Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 151 The Deceitful Wizard (2)

The undead fell to the ground and screamed with a headache. Naturally, it couldn't be because of his sudden goat's cramp. Just when I raised my head with some patience, another burst of angina pectoris followed.

Undead do not have a heart, and this feeling of being bitten naturally also acts on the spirit. Miss Undead raised her head again with difficulty, her face was painful, blood and tears flowed again, she gritted her teeth and said, "The Chosen...why did you attack me?"

Finina was also naturally curious why Zhao Nan made a move all of a sudden. It's just that based on his knowledge, he never does unnecessary things, so he doesn't speak. My man didn't go crazy and didn't take the wrong medicine. He just hit an undead, and he didn't make a sound to stop him.

The real girlfriend doesn't talk, and the catwoman is naturally even more difficult to talk, and the little loli doesn't care even more, her eyes are watery, and she stretches her neck longer from the back of the catwoman, fascinated by my interest expression.

"Katyusha, where's my reward?" Zhao Nan couldn't be right at all, and stretched out his hand very bluntly: "How about handing over the reward with one hand and giving you the box with the other?"

"The reward...isn't give me the box first...I'll take you there to get it..."

Zhao Nan didn't budge and said, "I won't let you get the reward. The guy in the cave is dead anyway, so you're safe. It's not a problem for me to wait here for a while."

"You really don't want to give the box to me?"

Undead Katyusha spoke clearly and fluently. It's just that the effect of the skill has not disappeared, and its expression is still not very good-looking. It turned out that it was forcibly endured.

It floated away quickly, stood five or six meters away, shook its head vigorously, flicked the long messy hair, seemed to be more awake, and frowned: "How did you find out?"

Zhao Nan threw the wooden box to Finina, then took out Hideyoshi Madara's ax from the backpack, and threw it on the ground, "I didn't pay much attention at first, but I just killed the one in the cave. After the guy, before picking up the box, I found this ax."

The undead Katyusha stared at the ax for a while, and asked a little doubtfully, "Are you suspicious of me with an axe?"

Zhao Nan stretched out his hand and turned the staff in his hand, squinted and smiled: "At first, I didn't pay much attention to it. It's just that I just remembered the legend of Shell Village, and I felt a little weird. You said that after that guy died, nothing happened. Stay, why did you leave this ax? At that time, I thought it was strange, and I looked inside the cave carefully, and found that most of the murals were scenes of human beings kneeling, but no matter how I looked at them, I didn’t think they were The guy who was killed by me. Then I thought about it carefully, and this mission never said from the beginning to the end, who should I give the box to..."

"Deceitful wizard..."

Finina was a little stunned, and quickly thought about the cause and effect of the matter in her mind, and then she took Zhao Nan's words and said: "Since it is a fraud, there is no such thing as fraud until the fallen demon king is killed. The thing... or the whole thing, has been a fraud from the start."

Zhao Nan laughed lightly, then took the words: "Or, asking me to kill the guy in the cave is actually a fraud... Well, am I right? Miss Undead?"

Undead Katyusha laughed loudly, tears of blood rolled down from her eyes, her appearance was horrifying and horrifying.

Zhao Nan clenched his staff, ready to attack at any time. If he wanted to know the truth, it seemed that he needed to truly defeat this undead.

"Too smart is not a good thing."

Katyusha, the soul of the undead, flew into the air, and the long hair at the back of her head burst out instantly. Zhao Nan subconsciously used Soul Roar, but the attack of Soul Roar penetrated the opponent's body.

It failed?

The long hair was longer than geometry, and instantly completely covered the positions of the few people. The surroundings fell into darkness like a dream, and the sharp and horrifying cries formed a sea tide, wave after wave, drowning out all the perceptions of everyone.



To be plunged into darkness, and then to see a little light.

The consciousness came back first, and Zhao Nan only felt that something was pressing on his body. When he opened his eyes, he saw a person wearing a smiling face mask, wearing a black tights, pressing on his body. The contact between chest and chest made him sure that the person in front of him was a woman.

The other party was also looking at him, with jewel-like eyes shining brightly, truly charming.

Zhao Nan's head was a little swollen, and a fragment of this woman flashed in his mind from time to time, but it was hazy, like a montage, and the truth and reality were unclear.

"I seem to... know you?"

"I seem to know you too."

The two were lying on the ground, motionless, but had no other thoughts. Zhao Nan was just trying to remember some things - a kind of instinctive calmness, which made him very clear that he had forgotten many things. Even about everything about the past, when I really wanted to recall it, I found it was blank.

"I only remember my name." Zhao Nan asked tentatively.

From now on, it is impossible for the other party to appear for no reason and overlap with himself.

"Me too."

After a moment of silence, the masked woman said softly, "Me too... Yeyue, seems to be your name."

"Zhao Nan. Mine."

There was only two people in the white mist all around. Zhao Nan frowned and said, "Get up first, and figure out what happened."

Hearing this, Yeyue stood up, and subconsciously arranged the clothes on her body, and found that there was nothing to arrange in the tight clothes, so she lowered her head and kept silent.

Zhao Nan looked around, and his thinking gradually became clearer. He tried hard to search for what he wanted to know, and what he already knew in the past. However, everything seems to be so strange, and with the clarity of thinking, the hazy feeling seems to disappear gradually.

There was only one thought in his mind, he wanted to find someone, really wanted to see someone, but he couldn't remember that face. It's just that the idea is firm, but it can dispel the anxiety in my heart at this time.

Zhao Nan pondered: "I'm sure I encountered something before, so I lost all my memory. Fortunately, I still know the language, can understand the language, and can think. I don't know if you can understand it?"

This woman named Yeyue in front of her.

Wearing a mask, it has a pair of cats, and there is a tail shaking slowly behind it. This seems to be a little different from the women he feels, but it doesn't feel weird at all. It seems that he has gotten used to this form early on.

Zhao Nan was even more sure that he might have known each other before.

The same feeling also appeared in Yeyue's heart. She nodded, although she was not sure, she still said: "I don't have any distaste for you, maybe we have known each other before. Friends, partners, relatives...or..."

She lowered her head and whispered into the mosquito. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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