Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 1,189 The future that exists in the past, the past that exists in the future, and the p

Of course, in addition to this threat, there are other things - such as Alice's identity. ¢£

The holy ancestor of the supernatural race.

Alice is the holy ancestor of the superpower clan... Of course, this does not mean that Alice is similar to the original group of people who existed in the era of the superpower clan, but it means that in addition to the superpower she shared with Zhao Nan, In addition, there is another hidden ability that is exactly the same as the real ancestor of the superpower era. In the history of the Era of Superpowers, those who possess this kind of superpower will be regarded as the Holy Ancestor - to be more precise, the successors of the Holy Ancestor.

But this is not an identity that is respected by thousands of people - on the contrary, it is an identity that is despised. Starting from the interruption of the Superpower Era, once the successors of the Holy Ancestor are discovered, they will be hunted down by all the Superpower tribesmen.

Because this original ability is - ability invalidation.

In other words, it denies the contradictory capabilities of the civilization in which it lives. At first, the holy ancestors who possessed this ability used it as punishment for those who abused their abilities. However, in the middle of that era, a successor appeared who used this ability as a weapon to rule the world with high pressure.

Later, there was resistance and killing from the entire world - and since then, the attitude of the Superpower Era towards the successors of the Holy Ancestor has been to kill every one they see.

Alice discovered at a very young age that she had hidden the ability to neutralize powers. In order to preserve herself, she could only keep hiding this ability.

Worrying about being discovered, worrying about the people around you leaving you, or even showing malice to yourself, you are walking on thin ice every hour of every day, and you can imagine how difficult life is.

The reason why he doesn't want to synchronize with Zhao Nan is not only unwilling to expose his guilt, but also the fear rooted in his heart.

certainly. As for Alice having this ability, Zhao Nan's attitude's actually of no use. This is not a superpower era civilization. Even if Alice eliminates the abilities that Zhao Nan already possesses, there is actually no loss for him.

The source of his power is his will... Alice has no way to invalidate his will, not even the will of anyone in this era.

Knowing this, Alice naturally relaxed a lot...or she became more alert. I am more cheerful than I have ever known before, and I am enthusiastically engaging in the final stage of experiments on my emotional circuit.

This war is still going on... However, looking at the back of Alice who is constantly giving instructions to Iverson, what Zhao Nan is thinking about at this time is... why does the truth know that Alice is the Holy Ancestor.

Is it because he often visits the abandoned land and learned about it from the survivors of the supernatural race in the abandoned land, or is it some other reason?

Generally speaking, people tend to lean towards the former possibility... However, Zhao Nan feels that this is not the case.

The war ended in a day, a container of thousands of figures. There are only three hundred pieces left, and only ninety-nine pieces are truly mature and can be taken out for use.

Less than one in ten success rates.

The success rate is naturally extremely low, but compared to the cruel black history caused by Iverson's development of emotional circuits, this success rate is so high that it makes the university scholar sigh.

Fully mature circuits can be dug out, and as for the container, newly created emotional circuits can be implanted again and put into cultivation again.

These come from the bodies of survivors from various places in the abandoned land. The biggest advantage is that it is strong and tough enough. Unlike the magic tool man, it requires a lot of cost to carry out various maintenance, and it is not easy to be damaged.

"If I had known this, I wouldn't have had to launch a suicide attack... I wasted a lot of containers."

This was the girl's sigh of annoyance after making peace.

In the laboratory of the Jingshi Battleship, a group of scholars are busy extracting information from the container. Dig out mature emotional circuits. The metal collars around their necks had long since disappeared, and Alice even naughtily told the scholars that these collars would not explode.

Iverson, who knew the truth, wanted to get angry on the spot... However, Zhao Nan was beside him, looking plain... The more plain this guy looked, the scarier he actually was.

With this understanding, Iverson could only accept this unfair treatment as if resigned to his fate - or for him and many scholars, when harvesting these ninety-nine mature emotional circuits. All the unhappiness has disappeared.

