Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 1197 Continental Congress (6)

Not only was this evil god being crazily sucked in power, but the other evil gods within this strange tree diagram also encountered the same thing at this moment. ←

The curse seals that came from the tree diagram and wrapped around his body actually had incredible pulling power, and even the ten-star evil gods couldn't break free! Even God's will cannot be responded to at this time.

They can only watch angrily but helplessly as the strength they have recovered through hard work flows crazily into this tree diagram.

One after another, the evil gods glared and roared angrily at Rosaluge. However, facing the wrath of these evil gods, Rosa Lujie didn't care at all and just looked at it all indifferently.

"Kagakaryesna, how long will it take to drain the power of these guys?" Rosaruje's words rang out like this.

At the same time, it also indicates that these evil gods will have no room for improvement.

"There are several guys here who are very powerful. Do you think they are all as hollow as gluttonous guys?" Charming Enchantress asked back: "I am only responsible for operating this thing. The design of the magic circle did not come from you. Don’t you know?”

Rosa Lujie looked up at the sky, what a strange red moon - the entrance to the evil mysterious world.

"Finally, has it started?" At this time, another voice came from the shadow on the side. What came out was a guy who looked very similar to Rosarujie - the evil god, Okanes.

Following Okanes is the Chosen One Raven, so far, the only Chosen One in the evil god’s camp. Holding the scepter on his body with both hands, Levi lowered his head slightly, always staying three steps away from Okanes.

Okanes looked at the evil gods in the tree diagram with great interest as they were frantically absorbing power. He couldn't help but laugh and said: "I'm afraid these guys still don't understand why the Evil Emperor brought them into the evil mysterious world in the first place... It's really ridiculous."

The sound spreads and is heard.

An evil god in the tree diagram raised his head weakly, with resentment and confusion. The complicated eyes made Okanes look at him with a more joyful smile on his face.

"Oka... Ness... what... does this mean?"

Okanes chuckled and said: "Let you understand clearly. During the war, hundreds of tribes captured evil gods as the power source for the God-Slaying Battleship. Do you know who the first person to be captured was? That was the Evil Emperor! The Empress and the Evil Emperor once had a battle, and the Evil Emperor was seriously injured and escaped, and the Empress had to stop temporarily. But we know that behind the Empress is the Evil Emperor who is worried about losing to the Lord of Truth. , at that time, I thought of sealing off the evil mysterious world, but that would also consume the evil god's huge power. For the seriously injured one, the chance of recovery is probably very slim... Therefore, it chose to take you into the mysterious world. In the world, and then fell into a long sleep... As long as you wait for the day when the secret world is reopened, you will be able to use it, don't you understand? "


All the evil gods were shocked... Today's outcome was actually determined before the war?

Okanes smiled even more happily: "Not just today, from the moment you came back, everything has been arranged. Why do you think Rosaruje would restrict you and not allow you to Leave here? Of course, being concerned about the minions of the Lord of Truth is one of them, but the most important thing is to do this tree diagram since you lived here. The preparations are just to invade your god's will bit by bit with Rosaluge's ability."

it turns out!

The faces of the evil gods were ashen at this moment, and the anger in many hearts rose again. They tried hard to struggle out of the tree diagram, but it was in vain. And some of them fell to the ground because their strength was extracted too much, and their bodies were so weak that they could no longer support themselves.

"Okanes. You talk so much." Rosaruje suddenly snorted coldly.

"Part of my sanity is for fun." Okanes said without caring: "Besides, it's quite interesting to see these guys angry, isn't it?"

"Boring." Rosarujie snorted again - if he didn't exist as a twin, there would be a position for Okanes in this tree diagram.

But Okanes suddenly said: "I am desperate. The truth still exists and is still quietly hidden somewhere in this world. No one knows what he is thinking... If the Evil Emperor wakes up, . There is no way to contain the truth..."

In this short period of time, the name of truth was mentioned several times... causing the illusory shadow that was controlling the tree diagram - the unclear eyes of the Enchantress to suddenly shine. one time.

Rosaruje and Okanes noticed the reaction of the Enchantress at the same time. They looked at each other and saw a serious smile on the other's face.

When the charming enchantress was discovered, her soul was almost exhausted. Even they spent a lot of effort to allow Charming Enchantress to survive in her current situation. At the same time, he also knew something about the Abandoned Land.

This poor woman probably only has endless hatred for the Lord of Truth in her heart right now, right? The Lord of Truth is something elusive. But I wonder if Kajakaryesna will be able to give the other party a slight impact and create any loopholes when they meet in the future?

"What happened to the giant dragon that broke in three days ago?" Rosa Lujie suddenly said at this time.

In these three days, in order to finally complete the tree diagram and activate the function of imprisoning all evil gods, Rosa Lujie did not leave for a moment, paying attention to the east direction of each evil god wholeheartedly, for fear that during the whole process, something would happen. There are situations where these evil gods rebel.

Fortunately, the whole process went very smoothly - this was probably due to the information fed back by the World Origin Network. The threat that the paradise itself will collapse suddenly appeared, so these evil gods had to help resurrect the most powerful evil emperor in the evil god camp.

"Then I don't know. I was beaten out of the palace." Okanes shrugged and said: "Maybe he is having fun somewhere now... After all, he is a survivor from several eras. What is he doing? I don’t know what the plan is.”

"Why don't you go take a look?"

"You are preparing the tree diagram to face only these evil gods...I am preparing thousands of living souls. Do you think it is easy?" Okanes murmured.

