Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 1,182 The Legend of Dragon Slaying

After bidding farewell to Spovich, he quickly crossed the area of ​​the Eastern Navy Regiment and headed towards the coast of the land again. +

But the speed is much slower.

The flying boat was seriously damaged by the evil god's blow and temporarily lost its ability to fly. Zhao Nan could only repair it while driving on the sea.

Although he has not furthered his ability as a scholar, with his level, it is not difficult to repair the flying boat... Even some simple places can be restored directly and forcibly with overlapping small worlds.

In addition, Zhao Nan did not hide anything about Spovich - of course, for the war between the earth and the sea, it was such a reason that people had to sigh.

However, I can only sigh.

Although this trip to the deep sea has improved a lot, after witnessing the ten-star battle, the temporarily satisfied mood has long since dissipated.

From then on, Augustus and the Olga family worked harder to study the core of the Judgment Divine Treasure. As for the others, even though they had completed the five-star goal, they began to stay quiet.

The power of the profession has been pushed to the limit before becoming a god through experience, but the remaining will power still needs to be understood by oneself.

"How powerful will power do you want? What do you want to do with will power? What must you do after you have strong will power? If you can think about these questions... there will probably be no problem. Just remember, even in the physical body No matter whether it is destroyed or not, there is still one thing in the world that will never be erased, and that is your will that once existed.”

Zhao Nan taught everyone for the first time.

The first time, and it was also a very short one, so short that it only contained a few simple questions. However, these words are not any description. Nor is it any kind of cultivation method. Questions only make people think...and this kind of thinking is obviously something Zhao Nan has thought about himself.

Knowing and understanding are two different concepts after all. In terms of pure power of will, that's all Zhao Nan can do for everyone.

The flying boat sailed slowly towards the earth above the sea. Zhao Nan also took advantage of this time to go back to Tingfeng City directly through the teleportation device.

Still didn't tell anyone about his return.

"The alliance between the barbarians and the Kingdom of Dragon has saved me some time on the road."

After several teleports from Tingfeng City, he arrived at the city chosen by the barbarians in Siberia. Zhao Nan sighed with emotion. However, the ultimate destination of this trip is not the Siberian city, but the Hibiki Icefield even further away from the Siberian city.

Before experiencing the Abandoned Land, the Xiangwu Icefield could cause certain difficulties for itself even if it moved forward, but now those blizzards could no longer resist Zhao Nan's rapid advance.

Before going anywhere, Bingxue even had to stop. Waiting for him to pass by, he can once again use his ferocious posture to hinder everyone who moves forward here.

It didn't take too long for Zhao Nan to stop.

"Remember, it's nearby." Zhao Nan looked at the surrounding environment and nodded... Under the thick frozen soil, there once was a terrifying monster living.

A giant dragon dormant under the frozen soil. What kind of giant dragon it was, Zhao Nan did not investigate in depth at the beginning. It's just that at that time, Orises made some provocative behavior because of the connection between the dragons.

As for that time...that dormant dragon. As if he was too lazy to pay attention to Orises, who had just reached the epic level, he did not react.

"It turns out that the dragon at the high level of the four-star level was not too curious at the time. It seems that he got lucky." Zhao Nan thought silently.

Now he was standing directly in front of this giant dragon.

The giant dragon in front of him seemed to be one of the six holy dragons. At this moment, it didn't know that anyone had intruded into its sleeping place, and it was still sleeping soundly.

Zhao Nan stretched out his hand without saying a word. A white light flashed in his hand, and dots of colorful light appeared from the air - seven-color rainbow spoons.

The key that Demon Technician Lin JJ was asked to make has already been completed. It's just that it's through email transactions. This time when we went to Tingfeng City, after taking a look at the login information of the city owner's system, we found that JJ Lin had never entered Tingfeng City.

No problem. Anyway, all Zhao Nan needs is this batch of keys.

"The brave man fights the dragon. There will be treasures after slaying the dragon... It will probably make many people excited." Zhao Nan walked up to the giant dragon and said, "Open your mouth."

The sleeping dragon suddenly opened its mouth... still sleeping.

Zhao Nan put all the keys in the air into the dragon's mouth. After the dragon swallowed these keys unconsciously, he was still asleep.

Perhaps, in the dream, he just swallowed some delicious food or something.

After doing this, Zhao Nan left the dragon's cave and walked on the ice sheet again, heading towards the Siberian city.

"The last step is to spread the news, and then wait..."

"Have you heard? There is an **oss hidden in the ice field! A four-star dragon!"

"Have you heard? As long as you can kill that giant dragon, you can get a large number of seven-color keys of the rainbow! It is rumored that among the first group of explorers to enter the road to the heavens of the stars, some people have successfully contracted with the stars. The strength is not as simple as doubling! "

"Our guild must get the key this time! That giant dragon belongs to us! Absolutely!"

"Do you also give these latecomers like me a chance? Yes, yes, in this case..."

"Is it a four-star dragon? It seems a bit troublesome. With the manpower of us... I'm afraid we will have to conduct a joint operation. However, who is the best partner to cooperate with?"

"Listen, this is news that belongs to my Siberian city, and it must not be leaked!"

"No...the news has spread, and many players from outer cities have begun to pour in!"

"Then ask to close the teleportation crystal."

"In that case, I'm afraid it will be difficult to say for diplomatic reasons. We are forming an alliance with the Kingdom of Dragon. As one of the three poles to resist the Sea Tribe. If there is internal strife here..."

" did this news get out?"