The essence of the scholar clan seems to be to pursue this kind of thing.

"This is the circuit that has been completely taken out!" Iverson looked a little excited: "It can be said that it is completely successful! However, this emotional circuit seems to be much more naturally aggressive, and will not be as aggressive as Locke Such gentleness and purity, of course, ultimately depends on nurture. After all, these artificial souls are like newborn babies."

On the tray, six of the first batch of dug out emotional circuits were neatly arranged, slightly exuding colorful brilliance. When the light gradually dimmed, what was revealed was a very complex circuit tree.

Artificial souls...are no different from real souls.

No, it should be said that there is no difference at all from the false souls in this world... but they are not real souls.

But this is already the limit of magic technology, and what it can reach is already the level of most pseudo-souls in the world... This is already challenging the only restricted area, right?

Zhao Nan was looking at one of the mature circuits, and his eyebrows suddenly jumped, "Why does my engraving appear here?"

Iverson looked at Alice next to Zhao Nan with an innocent face... The latter wrinkled her nose and said: "Aren't these scholars from the First Magic Research Institute in Windy City? You are the research institute The master, of course, bears your name."

"This is completely bureaucracy... Is this trick also popular among you superpowers?" Zhao Nan suddenly couldn't laugh or cry, and then shook his head: "From now on, whoever created the circuit will be named... This Forget it, especially this one, when we started together, I originally planned to use this as my name in the mass production plan. "

"This?" Alice looked curiously at what Zhao Nan was holding in his hand. "Why does it have to be this one? Experiment No. 3? Do you like the number 3?"

Zhao Nan put away this circuit and entered alone into the amazing room that once belonged to him.

Experiment No. 3 was placed on the small round table next to the bed. Zhao Nan reached out and tapped the small round table gently, and whispered: "I will destroy this thing right away... From now on. There won’t be anyone with the same title. Future goddess, aren’t you going to come out and meet me?”

A glimpse of light. Time seems to have been paused, and when it appears, it seems to just appear... as if it cuts directly into a certain point in time.

I can't see where it came from or where it came from. What he saw was that she or it appeared in front of him at this time.

Time...the goddess of the future.

Zhao Nan threw the emotional circuit in his hand to the future goddess who stood silently. I saw a look of surprise on the face of the future goddess at first, and then she seemed to understand something, nodded and said: "Really...have you met the me who is behind me?"

Zhao Nan asked curiously: "For you, isn't the time in the future the same? Why are you surprised?"

"Commonality is not continuity. The future will only have meaning if it exists in the future. For you now, I am just a future that existed in the past. Just like the real first encounter, it is also a future in the past. Only in this way ," the future goddess said calmly.

"But we still have something in common after all, right?" Zhao Nan shook his head and sighed: "You should know my intention of calling you here, right?"

The future goddess said indifferently: "I came back here simply to prevent chaos in this time. I am not here to answer your questions... You don't want to let your past spread, right? Let At this moment, I became another branch of diffusion, didn’t I?

Zhao Nan suddenly blinked his eyes and showed a curious expression. During this period, the circuit that had fallen into the hands of the future goddess flew back into his palm again, "I'm very curious. If I don't get it here, Does giving this circuit to you mean that certain things will disappear from my memory forever?"

The future goddess still said calmly: "If it is something that has never happened, where does the memory come from? There is just another diffusion. But even if you don't give me this circuit, there is no problem. Simply speaking of the existence of this circuit, It is not enough to change the direction of history, and the world of partial proliferation will eventually come to an end.”

Zhao Nan sighed and said: "Then there is no other way. After all, I really don't want to let myself become another one of the spread. Just take this thing and give it to the magic weapon maid named Jia'er, and help me tell her, Thanks for hosting me in the future.”

"Then, I'll take my leave." The future goddess nodded, neither sad nor happy.

At this time, Zhao Nan suddenly said: "Can I ask you a question?"

