Global Monster Online

Text Chapter 176: A Cold Cup of Tea and a Hot Newspaper

After giving the choice, Ximenyu became very quiet. He knew that it would take some time to think about it, and because it was an active invitation, he had to undertake various problems that would arise next.

Zhao Nan did not exceed Ximenyu's expectations, and was indeed thinking about some issues. Things that he couldn't understand, or couldn't explain, or felt completely unreasonable in the past, seemed to have got the correct answer because of the coma before the catastrophe.

"After logging in, the so-called fraudster organization should have contacted immediately."

"After all, the organization has been established before, so this kind of thing is very normal."

Ximenyu replied calmly.

"how many people?"

"This cannot be made public...Of course, if you have already joined, it is not a secret." Ximen crossed his legs and said suddenly: "However, I can tell you that there are not as many people today as there were when they started."

Even the fraudsters may die in various missions, or die in monster siege. They did have a month's lead, but they had to go through it all over again. If you don't make good use of your advantages, you will capsize yourself at any time.

The only thing Zhao Nan couldn't understand was how those unconscious people appeared. Is it picked, or random? What are the standards... Are there any standards? He tried to unravel some things, but found that he knew too little.

"Just like the 'Strategy Group' that appeared in this 'Fusion Conference', what is your purpose?" Zhao Nan asked.

"To a certain extent, it is actually similar to the nature of the 'Strategy Group'." Ximenyu seemed particularly quiet, and his voice suddenly became louder, "Of course, after the completion of the strategy, we will naturally need some prizes."

He propped up his body vigorously, with a look of fanaticism, "For example, this kind of power that can change the world...can be controlled in your hands."



Zhao Nan sighed and shook his head, "Even if it's in the hands of the control, how do we distribute it? To put it bluntly, it's not much different from daydreaming. Tens of thousands of comatose people, even if only one tenth of them The number of people who can live up to now is only a few thousand. It is impossible to unify all thoughts. And at present, it seems that the people in your organization are scattered and have developed independently from the beginning. This is an extremely loose organization. You cannot let In order for people to do things, others cannot do things for you. The so-called common goal, as long as one person has the idea of ​​"as long as I get this kind of thing alone", then..."

Words of this thought.

Zhao Nan suddenly stopped talking and looked up at Ximenyu. The face that was so close to him, as if it was a natural one, made him whisper: "Finally... I found it."

"You guys are split."

"There are several different voices." Ximenyu sat back to his original position, looking very calm, "Let's stop here today."

Zhao Nan nodded numbly, "Remember to close the door when you go out."



"Hey, people have been gone for a long time."

Finina walked in with a stack of delicately arranged fruit plates. The black tea on the coffee table was already cold, and Zhao Nan half-lyed quietly on the single-seat sofa.

"What are you thinking about?"

Finina sat down from the side, stretched out her hand and pulled Zhao Nan's head to her waist, "This city lord seems to have said something terrible to you."

Zhao Nan smiled wryly and said, "It's not just serious."

"Can it be solved?"

"It can't be solved." Zhao Nan pursed her lower lip, feeling that she couldn't be convinced by such words, so she lowered her voice, "At present."

Finina smiled, put her hands on Zhao Nan's cheeks, and raised her hands gently, forehead to forehead, nose to nose, "The Zhao Nan I know can single-handedly fight against thousands of people." The person who flies the monster is the person who escaped from the four fantasy instances, is the lord of Tingfeng City, a level 5 city, and is a man who can launch violent storm attacks. But it is not this kind of mother-in-law's little man."

In terms of age alone, Zhao Nan seemed to be a little man before Finina. Zhao Nan suddenly wanted to laugh.

So I laughed, and then Finina said, "I am also a person who laughs when she wants to, and pretends to be aggressive when she wants to."

"Dinner is ready."

"What's for dinner tonight?"

"Just look at it." Finina flicked his forehead, "Anyway, it's enough."



On the dining table, a sumptuous dish has already been placed, and a few people can sit down, except for Zhao Nan.

Ximenyu left, what did he come for, everyone seemed hesitant to talk. Naturally, Zhao Nan would not tell such things as fraud sealers. Ximenyu is not really a fool. He dares to say that he is sure that Zhao Nan will not reveal it casually.

However, what Zhao Nan heard from Haidian and Ximenyu around today is enough to disturb his mind. Therefore, even if he wanted to perfunctory the past, he found that there was no better excuse.


Yanan suddenly said: "I bought a newspaper when I came back, do you want to read it?"


