Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 140 Tingfeng City War (final)

The petals of the rose flower in front of him suddenly closed together, and Earl Rose was involved, turning into a huge one. The flower bud then split into countless small petals. When the wind blew, Earl Qiangwei woke up and stood quietly.

This is not much different from what Zhao Nan saw at the beginning. It's just that the strong feeling from that year hit my heart again. Zhao Nan clenched her fists hard and narrowed her eyes slightly.

"You really didn't die." Earl Qiangwei said calmly, "And you were the one who summoned Her Royal Highness back through the great summoning technique, right?"

Zhao Nan sneered and said, "Your people are here too, isn't that affirmative?"

"This time, I will never let you go!" Earl Qiangwei also sneered back: "No one can save you. You'd better hand over Her Royal Highness to me!"

Zhao Nan snorted coldly and said, "Let me ask you, what is the relationship between your so-called princess and Finina?"

"A lowly chosen one like you is not qualified to know the identity of Her Royal Highness! You are not worthy!"

Earl Qiangwei drew the long sword out of his hand. Although he was seriously injured, his own strength did not regress because of this, it was just a little thinner. She was able to completely abuse the opponent that day, and she can do the same today.

"I remember that there is a time limit for the City Lord of the Kingdom to use the Thunder of Heaven's Retribution..." Earl Qiangwei disdainfully said, "Without it, why do you fight against me?"

Just as the word "resist" blurted out, Earl Qiangwei's figure flickered, with an incomparable speed.


Earl Qiangwei was fighting on some hard place, and the sword in his hand vibrated directly. She looked at the huge golden shield above Zhao Nan's head in amazement. It was this shield that struck her confidently, gently, without even leaving a trace on the shield.



Although it is said that there is no trace left, Zhao Nan's health is still lost by nearly a hundred points. That is to say, with a defense of 10,000, Earl Rose can still break through his defense.

Surprised, Zhao Nan still remembers the time limit for using this artifact. He knew that the opponent's heart would be confused after this blow was blocked.

When there is a mess, it's his time to make a move!


A flash of golden light flashed out from above the shield, as if piercing through all the darkness, the entire building was filled with brilliance in an instant, that golden light shone on half of the sky, and turned into beams of light, filling the surrounding area .

Sword of the King of Knights!


Zhao Nan yelled fiercely, and after holding the sword, a familiar feeling emerged from every cell in his body. This is his memory of being a swordsman once! Although today's profession is much stronger than before, but the instinct of being a swordsman is there!

With a wave of the golden Knight King's sword, a terrifying crack was drawn on Earl Rose's breastplate. The breastplate was broken, and even the clothes were split, revealing the smooth and white peaks.

The twin peaks bounced in the air, breaking through the waves.

Zhao Nan's pupils shrank, and he secretly said, "Great!"



Powerful refers to the damage done to Earl Rose by this blow, which actually reached the level of -4523! This is thousands of times better than the forced 1 point damage he can only do!

Count Qiangwei instinctively covered his chest, his face was full of anger, he bit his lips tightly, and said in a deep and surprised voice: "The power of the King of Knights!"

She took a deep breath, "No wonder you dared to challenge me. After all, you got one of the 'Six Heroes', the power of the King of Knights. But a mage like you using the power of the King of Knights is simply nondescript!"

With a shriek, Earl Qiangwei's figure flashed out again. Zhao Nan took a sharp breath, held the divine sword in his hand, and stabbed at his side at a very tricky angle.

A spark flashed in front of his eyes, which was the result of the collision of the tips of the two swords.

Count Rose is moving fast like a phantom.

Zhao Nan's figure is also erratic, flashing around, above the roof, in a small space, the frequency of the two of them fighting is extremely fast!

It's a little pity that after using the Sword of the King of Knights, Zhao Nan can't use all of his professional skills. Otherwise, if he suddenly comes to the ice field during this fight, Earl Qiangwei's life will be on the line!

If you can't use it, you can't use it. The defensive power of the shield is enough to block all the skill attacks of Earl Rose. Although the health value will drop, it is still acceptable. On the other hand, as long as the opponent is hit by the magic sword, the life value will be greatly reduced-

3567! With this blow, Earl Qiangwei's upper body armor was completely shattered! -

2341! This time, the gauntlet on his left hand was also split!


3456! The skirt armor at the waist fell off in an instant! -

4673! This is a crit attack!



Yet the fight continued...for a minute.

two minutes!

In just two minutes, Zhao Nan's physical strength was exhausted to the extreme. Although the two artifacts bless him with extraordinary strength, the burden on his body is obviously extremely huge. Moreover, this power is imposed on him, and it becomes unfamiliar to use it.

Moreover, to deal with Earl Qiangwei's attack, Zhao Nan mobilized all his energy. That lightning-fast sword move obviously surpassed his sword skills as a swordsman.

Therefore, every blow consumes his terrifying mental strength.

"You're almost at your limit!" Earl Qiangwei gasped.

Zhao Nan snorted weakly, shook the Excalibur in his hand, and struck again... It's just that the opponent's sword skills are too superb. With this level of consumption, unless the time limit of the Excalibur can be extended by one minute , otherwise, I am afraid that apart from attacking weak points, it is really impossible to kill the opponent.

Ding ding ding!


Suddenly, Zhao Nan yelled: "Earl Qiangwei will decide the winner with one blow!!"

Count Qiangwei was stunned, and he shouted, his short hair fluttered, and a cold light flashed!

The two swords collided fiercely in the air!


The roof of the building collapsed directly because it couldn't bear the impact.

At this moment, the Sword of the King of Knights in Zhao Nan's hand suddenly trembled, and was actually pushed away by Earl Qiangwei's sword, and the Sword of the King of Knights even came out directly!

The use time is only... 5 seconds!

4 seconds!

Count Rose's sword split the shield in front of him!

3 seconds!

The sword just stabbed towards Zhao Nan's body directly!

Ice field!

A burst of azure blue light flashed out, Earl Qiangwei's movements fell instantly, at this moment, a golden sharp sword penetrated her back from behind, directly crushing her heart.

Zhao Nan smiled softly with a calm expression.

Earl Qiangwei subconsciously turned her head, and saw someone behind her, holding the sword of the King of Knights, wrapped in a pair of shining golden armor, and her long golden hair was blown away by the wind.

"Your Highness... ah!!"

With a shrill scream, a huge golden beam of light shot up into the sky, breaking through the demonic energy that enveloped Tingfeng City.

Earl Qiangwei's body gradually disappeared in the beam of light...

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