Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 132: Battle in Tingfeng City (2)

Olises quickly traveled across the sky, crossing monster areas one after another. Its level has been raised by three levels. In the entire map of Tingfeng City, except for the monsters in the level 20 regular dungeon, there is no monster that is higher than it.

All the way forward, all the way roaring, there are many monsters flying in the sky, but none of them dare to approach.

The little loli Ye Anya hugged Zhao Nan hard, and buried her head behind his back. This flying speed made it difficult for her to open it. Her long snow-white hair was pulled into a straight line by the strong wind.

Zhao Nan was in front, squinting his eyes slightly, and had completely calmed down at this moment.

Suddenly encountering an unmatched and powerful enemy, even the city lord's perverted ability, the Thunder of Heaven's Retribution, only knocked down half of Earl Qiangwei's health. That kind of terrifying power made him flustered.

It's just that the opponent's speed is too fast, and it is difficult to deal with it for a while. What's worse is that after Finina turned into black hair, besides being able to check her own attributes, she couldn't be recycled into the pet space when Earl Rose snatched her away.

All pets can be recycled, no matter if they are animal pets or humanoid pets. This won't happen unless it's not a pet-owner relationship per se.

However, Zhao Nan has never heard of this situation, and is even more clueless now. Therefore, they could only watch Finina being taken away.

Fortunately, the sound of Ye Anyana's piano restored his calm, and he was able to sort out the whole story.

"Zhao Nan, Zhao Nan, you are not mature enough... This situation is not helpless."

His eyes gradually became firmer, and Olises seemed to sense the mood of his master, his wings flapped more frequently, and the speed increased again by a few points.

Layers of clouds and mist entangled. Sky Dragon swooped down suddenly, and Ye Anya on its back couldn't help grabbing Zhao Nan in front even harder. Then the feeling of falling rapidly disappeared suddenly. Ye Anya's body lightened, and she was hugged and fell to the ground.

"Didn't scare you?" Zhao Nan said apologetically.

Ye Anya lowered her head and wrote, "I'm fine."

It was still this kind of weird self-proclaiming, but Zhao Nan didn't care. He reached out and wiped Ye Anya's head lightly, looking ahead and said, "Let's go. Prepare to teleport into the city."

The front is the village that Zhao Nan came to via Tingfeng City.

The ability of Olises to fly is also a kind of skill, and he cannot fly within the safe zone. Otherwise, Zhao Nan would directly choose to land on the teleportation point of the village instead of the range of the village entrance.

Walking a few steps forward, he was about to enter the safe zone of the village, but unexpectedly, hundreds of players came out in unison, each holding a weapon tightly in their hands, and they were menacing. Block the way forward.

This is clearly not a mission of any kind.

That menacing momentum was clearly directed at Zhao Nan.

These hundreds of players blocked the entrance of the entire village layer by layer, and Zhao Nan couldn't help shouting in a low voice: "Get out of the way!"

"Zhao Nan, there is one thing we need you to explain!" Among the players in the front circle, a mage hurriedly said loudly, his face was full of unbearable anger.

"I don't have time, I'll talk about it later." Zhao Nan frowned and said, "We'll talk about it when we go back to the city."

"Hmph, you are the city lord. After entering the city, you can mobilize the guards in the city, what else can you say?" Another tall warrior immediately said with disdain: "We will not give you a chance to go back!"

"Step aside!"

But no one gave in. Zhao Nan shouted again: "Where did I offend you?"

The mage sneered, "Murderer! That's enough!"

After saying that, the sorcerer suddenly took out a crystal from his pocket and threw it on the ground. The crystal released a film of light, and the figure floated on it. It was impressively recording the scene where Zhao Nan and Finina beheaded Huang Kun's eight people one by one not long ago. And after they died, the scene of Zhao Nan collecting each other's bracelets was also recorded.

However, this scene is only the second half of their killing, but there is no scene of Huang Kun's eight people first attacking to surround them.

Zhao Nan's first reaction was that there were still people hiding at that time. And judging by the clarity of the picture, the distance is very far. So the picture is only a picture without sound. Zhao Nan paid in secret: It seems that he was plotted against by someone... and it was a series of loops, and he had to die.

Since the murder process has been recorded by someone with a heart, it is not surprising that these people were provoked to seek revenge.

These people are probably the cronies of the original guild of Huang Kun and the eight people.



"Is there anything else you want to say?"

The sorcerer snorted coldly, and said angrily, "Because you are the lord of the city, and because you saved Tingfeng City, can you kill people at will? You set up Tingfeng City Prison, recruited patrols in the city, and no malicious pk is allowed, but you are Maliciously killing people outside the city to seize treasures! It's simply insane!"

