Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 161 The Lost Gem (4)

Cloak of invisibility.

Zhao Nan was able to confirm that the invisibility cloak left behind by the young man after he escaped was not wrong. Because there is this exact same item in his backpack.

Why is there an invisibility cloak in this dungeon? This made Zhao Nan a little surprised. In this dungeon, besides his group, there are other things besides this dungeon.

There is also that young man, who obviously looks like a foreigner... Although the island country also had contact with foreigners during the Warring States period, it is even more strange that this invisibility cloak appeared in the hands of this young man.

The fox demon looked at the crowd extremely anxiously, not daring to take a deep breath. Especially the monk in black, after listening to what it said, his face became even more gloomy.

Zhao Nan focused his eyes at this time, and looked at the fox monster even more frightened, and said in a deep voice: "What is the so-called monster he let you pass by?"

The fox demon said: "I don't know either. But the attack seems to be somewhat standard. We won't attack the extremely weak monsters, and we won't attack the particularly strong monsters either. According to Jack, this kind of powerful monsters will be attacked later. Someone cleaned it up. What we have to do is try to clean up as few as possible."

Let the little monster go, there are still people to deal with the powerful monster... Could it be that the young man is more than one person?

However, Finina kept an eye out, and suddenly said: "You should have your own lair, right?"

Zhao Nan's heart moved, and he said in a deep voice: "Lead the way!"



"Zen Master Hei Ling, we are going to chase the bandit's lair, you don't have to follow," Zhao Nan persuaded.

"Master Nan, the bandits killed these warriors and gathered monsters to cause disaster. Of course, I can't stand by and watch."

Zhao Nan nodded, it would be a good thing to have an extra combat power for what happened in front of him. Zen Master Hei Ling was attacked by Kui Gui at the beginning. If the battle is fair, he can also fight a monster of this level. No matter how bad it is, it is easy to deal with some miscellaneous fish.

The fox demon was bound by the spell of Zen Master Hei Ling, and could only lead the way with his head lowered as if resigned to his fate.

Zhao Nan did not hide anything about the invisibility cloak.

Xiongyou couldn't help worrying: "Is there anyone else who entered the dungeon like us? But the dungeon was opened at that time, and no one was around."

Finina said: "Little friend, didn't you hear clearly just now? The fox demon said that that person appeared two years ago, how could he enter with us."

Zhao Nan had some guesses in his heart, but he was not sure. No matter how to discuss at this stage, it would be better to find out the person and ask him thoroughly.

Later, I learned about it from a fox demon. In the bandit's lair, there were three companions who looked similar to Jack, and a dozen or so monsters were recruited to occupy the vicinity. The four usually split up and did the same thing.



With the fox demon leading the way, it is not difficult to find the opponent's lair. In less than half a day, it has been reached.

Unexpectedly, their old nest is not the kind of deep mountains and old forests, or cliff caves, but an aboveboard village.

"The four of them lived here for two years, constantly robbing beautiful young women for sex."

Now that so many things have been said, the fox demon doesn't mind selling more information, and complains to himself: "If it weren't for being controlled by their magic weapon, I wouldn't want to do so many bad things. I have my own place to live , it would be nice to be a free and easy monster, but now..."

The destination has been reached, Zhao Nan listened to the fox demon's nagging, and made a gesture of wiping Catwoman's neck behind her back.

The fox demon was still chattering, but suddenly his neck felt cold and his head was separated.

Zen Master Hei Ling frowned, but he didn't speak. After all, it was a monster, so how to kill it seemed reasonable. He asked in a low voice, "Master Nan, what are your plans?"

Zhao Nan waved his hand and said in a deep voice, "Closer, let's find out what's going on."

Everyone quietly sneaked into the village, and it was already night when they approached, the village was lit up, and the road was visible. One of the large courtyards was brightly lit, and occasional laughter and women's screams could be heard.

It's just that there are many ordinary bandits patrolling in the village, and the front and back doors of the big yard are guarded. The defense is tight, which is probably the reason why Jack came back after being defeated.

Everyone escaped the patrol in the village and sneaked out to the back door of the big courtyard. Zhao Nan shot the magic words. This thing is not very useful to Zen Master Hei Ling, but it is effective against this ordinary bandit.

The two thieves guarding the gate automatically opened the back door, Zen Master Hei Ling followed Zhao Nan and the others into the courtyard openly, amazed.

"The demonic aura here has suddenly become stronger!" Zen Master Hei Ling couldn't help but solemnly said: "A few of the demonic auras are stronger than the three monsters before."

Zhao Nan's heart moved, and the little Lolita had practiced spiritual power for ten days and eight days, so she asked in a low voice, "How do you feel?"

Little Lolita thought for a while and wrote, "It's a bit cold."