Newspapers are familiar to everyone except Catwoman. Finina knew this kind of thing because of the fantasy instance.

Zhao Nan's heart moved, and he knew that Xiao Nan was making a small change for this unpleasant dinner, so he smiled and said: "It should be an intelligence newspaper, right? It is hosted by the Castle of the Dongyuan City, and some people specialize in it. , Write out what happened between the players, or you can just contribute, write out the strategy of the missions you have done, and get different levels of manuscript fees depending on the intensity of the missions."

"Yes, yes, yes!" Yanan nodded slightly excitedly: "I bought a lot, so there is no need to argue!"

"You should order it, someone will deliver it."

"Brother Nan, how do you know so clearly?" Xiong You bit his chopsticks and squinted his eyes, "It feels like you knew it earlier than us."

Zhao Nan's face remained unchanged and said: "During this period of time, I have traveled to many cities, and I have seen them."

Xiongyou had no doubts, Xiao Nan handed over an intelligence newspaper, and flipped through it with great interest. At this stage, there are very few inquiries from players, and most of them are obtained through conversations. The emergence of such a newspaper allows players to use a specific channel to get in touch with more game consultations, which is naturally very popular.

Zhao Nan was also watching, squinting. What he looked at was the past - in the past, he basically obtained most of the secrets about the game through intelligence newspapers.

Dongyuan City's information newspaper was already very mature when it was first produced. I heard that the editor-in-chief of this newspaper was a senior reporter for a newspaper before the catastrophe. I don't know where Ximenyu dug out such a talent. But it is undeniable that this editor-in-chief really easily grasped the psychology of current players.

In the intelligence newspaper, most of them are the strategy content of the mission. Only the lower part is some gossip.

"The mission of the hidden profession - the dungeon of the undead!"

Suddenly, Xiongyou exclaimed in a low voice, and read one of the messages in disbelief, "Someone will provide this kind of thing?"

Yanan laughed and said, "You can see what's inside."

A player accidentally broke into a dungeon while doing a chain task. He wandered around in the dungeon for several days, but was very lucky to get a hidden job. But through his observation, there should be other hidden job scrolls in this dungeon.

Zhao Nan scooped up the milk-yellow borscht with a spoon while looking at the content of the message. The matter in his mind about the black princess Finina and the fraud sealer has reached a dead end. Without more reference information, it is difficult to make any judgments. For this kind of thing, he needs to use other things to stimulate his inspiration.

"He's got enough benefits."

Zhao Nan swallowed a mouthful of borscht, "If he doesn't tell the dungeon, he will be discovered by other players sooner or later. Instead of doing this, it's better to buy an intelligence newspaper and get a good reward."

"So that's how it is." Xiongyou turned his gaze, and suddenly patted the table vigorously: "Yes!"


Things on the table suddenly shook. Little Loli stared at Xiongyou's position with a snap, and because of this sudden shock, she accidentally splashed the milky yellow soup around her mouth and slid down along the smooth skin.

Drop by drop.

"Master Xiongyou, please pay attention, you scared the little master!"

While protesting dissatisfiedly, Catwoman carefully wiped the little loli. Xiongyou scratched his head in embarrassment, "I actually thought that since there are other hidden jobs in this dungeon, why don't we go and have a look?"

Zhao Nan looked at Xiongyou's eyes, and his eyes naturally fell on a person——Yanan.

"Brother Nan, look. Xiao Nan here is still an ordinary job." Xiongyou put his hands together and squinted his eyes: "Although Pandora's transformation is very powerful, it can't be maintained all the time, right? Look..."

"Okay." Zhao Nan didn't hesitate.

For those who are willing to stay in their own team, Zhao Nan naturally cannot be stingy with such an opportunity to become stronger, so he made a decision: "Let's go after dinner."

"So fast?" Xiongyou asked in surprise.

Zhao Nan hated iron and said: "The newspapers are all published, and the day lilies will be cold by tomorrow!"

"Brother Nan...but didn't you say that you plan to meet old friends in Dongyuan City?" Yanan said with his eyes open.

Zhao Nan shook her head: "I'm not in a hurry. Things have to be prioritized."

If Zhao Nan remembered correctly, the newspaper was not printed until five o'clock in the evening. The behind-the-scenes boss of the intelligence newspaper is Ximenyu, a young and strong fox.

If he hadn't acted ahead of time, he'd be damned. (To be continued. Please search Piaotian Literature, novels are better and updated faster!)

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