Judging from the recorded footage, it was indeed a set of killing and seizing treasures.

Zhao Nan remained silent, unable to argue at this moment, and he didn't bother to say anything in detail, there were more urgent matters waiting for him to deal with.

Zhao Nan took a breath, and tried his best to be calm and said: "I'll say it again, if there is something, I will talk about it when I go back to the city, and I will give you an explanation later. Now, don't block me."

The soldier shouted: "He wants to escape! Don't talk to him so much, kill him! Kill him and avenge Boss Huang!"




Zhao Nan was already irritable in his heart, but he calmed down a little after the journey, and now he was under the scheming of others, and a nameless evil fire rose from his heart.

Facing the skill attacks launched by dozens of long-range occupations among the hundreds of people at the same time, Zhao Nan waved his staff and released two walls of ice crystals to block them for a moment, then suddenly shouted: "Osiris !"


With a dragon chant, the water in a well at the entrance of the village that shook also produced ripples. Under the 'Longwei', the attacks of these hundred players stopped at the same time.

At this moment, strands of gray mist shot out from above the Soul Devouring Staff, engulfing everything within a radius of fifty meters!

The soul roars!

Not many people can resist this kind of pure mental attack skill. Everyone's head was about to split open in pain, and some sages gritted their teeth quickly, preparing to release the skills to remove negative states.

Under normal circumstances, the resistance of sages to spiritual attacks is higher than that of other ordinary occupations. But when several sages started to release their skills. Something that frightened them happened!

The skill was actually banned at this time.

"Ding... Frozen, in a state of skill silence, speed decreased by 200%!"

Everyone struggled to open their eyes and saw that after the gray mist disappeared, the surrounding area suddenly turned into azure blue...

Zhao Nan maintained the ice field with one hand, and shouted angrily: "Go away!"

In the other hand, put the Soul Devouring Staff in the sky, two huge magic circles appeared, and a terrifying fireball fell!

Hundreds of players cannot use their skills, and can only rely on their own defense to resist the fireball attacks. What's worse, their speed has been reduced by 200%!

The collective screamed. The position where the fireball hits the chest and arms is not bad, but the positions where the face and crotch are concentrated are not a joke!

The fire and meteor lasted for a relatively long time, but the ice field consumed 500 points of mana per second. Even with the source of mana, it won't last long.

Zhao Nan snorted coldly, pulled Ye Anya with one hand, and stopped the ice field. Before the effect of the fire and rain meteor was eliminated, everyone quickly released their skills to block or dodge, and released a whirlwind to push themselves into the ice field. Above the sky, one hand holds Olisis' paw.

Then the body swung and flung out, passed the siege of the crowd, and landed on the edge of the village.

He didn't even look at the hundreds of reflected players, and strode towards the teleportation point in the village.

Although there were a lot of people besieging them, it would be a matter of time if he was sure to kill them. But this is obviously designed by someone behind the scenes. If he really made a move to kill someone, then he really fell into the hands of the person behind the scenes.

At this time, the siege of hundreds of people actually allowed people to escape easily, and none of these people looked very good.

"We chase, even if he fled back to the city, after all, he killed someone, we have evidence, we don't shoot him to deny it!"

"Okay, let's go to the city now, and worry about more people! No matter how powerful he is, can he still be able to shake the sky?"


"Let's notify other people in the city by email!"


Hundreds of people discussed a few times, then hurried to the teleportation point and teleported back one by one.

It wasn't until the last person left that the teleportation point was quiet as usual. This place was originally remote, and there were not many players teleported from Tingfeng City.

But not long after, I saw a person wearing this black robe slowly walk into the teleportation point and open the teleportation crystal.

"The strength of a single player is more than expected... Zhao Nan. He planned to block it for a while... He seemed to be in a hurry... Finina disappeared too... It's strange."

After a while, the teleportation crystal flashed, and the man in black teleported away.



In the square of Tingfeng City, a teleportation crystal was shining, and Zhao Nan walked out holding Ye Anya's little hand.

There were many people in the square who were teleporting at this time. Someone spotted Zhao Nan and hurriedly greeted him, "Hi! Where are you going, Lord City Lord?"

"Wow, where did this beautiful little girl come from?" Someone suddenly joked.

Ye Anya blushed, but the person who was holding her palm seemed to be completely inaudible, and walked out of the square quickly.

In the process of rushing forward, Ye Anya held up the small book in front of Zhao Nan's eyes.

"Where are you going??"

"The temple."

Zhao Nan's response was as brief as Ye Anya's question. (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!

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