Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 158: The Lost Gem (1)

PS: There was an error in the previous description of the mission of the fantasy copy. It is to find the jade of the four souls. Not looking for the jade fragments of the four souls. In that chapter, the word 'fragments' was added...


"Fantasy dungeon - 'Looking for the lost gem' scene generated!"

When the door of the fantasy copy was opened, everyone was sucked into a white light inside the door by a suction force. After the blindness of a single station, the sight quickly recovered. What catches the eye is the blue sky, white clouds, and green grass.

In the distance, one mu of fertile fields can be seen, and a group of tenant farmers are working on the fields.

Zhao Nan frowned, clicked on his character interface, and said in a low voice, "Be sure first."

After a round of inspections, they finally came to the limit of this fantasy dungeon for them. This time the dungeon is not long, only half a year. In addition to the conversion copy, it is half a day. After inspection, it was found that the equipped weapon was usable, and everything was normal... and slightly abnormal.

Zhao Nan's ice field is actually in a cooling state, and the cooling does not seem to mean unblocking at all. Not only him, but even Xiongyou's ice domain is the same. In addition, the Pandora transformation skills of Finina and Yanan were also sealed.

As for the language channels of all teams, they cannot be used, and they can only talk through talking.

To make matters worse, the blood recovery potion and mana restoration potion can't be used anymore.



"It seems that we are not willing to let us complete the task of this dungeon so easily." Zhao Nan lowered his head and looked at the paddy field in front of him.

They are now on a small hillside, and below the hillside is actually a village. The world of this fantasy dungeon is the ancient times of the island country.

"Little friend, can you tell where this is?" Zhao Nan asked.

Let Xiongyou join the dungeon, in addition to the good relationship, it is probably because he is familiar with these two-dimensional fantasy works.

Although Zhao Nan had heard about the dungeon world of the relationship after this mission, Zhao Nan hadn't looked at it too carefully.

Apart from knowing that this is a dog demon and a woman's past and reincarnation plus a villain's love and hatred, there is nothing else.

"Brother Nan, you think I'm a god!" Xiongyou couldn't help complaining, "I don't have the ability to know where it is just by looking at the scene."

It is.

Zhao Nan's expectations were too high, and she sighed, "Let's go and see."

Somewhat unaccustomed to him, he waved his sleeves and raised his feet. Under his feet were a pair of straw sandals. He looked weakly at his attire. After entering the dungeon, it directly appeared on them, each with a different attire.

He was dressed as a monk, with a black cassock draped over his body, and the Soul Devouring Staff in his hand also turned into the appearance of a monk's tin staff. When it was swung, it would jingle.

Xiongyou, Yanan and Finina are dressed as warriors, and the catwoman's tights have become Ninja costumes. As for Little Lolita, she is dressed in a white dress and a red dress. Behind the big loose sleeves, waved and wrote: "I am very satisfied!"

"Okay, let's go to the village to inquire, Master Zhao Nan!" Finina smiled coquettishly, reached out and took Zhao Nan's arm, and walked forward.

Xiongyou narrowed his eyes, "Little Anya, brother carry you!"

Little Loli blinked, lowered her head and began to write, "Who dragged this pervert away from my concubine's face!"

"Let me come, Your Highness Miko!"

Yanan, who was wearing a sassy warrior suit, pulled Xiongyou's ears with one hand, and smiled. Catwoman sighed, squatted down, and carried the little loli on her back. Very good people go away.

"Little Anya and Xiao Nan seem to get along well." Finina glanced back and said with a smile.

Zhao Nan looked ahead, there was a clay bodhisattva there, but a part of his body was missing, and no one enshrined it. He was lonely and devoid of spirituality. He couldn't help but said, "It's always good to have a companion."



An old man with the appearance of a farmer in front of him touched the sweat on his forehead, straightened his waist and hammered it a few times, and saw several people in different clothes walking on the road ahead in the field, and hurriedly shouted: "The one in front Master, what is the so-called passing by here?"

It's always good to have someone ask first. Zhao Nan also omitted contact. Although the equipment of Xindao is a bit awkward, it saves a lot of trouble. "This old man, may I ask, do you know about the jade of the four souls?"

The old tenant farmer was startled, shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, master, I've never heard of the jade of four souls."

Zhao Nan pondered: "Does the old man know where there are knowledgeable people?"

The little old man smiled and said kindly: "I can take you to gradually our village head. He traveled around in his early years, so he may know."

"That's a big thank you."

The little old man laughed and walked out of the paddy field. The common people of this age maintained this special respect for the monks.



The water above the paddy fields rippled slightly, and there was a vibrato in the air, and the sound gradually became louder as it approached from a distance.

"What sound?" Finina looked around curiously.

