Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 1186: Rubbing shoulders

Facing Zhao Nan's question, the butler's answer was very reasonable, "The empress seemed to have this ability back then. Of course, the empress's own talent was also a reason."

The Empress can also use the Absolute Word Spirit Circle...right to use it?

He was surprised when he first heard it, but after thinking about it, Zhao Nan felt that it was not unacceptable. Not to mention the absolute spiritual circle, even if it is the will with domination as the main body, Zhao Nan has met people who have understood the same theme.

The old king of the Nord kingdom. It's just that the collision of wills under the same theme will be much more intense than the collision of wills with different themes.

Therefore, before the old king's will was fully realized, Zhao Nan had ruthlessly strangled him in the cradle.

On the other hand, if you want to climb to the highest star level, it is best to have your own will. Relying on the will of others will only end up at a limit...not exceeding the limits of others. However, if the opponent is of the highest star level and the star level has reached its end, there seems to be nothing to say about Extremely Unlimited.

It can be said that the empress will accept the God's Will version of the Absolute Word Spirit Circle, which can be said to be the right choice... At least from the perspective of the future, the fact that she can rule the world is enough to prove something.

It's just that the spiritual circle can really be given to others to use? Zhao Nan was confused about this. For him, the clone can be used because the clone is actually an attachment of his own consciousness. Of course, he can also attach a certain amount of will to a certain item as a consumable item. But if you want to continuously supply and use it, unless you are within the coverage of your will, you can continuously supply it to the other party.

The final idea seems to be closer to the issue of granting the right to use... But in this case, the empress was able to use the Absolute Word Spirit Circle back then, either because the Lord of Truth was within the effective range for a long time, or...

The will of truth has covered the entire land of Paradise. It can be done and supplied anytime and anywhere.

Cover the entire earth?

Zhao Nan suddenly felt powerless... The limit that today's overlapping small worlds can cover is probably only equal to the range of two Tingfeng cities. To be specific, within a diameter of thirty kilometers, and the more edge place. Many effects will be weakened.

But since the truth can do it, there seems to be no reason why it can't do it... Overlapping small worlds cover the entire earth and absolutely rule everything on the earth?

Zhao Nan suddenly took a deep breath and suppressed the evil thought in his heart - to absolutely dominate the ruler of all things. This is an idea that has gradually grown in his heart since the birth of the rule of all things in the overlapping small world... …is the final form of expression of the will that governs the subject.

Therefore, this kind of evil thoughts cannot be called evil thoughts in essence... but the self-selection of the theme of will itself. Since Zhao Nan chose to dominate the entire theme, it also means. Either to reach the final form of expression, or to die midway, there is no other choice.

"You don't have to leave. Just pretend that I haven't noticed your existence."

Suddenly these words hit the housekeeper's ears. As an ancient god who existed before the war, he has seen, heard, and experienced too many things, so this situation is not unexpected, and he even understands the true meaning of it.

"But City Lord, you have to understand. Even so, I will not reveal anything about the Palace Lord to you."

Zhao Nan said calmly: "It doesn't matter. This is not the first time I have seen the loyalty of you Shenyin people. I stayed here simply because there is a lack of a housekeeper. If the blade suddenly disappears, the people in the castle will be very troubled. "

"Could it be that before I came down, the Lord of the City had already met another Shenyin Sect?"

Zhao Nan did not hide it: "I have met Spovich."

The butler had eaten a little, but he did not ask about the process or even continue to discuss this topic. Because the owner feels this mysterious feeling. So after a simple conversation, if it can be confirmed, just execute it directly.

"In that case... City Lord, if you have no other instructions, please allow me to take care of tomorrow's work."

The butler finally took this as his answer.

The next few days. It can be regarded as the rest period before officially entering the road to heaven. Since the exact entry time had been promised, the Dragon King girl had no choice but to wait for the arrival of this time with 'consideration'.

There is no reason for people to continue their journey immediately after returning home.

Taking advantage of this period of time, Zhao Nan also planned to go to Pompeii in person to see how far the mass production plan of the emotional circuit was progressing - the mysterious disappearance of Locke, Sisi and the Tower of Sage made Zhao Nan directly lose Contact with Pompeii.

Because I didn't expect that Locke would disappear, I didn't arrange another Chosen One beside Iverson... It was a mistake.

Of course, this time he was acting alone - there were not only Augustus and Olga in the castle, but also Blade, a deeply hidden god sub-position. The safety factor was greatly increased... and if there was anything If necessary, Zhao Nan can also directly use the teleportation device to come back.

The final reason is... it will always be more convenient for him to act alone.

The journey to Pompeii is not that far... By building the teleportation point at Tianyang Pass, we can basically shorten the distance by nearly half. And Orisis's speed was even comparable to that of the ferocious beast in Ye Ruofeng's hands.

One man and one dragon, traveling lightly, naturally drove at full speed without reservation - it only took a day to reach the vicinity of Pompeii.

Speaking of which, it was only the second time that Zhao Nan officially set foot in this place since he accepted the opportunity to become a scholar here as a sub-professional.

We were still weak at that time, and what happened when we followed a group of hermetic people led by Ximen Yu to wander here, gradually became clear because of the familiar and special structure of the city house in front of us.

"Brother, these things look so weak now..." Next to him was Orisis, who had transformed into a young man.

"There's no comparison." Zhao Nan, who was speaking, suddenly stopped at this moment, with a look of doubt flashing in his eyes: "Huh? Isn't Iverson here?"

"Brother, I can't seem to smell anyone here." Orisis suddenly said.

