Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 1,231 The New Age of Gods (16)

Zhao Nan is very familiar with opening the power furnace in Locke's body. The whole process didn't even take more than half a minute, but he told Gui Sisi that he needed some time.

Zhao Nan was indeed checking Locke's power furnace... but it was not a general regular inspection, but just checking the operating time of the power furnace.

The power furnace has a calculation circuit for running time. It never stops from the moment it starts, constantly counting the passage of time.

In this way, just by looking at the running time of the power furnace, you can know how much time Locke and Gui Sisi have been "blank".

"Sure enough... there was a period of time in which he completely lost consciousness."

Zhao Nan pondered for a moment before reinstalling the power furnace into Locke's body. During this process, the flickering light on Locke gradually became dim.

He is not a real soul... not even a fake soul.

Locke's emotional circuit is actually a soul-like artificial soul created in this era. Although it has been completed now, it is only equivalent to a pseudo-soul at best.

Naturally, there is no way to meet the requirements of a true soul at this level, even though Locke has had the experience of entering the star spirit world. But at that time, Locke probably had more of a concept as a tool than as a living being.

Therefore, he must be different from Gui Sisi.

Gui Sisi opened the True Soul Global System, and all the souls extracted from the Ninth Era were injected into the Eighth Era. The reason why a large number of people or beasts turned into monsters was to convert the True Souls and The Ninth Age distinguishes itself from pseudo-souls derived from itself.

In other words, those who survived and successfully logged in from the beginning have what is now called qualifications.

All the chosen ones are the incarnations of the true soul.

Of course, even true souls will die within the era. Fighting will inevitably be accompanied by death. This is something that cannot be prevented in any time or space.

As for Gui Sisi not showing this sign of the true soul at the beginning, I am afraid it was really hidden secretly by Ulysses. As for why Ulysses did this, Zhao Nan still doesn't know yet.

Now if I just say that I have Ulysses, then it won’t be a big problem. However, as another identity, the level of trouble is compared to that of Poseidon Sotoros. It's not easy at all.

After the power furnace is reinstalled into the body, it will take a few minutes for Locke to wake up. At the same time, his body began to shine again. He couldn't directly admit these things to Locke, otherwise, Gui Sisi and Gui Sisi would be in trouble, just like the countless people outside the camp who were eventually separated due to qualification issues.

So I had to continue the deception.

The only one in every era should be selfless, like a machine that executes the script perfectly. However, the ninth is the only one, no matter how calm he is. He still has his own selfishness.

Because he cannot be absolutely fair, he never flaunts his justice.

This is Zhao Nan, the ninth unique, a selfish master of the era who is different from the previous eight uniques.

"I can only do this one step... As for whether you can survive the road to heaven among stars, it all depends on your luck."

"Long time no see, Mr. Butler."

This was already the night when we boarded the Tingfeng battleship. When Locke walked out of the examination room, he met the former steward of the main castle of Tingfeng City. Edge.

"Locke and Miss Sisi, long time no see." The butler still had that reassuring smile on his face: "Do you need me to prepare some food for you?"

"No need. We're not hungry yet." Gui Sisi shook her head.

After checking Locke, Zhao Nan left alone. The two of them were left behind...the two of them were very familiar with Tingfeng City, so they wouldn't necessarily get lost even in the streamlined city. Therefore, it is not a problem to run back to the castle from the temple, but...

"It's just that there seem to be a lot less people in the city." Gui Sisi looked at the housekeeper and hesitated for a moment before asking cautiously.

"Yes. There are indeed a lot of people missing." The housekeeper said calmly: "But you two can rest assured that the missing people in the city have not actually left the range of Tingfeng."

"Oh?" Locke asked curiously, "What about that?"

"The city lord...well, the captain used the unpredictable work in the battleship as a condition, and assigned unqualified people to serve in various positions on the that people can stay." The steward smiled: " This is considered a special right for residents living in Tingfeng City.”

"This..." Gui Sisi was stunned.

On the one hand, I feel happy to hear that all the residents of Fengcheng are so lucky, but on the other hand... "But if this is the case. Once the news leaks out, won't you be subject to various criticisms because of this matter? Fang’s crusade?”

The butler said calmly: "Miss Sisi, do you think anyone else would dare to be blatantly disrespectful to Lord Battleship from now on?"

"" Gui Sisi said with a wry smile.

At least, after witnessing the scene of two battleships directly blasting away a supreme god, no one dared to do such a thing... To put it more crudely, this is what absolute violence brings. Privilege.

"But you two can rest assured that there is no way for the news about this to leak out." The steward said softly: "As long as there are people on this battleship, there is no way to explain anything to the outside world... This place is absolutely Isolate any communication with the outside world."

Locke glanced at Gui Sisi subconsciously at this time.

But after hearing what the housekeeper said, the other party's face turned slightly serious, and he remained silent for dozens of seconds... Suddenly he said: "You can't even send mail?"

This is a special ability possessed by the God's Chosen. No matter where they are in the world, it can basically allow two God's Chosen who are friends to communicate synchronously. In the past, even if they were in a dungeon, this email function have never disappeared.

Of course, things like fantasy copies will be restricted for a period of time. Today's Tingfeng Battleship has become like a scene map like a fantasy copy?

The butler chuckled and said, "You two, have you thought about what you want to eat for dinner?"

