Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 1176 Nightmare, before waking up (6)

But not only is he a genius, he is also a terrible guy. It is very terrifying to think about turning a son of god into this state.

"Who on earth...made Qiyashut what he is now?" Liliru said in surprise: "Unless it is voluntary, it will be difficult for even the Soul Clan to remove the soul of the Conferred God sub-position from the body. "

Zhao Nan looked at the crystal in front of him and said, "Perhaps only people at that time could know. Of course, the Tyrant of the Seven Seas also knows it."

"You...don't you want to destroy this crystal and release the soul of the tyrant of the Seven Seas?" Oluga looked at Zhao Nan's expression, and she didn't know what this guy was thinking?

The Dragon King girl quickly said seriously: "I advise you not to do it. You have seen how powerful this Son of God is. If it goes crazy, things will be very troublesome."

Most of the people agreed with Olga's words.

At this time, Zhao Nan looked at the crystal, got a little closer, and said calmly: "You heard it, my people don't agree to release you... So, no matter how much you ask me for help, It’s no use either.”

"Wait a minute, what's going on?" Olga frowned.

Zhao Nan shrugged and said: "When I just touched this crystal, a weak thought came out. It was like asking for help."

The Dragon King girl and Augustus looked at each other, their expressions became more solemn, but they put their hands on the crystal in unison.

The next second, like Zhao Nan, they quickly retracted their palms, and a look of panic appeared on their faces.

The moment they touched the crystal, a strong sense of despair almost shook the souls of these two people.

Desperate, fearful, and hateful... just like the person who shouldn't have died. The same dissatisfaction with the world that was expressed at the time of death.

A chaotic emotion was growing in the hearts of Augustus and Olga, leaving them stunned on the spot. When Zhao Nan saw this, he frowned and whispered: "Wake up."

Augustus and Olga trembled slightly at the same time, their eyes regained clarity, and they understood in an instant. He almost fell into confusion because of the thoughts transmitted from the crystal.

This kind of chaos can be very harmful to God's will... They couldn't help but break into a cold sweat.

"Nan...this matter about the Tyrant of the Seven Seas seems a bit strange, so don't touch it." Finina persuaded in a low voice.

"Okay." Zhao Nan smiled.

As if in response to Zhao Nan's words, a stream of light flew instantly from a distance and finally fell into Zhao Nan's palm.

Astonishingly, it was the core of the Judgment Divine Treasure that he threw into the Divine Treasure Passage not long ago. Zhao Nan casually taught the core to Augustus, "The core came out... Poseidon's divine treasure was also broken."

At this moment, it’s not just Augustus and Olga. The rest of the people can also feel the abnormal feeling at the original location of Poseidon Temple.

"Go back." Zhao Nan said: "Feizhou... it's time for us to leave here."

"As long as the main body is safe, there is nothing to say... I seem to be getting more and more cunning."

He laughed to himself.

When all the people who should have left left, the Tyrant of the Seven Seas was greeted by the clone of the person who should have left...

The clone is not as good as the main body, but at least in terms of the distance that is not completely separated, there is no difference in the power of will that the clone and the main body can use.

Zhao Nan's true body was accompanying his family back to the Eugen Flying Boat hidden outside the sea city... The clone also began to observe the crystal on the forehead of the Tyrant of the Seven Seas more carefully.

Suddenly, the clone put his palm on the crystal again. A desperate thought instantly invaded Zhao Nan's consciousness attached to the clone.

The clone's eyes suddenly opened. He said in a cold voice: "Enough, keep moaning here. You are not a son of God. I am not interested in listening to your cries to speculate about your past. If you can't control your emotions, just pretend that I didn't stay."

You should be able to hear the outside world. At this moment, the despair coming from the crystal gradually weakened. Zhao Nan's consciousness once again entered the communication world of consciousness.

at this time.

"Help me..."

The cry for help that the consciousness ‘heard’ gradually became clearer.

What follows is the conversation of consciousness.

"There are countless creatures in the deep sea, but there are not many powerful gods, and there are only two highest star levels. As the son of one of them, I think I have the guts to seal your soul. There shouldn't be many... then... , whose masterpiece is it?”

" father..."

"Oh? Poseidon is your father. Why does he seal your soul and treat you like a controllable weapon?"

"Poseidon Temple...needs the power of protection...but once Poseidon dies, Poseidon Temple loses its protection. It wants me to protect Poseidon Temple for it. But I don't want to. In the end, it pulls out my soul. , sealed in this black crystal. Finally, a special sea beast was implanted in my body to control my body. The black crystal can continuously consume the consciousness in my soul. The black crystal and the sea beast will completely replace me and become another tyrant of the Seven Seas... So, please, save me! For countless years, my consciousness has been worn away to the point where I can no longer hold it."

"As the son of God, you have unlimited potential. However, Sotoros would rather make you into a weapon to protect the Poseidon Temple after it leaves. I'm really curious."

"I was only born because of an accident, and I couldn't inherit the power of Poseidon... It doesn't like me. It's almost as if in its eyes, I'm just a thorn in its side."

"That's even more strange. Even if you don't inherit the power of Poseidon, as the son of God, your own strength is not bad... Unless you want to replace him, how can you start to be a thorn in your side?"

"Hey... I don't like fighting by nature. No matter how powerful my birth is, I just want to live quietly. I don't want to get involved in a war between Poseidon and another supreme star. . Many times, I have persuaded my father to give up the fight with another supreme star, and expressed my hope to leave. Perhaps it was because of this that I laid the foundation for my future... How could I? I never imagined that my father could do this..."

