyrant of the Seven Seas is constantly rising.

When he first appeared in front of everyone. What is shown is the final stage of the six-star stage, but now it has soared to the initial stage of the seven-star stage, and the color of the most basic health value slot is also constantly deepening... Obviously, this is not the limit of the Tyrant of the Seven Seas.

Because in an unfavorable situation...the Nightmare Lord's attack really doesn't work! The war grass that was probably imbued with great power was stabbed on the forehead of the Tyrant of the Seven Seas, but it didn't penetrate even half of it.

More than that. In the next moment, the weapon that has accompanied the Nightmare Lord in battle for many years appears. It also exploded instantly!

Like glass falling to the ground, a whole golden war grass. It turned into a large number of fragments and scattered from the hands of the Nightmare Lord!

The Nightmare Monarch's face changed drastically at this moment, and his body quickly retreated due to instinctive panic!

However, her attack seemed to have completely awakened Qiyashut. The retreating figure had not yet reached the ideal distance and had already been included in the palm of the tyrant of the Seven Seas.

It just looked like he was holding a small insect. The Nightmare Lord who was being held tightly at this moment was feeling unprecedented pain, and all the bones in his body seemed to be completely shattered.

She gritted her silver teeth tightly, trying not to let out any screams of pain, but at this moment, her body began to burn with a large amount of strange, flame-like golden gas.

Burn the little world!

Faced with this absolutely unfavorable situation that could be destroyed at any time, the Nightmare Lord did not intend to hold anything back. The powerful little world begins to burn without reservation at this moment! The power that burst out in an instant actually knocked open the palm of the Tyrant of the Seven Seas!

The body of the Nightmare Lord escaped from the trap, and the next moment, without any thought, she rushed towards the outside of Haicheng!

Even if his own little world is completely burned, the Nightmare Lord understands at this moment that he has absolutely no way to counterattack in front of the Tyrant of the Seven Seas, let alone hurt the opponent! The best opportunity to attack has passed, and there is no need to continue to fight head-on!

However, when the Nightmare Monarch was about to break through the barrier that had been built to isolate the sea city from the sea, it seemed as if he had hit a thick wall.

The body... was completely knocked back! If it weren't for the pain of burning the small world that stimulated her nerves all the time. This kind of impact may cause dizziness for a moment or three!

"Is this barrier...too hard? I didn't feel it at all when I came in!" Liru exclaimed.

Zhao Nan said: "She broke through the barrier. What cannot be broken is the sea water outside the barrier... This is probably the effect of the will of the tyrant god of the seven seas. All the sea water outside the barrier seems to be was solidified.”

Solidified seawater?

If that's really the case, it's really a terrifying ability. Imagine the amount and weight of seawater if a large amount of it fell from the sky. And if it is solidified, the impact force... is absolutely unimaginable!

"I'm afraid this nightmare monarch's nickname has to be revealed here." Olga shook his head.

Also as a god sub-position, she can easily see the gap between the Nightmare Lord and the Tyrant of the Seven Seas. And this gap cannot be made up by simply relying on burning the small world.

Therefore, from the perspective of the Dragon King Girl, she does not care about the life and death of the Nightmare Lord. It would be more appropriate to think about how to deal with this tyrant of the Seven Seas now.

In the view of the Dragon King girl, she, Augustus, the particularly weird Zhao Nan, and his family members whose strength is at the top of the pyramid at the same stage may not be unable to deal with this son of God.

certainly. It's the kind of situation where you can't do it without paying the price.

Zhao Nan shook his head. As a result, the great elder still did not open the divine treasure. Instead, he called out such a terrifying guy.

The ability to solidify sea water is simply a home advantage in this deep sea... But if the Nightmare Lord is to be damaged here, I specially asked Julius to collect the Heart of the Seven Seas, and finally secretly send it to Nightmare. In the hands of the monarch...this matter becomes meaningless.

"It's a pity. The Tyrant of the Seven Seas has its own will and has become a god. The Heart of the Seven Seas has little effect on it. Otherwise, the Heart of the Seven Seas can be used by it..." Zhao Nan was secretly calculating in his heart.

In this case, the Nightmare Monarch has no chance to make a comeback, and the Heart of the Seven Seas will return to the Poseidon Temple. So who will be the last person to use the Heart of the Seven Seas next?

I'm afraid it's the great elder of Poseidon Temple! As the great elder of Poseidon Temple, he is also a follower of Sotoros. If it came out of Sotoros's divine treasure trove, it would be like the creatures of the hundreds of races that were accommodated in the Judgment divine treasure trove, with their will restricted by Poseidon.

There is no way to break through Poseidon's achievements. The only way to develop and go the furthest. The only way is to completely inherit the Heart of the Seven Seas - that is, to reach the highest level of Poseidon.

However, compared to the Nightmare Monarch. The great elder of Poseidon Temple is obviously far behind in terms of potential. Even if this gives him the potential to reach the highest star level, he doesn’t know when and how long it will take.

Obviously, in terms of time, Zhao Nan is completely leaning towards the Nightmare Monarch inheriting the power of the Poseidon - after all, they have fought against each other once.

That time, Zhao Nan was very impressed by the Nightmare Lord... In the body of this beautiful sea woman, she also had the heart of a strong man who yearned for the highest place, just like Achilles.

After a moment of weighing, Zhao Nan had made a choice once again.

Originally...if what I had done before became meaningless, I would still feel unhappy in my heart.

His lips suddenly moved slightly.

It's the limit.

This is the third time that the Nightmare Monarch has made an impact. That barrier is only used to isolate the sea water. There is no way to burn yourself in the small world. What really blocked her was the unknown extent of the seawater's solidification range.