Zhao Nan touched her little head, and the little Lolita puffed up and looked a little displeased, but she didn't avoid it. Zhao Nan thought to himself that this is not a peerless genius. It may take time to improve the cultivation of spiritual power, but I don't know what benefits these spiritual powers will have for little Lori after they leave the dungeon.

In the room over there, the noisy sounds of drinking and drinking kept coming out. Zhao Nan pondered for a while, blessed with the eyes of spiritual perception, put on the guardian of the earth spirit, took out his own invisibility cloak, and whispered: "I will come as soon as I go."

As he spoke, he began to sneak past.

Passing through a side room, I saw that a dozen or so monsters had already revealed their prototypes. There was a woman in messy clothes in her arms, having fun wantonly, but there was no sign of Jack. Zhao Nan frowned, and continued to move forward cautiously.

Just between the other rooms not far from this wing, much quieter.

There are only four people in the room. Jack was among them. Some gauze was wrapped around his body, and his face was a little pale. It seems that the wound was bandaged not long after he came back. He was drinking with a cup in his hand, but suddenly touched the wound, couldn't help throwing the cup in his hand, and cursed: "This damn place, the blood recovery agent can't be used!"

"Okay Jack, I knew about it two years ago." The other person said indifferently: "How about it, who is the one who hurt you...could it be..."

"I don't know yet, but the strength is terrifying. Kui Gui is considered a good hand among the monsters we have subdued, but he was killed by the opponent in one blow."

"No matter how powerful they are, as long as they continue to move forward, there will always be someone to clean them up. There are so many people in our guild, and we still have a lot of monsters on hand, and they will die as many as they come." Another person sneered: "This Is there still a lot of hard stubble in two days? But who can go to Maple Village?"

"That's it." Jack shook his head, then lowered his head and sipped his wine.

Everyone didn't speak, but a few women were attracted to start having fun. The vigilance of these guys is really low... Is it because the wind has been going smoothly all this time?

Zhao Nan shook his head, put on an invisibility cloak, and left carefully.

He heard many bad things.

Blood recovery potion, guild.

These four people are indeed players, and according to the current situation, they are far more than just a few of them. A guild... most likely a guild. But what kind of guild is it?

In the fantasy dungeon, besides their team, why are there other players... and the other party entered the world earlier than their own.

Zhao Nan returned to the place where everyone was hiding.

Finina took his invisibility cloak, fumbled to fold it, and said softly, "What's wrong?"

Zhao Nan frowned and said, "No, trouble."

"The enemy is very powerful?" Zen Master Hei Ling asked quickly,

Zhao Nan squatted down and drew pictures on the ground, "the monsters are all gathered in this room, there are thirteen of them. But you are not strong. Yeyue, Xiaoyou Xiaonan, Xiao Anya, you and Hei Ling Zen Master are responsible for dealing with them. They are now Playing with women is quite fun, be careful and you can kill a few first. Finina and I will deal with the other four. I want to make a move here, and as soon as you hear the movement, you will attack immediately!"



A snow-white bird flew in from the window, landed on the food in front of it, and lowered its head to peck at a piece of meat.

Several people in the room were stunned, and Jack cursed, "Where did the stupid bird come from?"

"Haha, it looks like a little monster, very pretty, do you want to play with it?"

"Fake! Is there a woman who hasn't played enough and wants to play Big Bird?"

Two jeers sounded loudly, but Jack frowned and pushed the woman on him, "Get up and drive away!"

When the woman heard that the snow-white bird was a monster, she was a little frightened, and her body trembled when it was pushed out.

At this moment, the snow-white bird watched the woman crawling cautiously towards him, and suddenly lowered his head to comb the feathers on his body.

"Haha, this little guy has a personality!" The person who said he wanted to subdue him couldn't help laughing.

Jack frowned suddenly, his face changed slightly: "No, it doesn't have any evil spirit on it!!"


At this moment, the snow-white bird flapped its wings, and a terrifying snowstorm suddenly blew up in the room!

In the wind and snow, the roof was suddenly blasted, and twelve fire dragons bit down directly.


On the other side, as soon as he heard the loud noise, Xiong You suddenly got excited, his hands were on fire, and he broke into the door first.

A kind of monster was shocked suddenly.

But before Xiongyou broke through the door, a figure sneaked in, emerging from the shadow of a monster.

That is Catwoman, swinging the sword forward, directly cut off the head of a monster, blood spurted out everywhere!

At the same time, a loud piano sound played.



In the side room over there, there were constant screams and fighting sounds. But in the wing room here, it may not be much better.

After the fire dragon fell, it directly dispersed the four of Jack. In the midst of the chaos, Finina directly launched a sneak attack and beheaded one of them.

Jack looked in horror at Zhao Nan who was falling from the sky, with a pair of wings flashing behind his back and suspended in the air, and he lost his voice: "It's you!"

He narrowed his eyes suddenly, saw a bracelet protruding from Zhao Nan's sleeve, gritted his teeth and said, "You are a player!"

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