In the only remaining God's Chosen City, many players began to inquire about the dragons and treasures of the Xiangwu Icefield. The dragon treasure is not very attractive to the chosen ones at this stage, especially when the star spirit contract of the star spirit's path to heaven is right in front of them.

However, if this treasure is about the seven-color key of the rainbow, then it is a different story.

"A large number of keys in seven colors of the rainbow? At least a hundred sets, and you can get them as soon as you buy them? What the hell?"

In a certain city chosen by God. A young man who was enjoying a delicious lunch looked at an email in astonishment, then his face changed slightly, and he almost choked, "Holy crap! These keys can't be the same ones I got..."

As he spoke, the young man immediately covered his mouth nervously.

It seemed that the diners around him didn't notice the young man's words. But the young man also left in a hurry without eating.

After struggling for a long time, the young man finally sent an inquiry email to a certain guy.

"Oh my god, please reply quickly...are you really going to reply to an email for it finally here?"

After waiting for a long time, the other party finally sent an email.


However, the answer simply gave the young man the urge to punch someone. But he remained patient. The email was sent again.

——Why do you do this? This will inevitably lead to a terrifying battle, don’t you know?

——It’s impossible not to know.

——Now that you know it, why do you still do it? Do you know that many people are already jealous? Isn't this fun?

——It’s not necessarily fun, but it can allow more people to enter the path of spiritual enlightenment, right?

——What is this? If you were so generous, wouldn't it be better to just give it away? Why do you have to go through this method? So many people are fighting for it, even before they see the giant dragon. It is estimated that many people will kill each other!

——Only the strong can survive... This is the future.

——Only the strong can survive? What's the meaning? The future refers to…

However, the questions and answers came back and forth. It seems that this is the end. No matter how many emails the young man sends later, he will never get a response, or even...

——The other party refuses to accept all your emails. Please do not send any more emails. Maybe you can wait for a while and try again.

The system gave thoughtful prompts.

The young man had to grab his hair in annoyance: "Doesn't this mean that I harmed those innocent people? Why did things become like this!! Tingfeng City Lord! You devil!!! Ah... I don't care! As long as it’s not revealed that I got these keys! Probably..."

As an ancient dragon. Moor Goethe just felt that it didn’t matter what he did, as long as he didn’t disturb his sleep. In order to sleep, it can even give up a lot of things.

For this reason, it even left the Dragon Realm. Came to this empty and quiet ice field!

The Dragon Realm is too noisy. How can anyone sleep comfortably here? But!

Treasure? Damn it, I don’t know about that guy’s rumor, saying that the giant dragon’s golden thing...that kind of thing will blind the eyes and make the dragon uncomfortable even when sleeping, okay? Who is particularly sweet above treasure? Tiansha doesn’t know that with the weight of the giant dragon, those things will eventually be crushed into a pulp, which is even more ugly, okay?”

Moor Goethe even wanted to ask these guys who came over to slaughter him where they heard these rumors!

Is this cave the only one for me? Not to mention gold coins, you can't even find a fire-burning iron rod, okay?

Is this going to kill a dragon? Is it just for this piece of valuable skin on my body?

I can't bear it! ! I can’t stand the guy who disturbs me while I’m sleeping! ! Let you know how powerful I am, Mr. Moore and Goethe! Have I never killed a murderer?

The uncle took a fancy to this sleeping place back then, but a tribe living there eventually burned him to ashes with a breath of dragon breath!

If you dare to disturb me while I'm sleeping here, you will be reduced to ashes too! You greedy scum!

However, what Moor Goethe didn't expect was that the vitality of these scumbags was really tenacious! Let me go... what is that thing? You are obviously seriously injured, but you can jump up and down immediately after taking a sip? Weren't you still lying on the ground half-dead just now?

Is this the real treasure? If there is such a thing, you still want to slay the dragon! ! This kind of thing, the holy water of the Temple of Life is not so angry!

Dry! What the hell is the Mage Team! Great Dragon Ancestor, when have humans been able to recruit so many magicians except for the Temple Alliance?

The Chosen One...what the hell...why would I know about this, Old Dragon?

Roar--! ! ! Damn it, who is poking my butt? ! Ever since I became an adult, my butt has not been touched by any female dragon, okay? !

Roar--! Burn you to death! I will definitely burn you to death! I will burn you to death without leaving any one behind——! !

...Oh my God, are these guys really not tired?

...Oh my god, I killed batch after batch. Do I really want to explain this to Old Long this time? Is this my punishment for destroying that tribe? But other than that, Lao Long, I haven’t done anything harmful to nature, okay?

"Quick! Quick! This guy's health is at rock bottom! If you work harder, the thing belongs to our union!! Mage team, give me some drugs and use your skills to blow up this giant dragon!!"

When the light from the sky fell towards him, Morgethe finally fell to the ground from exhaustion. The battle that lasted for a day and night seemed to be coming to an end.

However, looking at these guys standing proudly on top of him, Moor Goethe couldn't even breathe his last breath.

When a sharp sword finally pierced his heart, Moor Goethe really wanted to curse.

However, his last words were: "I don't have any treasure here at all! You bitches are so blind!! Roar——!!"

However, the one who responded to his last words was the murderer who stabbed his own heart with a sword and sneered: "Die, reveal the key to me!"

The conscience of heaven and earth...Moore and Goethe really had no idea what the other party was talking about.

The ancient dragon finally got what he wanted on this ice field, which was to be able to sleep forever without being disturbed by anyone.

Closed his eyes forever.

"Little Yuni, daddy will tell you a story about a dragon-slaying hero today, okay?"

"Okay, okay!" (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature for better novels and faster updates!

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