If you still have a weapon in your hand, you can also use point-and-point attacks.

But without Zhan Mao in hand, the power gained from burning cannot be released in the greatest possible way. At this moment... the Tyrant of the Seven Seas was slowly walking towards him.

The pace seemed slow at least. However, that kind of terrifying hugeness allows this slow pace to cover several distances with each step.

The Nightmare Lord is definitely the kind of guy who is extremely arrogant. He has been roaming the deep sea for hundreds of years, and he has only been tempted once, and the object was only a person without a real body. An existence similar to some kind of spirit.

However, even so, the Nightmare Lord never minded anything.

She has the aura to dominate the world, so even if it is just a simple spirit, as long as it is what she likes, she will definitely be able to have it. If you can't possess it in the end. So……

Just destroy it.

Just like at this moment, since there is no way to survive from the hands of the tyrant of the Seven Seas, and the heart of the Seven Seas has to be dug out. Then let the heart of the Seven Seas finally exist only on your own body!

Detonate the Heart of the Seven Seas!

The Heart of the Seven Seas contains the power of Poseidon, and is truly a vast treasure house. If the power in it is detonated, even if it is very wasteful, at least it can hit the tyrant of the Seven Seas at the moment of the explosion.

As for whether he could survive after detonating the Heart of the Seven Seas. It is no longer within the scope of the Nightmare Lord's consideration.

"I have lost twice in a row... This time, even if it is a draw, I will never allow it!"

The Nightmare Monarch was no longer hitting the solidified sea water. Instead, he was facing the Tyrant of the Seven Seas. His expression became indifferent as he watched the other party approach.

There is a firmness and arrogance in the indifference that makes people look at him.

At this moment, as if he realized something, the expression of the great elder of Poseidon Temple suddenly changed. "Nightmare! You actually want to... No! Chiathut, kill this guy and call him a scumbag!"

"Humph! No one can tell me what to do!"

Said. Seven dazzling rays of light burst out from the Nightmare Lord in an instant! Together, they shine brightly in the deep sea, so intense that people can't even fully open their eyes!

As if feeling the crisis, the pace of the Seven Seas Tyrant Chiathut seemed to have more than doubled in an instant.

However, at this moment, there was a sound like a rusty gear turning and biting. But it appeared in the ears of the Nightmare Lord.

"It is true that no one can tell you what to do...but that doesn't mean no one can tell what to do with this tyrant of the Seven Seas. Why does it need to be called to appear?"

The Nightmare Lord's movements couldn't help but become a little slower due to the appearance of this sound. However, she was not given time to think. The voice sounded again.

"Think about it carefully. With the strength of the Tyrant of the Seven Seas and its status as the son of God, it should be the real owner of this sea city. However, the great elder's current tone is not exactly commanding. ?”

"Who is controlling me?"

The Nightmare Lord could no longer bear the presence of this voice, and the fierce flame-like airflow on his body instantly exploded even more powerfully.

However, the voice has disappeared... It is completely an attitude of saying that what can be said has been said, and if you can't solve the rest yourself, don't blame anyone.

The Nightmare Lord was inexplicably angry about this attitude.

However, what she had to admit was that what this voice brought seemed to really be a life in despair!

The elders of Poseidon Temple looked absolutely furious at this time. The light above its chest was flickering even more.

Subconsciously, the Nightmare Lord associated that voice with the abnormality on the Great Elder's body!

"You can only try your best once."

Even though he is arrogant, facing the chance of survival, the Nightmare Lord has no intention of really giving up: but no matter what the final purpose of that voice is, I... will never appreciate it!

However, at the moment, the terrifying giant arm of the Tyrant of the Seven Seas has moved towards him. The moment the opponent's fingers were fully opened, they were able to cover all the room for advancement of the Nightmare Lord.

The first problem before the Nightmare Lord is how to bypass the Son of God Qiyasiut and attack the Great Elder of Poseidon who is hiding behind.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the falling speed of Qihai Tyrant's arm seemed to suddenly slow down a bit! However, just this moment of delay was enough for the Nightmare Lord to get behind the opponent.

There was no time to think about the reason why the Tyrant of the Seven Seas suddenly slowed down! At this moment, the body of the Nightmare Monarch instinctively generates electricity!

Target: The Great Elder of Poseidon Temple!

Everything was done by this old guy. The Nightmare Lord's anger towards this guy is obviously the most profound!

The explosive power brought by the complete burning of the small world had pushed the body of the Nightmare Lord in an instant in front of the Great Elder of Poseidon Temple.

The Great Elder, who was originally confident of victory, could not believe at this moment that the Nightmare Lord was able to bypass the Nanami Tyrant, and not to attack Nanami Bakulord's back, but chose to attack himself!

Did she see through it?

Or do you just want a cushion before you die?

Or both! Several possibilities flashed through the great elder's mind, but time did not allow him to continue analyzing it! Facing the full attack of the burning little world of the Nightmare Lord, it simply cannot withstand it!

Unless you give it time to orbit the burning world - obviously, it's too late now!

bump--! ! !

Loud noise.

With a huge noise, a figure fell from above toward Haicheng. Under that simple and rough impact, the entire Haicheng experienced a shock several times stronger than when the Tyrant of the Seven Seas moved his body!

The great elder spat out a mouthful of blood, as if all the bones in his body had been broken... He didn't even have the strength to raise his hand.

The Nightmare Lord bombarded its chest with all its strength, and there was obviously a blood hole on its chest that was difficult to repair.

As for the light group that should have existed, it was clearly in the hands of the Nightmare Lord at this moment.

The great elder's face suddenly turned even paler...even almost frightened.

The situation instantly reversed to an unbelievable state! (To be continued)


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