Just as Rosarujie said at the beginning, it is because the power of the soul of the living being is not enough. It requires the contribution of the evil gods - and the living souls mentioned by Okanes are the original Tianyi Empire. The population of the entire empire has been slaughtered since the arrival of the evil gods.

The evil god descended, and the Tianyi Empire collapsed. Some of the remaining Tianyi Empire forces retreated to one side. Later, they simply gave up the remaining land and fled in all directions. But after all, they were the four great empires, and the population in them was huge.

At this moment, within half of the Tianyi Empire, ten out of ten people can no longer see any living figures. It is truly a land of death!

"Keep an eye on those beast-controlling demon clans." Rosa Lujie said calmly.

Okanes nodded and said: "I understand... In addition, after the power of these evil gods is drained, the remaining empty shells are mine."

"up to you."

Then he stopped talking. Just looked up at the red moon.

Beast control is a profound knowledge. How to tame a powerful beast and then make it into armor for yourself is something that every beast control demon needs to learn from an early age. This branch of knowledge is so extensive and profound that one may not be able to master it even in a lifetime.

The silver dragon beast in front of him... In his opinion, the giant dragon of this era is actually a kind of dragon beast. I heard that the Dragon Avenue in this era can change into a human form after a certain level. And can he still control his will? He doesn't know what the power of will is, and he feels that beasts are beasts. Changing into a human form is simply putting the cart before the horse.

But it doesn’t matter, the giant dragon that is escaping now is indeed an excellent material for making ‘armor’. “Come on, little guy! Let me dig out your true talents!”

This place is already more than a hundred kilometers away from the Tianyi Empire Palace. And the huge snake-like creature that left the water channel was unexpectedly fast when crawling on land.

Dragon - Stardust. It was in somewhat bad shape at this point. A huge wound appeared on one side of the dragon wing. This wound could not be healed for the time being, and it continued to drain blood from the body.

Correspondingly... its speed also dropped for a time, so low that it seemed that it might be caught up by the strange creature behind it at any time.

The injured dragon wing makes it unable to fly at high altitude...the result of low-altitude flight. The other party is right behind you.

The giant dragon was constantly calling for his master in his heart. Obviously, it can feel that the other party is not dead, but it has no way to respond to itself... I am afraid that it is in a coma state.

Although it is safe for the time being, if it is swallowed into the mouth of that creature, I am afraid that it will be eroded and dissolved by the gastric juice in its stomach in a short time?

"It's almost done. Several days of torture... that's enough." The beastmaster standing on top of the giant creature showed a satisfied smile, "Sweep this guy down for me, I'm going to start training it. ”

Phew——! !

The strange and huge creature roared. Its whole body suddenly contracted, and then the whole body bounced upright. Not only that, during the process of standing upright, he even flew towards the sky vigorously!

This movement was like shooting a sharp arrow, but its huge body made it unbelievable how powerful it was.

The giant dragon Xingchen was unable to evade at this time. He was swept away by the opponent's terrifying tail and crashed into a slope in front of him. The impact caused it to break through a corner of the slope, and its entire body continued to roll on the ground.

puff--! !

Finally, he threw himself on the ground.

The wound on one dragon wing was torn even more horribly. Xingchen struggled a few times and found that his leg seemed to have been damaged by that blow.

puff--! !

Once again, it had to fall to the ground...and could only raise its head! He looked up at the huge creature, slowly crawling down the slope.

Roar--! ! ! !

At this moment, he could only express his emotions by roaring. The roar echoed throughout the sky and the earth, like thunder. However, for this beast-controlling demon man, this kind of stubbornness is worth taming.

"Okay... Should I start with your mind, or should I start with your body first?" The beast-controlling demon laughed loudly, jumped down from the head of the huge creature, and walked over In front of Xingchen, he looked at the dragon's body with great interest.

Suddenly, the dragon's mouth opened! A pale white flame instantly spit out from its mouth and completely swallowed up the beast-controlling demon!

The breath of this giant dragon is so hot that steel can easily melt! At this time, a thick and long charred black line was suddenly burned out on the ground.

However, after the dragon flames were extinguished, the beast-controlling demon in front of him was unscathed... The reason why he was unscathed was because there was a group of light green liquid-like viscosity around the body of the beast-controlling demon. Wrapped in transparent objects.

This is what the beast-controlling demons call 'armor''s actually a beast with special abilities. It was just that he was wearing it at this time.


A loud noise suddenly appeared.

It was a huge sound coming from some kind of impact from high altitude, hitting the ground. It seemed like something hit this place without any scruples.

The beast-controlling demon frowned at this time and saw the dust gradually dissipating, but he saw a wild young man with long hair and tiger teeth. While beating the dust from his clothes, he was knocked out from there. Get out of the big hole.

The beast-controlling demon stared at this strange and wild young man who came out. He shook his nose several times and suddenly laughed softly: "I smell the smell of wild beasts... Sure enough, the beasts of this era are really incredible. Tsk, tsk, one after another. A piece of material was delivered to my door, I seem to be very lucky today."

Unexpectedly, the wild boy tilted his head, looked at the weirdo in front of him in confusion, and then looked sideways and shouted loudly: "Brother! What on earth is this guy talking about? I am material, what do you mean?"

The boy asked, pointing to his nose.

The beast-controlling demon subconsciously looked at the young man's gaze, but saw that another young man was actually standing in front of the giant dragon that he had knocked down, and he looked at it - when did he appear... of?

The beast-controlling demon was shocked when he heard the man look over.

With just one glance, his whole body became cold and he was unable to move. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!

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