Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 123: Under the Rain

Zhao Nan looked at the two couples and said with a smile, "You two, how are you doing these days?"

He had a relatively good impression of the two couples. Back then in the safe zone of the kindergarten, these two were the first to stand up and take part in the battle.

The one-armed enchanter is called Zhan Zhao, with a Chinese character face, and now his face is no longer the sloppy look of the past, but has been repaired very cleanly, giving people the feeling that he is full of righteousness. Of course, whether there is righteousness in the heart, but for the time being. As for Zhan Zhao's wife, her name is He Ping, and she is an archer by profession.

Both of them had a completely new look, no longer the bleak look they had before.

"Please worry about it." Zhan Zhao smiled gratefully and said, "I was grateful for your help back then, but I haven't had the time to thank you personally."

"It's nothing, as I said before, as long as you are willing to fight, I won't let you starve to death." Zhao Nan shook his head.

Zhan Zhao and He Ping looked at each other, then they both stood up, but quickly knelt down on the ground.



Although the kneeling of the two of them didn't frighten anyone, it still made Zhao Nan stunned, and said with a wry smile: "That's just a fair deal, what are you doing? Get up quickly, otherwise people will see me, I'm afraid they will take me as a What a villain."

Finina quickly helped He Ping up, and asked the two to sit down and agree.

Zhao Nan said: "The two of you came to see me, there must be another matter?"

In order to prevent the two of them from continuing to do some unbearable behaviors, Zhao Nan had no choice but to return the topic to the main topic.

Zhan Zhao said with a distressed face: "I have a mission scroll that I found by chance. I want to use it to exchange a job with you."

Zhao Nan thought she heard it wrong, and frowned, "Work?"

Zhan Zhao nodded, and sighed, "Perhaps you think a piece of equipment or a sum of money would be better. But for me, it's not good to have a stable job."

Zhao Nan also nodded, waiting for the other party to speak next.

Zhan Zhao plucked up his courage and said, "To tell the truth. My wife is pregnant. The current situation is that I don't like her going out to fight monsters or even go to work. I just want her to raise the baby with peace of mind. The problem is my situation, although In Lin Yu's guild, everyone reached out to help me. But it is not a long-term solution after all. I owe a lot to others now, and I am too embarrassed to ask for help. So I have to come here this time. To be honest, this task I originally wanted to keep the scrolls by myself, but now that you have been kind to me, I don’t want to let you help me for free. After much deliberation, there is only one way to exchange.”

Zhao Nan suddenly smiled and didn't mention the mission scroll. He said in a loud voice, "Castle Lord Castle, there are actually some positions like personal guards. If Big Brother Zhan doesn't dislike it, you might as well take it together."


Zhan Zhao and He Ping said in surprise.

Zhao Nan nodded and said, "Although it's said to be a personal guard, I don't actually have any other job. But I have to live here and can't leave. I'm afraid you don't like it."

Zhan Zhao hurriedly said, "How could it be!"

Zhao Nan said happily: "That's good, I will let the housekeeper arrange your accommodation later. The environment here is relatively good, and it is very suitable for raising babies."

He Ping's face immediately blushed, she lowered her head and said nothing. Zhan Zhao just smiled, and now he is full of joy.

Zhao Nan frowned and said, "What are you going to explain to Lin Yu?"

"Lin Yu's management of members is fairly democratic. We are free to work, and we only ask for a gathering when something important happens." Zhan Zhao said quickly.



After a while, Ren Feng led Zhan Zhao and his wife to leave, and began to move in. And Zhao Nan was playing with a scroll in his hand.

Quest scroll.

It is different from those who contact the aborigines on the streets to obtain tasks. This scroll quest only needs to open the scroll. A task will appear.

Moreover, the missions are relatively good, and the quality is at least above purple... Although the quality is generally high, the chances of obtaining them are similar to those of hidden missions. In other words, the mission scroll is actually a kind of hidden mission.

"The opened level is actually level 20."

At present, Zhao Nan's interest in this quest scroll has begun to increase greatly. The map of Tingfeng City is not open, so the highest level of the task is only level 20.

Zhao Nan opened the mission scroll curiously. One by one golden words began to emerge on the scroll one by one.

It's actually a golden quality mission!

After reading carefully, I found that the above task entry is to open a special scene where players in Tingfeng City get pets.

"So it's this..."

Zhao Nan laughed in a low voice. He recruited an exploration team largely to find out the special scene of obtaining pets in Tingfeng City. Players have more pets, and their comprehensive strength will immediately improve a lot.

"The task reward is... two pet elixirs, one can increase the pet's level by three levels, limited to level 25. Not bad."

"It's really good."

After reading the result scroll, Finina immediately smiled and said, "It's too difficult to level up Saya and Olisis now, which is good. It saved a lot of effort."

Zhao Nan thought about it: "Indeed. At the same time, give those people some time to think. Let's go now."

Finina naturally readily agreed.

After Zhao Nan told Blade Feng to handle some chores, he went straight to the teleportation point in the square and teleported directly to the village closest to the mission location.

The eyes are emerald green, the blue sky, white clouds and thick fog meet. Below the sky, a large number of flying monsters are circling and screaming, surrounded by plainly dressed aborigines.

From a distance, you can see patches of golden rice fields, the ears of rice swaying gently in the wind, and the scent of rice flowers is tangy. Surrounded by green hills in the distance, it looks like a valley.

Zhao Nan was stunned, it wasn't that there was anything special about this valley, but he just remembered that this valley was what he saw when he opened his eyes just after walking out of the dense fog.

It rained.

Zhao Nan said helplessly: "It seems that today is not a good weather for traveling."

The two walked quickly in the village, and the farmers not far away also quickly packed up their guys and headed for the nearest place to hide from the rain. Zhao Nan and Finina quickly found a pavilion.

There were already many people standing in the pavilion, and the two of them could only stand on the edge, watching the rain fall. It's not too big, but it blocks people's way.

The rainwater wet the ground, the soil began to become wet, and then gradually became sticky, and the rain bounced on the ground to form a thin mist.

Surrounded by whispers.

The rainwater slid down the edge of the pavilion, passing through a curtain towards the ground in front of Zhao Nan and Finina.

Through the rain curtain, on the muddy road with misty rain, a small figure walked slowly, walking.

Come here. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!

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