Zhao Nan frowned, and his will covered the entire Pompeii city in an instant... No one would have the full range of will open sometimes without it - of course, it takes time. It only takes a moment to complete a complete coverage.

"Sure enough... no one is here." Zhao Nan said a little curiously: "It's just some magic equipment people here who are responsible for taking care of the entire city."

"Give me a magic weapon man, the nearest one." Zhao Nan whispered.

In a private house not far away, a simple magic man servant who was cleaning the dust for his master flew out of the window.

He didn't appear panicked. When he fell in front of Zhao Nan, he probably only had calculations like confusion.

This kind of servant-type magic weapon possesses simple intelligence. He will not actively attack people and will simply answer some questions. Its function is to provide convenience for visitors when the owner is not at home.

It seemed to be searching for information about the person in front of it in its own memory circuit, "Sir, do I know you?"

"No, you don't know me. I just want to ask you a few questions."

"Okay sir, I'll be happy to answer that for you."

"Why are all the people here missing?" Zhao Nan said straight to the point.

The manservant with the magic tool said: "I'm sorry, sir, I can't answer you about this. I don't think the servants in Pompeii, including me, can answer your question."

Zhao Nan asked patiently: "What happened here?"

The servant said: "Half a month ago, all the scholars disappeared overnight. We can only follow the existing program loop, continue to work, and wait for the scholars to come back."

"Everyone disappeared overnight?"


The manservant of the magic tool man has already started to find a way back to his original home. Zhao Nan stopped where he was and remained silent. Sky Dragon could only look up at his elder brother and look at the surrounding environment. He was completely unable to provide any help beyond ideas.


"There is no workshop for mass production circuits here...what's going on?" Zhao Nan looked up at the sky.

Since Locke said that he had conveyed his orders, he had conveyed them...but there was no setting at all to shut down the workshop. Is it Iverson who is violating the rules?

He didn't dare... what would be the consequences if he dared to do this. He will know very well.

Zhao Nan suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and rose completely into the sky above Pompeii. Of course, Sky Dragon naturally followed... and saw a scene that shocked him greatly.

The entire city of Pompeii was suddenly filled with some strange shadows. These shadows gradually became clearer, and eventually turned into translucent figures.

At this time, what Eulisis heard. Just two words coming out of my elder brother's mouth.


Back when the small world had not overlapped, Ping tried his best to trace back the life of the ninth princess of the Shadow Empire in the palace... If it was just to trace back to the time when the scholars suddenly disappeared half a month ago, it would naturally not be too strenuous. .

Even in terms of quantity, it is not comparable to a single one.

When the traced figures were walking around the city, and then suddenly quietly gathered in one place. What Zhao Nan and Orisis could see together was that these scholars were flying into the sky one after another.

In a beam of light...he entered a certain place.

"This is……"

Because of Zhao Nan's distraction, the shadow completely shattered and disappeared almost instantly like a bubble being popped. But, I have seen it.


Thousands of miles of yellow sand, this is a world completely isolated from water. If we purely talk about war, this place may be one of the few paradises in the world.

However, there are no people even living here.

Because the weather is so bad! The terrifying salon roll that stretches straight up to the sky is enough to reject all people and animals who hope to live a stable life here.

But we still welcomed a guest who shouldn't belong here...a huge thing. Perhaps it is not really huge compared to the objects in the huge salon volume, but for the extremely rare creatures here, it is already as huge as a hill.

What's more important is that 'it' is above the sky at this time, slowly moving away from the salon volume.

"Why come to this place?" Iverson was still full of confusion.

Half a month ago, the girl who controlled the terrifying battleship named Jingshi suddenly said she wanted to leave. However, because the mass production plan of the emotional circuit could not be stopped, all the scholars in Pompeii were simply connected to the interior of the battleship to continue the production of the circuit.

"There is obviously nothing, and it is still such a bad condition." Iverson spoke again.

This time there was finally a response. On the cute face that could never be associated with horror, a smile appeared: "Just meeting an old friend."

Although I knew that this girl must have some relationship with the real boss of Pompeii... it was probably because of this relationship that I gave up a lot of unrealistic resistance, and even gradually figured it out during this not-so-short relationship. He understood some of the girl's temper, but was not as fearful as he was at the beginning.

But Iverson clearly felt uneasy at this time... That smile and eyes were obviously not kind.

Suddenly, Alice said: "Iverson, the cultivation of the emotional circuit has been for some time, and it is almost completed. However, it is always created in a virtual scene. Therefore, it is best to check whether it is stable or unstable. one time."

Iverson had to be stunned and said subconsciously: "Check? Now? How do you want to check?"

Alice said: "Isn't this simple? Of course, let's release the test items and have a good fight! A large number of virtual scenes cannot compare to a real battle! How much complexity will arise in the battle? Don’t you understand the emotions?”

"Although that is true..." Iverson had to agree: "But in this place...who are you going to fight with? Is it possible that the test subjects are going to kill each other? They have known each other for a long time. Friendship is born. If we kill each other... I am afraid that too strong emotions will burn out the immature circuits!"

"Who said we should let them kill each other?" Alice sneered, suddenly waved her hand towards the screen and said: "This is the enemy!"

At the same time, the stunning secondary cannon opened instantly, and hundreds of rays of light suddenly shot into the tornado in front of him, breaking through the power of the tornado and completely shattering the entire huge tornado.

The object that can truly be called a behemoth was revealed.

"Long time no see, Gang Yadis, you must have been looking for me for a long time..." (To be continued...)


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