"I said, your title is Tyrant of the Seven Seas, right?"

"That's just the title my father gave me in order to make the sea people fear me. For me, it's enough that my name is just Chiathut."

"If that's the case, there seems to be no reason for me to save you."

"Why you……"

"Since you don't like fighting and are a peace-loving sub-bit, wouldn't this state be better now? When your consciousness is completely dead, you naturally don't have to worry about all the fighting. Moreover, the consciousness has already died, and the remaining Doesn’t this matter have nothing to do with you anymore?”

"You are secretly changing your concept! Even if it is just the most ordinary sea worm, you are not willing to give up your freedom! Let alone us and other Conferred God sub-positions!!"

"who are you talking to?"

"I'm sorry... I was just excited for the moment. But please believe me, I really don't want to give up my consciousness."

"Qiyashut, right? In fact, I'm just talking. Whether you really love peace or whether you offended Poseidon because of other things and ended up today, it has nothing to do with me. I just want to know, what good will it do if I release you? We just need to return the problem to its simplest level."

"Just tell me! What do you want from me?"

The clone smiled now. A thought was sent over, and then the conversation of thoughts ended. He said softly: "I'm not in a hurry. You should think it over carefully. Your consciousness has not been completely wiped out for so many years, so I don't think it's enough time to think about it."

Say so, and the clone landed directly on the shoulders of the Tyrant of the Seven Seas, sat down, and closed his eyes.

at the same time. Zhao Nan's consciousness became attached to another place.

What is left is not just the clone here... In another corner of Hai City, another clone also raised his head at this time and flew towards the location where the Sea God Temple should have been. passed.

The Nightmare Lord walked hard in the alleys of Haicheng. Even if you hold on to the wall next to you. Every time you take a step, you feel like you are about to fall to the ground.

It can almost be described as a state where the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry. Fortunately, the small world was not burned in the end, and the sea spirit warriors were successfully killed.

In her hand, she was holding the soul crystal of the sea whale warrior. With this thing, the body's injuries can be recovered in a short time. But the damage in the small world will take some time anyway.

This place is already very close to the Poseidon Temple.

The Nightmare Lord looked forward from the gap in the alley.

What can be seen at this moment is that the towering Poseidon statue has collapsed at some point. Above the statue, the passage leading to the divine treasure was completely twisted.

One after another, figures hurriedly escaped from the twisted passage. These were supposed to be Poseidon believers who were praying with concentration in the Divine Clan... They were all powerful Sea Clan warriors.

Basically no one knows how many followers of Poseidon there are in that unknown divine hideout. However, at this moment, the Nightmare Lord had to change his expression slightly.

Because she discovered that it seemed that the bodies of individual believer warriors exploded directly the moment they left the passage...most of them left safely, and a few died suddenly?

It is as if there is a sieve set up in the exit, and some unqualified ones will be brushed off. Suddenly, a stream of light shot out from the passage. It was originally supposed to shoot towards the top of the sea water, but just after it rushed out not far away, it was abruptly reversed and shot towards another position. Shoot away...

"Is that... the direction where the Tyrant of the Seven Seas is?" The Nightmare Lord frowned. He couldn't figure out what the shooting star represented.

She continued to hide in the box and observe the situation in the passage. Vaguely, from the mouths of the believer warriors who rushed out in panic, the Nightmare Lord began to grasp some of the situation.

Shenzang didn't know what happened, and suddenly began to shake. There was no way to stop this kind of shock, and even in the end, the entire Shenzang space began to collapse.

Some believer warriors were directly sucked in by the collapsing space... The disaster was terrible.

Because of panic, most of the believer warriors chose to leave.

The Nightmare Monarch began to stare more intently at the believer warriors rushing out one by one...perhaps one of the believer warriors would come out with a weapon belonging to Poseidon Sotoros from the divine hideout.

If Jinzo is broken, then the one with the Poseidon weapon will be her target in the future.

But at this moment, because the passage was too chaotic, in the rush to escape, a believer warrior panicked and fell into the alley where the Nightmare Lord was hiding.'s actually this time.

"Who are you? Why are you peeping here!" The face of the believer warrior was full of vigilance, and he walked directly towards the Nightmare Lord.

Now, the Nightmare Lord, who could only stand upright by leaning against the wall, barely had the strength to move. She watched this believer warrior approaching her... and had to force herself to calm down.

"What is that you are holding in your hand?" The believer warrior suddenly stopped and shouted in a deep voice.

The thing in my hand... is naturally the soul crystal dug out from the sea whale warrior... and it is also of very good quality. However, the Nightmare Lord did not answer the words of the believer warrior. Her arms hung down naturally, with her palms facing away from each other. In the palm of her hand, a faint golden light began to gradually take shape.

It's just that the golden light is uncertain. Even the Nightmare Lord himself can't be sure whether it will have the power it deserves.

In this state, even burning the small world seems impossible...

"I smell the soul crystal..." The believer warrior's eyes condensed at this moment, and he approached the nightmare monarch step by step: "Tell me, where did you get the soul crystal from? Is it fishing in troubled waters, waiting for Poseidon from me? You got it from a believer? Seeing that you look seriously injured, could it be that..."

It seems that this believer warrior regards himself as the guy who took advantage of the believers' panicked departure from the passage, right? The Nightmare Lord thought slightly and tried to appear as frightened as possible.


But at this moment, the Nightmare Lord's face suddenly changed slightly... His power was finally completely exhausted at this moment, and the golden light in his palm disappeared in an instant.

Really the end of the road. (To be continued...)


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