Unexpectedly, the little old man turned pale, turned around in horror, and left. Before Zhao Nan figured out what happened, he heard the sound of gongs and drums in the village. I saw the whole village running quickly together, everyone's face was flustered.

"What are they... doing?" Xiongyou looked puzzled: "Are we scaring people?"

Zhao Nan shook his head, stretched out his hand and pointed to the front, the next moment, he saw dozens of fast horses rushing out of the shadow of the tree in front of him, the horses were wrapped in battle armor, and the horses had two long flags on their backs. A samurai with a helmet.

"War." Zhao Nan took a breath and said.

"I go!"

"what to do?"

"Get away, we're just looking for something, there's no need to get in touch too deeply." Zhao Nan whispered. It's not that they don't go deep, but that they don't act until there is no definite goal for the Jade of the Four Souls.

"It seems too late..." Yanan sighed, "They all rushed over."

Dozens of war horses are rushing at the moment, but before those warriors, several sharp arrows have already shot towards them.

Catwoman had already drawn her sword before that, and after a few ups and downs, the silver light flashed, and the arrows that had been shot had been chopped down to the ground.

"You guys, who are you!"

"We are just travelers passing by here." Zhao Nan said with a flat face: "Please go ahead."

The leader of the warrior bowed his head and muttered, his eyes swept over in front of several people, his face suddenly changed, and he shouted loudly: "It's a monster, back up, back up!"


"Hey, wait..." Xiongyou stretched out his hand to make a move, but found that the opponent didn't stop at all, kicked off the horse and galloped away.

"What the hell..." Xiongyou looked back, and his eyes fell on Yeyue. Because she was dressed as a ninja, the cat ears on her head were covered, but the problem was that the tail behind her was leaking out.

Xiongyou's expression made people see, and Zhao Nan probably guessed what happened. People in this era are very afraid of monsters. Yeyue's tail was exposed from behind, and she was regarded as a monster. It's strange that those warriors were not afraid.

Catwoman wagged her tail in distress, feeling a little displeased at being treated as a monster. Outside of dungeons, the orcs are extremely normal races.

"Let's wait, maybe the people in that village will come back soon." Zhao Nan comforted.

"But I don't think it will take that long." Catwoman shook her head, her tail raised high.

After getting along for a period of time, Zhao Nan found that whenever Catwoman was about to make a move, her tail was raised. The degree of tilt has something to do with the force of her shot.

For example, now, when the tail is raised to the level of the base of the ears, the shots are often more ruthless.

Zhao Nan knew that Catwoman's hearing had always been good, so he also gave himself a spiritual eye.

The samurai had already rode away, but they turned around quickly, and the speed of returning seemed to be a little faster than the speed of leaving.

Their faces are no longer frightened, but rather proud and fierce. It seems that they have something to rely on in their hearts, and their courage has suddenly increased, and they are ready to fuck.

"Where is the evildoer, retreat quickly!!"

There was only a thunderous roar, but no one was seen, but a thin piece of paper full of strange words flew out of the air and flew out rapidly.

Catwoman drew her sword and slashed, and there was no shadow in an instant.

Xiongyou's complexion changed, and his rich knowledge of the second dimension suddenly made his head sober, and he shouted: "That's a spell, be careful!"

Yeyue was startled when she heard the words, she wanted to split this thing like a sharp arrow just now, but it was too late when she heard the words... Her movements were so fast that the sword had already pierced the thin film in front of her eyes. Paper.


The spell exploded in mid-air, creating a puff of smoke.

However, Yeyue fell from the sky comfortingly to the ground countless times without a hair, and two khaki halos lit up on her body, one of which seemed to be a little dim.

"Guardian of the Earth Spirit..." Catwoman looked down.

Zhao Nan, who had just put down his tin staff over there, nodded and smiled, and passed her, looking further ahead.

A group of warriors had rushed out on horseback. Among the warriors, there were now two more people. One is a middle-aged man dressed as a monk in black, and the other is a big man in blue light armor with a big knife hanging from his back, but he is not a warrior.

"That, that ninja is dressed as a monster!" The samurai hurriedly pointed and shouted.

"Haha, Zen Master Hei Ling, let me do it this time!"

The big man with the big knife on his back laughed loudly, stretched out his hand and pulled out the big knife behind his back, jumped off the horse, and slashed at Catwoman condescendingly!

Catwoman was almost stunned just now, and felt even more dissatisfied. In addition to being dissatisfied, Zhao Nan needs to accept a favor, and the mood is even more complicated. Seeing the big man strike, he turned his wrist and jumped out.

But I saw four figures flashing past in the air.

The big man's knife flew out of his hand, and he himself fell to the ground, the light armor on his body was torn open, and several bloodstains on his chest were quite deep. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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