The future goddess frowned and said, "I said, I'm not here to answer your questions."

"What is the mirror that Truth left me used for?" Zhao Nan paid no attention to the other party's indifference and asked himself.

"Mirrors are, of course, used for reflection."

All that is left is this common-sense statement... The future goddess, just as she appeared when she appeared, came and went suddenly.

However...mirrors are naturally used for reflection.

"But, there's still nothing." Zhao Nan shook his head.

The next moment the future goddess left, he had already taken out the mirror left by the truth from his personal space.

- A mirror for you.

Still, there was no way to reflect my own image in the mirror.

"Or... it's just my reflection that can't be seen?" Zhao Nan had to mutter and began to think about some other possibilities. He suddenly said: "Alice, come here."

The girl who was called soon appeared in front of Zhao Nan. The influence she projected opened her eyes wide and asked curiously: "Hey, haven't you always forbidden me to come into this room?"

"I haven't lived here for a long time." Zhao Nan shrugged and turned the mirror in front of him, "Tell me, can you see anything?"

The projection is light. Since it is light, it will appear on the mirror and then form an image... This is inevitable.

Unexpectedly, Alice's face suddenly changed slightly, and she suddenly said angrily: "What do you mean?! Damn it! Did you do it on purpose?"

Zhao Nan was stunned for a moment, not expecting Alice's sudden discovery. He instinctively turned his body and looked at the mirror... However, he still couldn't see anything.

Are you angry just because your reflection doesn't reflect you? Shouldn't this be a case of curiosity? Zhao Nan had to frown and said, "Did you see anything?"

"Ah! Yes, I saw it all! I saw it clearly!! That's why I asked you what this means!" Alice's mood suddenly became excited, "Do you really hate me so much? No. If you don’t like this mirror, just say so!”

"What on earth did you see?" Zhao Nan's eyes became more confused.

"What did you see..." Alice seemed to be trembling with anger: "Can't you see it yourself... use my appearance to reflect that person's appearance... am I a substitute?"

"On behalf of...Alice?"

But the projection in front of her suddenly disappeared, and Alice least she didn't exist in this room.

Zhao Nan subconsciously reached out to touch the expression on the mirror and muttered to himself: "Reflection...substitute...what did Alice see?"

The easiest way to know what she was seeing was to synchronize it all at once.

"If it is really an enemy..." Zhao Nan shook his head.

There is no such if.

He sighed and walked out of the room. Because of Yanhe's relationship, he now once again has the authority of the Jingshi Battleship. It is naturally very easy to know where Alice's projection appears now.


A voice sounded from behind. Alice, who was sitting on a platform somewhere on the outer shell of the battleship with her knees in her arms, had no intention of turning around and said with an indignant look on her face: "What else are you doing here?"

Zhao Nan sat down beside the other party and said: "Whether you believe it or not, that mirror is a little special. I can't see the content inside at all. That's why I want you to take a look too." , is this the case? So if you don’t say anything, I really don’t know. As for your misunderstanding, there is no such thing.”

This guy's emotions... seem to be more fragile than imagined. Sure enough, even if he didn't say it out loud, in that state, he would always be frightened and uneasy, so that his mind would be extremely tense.

"You really can't see anything?" Alice asked hesitantly.

Zhao Nan put out the mirror and looked at both of himself at the same time, "If you don't believe it, see if you can't see my existence from the mirror?"

"Really... no." Alice was stunned, her face suddenly became weird, and she blurted out: "But why do I look like..."

"What is it?"

"It looks like Xiao Feng!"

Zhao Nan's consciousness suddenly emptied... From this sentence, the world seemed to have become different.

Pause...the world paused again...the world paused many times he had experienced. Pauses that occur during system updates.

A black and white world.

However, this time, the pause was unprecedentedly quick and rapid... After the pause, a flash of black suddenly emerged from a very distant place on the horizon.

Devouring something...endless, darkness. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel will be better and updated faster!

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