Gui Sisi was absent-minded for a while, and then said feebly: "Just do whatever you want... I really don't have much appetite."

"Ms. Sisi, are you feeling unwell?" the housekeeper asked with concern, "I think your face seems a little ugly."

"Sisi?" Locke looked over with more concern.

Gui Sisi shook her head, but her face became paler... She subconsciously reached out to support her forehead and shook her head: "Strange... I always feel like..."

Before she finished speaking, Gui Sisi fell to the ground.

It depends. This doesn't seem to be the level of just being physically uncomfortable. Locke was shocked and quickly hugged Gui Sisi, "Mr. Butler, can you find the treatment staff now?"

As a chosen one, you generally won't feel sick, especially if you have become a god. You can be said to be immune to all diseases. But once the Chosen One has physical abnormalities, ordinary methods cannot treat it. It requires professional talents.

In the past, Zhao Nan's team had talents like Linglong, which made it more convenient and reassuring. But at this moment, I didn't know where to look for Linglong.

Locke can do it. Probably just like ordinary people, they seek medical treatment in a hurry.

"Well, please don't worry. Miss Sisi should be mentally deficient. Just take a little rest." The housekeeper patted Locke on the shoulder, "So please don't worry. I think if you get enough rest, you will wake up." ”

"This..." Locke seemed to have a look of hesitation on his face.

The butler's voice was softer and said: "Mr. Locke, please don't worry, just trust me."

Even if it is an artificially created soul. At this time, everyone can feel the reassuring meaning in the other party's voice... and it is a very immediate effect, even subconsciously making people feel convinced.

"Then please ask the housekeeper to arrange a place to rest." Locke sighed.

"What are you talking about? There was originally a place for you to live here, wasn't it?" The housekeeper chuckled and stepped aside: "In that case, you two are welcome to return."

"Ancestral God, what happened?"

On a certain mountain peak outside the camp, Luo Luoya looked at the Supreme Lord in his heart with concern and worry. The greatest existence in the entire goblin kingdom.

His expression was obviously worse than after calling him and Luo Luoli's appearance.

Ulysses... Fishelot shook his head at this moment, "It's nothing, it's just that someone interrupted something."

Despite this, Fishelot looked at the Tingfeng battleship high in the sky and frowned. A trace of dissatisfaction flashed in his eyes, and he said softly: "That little guy is really unkind."

As the founder of the Fairy Kingdom and one of the original supreme leaders of the Temple Alliance, Fischerlot has survived for a very long time. He knows, masters, and has developed countless abilities.

This time, he used some kind of attachment ability to attach his thoughts to Gui Sisi, and used it to spy on the situation aboard the Tingfeng battleship.

However, ever since Gui Sisi boarded the Tingfeng battleship, her thoughts have been severely hindered. Not to mention peeking, even preserving her thoughts has become very difficult. Until now, the past has been cut off even more directly.

He really didn't know anything about what was going on on the Tingfeng battleship... Naturally, he felt a little dissatisfied.

"It seems like we're going to suffer a loss if we let Locke go this time." Fishelot shook his head, "But..."

He turned around in an instant, looked at the Roroa brother and sister standing side by side behind him, and said in a deep voice: "You two, start taking action!"

"As you command, Ancestral God!"

The two small ancient elves set off immediately, and soon they disappeared from Fishelot's sight.

Fishelote did not regain his gaze for a long time, but kept looking into the distance, and suddenly sighed... the vicissitudes of life and loneliness.

"Perhaps, just as Ulysses, I would be happier." He said to himself: "I miss those simple days... When I was a saint, I spent time with my friends. Passionate years.”

He sighed again and laughed at himself with a wry smile: "Time is not forgiving. Will I be the only one left in the end?"

He looked up at the sky, not looking at the two battleships. "If I were not the supreme, how wonderful would this be... No, I shouldn't have experienced another life in this way. If I hadn't created You If Lysis existed, I wouldn’t be as confused as I am now.”

In the end, it turned into a sound of loneliness: "Maybe... living for too long is not necessarily a good thing."

Gradually it disappeared into this mountain peak.

Tuoba Xiaocao was quite depressed at this time.

The reason why I was depressed was because after I completely vented my unhappiness, I encountered something that made me feel quite powerless.

That was a reflection of Kamijou’s aging state.

Tuoba Xiaocao really doesn't know if this old pervert has misunderstood something, or if he has opened some kind of door for him because of his own cruelty!

This perverted guy actually has the same masochistic physique as the former King of Winds!

Now, this guy with a painful look on his face and his whole body wet with sweat is looking at me with expectation and desire, as if to say, please come a few more times, I really Can’t wait and so on…

"Holy shit, who did I offend? Do you do this to me?!" Tuoba Xiaocao took a few steps back with goosebumps all over his body.

Kamijou looked directly at his feet... as if he expected to step on his face with these feet.

He had never known that a person's sight could be so lethal to Tuoba Xiaocao, and he even had the urge to run away from this guy completely.

"F*ck! If the person opposite was a beautiful girl, I wouldn't say anything, but the person opposite is a pervert!!"

The Black Gun King is someone who can't be controlled without anyone around.

So after completely venting his dissatisfaction on the opponent, Tuoba Xiaocao chose to shoot the old pervert to death...

"Damn it, did I forget something? I don't seem to know the whereabouts of Qazi's sister?"

……………………………………………………(To be continued……)

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